
Dean Koontz Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dean-koontz" Showing 1-30 of 60
Dean Koontz
“In this world only the paranoid survive.”
Dean Koontz, Midnight

Dean Koontz
“The world howls for social justice, but when it comes to social responsibility, you sometimes can't even hear crickets chirping.”
Dean Koontz, Deeply Odd

Dean Koontz
“All these girls swooning over hunky vampires, what they really want is to give away their freedom, to be controlled and told what to do and not have to think -- and never die, of course. It's sick is what it is. I don't want to be a forever-young living corpse.”
Dean Koontz, What the Night Knows

Dean Koontz
“Holy men tell us life is a mystery.
They embrace that concept happily.
But some mysteries bite and bark
and come to get you in the dark.”
Dean Koontz, Darkfall

Dean Koontz
“people have a natural tendency to anthropomorphize their pets, to ascribe human perceptions and intentions to the animal where none exist”
Dean Koontz, Watchers

Dean Koontz
“In time, however, I came to understand that one can adore and desire that which is forever beyond reach. This might, in fact, be the hardest truth of human existence.”
Dean Koontz, Demon Seed

Dean Koontz
“With a cry of alarm, he bolted to the bathroom and made it with not a second to spare. He seemed to be on the throne long enough to have witnessed the rise and fall of an empire.”
Dean Koontz

Dean Koontz
“Two murders and an act of arson. Junior was being a bold boy this evening”
Dean Koontz, From the Corner of His Eye

Dean Koontz
“Dusty admired their efforts to lead a clean life in the dirty world they had inherited, and he understood their anger even as he sometimes wearied of it.”
Dean Koontz, False Memory

Dean Koontz
“I could waste time hating the guilty… or leave them to the law and to God, and use my energy to help the innocent.”
Dean Koontz, False Memory

Dean Koontz
“No moon. No stars. No certainty that dawn would come, and no eagerness to see what might arrive with it.”
Dean Koontz, False Memory

“He loved this woman more than he loved life, but no one should be able to exercise absolute power over another human being, regardless of how pure his intentions might be. Anger was less poisonous to the soul than was greed, greed less toxic than envy, and envy only a fraction as corrupting as power.”
Dean Koontz Fred Van Lente

Dean Koontz
“Funny, how hope raises its lovely head when least expected, a flower in a wasteland.”
Dean Koontz, False Memory

Dean Koontz
“A man’s life can pivot on the smallest hinge of time. No minute is without potential for momentous change, and each tick of the clock might be the voice of Fate whispering a promise or a warning.”
Dean Koontz, The Good Guy

Dean Koontz
“She is true on course, and the night has not yet caught fire, and she means to stay on course no matter what.”
Dean Koontz, The House at the End of the World

Dean Koontz
“When you skate across the days, leaving a wake as thin as spider silk, you’re not accustomed to shouting or to chasing after strangers with murder on their minds.”
Dean Koontz, The Good Guy

Dean Koontz
“She said, “It seems so formidable, so solid, so enduring.”
“What does?”
“Civilization. But it’s as fragile as glass.” She glanced at him. “I better shut up. You’re starting to think I’m a nut case.”
“No,” Tim said. “Glass makes sense to me. Glass makes perfect sense.”
Dean Koontz, The Good Guy

Dean Koontz
“In addition to his computer, maybe the intruders would take his mom's brownies with them, without tasting one first. Even in this age, Pete believed that justice found the guilty one way or another.”
Dean Koontz, The Good Guy

Dean Koontz
“You have to walk straight into what you don’t dare run away from.”
Dean Koontz, The Good Guy

Dean Koontz
“Fear is a hammer, and when the people are beaten finally to the conviction that their existence hangs by a frayed thread, they will be led where they need to go.”
“Which is where?”
“To a responsible future in a properly managed world.”
Dean Koontz, The Good Guy

Dean Koontz
“For all the beauty and joy of life, the world is nonetheless a war zone.”
Dean Koontz, The Good Guy

Dean Koontz
Not all of us complete the journey in the same condition. Along the way, some lose their legs or eyes in accidents or altercations, while others skate through the years with nothing worse to worry about than an occasional bad-hair day.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Hours

Dean Koontz
“I’m not the law. I’m not vigilante justice. I’m not vengeance personified. I don’t really know what I am, or why.
In moments like these, however, I can’t restrain myself from action. A kind of madness comes over me, and I can no more turn away from what must be done than I can wish this fallen world back into a state of grace.”
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas

Dean Koontz
Spare me that I may serve.
Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas

Dean Koontz
“The man of the house was at the moment something less than a man. Or perhaps he was only what any man eventually might become when guided by no hand but his own.”
Dean Koontz, The Darkest Evening of the Year

Dean Koontz
“He had once thought that only money mattered. But he has since discovered that money matters only because it can buy power, and power matters only if it is exercised with imagination and without conscience.”
Dean Koontz, The Darkest Evening of the Year

Dean Koontz
“Power is the only thing that he admires, the only thing that matters, and violence―emotional, psychological, physical, verbal violence―is the purest expression of power. Absolute violence is absolute power.”
Dean Koontz , The Darkest Evening Of the Year

Dean Koontz
“By thousands of chance encounters and uncountable coincidences, people are drawn together to save a life, to save a nation, to save the world.”
Dean Koontz, The Big Dark Sky

Dean Koontz
Some power has chosen me, called out to me. How often does that happen – to be called to greatness? But consider the cost. Prudence is required.
Dean Koontz, The House at the End of the World

Dean Koontz
I’m in a dark place. I’m lost. The terrible big dark sky. I’m a danger to myself and others. Only you can help me, Jojo. Please come and help me.
Dean Koontz , The Big Dark Sky

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