
Gibberish Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gibberish" Showing 1-23 of 23
Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't destroy yourself by allowing negative people add gibberish and debris to your character, reputation, and aspirations. Keep all dreams alive but discreet, so that those with unhealthy tongues won't have any other option than to infest themselves with their own diseases.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign

George W. Bush
“They misunderestimated me.”
George W. Bush

Shannon L. Alder
“I am not perfect, but if I looked perfect to everyone I must have been rocking imperfect perfectly to a few imperfect souls that seek imperfection vs. perfection, in an imperfect world where God asks us to seek perfection for our imperfect souls.”
Shannon L. Alder

Michael Bassey Johnson
“There's nothing worthless about being wordless, it will only save your mouth from talking gibberish.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Focus your attention on the quality of your words, and not the quantity, because few sensible talks attracts millions of listeners more than a thousand gibberish.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“People know two languages: their native language and gibberish.”
Maribel C. Pagan

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Great and pure thoughts cannot be deposited in minds accumulated with rubbish.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

James Joyce
“But Noodynaady's actual ingrate tootle is of come into the garner mauve and thy nice are stores of morning and buy me a bunch of iodines. ”
James Joyce, Finnegans Wake

Satyajit Ray
“If you take some words at random and put them together, it becomes gibberish, and everyone who knows the meaning of words knows it as such. But if you take unrelated moving images and string them together, there will always be some people who will hold that the resultant strip of celluloid aims at some profundity.”
Satyajit Ray, Satyajit Ray on Cinema

F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Flushed with his impassioned gibberish, he saw himself standing alone on the last barrier of civilization.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't give people the chance to possess you with their negativity; their gibberish can look so charming, but it can't make you a better person.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“When it turns out that the greatest enemy of truth is not falsehood, but gibberish, it turns out that the greatest intellectual virtue is not deductive brilliance or factual erudition, but common sense. When it turns out that the greatest enemy of decency is not hatred, but arbitrariness, it turns out that the greatest moral virtue is not kindness or mercy, but perseverance. When it turns out that the greatest enemy of good taste is not vulgarity, but ostentation, it turns out that the greatest aesthetic virtue is not elegance or refinement, but moderation. And when it turns out that the greatest enemy of civilization is not barbarity, but infantilism, it turns out that the greatest cultural virtue is not sophistication, but integrity.”
Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

Michael Bassey Johnson
“It is certainly impossible to lose respect if you lose out of some stupid discussions.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“Quand celui à qui l'on parle ne comprend pas et celui qui parle ne se comprend pas, c'est de la métaphysique

When he to whom a person speaks does not understand, and he who speaks does not understand himself, that is metaphysics.”

Ralph Keyes
“When members of the London Poetry Society asked Browning to interpret a particularly difficult passage of Sordello, he read it twice, frowned, then admitted, "When I wrote that, God and I knew what I meant, but now God alone knows."

Rather than risk sounding dense, readers, colleagues, and critics who can't figure out what a writer is trying to say but think it sounds intelligent will typically resort to calling such work "daring," "provocative," or "complex." An unholy alliance of writers and readers is at work here.”
Ralph Keyes, The Courage to Write: How Writers Transcend Fear

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The fact that I’m using words doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m saying anything.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Stewart Stafford
“I used to be scared of death until I found out it's now called 'end of life.' Phew, that was close!”
Stewart Stafford

Robert E. Kearns
“From 'The Book of Mostly Gibberish'

Dedication: To me. I couldn't have done it without you.”
Robert E. Kearns, The Book of Mostly Gibberish:

Alex G. Zarate
“I speak English, bad English, Spanish, Spanglish, Pig-Latin, Gibberish, Mumbling, Double-speak, Sub-text, Body Language and significant glances no one ever sees. Once in a blue moon, I can understand the opposite sex and manage open communication for a while but by the next moon-rise I'm back to being clueless.”
Alex G Zarate

A.D. Aliwat
“Ughghuhghguhwguhug! Ahahshhahahwhofgdwhah!”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

A.D. Aliwat
“Auhguhauahuduf! Gwahuruhgusurhuiuguhgeh… Ahduuahduijhwiu… auhfguer—”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“You can parade your mouth around all day, but that doesn’t mean that you were ever in a parade or even anywhere near one.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“I thought i think i’m thinking the bangladeshi people bangladeshi some of people not the lot’s of people because lot’s of actor actress lot’s of journalistht is a giving me the hi giving me the is a good way wishes for the award but lot’s of but few people is all over in the country view of journalisht few of people is not the happy for the award because of zelas”
Zayed Khan