
Efficient Quotes

Quotes tagged as "efficient" Showing 1-30 of 31
Pooja Agnihotri
“Hiring is not as simple as you think. You have to make sure you are hiring somebody who is going to be a great fit in the kind of employee tribe you’re building.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Pooja Agnihotri
“Your employees shouldn’t be scared of being let go but you should be scared of them leaving you.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Steve Maraboli
“While spirituality provides an efficient and endless fuel for your mind and body, you must burn that fuel with human action towards your goals, dreams, and desires.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Will Advise
“The only way to efficiently battle evil is to copy enough to know how to counter each argument, yet not enough to believe all the bullshit.”
Will Advise, Nothing is here...

Israelmore Ayivor
“Let your autobiography contain these words; "I was able to think positively, love affectionately and work efficiently". Thinking, loving and working are what make us different from animals and trees.”
Israelmore Ayivor

Prem Jagyasi
“what we need to do is simply have faith in what we are and find our worth accordingly.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Richard Hamming
“Vicarious learning from the experiences of others saves making errors yourself, but I regard the study of successes as being basically more important than the study of failures. There are so many ways of being wrong and so few of being right, studying successes is more efficient.”
Richard Hamming, The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn

Kailin Gow
“Every word, every brushstroke, every note from an artist should be deliberately so.- Kailin Gow on Efficiency”
Kailin Gow

Prem Jagyasi
“There is nothing shameful or reprehensible about putting your needs first. In fact, by doing so, you can pursue your purpose efficiently and be generous to others at the same time.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

David G. McAfee
“Prayer doesn’t work. Perhaps it makes the believer feel better (in the same way that meditation or deep thought would), but prayer doesn’t actually affect the external world. Not only is it ineffective, but it is also a very narcissistic practice… why would a 'God' change its 'Divine Plan' to accommodate any person’s wishes?”
David G. McAfee

“If the pieces do not fit into your puzzle...

Try a different picture”
Cass van Krah

“In the short run, technology many be more efficient than man, but it will never be perfect. Every piece of equipment will eventually reveal an error code. In the long run, man will never be perfect, but prove to be more reliable than technology.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Matt Fitzgerald
“What is the logic of punishing yourself each day, of striving to become better, more efficient, tougher?” He went on to answer his own question. “The value in it is what you learn about yourself. In this sort of situation all kinds of qualities come out—things that you may not have seen in yourself before.”
Matt Fitzgerald, How Bad Do You Want It? Mastering the Psychology of Mind over Muscle

“With the growing popularity in e-learning, it occurred to me that the e should mean more than electronic. If we are going to call it e-learning, shouldn't it be effective, efficient, and engaging?”
M David Merrill, First Principles of Instruction

“Simplicity is efficient.”
A.D. Posey

“It is easy to launch a project if you have no clue about the cost and schedule.”
Gerry Geek, Ice Breakers for Project Managers: Jokes, Quotes, and Brainteasers

Rachel Caine
“We should do this on computer," she said, chalking it carefully for the eighty-ninth time. "With a drawing pad."
"Nonsense. You're lucky I don't make you inscribe it with a stylus on a wax tablet, like the old days," Myrnin snorted. "Children. Spoiled children, always playing with the shinest toy."
"Computers are more efficient!"
"I can perform calculations on that abacus faster than you can solve them on your computer," Myrnin sneered.
Okay, now he was pissing her off. "Prove it!"
"Prove it." She backed off on her tone, but Myrnin wasn't looking angry; he was looking strangely interested. He stared at her for a second in silence, and then he got the biggest, oddest smile she'd ever seen on the face of a vampire.
"All right," he said. "A contest. Computer versus abacus."
She wasn't at all sure now that was a good idea, even if it had been her idea, essentially. "Um -- what do I win?" More importantly, what do I lose? Making bargains was a way of life in Morganville, and it was a lot like making deals with man-eating fairies. Better be careful what you ask for.
"Your freedom," he said solemnly. His eyes were wide and guileless, his too-young face shining with honesty. "I will tell Amelie you were not suited to the work. She'll let you go about your life, such as it is."
Good prize. Too good. Claire swallowed hard. "And if I lose?"
"Then I eat you," Myrnin said.”
Rachel Caine, Midnight Alley

Christophe Galfard
“Mankind has uncovered two extremely efficient theories: one that describes our universe's structure (Einstein's gravity: the theory of general relativity), and one that describes everything our universe contains (quantum field theory), and these two theories won't talk to each other.”
Christophe Galfard, The Universe in Your Hand: A Journey Through Space, Time, and Beyond

H.G. Wells
“Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.”

L.P. Hartley
“How terrifyingly efficient she sounds," said Stephen. "I think I should faint in her presence.”
L.P. Hartley, Eustace and Hilda

“You have to figure out a way to make the time you spend with your family and the time you spend at work both extremely efficient and effective.”
Bob Rotella, How Champions Think: In Sports and in Life

“The darkness hid the wild exposure, and I was surprised to feel totally relaxed, climbing much faster and more efficiently than I had hoped.”
Steph Davis, High Infatuation: A Climber's Guide to Love and Gravity

Michael Lopp
“The slightly obscured secret that you may not know is that the Leads of Leads are running the company. That’s right—all those fancy Directors running around looking important and emitting those pithy one-liners on productivity—they are dependent on the Leads of Leads to make sure the work actually gets done. This is not to suggest that the Director role isn’t essential, as we’ll see it is in a moment, but these Leads of Leads, these folks who are ridiculed for being “middle management,” they are the people and process machinery that keeps the machine running efficiently.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Mike Brown
“Your brain doesn't work very well in the sudden oxygen deprivation of 14,000 feet. Combine that with lack of sleep, and efficient work is extremely hard.”
Mike Brown

“If your mind was as efficient as your lungs in taking what it needs and discarding what it doesn't, you would be invincible”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

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