
Dex Dizznee Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dex-dizznee" Showing 1-13 of 13
Shannon Messenger
“Ohhh, a lovers’ quarrel!” Ro clapped her hands. “Those are my favorite. Anyone have snacks? I feel like we should have snacks for this.”
“That’s not what this is,” Sophie told her. “We’re not...never mind.”
Ro grinned, flashing pointed teeth. “If you say so.”
“Fosters not ready to face her feelings,” Keefe stage-whispered.
“I’m ready to strangle you,” Sophie countered.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“But before he left, he asked, “Still best friends, right?”
A soft smile curled her lips, and her heart pull back into its place.
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“Well, if you like honestly,” Ro said, following him over to Keefe, “it stinks here, too. Everything smells like...”
“Fresh air?” Sophie guessed.
“Awww, my girl keeps getting snarkier and snarkier,” Keefe said proudly.
“I’m not your girl,” Sophie snapped back. “And don’t think I’m done being mad at you!”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“Keefe whistled, “Remind me never to get on your bad side, Dizznee.”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“You can’t change who you are! Or who your family is,” Tam told her. “Believe me—if I could! I would. All you can do is make sure you’re living by what you believe in.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“They weren’t friends. And they weren’t actually sisters. They were just two different girls from two different worlds.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“Wait for the morning, when you can regroup with your friends and the seven of you can start scheming together.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“I know this isn’t going to make any of it better,” Sophie said! Holding her sister tighter. “But I’ve done this before. The part where it all feels hopeless, and like it’s never going to come together. And you know what? Somehow, it does. It’s never perfect. But it usually better than what I’ve been fearing.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“We wanted her to see that the shadows that scared her could be beau,titular and powerful when we learn how to control them,” Edaline added.
Taking control.
It sounded so simple.
And so impossible.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“Three hands. No fourth for her. It was how it should be. How it would have to be. And Sophie could live with that. She could let them go again, to spare them that pain.
But it would still hurt.
It would always hurt.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“Any idea what the pattern is?” Dex asked
“I’m not sure.” Something felt familiar, a shadow of an idea, not formed enough to make sense. She poured through her memories, scrounging for the clue she was missing. The pieces clicked. “Elementine.”
“What’s the pattern?”
“I don’t know, but I know Elementine is right.”
Shannon Messenger

Shannon Messenger
“Tinker considers questions to be far more valuable than answers, so it’s rare to get an actual explanation.”
Dex snorted. “Huh, I wonder what that’s like.”
“I know,” Sophie agreed. “We’re so used to everyone telling us everything we want to know the second we want to know it—how will we ever handle that kind of vagueness and mystery?”
Mr. Forkle sighed. “I suppose I walked into that one.”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“No, the forest has been like this for decades,' Sophie said. 'I remember seeing pictures of this place on the Internet.'
'The Internet,' Dex snorted. 'Humans and their technology.”
Shannon Messenger, Neverseen