
Happier Quotes

Quotes tagged as "happier" Showing 1-21 of 21
Helen Keller
“The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.”
Hellen Keller

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“I appeal from your customs. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should. I must be myself. I will not hide my tastes or aversions. I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and moon whatever inly rejoices me and the heart appoints. If you are noble, I will love you; if you are not, I will not hurt you and myself by hypocritical attentions”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance: An Excerpt from Collected Essays, First Series

Pliny the Elder
“True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written, in writing what deserves to be read, and in so living as to make the world happier and better for our living in it.”
Pliny the Elder

Shannon L. Alder
“Never settle on a life you don't want when God is trying to give you a better life.”
Shannon L. Alder

Thomas Paine
“But the christian story of God the Father putting his son to death, or employing people to do it, (for that is the plain language of the story,) cannot be told by a parent to a child; and to tell him that it was done to make mankind happier and better, is making the story still worse; as if mankind could be improved by the example of murder; and to tell him that all this is a mystery, is only making an excuse for the incredibility of it.”
Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Prem Jagyasi
“There are always two sides to a coin, and you should always try looking at the side that makes you feel happier.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Crystal Woods
“If everyone could just live near the ocean, I think we'd all be happier. It's hard to be down about anything knee deep in the sand.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading 2

Israelmore Ayivor
“If hard work is the source of happiness, then we can conclude that the main job of procrastination is to delay that happiness for excuses to kill.”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Jor Music
“You can always be a better person, a better version of you, focus on that you do that makes you feel good, cultivate
activities that make you feel in peace
and make them part of your daily life.”
Jorge Gw, Awesome Happiness Now

Rawi Hage
“The moon should be colonised, I thought. Mankind should seek a happier beginning, and humans should be free to stroll hand in hand regardless of their weight and orientation.”
Rawi Hage, Carnival

“If people werent so selfish, i would be happier.”
Jaime Tenorio Valenzuela

Hopal Green
“When u finally let the past go and think positively towards the future, you would be surprised how happier you are each day.”
Hopal Green

“It's easy to make women happier and busier. How? Buy her a talking mirror beside bitching it has to be programmed to say, "You are looking very beautiful and slimmer," at precisely every hour.”
Megha Khare, Write like no one is reading 2

Israelmore Ayivor
“Never let the emotions of the past tie you down for your future to slaughter. Resist every opportunity to become angry and you will live a healthier happier life!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Simone Elkeles
“Shelley, you think she'll take me back?" Alex asks her, his hair dangerously close to her fingers. She doesn't pull his hair . . . just pats his head gently. I feel the tears running down my cheeks at full speed.
"Yeah!" Shelley yells with a goofy, gummy grin. She looks happier and more content than she's been in a long time. Both of my favorite people are with me right here; what more could I ask for?”
Simone Elkeles, Perfect Chemistry

Sanjo Jendayi
“Outside influences can only make me happiER or happiEST but I, alone control my HAPPINESS!”
Sanjo Jendayi

Mark Manson
“But more is not always better. In fact, the opposite is true. We are actually often happier with less. When we’re overloaded with opportunities and options, we suffer from what psychologists refer to as the paradox of choice. Basically, the more options we’re given, the less satisfied we become with whatever we choose, because we’re aware of all the other options we’re potentially forfeiting.”
Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

Joe Hart
“Work with your emotions.”
Joe Hart, Take Command

Joe Hart
“The purpose of building a routine is to become the person you want to be. Your routine needs to fit your needs and life, so put the time into figuring out what routines will set you up for success.”
Joe Hart, Take Command

“We keep telling ourselves, you’ll be so much happier when you find something better. And then we do find something better but still aren’t any happier. We get the dream home only to be overwhelmed by the mortgage, the dream job only to find that we now have no time to have friends or a social life. We get so loaded we don’t need to worry about money anymore, only to find that people are using us for our wealth, and our family is looking more forward to our death and their inheritance than they are to family time and our wellbeing. We realize that even after accomplishing our goals, we still have to face ourselves at the end of the day.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose