
Homeschool Is Worth It Quotes

Quotes tagged as "homeschool-is-worth-it" Showing 1-4 of 4
Tamara L. Chilver
“I'm not saying homeschooling will be easy. I am saying it will be worth it.”
Tamara L. Chilver

“Our discussion has been about education and not about schools, for schooling is only a means, and not always an absolute necessary one, toward education. Parents had the duty of educating their children long before there were any schools, and the duty would remain were all schools abolished. Even today, if the parents have the ability and the leisure to give adequate instruction to their children at home, they have no moral obligation to send them to school at all. (p. 436)”
Austin Fagothey, Right And Reason: Ethics in Theory and Practice

“The state has not the right to monopolize education. Education is a legitimate form of private enterprise, subject indeed to a certain amount of government regulation, but there is notrhing in its nature that makes it a public or private monopoly. The reason is that the primary right to educate their children belongs to the parents. In understanding the work of education, the state is simply supplying the parents with facilities to fulfill their duty. If the parents have other facilities at their command, they have no obligation to use those the state provides. (p. 437)”
Austin Fagothey, Right And Reason: Ethics in Theory and Practice

Kent  Larson
“For me, homeschooling was out of the question — not even worthy of investigation. I could quickly recite a laundry list of “reasons” why homeschooling was a stupid idea, and I genuinely believed every one of them. The education of my kids was serious business, best left to professionals. Homeschool, really?! I wasn’t about to let my family become lab rats in some fringe social experiment!”
Kent Larson, 12 Homeschool Myths Debunked: The Book for Skeptical Dads