
Fiction Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fiction-quotes" Showing 1-9 of 9
Sahara Sanders
“What do we actually consider to be “normal?" It’s only about what our conventional mentality is or isn’t able to understand, and agree to accept as “real.”

In fact, the shadowy edge between normal and paranormal is more than ILLUSORY…

The exact same can be stated about the border between calling your novel non-fiction or fiction.

What if you could close your eyes and see different worlds and planets? What if you could see them with some kind of different vision, even with your eyes open? Would that make you a paranoid… a freak, a genius, a crazy? Or, maybe, an Indigo, if that’s what’s been happening to you since you can remember?

If something unusual is what you really see and really feel, and if that’s what does happen to you in your real life, how is THAT called FICTION? One simple reason... that it’s the only way the society would agree to call it “normal,” based on the current level of development of their mentality.”
Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels

Sahara Sanders
“The shadowy edge between normal and paranormal is more than ILLUSORY...”
Sahara Sanders, A Dream of Two Moons Novel

Sahara Sanders
“If something unusual is what you really see and really feel, and if that’s what does happen to you in your real life, how is THAT called FICTION? One simple reason... that it’s the only way the society would agree to call it “normal,” based on the current level of development of their mentality.”
Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels

“It's one thing to leave. It's another to go.”
Martin Pousson, Black Sheep Boy: A Novel in Stories

“In the schoolhouse of the disco, I'd learned courage in a gay bar with gay men, but courage away is not courage at home.”
Martin Pousson, Black Sheep Boy: A Novel in Stories

Bianca Viola
“The feeling spreading through us, catching on fire like flames, was vast: It was that of freedom. It echoed through our lungs, tore through our hearts, carried our legs forward.”
Bianca Viola, Dreaming of Hiraeth

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“There will always be a touch of fiction in non-fiction books and reality in works of fiction.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Don Roff
“I love telling the true and unvarnished stories of quirky people who never existed but would make our world more fascinating.”
Don Roff