
Great Leader Quotes

Quotes tagged as "great-leader" Showing 1-6 of 6
“Pick a leader who will make their citizens proud. One who will stir the hearts of the people, so that the sons and daughters of a given nation strive to emulate their leader's greatness. Only then will a nation be truly great, when a leader inspires and produces citizens worthy of becoming future leaders, honorable decision makers and peacemakers. And in these times, a great leader must be extremely brave. Their leadership must be steered only by their conscience, not a bribe.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
tags: administration, airlines, bail, bail-out, banker, bankers, banking, banking-system, banks, best-leader, big-business, big-pharma, bipartisan, blood, books, brave, bravery, bribe, bridges, build-bridges, capitalism, censor, censorship, chaos, character, citizen, common-man, companies, confident, confident-leader, conscience, conservation, convergence, corporations, corrupt, corruption, country, critic, criticism, criticsm, darkness, decisionmakers, decison-makers, democrat, destruction, diplomacy, diplomatic, discriminate, discrimination, dissent, diversity, divide, divides, division, doctor, doctors, education, educators, election, elections, employment, environment, environmental, environmentalism, environmentalist, equality, ethnic-tolerance, fair, fairness, families, farmer, fear, for-the-people, foreign-relations, freedom, freedom-of-speech, funding, furture, future-leaders, good-leader, government, government-corruption, great-leader, great-leadership, great-nation, greatness, greed, guide, hands, hate, hatred, health-care, heart-driven, hearts, homes, honest, honest-broker, honorable, human-condition, human-life, humanity, humans, humble, hypocrisy, identify, ignorance, immaturity, immorality, improvement, incentives, indentifies, inspire, integrity, intellectualism, intelligent, job, jobs, justice, law, lawlessness, lead, leader, leaders, leadership, leadership-characteristics, leadership-traits, libraries, library, lie, lies, lobbyist, losing, love, make-america-great-again, man-on-the-street, mankind, monetary, monetary-profit, money, money-driven, morality, mortage, mortages, multinational, nation, oil, oil-tycoon, peace, peaceful, peacekeeper, peacemaker, peacemakers, people, pharma, pharmaceutical, pick-a-leader, picking-sides, political-science, politics, preservation, president, presidential, protection, public, race, race-tolerance, racism, religious-tolerance, republican, school, schools, scrutiny, secrecy, security, segregation, selecting, serves-the-people, silencing-dissent, sly, society, speech, spending, stability, street, street-level, strong, teacher, teachers, team, terror, tolerance, tolerate, transparency, truth, truthfulness, understand, understanding, unite, unites, uniting, unity, vote, voter, voting, walls, war, we-the-people, weapons, wisdom, word

Pooja Agnihotri
“Trust plays an important role in making you a great leader because if your employees don’t trust you, they won’t trust your vision or the action plan that you will share with them.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Ali Anthony Bell
“Every great leader has both the qualities of pride and humility, they respect others out of their humility, and they show us the way forward out of their self-respect.
(Article "Pride and Humility" 2015)”
Ali Anthony Bell

Gift Gugu Mona
“A woman can lead effectively. She has what it takes to be a great leader.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Woman of Virtue: Power-Filled Quotes for a Powerful Woman

Ehsan Sehgal
“A great leader leads those nations that believe in humanity, not the ethnic communities and groups that intentionally or unintentionally flame distinction and disunity.”
Ehsan Sehgal

“A leader is not one who insist on things to be done his Way, a Great Leader is open to the idea on how best things can be done for the sake of progress.”
Kelly Iyogun