
Daemons Quotes

Quotes tagged as "daemons" Showing 1-13 of 13
H.P. Lovecraft
“I have seen beyond the bounds of infinity and drawn down daemons from the stars. . . . I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness. . . .”
H.P. Lovecraft

Deborah Harkness
“Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared; daemons, vampires and witches. Hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease even with each other.
But as my father used to say:
In every ending, there is a new beginning.”
Deborah Harkness, A Discovery of Witches

Cassandra Clare
“Not specifically. "Demons have been on Earth as long as we have. They're all over the world, in their different forms – Greek daemons, Persian daevas, Hindu asuras, Japanese oni. Most belief systems have some method of incorporating both their existence and the fight against them. Shadowhunters cleave to no single religion, and in turn all religions assist us in our battle. I could as easily have gone for help to a Jewish synagogue or a Shinto temple, or – Ah. Here it is.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

Victoria Scott
“When I near Charlie’s house, I notice she’s standing in the doorway with a spatula in her hand. Despite being on edge, I can’t stop myself from grinning. I feel like such a chick around her sometimes, like I’m seconds away from buying a tiara and starting my period.”
Victoria Scott, The Liberator

Victoria Scott
“Music from the party throbs and echoes off the basement walls. I’m not sure how I got here, and I’m certain I don’t know how Charlie ended up on the other side of the room with Guy In Touch With His Emotions. Raising a bottle to my lips, I watch as the guy uncrosses his long legs and recrosses them.
His tampon must be killing him.”
Victoria Scott, The Liberator

Emily Lloyd-Jones
“That is why I take the younger ones, you see. You already give parts of your hearts away so easily--little fragments attached to celebrities, to hobbies, to ill-fated love affairs. Your kind have the best chance at survival.”
Emily Lloyd-Jones, The Hearts We Sold

Victoria Scott
“In front of us, Annabelle and Aspen argue over whether black-and-white movies are amazing or archaic. Blue walks a few feet behind like he’s waiting for the pair to transition from verbal zingers to hair pulling. He wants a front-row seat for that show, and I don’t blame him.”
Victoria Scott, The Liberator

Gail Carriger
“Chasing ghosts while pursued by daemons...”
Gail Carriger, Blameless

Emily Lloyd-Jones
“I like to keep my dreams attainable. Eat cheese, sleep on a nice bed, have my work in the same museum as Rothko--the usual.”
Emily Lloyd-Jones, The Hearts We Sold

C.G. Jung
“Velikost historických osobností nikdy nespočívala v jejich absolutním podrobení konvenci, ale tkvěla naopak v jejich osvobození od konvence a ve spásné svobodě. Vyčnívaly jako vrcholky hor z masy, která setrvávala v zajetí kolektivních úzkostí, přesvědčení, zákonů a kolektivních metod, a volily si vlastní cestu. A obyčejnému člověku vždycky připadalo podivné, že někdo před vyšlapanou cestou a známými cíli dává přednost strmé a úzké stezce vedoucí do neznáma. Proto se také vždycky mělo za to, že pokud takový člověk není šílený, jistě v něm sídlí démon nebo bůh; neboť ten zázrak, že by to někdo mohl dělat jinak, než jak to lidstvo odedávna dělalo, se dal vysvětlit jen nadáním démonickou silou nebo božským duchem.”
C.G. Jung, Duše moderního člověka

Diana Graves
“Maybe he's not coming,' I whispered to Damar. 'He's crazy after all. Maybe something shiny caught his attention and he forgot about me.”
Diana Graves, Mortal Sentry

“Daemons had minds of their own, which could never be harnessed, even by those who sheltered them.”
Curtis Bill Pepper, Leonardo: A Biographical Novel

“There is nowhere left to hide. We know you now. We shall hunt you in every plane of reality. We will cleanse the void, then we will cleanse the warp. So look on me now, yaksha, and know your slayer.”
Chris Wraight, The Path of Heaven