
False Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "false-love" Showing 1-23 of 23
Shannon L. Alder
“Often people that settle in life are those that only do what they can with what they have and where they are. Never settle for someone that didn't know your worth from the beginning, or build a life without God in it. Live beyond your low expectations.”
Shannon l. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“The number of chances you give someone doesn't tell the world how loving you are without telling them how desperate you are to believe they care as much as you. True love resides in the first chance, stupidity in the second, opportunists in the third and scoundrels in the fourth.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“You may marry Miss Grey for her fifteen pounds but you will always be my Willoughby. My nightmare. My sorrow. My past. My mistake. My regret. My love.”
Shannon L. Alder

Parker J. Palmer
“It took me a long time to understand that although everyone needs to be loved, I cannot be the source of that gift to everyone who asks me for it. There are some relationships which I am capable of love and others in which I am not. To pretend otherwise, to put out promissory notes I am unable to honor, is to damage my own integrity and that of the person in need - all in the name of love.”
Parker J. Palmer, Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation

Anthony Liccione
“A false love, begins with the eye and soon spills from the eye in pain. Where a true love, begins with the eye, and settles in the heart.”
Anthony Liccione

“A low thrum in his gut. Love. What is the measure of such a thing? Love, or the word love, is like an elusive jungle bird that because it is so durable has thousands of mimics and camouflaged neighbors.”
Lawrence Krauser, Lemon

Ljupka Cvetanova
“Men never forget true love. They always remember all the women they couldn't have.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Seth Grahame-Smith
“She stood there for a moment, conflicted and confused. A victim of you and inexperience and a deep desire - a need- to believe that everything he was saying was, in fact, true.”
Seth Grahame-Smith, Unholy Night

Emily Colin
“You don't really love me, or you never would have treated me like you did. You were just afraid of letting me go. There’s a difference, and no one knows that better than I do. We were both afraid of moving on, me of what I really wanted. It brought us together, it bound us, but no longer. I am done with making decisions based on fear. [Nicholas to Grace]”
Emily Colin, The Memory Thief

Lenny Bartulin
“Love should never draw from the well of loneliness.”
Lenny Bartulin, Fortune

Ljupka Cvetanova
“I will build the best Potemkin village for you, my love!”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart! Else it may be their miserable fortune, as it was Roger Chillingworth's, when some mightier touch than their own may have awakened all her sensibilities, to be reproached even for the calm content, the marble imbue of happiness, which they will have imposed upon her as the warm reality.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

John Donne
“When thou sigh'st, thou sigh'st not wind,
But sigh'st my soul away;
When thou weep'st, unkindly kind,
My life's blood doth decay.
It cannot be
That thou lov'st me, as thou say'st,
If in thine my life thou waste,”
John Donne

John Joclebs Bassey
“If you can hate what you loved, then you never really loved it!”
John Joclebs Bassey, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Honoré de Balzac
“The illusions of pretended love are more beguiling than the real thing. True love admits of sparrows' bickering quarrels, in which one may be pierced to the heart; but a quarrel which is only make-believe, on the contrary, is a caress to a dupe's vanity.”
Honoré de Balzac, Cousin Bette

Ehsan Sehgal
“The false love does not succeed as like the lie. People, who do that practice, are severely mentally ill and make others also such patient.”
Ehsan Sehgal

“True love is kind, gracious, patient, sacrificial, humble, and serving and it's not self-seeking, controlled, and demanding.”
Shaila Touchton

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If I presume to love and don’t know the God of love, I have fallen to something akin to infatuation or other such lesser vices.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Ehsan Sehgal
“The false love does not succeed as like the lie. People who do that practice are severely mentally ill and make others also such patients.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Kelleen Goerlitz
“It was never you. It was the feeling. The feeling of being wanted. The feeling of being looked at and feeling seen. The feeling of being someone needed by someone else. And feelings can’t be kept in a cage - if allowed, they do the caging.”
Kelleen Goerlitz, The Complete Works of a Lost Girl

“What's love? You are feeling good talking to a young girl. That's it. During their youth, everyone feels good talking to a person of the opposite sex who is attractive. And they name that feel-good feeling as love. Blinded by this feeling, they forget to think about the future.”
Bharani Kumar Buyakar, Once Again Beautiful And Pure: A Tale of Strength and Redemption

Criss Jami
“Like all fads which come and go, all are familiar with those types of people who want to seem tough, who for some form of acceptance want to impress others with their rigidity; but there is another kind of person that does the very same thing when espousing on 'love': while some pretend to be tougher than they really are, others pretend to be lovers when they really aren't.”
Criss Jami