
Genevieve Quotes

Quotes tagged as "genevieve" Showing 1-10 of 10
Amy A. Bartol
“You are poised to be the most perfect creature I have ever encountered, under God, and the affection that I feel for you cannot be measured on Earth”
Amy A. Bartol, Inescapable

Elizabeth Lim
“Women are always waiting on men- let it be the other way around for a change.”
Elizabeth Lim, So This is Love

Julie Garwood
“Family,” she whispered. “So many people go through their lives with blinders on. They become self-involved and only want to think about their wants and their desires. They don’t leave room for anything else, and then, too late, they realize how important their families were.”
Julie Garwood, The Clayborne Brides: One Pink Rose / One White Rose / One Red Rose

Genevieve Valentine
“Aqueles que têm grandes desejos, nascem, não são feitos”
Genevieve Valentine, Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti

Amy A. Bartol
“It's a little like being alone on a moving train for the first time. The excitement and wonder at the new experience slowly gives way to the creeping feeling that something isn't quite right. You check your ticket and see that you have made a mistake-- it's not the train that you have intended to be on. At first, you try and deny it. You watch the scenery slipping past and try to find a familiar landmark, and for awhile you take solace in denial.
But soon, the terrifyingly unfamiliar terrain outside the window causes you to panic. Crushing fear that you can't ignore makes you rush around, looking for a way off it. But, it's moving too fast that you know there is no getting off until it stops somewhere. So you creep back to your seat and try not to attract any attention to yourself because the strangers in the train have taken on a weird, plastic appearance. Any camaraderie that you may have shared with them before is gone since you're no longer one of them: you're a trespasser meant to be on a different train.
The knowledge begins to weigh on you as you slide farther and farther from where you wanted to go. You try to reign in on your fear and convince yourself that maybe this new destination will be better than the one you had planned for yourself.
Then, somewhere along the way you discover that all your baggage is wrong, too, and you find that you're ill equipped to survive on the trip you're on, but then... then you notice that the stranger sitting next to you isn't like the other passengers... that even though you sat in his seat, he is going to try and help you sort out the tangle you're in. And, because this stranger is so perfect, you begin to relax a little and forget that you are on the wrong train at all.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary

Lynn Kurland
“Kendrick walked over to her purposefully, hauled her up into his arms and gave her a mock frown. "I hunger, wench."
Genevieve put her arms around his neck. "Well? What are you going to hunt us for dinner?"
"I'll slay a few steaks from the freezer."
"You're so brave.”
Lynn Kurland, Stardust of Yesterday

Elizabeth Lim
“You have only hours until you go from palace servant to the future queen of Aurelais. Many will not take the news well, particularly not the blue-blooded young ladies who will resent the prince for rebuffing them for you."
Cinderella thought of her stepsisters, who'd reveled for years in tormenting her. "I can handle it."
When she did not elaborate, Genevieve appraised her. "When Charles declares that you are to be the princess of Aurelais, all attention will be on you. This is the first impression everyone will have of you.
"You have natural grace, which most princesses take decades to learn, but it won't be enough. Nothing would ever be enough, even if you had been born royal." The duchess lifted Cinderella's chin so their eyes were level. "In my time, we stood by the three P's. I thought it was a bunch of hogwash, but I'll impart it to you anyway. It was essential that a princess be poised, pleasant, and-"
"Pretty?" Cinderella guessed.
"Presentable," corrected the duchess. "That's what all the wigs and powder and rouge were for. Nowadays, women are more after the natural look. Which, I suppose, isn't a problem for you." She hummed approvingly. "Now, what color gown should you like to wear tonight?"
"Something blue," replied Cinderella thoughtfully. "It was my mother's favorite color, and I wish with all my heart she could have met Charles and seen us together."
"That's a beautiful thought, Cindergirl.”
Elizabeth Lim, So This is Love

Elizabeth Lim
“And why the name Bruno?"
"My papa picked it. He said it meant 'brown,' like his coat. But also 'protector.' We didn't mean to keep him at first. But he came to us looking so starved and sad that we took him in, and once he'd been fed, Papa and I couldn't part with him." Cinderella smiled at Bruno. "He's been my sweetest companion ever since. And my most loyal protector."
"I like dogs more than people," said the duchess. "For that very reason- they don't let you down as much.”
Elizabeth Lim, So This is Love

Elizabeth Lim
“Let's just say you've got an honest way about you- and a sharper eye than I initially thought." She brushed her fingers over the nearest table. "Not a speck of dust."
"Oh." Cinderella felt little pride from the compliment. "It is my job," was all she said.
"I'm glad you understand that, girl. Though no one told you to reorganize my books."
There was a note of accusation in the duchess's voice, and Cinderella didn't know how to respond. "I apologize, ma'am. I-"
"Most of my attendants arrange them like flowers, by color and size, but you did it by substance and author. You couldn't have done that without reading them."
She swallowed. "I didn't have time to read any, ma'am... but I couldn't resist skimming a few.”
Elizabeth Lim, So This is Love

Elizabeth Lim
“All these girls swooning over my nephew. I hope you aren't one of them."
"I wouldn't be eligible, Your Highness," Cinderella said, swallowing the lump that suddenly formed in her throat.
"All because of some silly laws that my silly ancestors made. The world is changing, Cindergirl, and anyone- I do repeat, anyone- can make something of herself if she puts her mind to it. Oh, to be young today!"
"You think a servant could become a princess?"
"My husband came back from a family without wealth, but he was smart- and practical. He was a shrewd businessman, and became one of the richest men in Aurelais. Anybody can become anything, so long as they put their minds to it." She eyed Cinderella. "Hard work and fortitude, Cindergirl, is what will get you ahead. Not swooning over my nephew.”
Elizabeth Lim, So This is Love