
Dealing With Difficult People Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dealing-with-difficult-people" Showing 1-30 of 76
“The greatest loss is the loss of one’s calling because we were listening to the wrong voices.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“You were never created to please people; you were created to please God.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

Viv Albertine
“I ignore him. I never look at him or speak to him and change my phone number. It’s the only way to deal with an obsessive.”
Viv Albertine, Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys

Mitta Xinindlu
“You can be more ruined if you keep on worrying about loyalty. Not everyone is going to be loyal. Accept it and move on.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“We must have heart and overcome if we are to thrive in life and not merely survive.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“If we are living for the approval of others, we aren’t living for the approval of God.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“If you have to perform for people’s approval, trust me, it’s not worth having.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“Trust God and follow His will for your life! His love is unconditional.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“Fear and intimidation is the most common and easy shark attack to fall prey to.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“Why do we try to look for sharks? Why do we try to please the sharks that hurt us, hold us back, and keep us from our destinies?”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“If you allow sharks to dictate your decisions, they will try to exert their will on you more and more.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“God has called us to love people, to be an example, and to be kind, but we have to take courage and be wise because there are sharks out there.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“We don’t need to be fearful of sharks, but we do need to have an awareness of them.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“Satan wants to use sharks to move you from your purpose. Don’t let him!”
Drenda Keesee

“People may betray you, but you don’t need to take it personally.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“If you let sharks call the shots, control, and manipulate you, it will lead you down a road of burnout, hopelessness, and even depression.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“We may not be able to make people’s decisions, but we can choose to forgive and be made whole in Him.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“You are not someone’s answer. You are an example of what the answer can do in someone’s life, and you are compelled to share how you did it by God’s Word and His grace, but only their yielding in obedience to God is their answer.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“You can never do for someone what they are not willing to do for themselves.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“We must be compassionate but not enable people to blame or shame us out of God’s blessings.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“I must be at the command of the Lord, not the dictates of people, pressures, or my own issues.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“Emotional hurts are like cancers of the soul. If we don’t get them out, they can poison the whole soul and body.”
Drenda Keesee, Shark Proof: How to Deal with Difficult People

“To the striped hyenas( Cowardly Scavengers) of the jungle, you get fleas with the dog's you lay down with. "
By Bonnie Zackson Koury”
Bonnie Zackson Koury, Bonnie Koury, Ms Bonnie Zackson Koury

Shaneika Marie
“Sometime you gotta pray for them , when someone wishing on your down falls, the best thing you can do is pray they find a new attitude an pray to keep them far far away from you”
Shaneika Marie

Donna Goddard
Although we have goodwill towards everyone, our response to people needs to be appropriate to the situation. Otherwise, we can become foolish, weak, conciliatory or naive. If a gentle word works, wonderful. If not, we may need to be more direct. If that still doesn’t work, spiritually-conscious beings have a great deal of power backing them to use for the purpose of protecting the evolution of all that is genuinely good.”
Donna Goddard, Touched by Love

“You can take All the Drama in your world, put that in a Blender . . . AND . . . I will take All the Drama in mine and put that into the same Blender . . . Out will come a Shot Glass full of your Drama . . . while I will be making Milk Shake After Milk Shake . . . So Deal with It”
Kevin Kolenda

“Deny No Man The Ability To Walk On The Path Of Righteousness Or Face The Wrath Of A World Of Pure Evil”
Mr Luc Jorgart, Whispers of Wisdom: Philosophical Quotes of Luc Jorgart

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