
Ending Relationships Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ending-relationships" Showing 1-19 of 19
Kate McGahan
“Oh it was meant to be. It just wasn't meant to last.”
Kate McGahan

Kate McGahan
“We had more in common than I thought we did. You were my priority. You were your priority.”
Kate McGahan

Shannon L. Alder
“Getting even with the person that broke your heart will never give you peace. The only thing that will heal your wounds is believing that God loves you enough to bring someone else into your life to respect you and love you in the way you deserve!”
Shannon L. Alder

Hermann Hesse
“None of us knew how terribly these two fine people suffered in secret. I do not think that they ever stopped loving each other, but deep down in their nature they did not belong to one another.”
Hermann Hesse, Gertrude

“Exiting from any long-term relationship comes at great personal expense, which explains why so many people are understandably reluctant to endure the cost of severance. Beginnings and endings are always dramatic and occasionally traumatic. Youthful brio allows us to engage in transformation. As we age, we carefully weigh the spectacle of continuing enduring harrowing situations or seeking melodramatic renovation of our core being. Analysis of the respective cost benefit ratio, consideration of the known versus the unknown, can delay or permanently deter us from altering our environment, leading our persona to become more rigid as we mature. Transformations in life are disconcerting to people who resist change.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“In any important relationship, we must always ask should we stay or leave. Perchance the correct answer exits in the reason for hanging on and the reason for finally moving on. Perchance self-sacrifice is required. Conversely, perhaps selfishness is called for as an act of self-preservation.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Zora Neale Hurston
“Times and scenes like that put Janie to thinking about the inside state of her marriage. Time came when she fought back with her tongue as best she could, but it didn’t do her any good. It just made Joe do more. He wanted her submission and he’d keep on fighting until he felt he had it. So gradually, she pressed her teeth together and learned to hush. The spirit of the marriage left the bedroom and took to living in the parlor. It was there to shake hands whenever company came to visit, but it never went back inside the bedroom again. So she put something in there to represent the spirit like a Virgin Mary image in a church. The bed was no longer a daisy-field for her and Joe to play in. It was a place where she went and laid down when she was sleepy and tired. She wasn’t petal-open anymore with him.”
Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

“How we begin and how we end any relationship is a product of planning, fortuity, and personality. Many enterprises commenced in good faith spiral into confusion, discord, and disarray, generate turmoil and corruption, sunburn the sensitive parties, and conclude in a cesspool of regret and animosity.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“It ended sadly. The kind of ending where you wait together, holding hands and weeping, while off in another room, love slowly dies.”
Abigail Thomas, What Comes Next and How to Like It

“Ending something doesn't have to be filled with regret , anger, or negativity. We have experiences and memories that serve a purpose.”
Omar Lee

Phil Volatile
“and tonight we held each
other, one last time,
like a dance to a
slow song
on an empty
underneath a single
disco ball
in front of
no one
at all”
Phil Volatile, Crushed Black Velvet

Mike Skinner
“I’m here and I’m there, couldn’t see past the end of my beer, at what was getting near or the silence after the cheers.”
Mike Skinner

Mariah Carey
“The mother loved me, the sister loved me, the father loved me, IT COULD'VE BEEN PERFECT!”
Mariah Carey, The Meaning of Mariah Carey

Ellen Marie Francisco
“We sleep in spooned positions for most of the night, comforting each other, holding on, not desperately, but with the certainty that we are over, recognizing that our love for each other isn't enough. We wake and something I'd forgotten stirred in me. I reach for him. Kiss him and let him kiss me back. Exploring each other with a recognition I know will comfort me later. And then he's inside me and I remember who we are. There is still love and I can dance this liquid dance and let it move me. He stops, pulls himself away from me, taking my breath with him. He lies there and I feel his tears on my flesh. His tears. All this time together and I had no idea he could cry.”
Ellen Marie Francisco, Catastrophic Expectations: Sex, Love, and the Pursuit of Marriage

Madeleine Ryan
“Parting ways with someone or something doesn't always make sense, so people often create reasons to be angry and resentful, because it weaves a stronger narrative around the process of letting go. That way, they don't have to take responsibility for their part in it, because, you know. So-and-so was just a bitch and shit.”
Madeleine Ryan, A Room Called Earth

Jyoti Patel
“Ending a long term relationship is extremely tough and recovering from the issues you’ve had in the relationship is even tougher and takes time.

From (The Awakening)”
Jyoti Patel

T.M Cicinski
“There was a name. That was all. A name upon a piece of paper. The beginnings of a letter, started but never finished and pushed into a drawer and then forgotten about as all old and unhappy things had been forgotten with the coming of that spring. Yet, after the name had been read, and a false seed of suspicion planted, the sun of their happiness dipped behind a bank of storm clouds and the light which had bathed them faded. It did not fade immediately. Nor in a way which was recognisable at the start. It faded in long silences and crossed arms, in questions which came from nowhere and were answered awkwardly for their strangeness. It faded in kisses avoided and tired sighs, then finally in absences and then all was passed into darkness, though neither knew it until a moment in which they both turned to look for what once they had loved, and found it was gone.”
T.M Cicinski, The Mind Is Its Own Place

Håkan Lindgren
“- Jag menar inte att det är ditt fel, sa hon som om hon läst hans tankar. "Det är vi. Vi som helhet, vi som begrepp. Begreppet fungerar inte längre, det är ihåligt. Tycker du inte det själv?”
Håkan Lindgren, Att raka en zebra