
Espionage Quotes

Quotes tagged as "espionage" Showing 1-30 of 229
John Flanagan
“...at the time, King Herbert felt that to remain safe, the kingdom needed an effective intelligence force."

"An intelligent force?" said Will.

"Not intelligent. Intelligence. Although it does help if your intelligence force was also intelligent.”
John Flanagan, The Ruins of Gorlan

Ally Carter
“I think it's kinda nice.' And I did. my mom isn't famous for her pies. No, she's famous for defusing a nuclear device in Brussels with only a pair of cuticle scissors and a ponytail holder. Somehow, at the moment, pies seemed cooler.”
Ally Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

William Kely McClung
“Legends were mostly bullshit, even his own, but they sometimes could be useful.”
William Kely McClung, Black Fire

John le Carré
“Do you know what love is? I'll tell you: it is whatever you can still betray.”
John le Carré, The Looking Glass War

Carolyn M. Bowen
“He motioned for Elpidio to sit down after watching him pace the room in circles. Elpidio pulled out a chair and admitted, 'I've messed up in more ways than I can count.”
Carolyn M. Bowen, Legacy of Shadows: An International Crime Thriller

Karl Braungart
“I can’t go into detail, but it’s why I went to the special meeting at the Pentagon.”
Karl Braungart, Counter Identity

Simon W. Clark
“The Audi tires squealed as the vehicle tracked the same path. Jake hammered down the avenue, hunting for a getaway. Traffic thickened at the juncture ahead. A green light flickered into amber. He ramped up over the limit, punching over the white lines on a red signal.
Tires screeched and a horn beeped. The needle sat on one hundred kilometers per hour. He fishtailed at a laneway. The GPS showed a right angle, car slid into a slot in an overhang. Jake got out and crept toward the opening, hugged the brick wall. He pulled the SIG and flicked off the safety.
The Audi braked at the mouth. Door slammed. A shadow fell over the concrete. The swish of clothing indicated a possible weapon draw.”
Simon W. Clark

Simon W. Clark
“Jake’s shirt and jeans gave off a business vibe with the hint of a wide range of corporate occupations from sales to IT. Only politicians and real estate agents wore a suit and tie these days. Dressed to push an agenda. A man wearing a two-piece suit and tie would be remembered and many people became guarded, sus of the wearer’s intention. Guarded meant memorable.
Blend into the environment; do not stick out.”
Simon W. Clark, Dead Mercenary's Trail

Ellen Brazer
“Some people like the Jews, and some do not. But no thoughtful man can deny the fact that they are, beyond any question, the most formidable and most remarkable race which has appeared in the world.
— Winston S. Churchill”
Ellen Brazer, Clouds Across the Sun

William Kely McClung
“Black considered shooting him here. That idea lasted about a second. Thought about pushing the barrel through the man’s skull. That lasted a couple more.”
William Kely McClung, Black Fire

William Kely McClung
“Afraid to live, too cowardly to die.”
William Kely McClung, Super Ninja: The Sword of Heaven

John le Carré
“I have a theory which I suspect is rather immoral,' Smiley went on, more lightly. 'Each of us has only a quantum of compassion. That if we lavish our concern on every stray cat, we never get to the centre of things.”
John Le Carré, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Karl Braungart
“I must tell you, however, that if you refuse us, you face death.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Karl Braungart
“Captain Miller, we know that you are connected with military intelligence, and can obtain classified documents.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Karl Braungart
“We work in the city of Würzburg, which is between Frankfurt and Nürnberg. Eric and I are in military intelligence.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Karl Braungart
“The biggest problem I have is I know why he has changed. What took place last night convinced me. I believe he’s been hypnotized to conduct espionage.”
Karl Braungart, Counter Identity

Karl Braungart
“Major Yildiz has a contact in Stuttgart who is a high-ranking officer of the US V Corps. He is going to help us.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Karl Braungart
“I am not familiar with your personal lives, except to know you are scientists representing Iran.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“And thank you, Oskars, for the State Department recordings. All of us especially liked the discussion about our espionage tactic regarding the tank transfers out of Georgia into Syria. It was amusing, to say the least.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Karl Braungart
“If you think this Dr. Williams’ files contain what we want, you need to find a way to confiscate the entire file. You must go to a copy store, scan the documents, and save them to a USB. Can you arrange to get this information after hours, make the copies, and return it to where you found it?”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Patrick G. Cox
“That damned Hurker! He had the neck to suggest to me today that he could find a buyer for our plant—if he was made a partner!”
“I hope you told him what to do with that suggestion!”
“I did. Told him I wasn’t selling, but if he wanted to buy a share he should talk to my legal adviser.” Marcus straightened in his chair and wiped his hands across his face. “And he told me that I had forty eight hours to reconsider my answer, or shipping might prove very difficult—and that there would be some queries initiated over my use of a dome now owned by CalBank!”
Patrick G Cox, First into the Fray

Karl Braungart
“   “I have good news. The plan is a go. We can begin the project to get the nuclear energy discovery.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“Sometimes I think you rely too much on friendship, Reagan. For all of your cynicism, you tend to assume people have your sense of integrity, but I’m here to tell you they don’t.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Howard Tayler
“Spy' is such a short ugly word. I prefer 'espionage.' Those extra three syllables really say something.”
Howard Tayler, Emperor Pius Dei

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“Although botulism is one of the most toxic substances known to man, it does not work immediately on its victim. It attacks the nervous system, which takes some time.
“If she doesn’t survive this poisoning, if she suffers any permanent damage, I promise the two of you that you’re as good as dead. You can hire all the protection there is in the world, but I will get to you.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

John le Carré
“Haydon had found his charm again. He could do that at the drop of a hat. He drew you and he repelled you. I remember that exactly. He danced all ways for you, playing your emotions against each other because he had none of his own.”
John le Carré, The Secret Pilgrim

James Alan Gardner
“If you agree to work for us, half the time you won't know the purpose of your duties . . . and when we do explain, we might not be telling the truth. But that's the real world, folks . . .”
James Alan Gardner, Trapped

Henry Mosquera
“I think all artists struggle to represent the geometry
of life in their own way, just like writers deal with
archetypes. There are only so many stories that you can
tell, but an infinite number of storytellers.”
Henry Mosquera, Sleeper's Run

Victor Robert Lee
“Cono felt embarrassed by the thought that he might have been just another pitiful orphan trying to turn his friends into family, and that he might be blinded by this need, a need that colored his whole life, that ache to offer worth to someone.”
Victor Robert Lee, Performance Anomalies

Patrick G. Cox
“He doesn’t look a violent type—so polite, and so patrician. You never hear him raise his voice.”
She thought about it. “No, you don’t, do you?” It struck her that the Captain exuded an air of quiet command. His ‘orders’ were always delivered in polite terms, but very few people made the mistake of not carrying them out immediately. “I expect he doesn’t usually have to though.” She laughed. “You don’t get appointed to command a ship like the Vanguard unless you know how to get people to do what you want them to.”
Patrick G Cox, First into the Fray

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