
Growing Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "growing-love" Showing 1-9 of 9
Shannon A. Thompson
“When I first met him, he was everything I wanted to be, but over time, he showed me how I wanted to be myself, and that was how I fell in love with him.”
Shannon A. Thompson, Death Before Daylight

Shannon A. Thompson
“Our love was a river, always changing under the mercy of nature’s elements, but we continued to flow, even when we trickled.”
Shannon A. Thompson, Death Before Daylight

Hannah Harrington
“Hate is easy, but love takes courage”
Hannah Harrington, Speechless

Jacqueline Winspear
“Their love was thus seeded in the rich soil of mutual understanding.”
Jacqueline Winspear, The Care and Management of Lies

“Love is not limited by our relationships but shapes how they flow. Relationships do not define us, but allow us to grow”
Alan B Jones

Eric Overby
“I hope I am more kind, patient, mindful, and forgiving than any previous days’ version.”
Eric Overby, Legacy

“I do not know if this is love
or what love is
or if love's a thing, if it can be
worn like an old coat, or felt
like harsh fabric on naked flesh, or
if it is a sensation, like that first time
the brakes of my bike failed while riding downhill or
the climax of masturbation, or
if love is an invention, and we all
manufacture our own versions -
some bright, some dull, some marbled,
but all with labels and stickers
that say: this is love.

I do not know what love is
or if I can say what I think love is,
could be or should be. If we were
to ever sit on the marble floor,
on one of those dry, electricity free, 45 degree
Delhi nights, sharing a drink of Old Monk's
and I were to tell you that this is love,
slap me for I would either be drunk or a liar.
and if i were drunk, I won't be drunk on love or your loving
for I don't know what love is or if it can be known.

Maybe, one night, after thirty years of searching
for what love means, we will sit outside -
you and I -
amidst the debris of our meanderings,
our bent backs resting
on the rusted iron railing,
our skin pimpled, throats scratched
from prayers uttered to absent gods and
we would be in love and believe that love is this:

love is all the spaces, non-events,
the unspoken words and everything
in between the first second of these
thirty years to this. Love is this.”
Don Mihsill

Eric Overby
“A three year journey
has caused us suffering and pain
but we have grown stronger,
bound together by patience, determination,
trials, pain, perseverance, suffering, and love.
When I say, “I love you”
this part is bound up into that statement.
This is has been trial by fire,
purification by fire, our love is gold.”
Eric Overby, Legacy

H.S. Crow
“When describing love, why are we always falling? Why not say instead that we are rising, or growing in love?”
H.S. Crow, Lunora: A Book of Sand