
Executions Quotes

Quotes tagged as "executions" Showing 1-8 of 8
Helen Prejean
“[T]here are some human rights that are so deep that we can't negotiate them away. I mean people do heinous, terrible things. But there are basic human rights I believe that every human being has. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the United Nations says it for me. And it says there are two basic rights that can't be negotiated that government doesn't give for good behavior and doesn't take away for bad behavior. And it's the right not to be tortured and not to be killed. Because the flip side of this is that then when you say OK we're gonna turn over -- they truly have done heinous things, so now we will turn over to the government now the right to take their life. It involves other people in doing essentially the same kind of act."

(PBS Frontline: Angel on Death Row)”
Sister Helen Prejean

Franny Billingsley
“Our English monarchs are so unimaginative,” said Eldric. “They execute people in such tediously conventional ways.”
Franny Billingsley, Chime

Bryan Stevenson
“The racial terrorism of lynchings in many ways created the modern death penalty. America's embrace of speedy executions was, in part, an attempt to redirect the violent energies of lynching while ensuring white southerners that black men would still pay the ultimate price.”
Bryan Stevenson, Just Mercy

Sylvia Plath
“I'm stupid about executions.”
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Mark L. Shurtleff
“A solemn day. Barring a stay by Sup Ct, & with my final nod, Utah will use most extreme power & execute a killer. Mourn his victims. Justice.

[...] I just gave the go ahead to Corrections Director to proceed with Gardner's execution. May God grant him the mercy he denied his victims.

[...] We will be streaming live my press conference as soon as I'm told Gardner is dead. Watch it at www.attorneygeneral.Utah.gov/live.html.”
Mark L. Shurtleff

Jean Renoir
“Curiously enough, Sanson's assistant disapproved of Dr Guillotin's invention. it had ruined the profession by making it too easy. facility always opens the doors to amateurs. In olden times, in order to cut off a head with the axe, one needed some training in the profession, not to mention a few natural gifts such as a sharp eye and a steady hand. But what merit is there in manipulating a machine which does the whole job for you?”
Jean Renoir, Renoir, My Father

Fabien Vehlmann
“What entertainment value is there in executions if not for the occasional surprise? Why does the public attend? For the unexpected! A condemned man who flails about, or launches into a final fiery tirade. But times are changing, indeed they are...”
Fabien Vehlmann, ISLE OF 100,000 GRAVES GN

Stewart Stafford
“The Damned Axe by Stewart Stafford

The axe decapitates a head,
Society's ills get quickly shed,
Can we trust what we don't see?
The masked executioner's decree.

A death by hacks couldn't be worse,
Carnifex of the jingling cutpurse,
Blood is spilt to slake the thirst,
In the name of God, the law comes first.

A pantomime of barbarity,
To lose one's head so publicly,
And then be held up mockingly,
The crowd disperses hastily.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford