
Creative Nonfiction Quotes

Quotes tagged as "creative-nonfiction" Showing 1-30 of 54
Annie Dillard
“I think it would be well, and proper, and obedient, and pure, to grasp your one necessity and not let it go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. Then even death, where you're going no matter how you live, cannot you part.”
Annie Dillard, Teaching a Stone to Talk: Expeditions and Encounters

Maria Karvouni
“They have access to your brain, they have access to your body. They hack your brain, they hack your body to make you think certain things, to make you do certain things. To extract thoughts. Invisibly. But nothing is reliable.”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“Reality is secretly causing a fatal earthquake to your rival neighbor and then send help to them.

Reality is declaring you destroyed a rival balloon that collects communication signals when it is actually yours.

Reality is causing a pandemic and blame your rival for it.”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“It is more probable they will tell you bad or wrong things about me. For many reasons: inferiority or imperfection. They might tell you I am dead. They might tell you it is not me. Question everything they tell you about me. Verify who they are. Do not believe anything about me. Try to find me to ask me.”
Maria Karvouni

Maria Karvouni
“Wrong assumptions occur from limited knowledge. A person should have a complete view before shaping an opinion about someone or something…”
Maria Karvouni, The Impossible Proof Of Knowing Nothing

Maria Karvouni
“They use virtual reality of every day devices and things through hacking them and invisibly connecting them to your body and brain to create fake interactions between you and unknown people for deceit purposes.”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“Justice through injustice is not genuine justice. It's injustice perpetuated.”
Maria Karvouni, You Are Always Innocent

Maria Karvouni
“…Impossible to find truth. Not because nothing can be found… There are advanced systems of deceit & self-deceit… Any impossible solution is inadequate. Call it time travel, teleportation, mind-body reading, AI detection.”
Maria Karvouni, The Impossible Proof Of Knowing Nothing

Maria Karvouni
“They manipulate weather and send a lightning to a specific area or they shock electrically the target person. They enter the human body through electricity and they either cause illness or death or read the thoughts of the mind or alter the behavior.”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“Once I believed in reality. Now I don't know what to believe anymore. I even doubt the environment thing. Do they want to spread electricity to be able to sabotage & kill silently anyone posing "threat" to their "good" fame?”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“They remotely stimulate the private parts to make you look pervert. They talk in the head to make you seem mentally ill. They register thoughts as your own but they are from a program you watch on tv.”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“Reality is a cover up method of pretending and in the backstage repeating all the faults of human history: torture, murders, inequality, injustice, unfairness. They make you hail them, condemn their opponents and then they kill you.”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“Professionals with in depth knowledge should be treated as highly suspects of crimes creating false realities. Doctors for "natural" deaths and false diagnoses. Lawyers and judges for deceit. Detectives for illegal and abusive means.”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“The justice system is corrupted and not reliable. It is exploited for hate, revenge with lies, deceit. It is method, pattern from the knowledgeable guilty against the unprotected innocents. Do not consider any claim or conviction as valid.”
Maria Karvouni, You Are Always Innocent

Maria Karvouni
“Justice is a criminal circuit that rapes innocents with electricity framing them as guilty… Never take part in legal procedures! You do not need laws to be ethical! Only criminals need laws! To condemn innocents & break them invisibly!”
Maria Karvouni, You Are Always Innocent

Maria Karvouni
“They store your memories as proof of life lived, truth. But they erase true memories that render them guilty and plant false memories that render you guilty. An impossible proof that seems valid can never be valid this way.”
Maria Karvouni, The Impossible Proof Of Knowing Nothing

Maria Karvouni
“They code the human body remotely with electricity… To control fates… Cause sensations & thoughts otherwise non-existent… To trick the wrongfully considered as "valid" machines of truth that paradoxically no one knows about…”
Maria Karvouni, You Are Always Innocent

Maria Karvouni
“They shock victims… permanently installing electricity inside the body… They drain the thoughts from the eyes… They send radio waves to the ears… Silent criminals appearing as good & innocent… Secretly they abuse & frame.”
Maria Karvouni, You Are Always Innocent

Maria Karvouni
“The machines of truth… judges have access to are not valid. Only hold thoughts …caused themselves with radio waves & electricity …separate phrases/words/letters …from external sources… Biased filter from ill-willed people.”
Maria Karvouni, You Are Always Innocent

Maria Karvouni
“Pinocchio, a puppet that was control by a human, is not a random story just to say something to entertain the crowds. Pinocchio contains hidden meanings and messages. There are ways they can connect to your body and make it move.”
Maria Karvouni, Reality Is Just A Possible Fantasy

Maria Karvouni
“High profile lawyers shoot with invisible crime visualizer weapons the innocent victims of their guilty clients they protect. They know how inner systems work and… beforehand what'll happen. In such a way they promote… false accusations.”
Maria Karvouni, You Are Always Innocent

Maria Karvouni
“Everyone is free to say whatever they want. Now believe the lies. The only fact reliable is that everyone is free to say whatever they want. Human beings are created in a way that the brain thinks silently.”
Maria Karvouni, The Impossible Proof Of Knowing Nothing

Maria Karvouni
“People try to prevail their own truth. And they use evil means. They
torture, they threaten. What they impose as truth keeps them in power, but it is fascistic. When the truth is a strategy or a pattern is not genuine truth.”
Maria Karvouni, The Impossible Proof Of Knowing Nothing

Maria Karvouni
“Unless humanity invents a device that can expose all the information in the world, there can be no justice, because no human can be a reliable source. Every human can be manipulated trough money, deceit, threats.”
Maria Karvouni, The Impossible Proof Of Knowing Nothing

Maria Karvouni
“I know, but I don’t know because I know.”
Maria Karvouni

Maria Karvouni
“Unfortunately no one knows anything and everyone has to know something to live anything which makes all people irrational and illogical more or less if they are not able to doubt everything. Evil minds take advantage of it to deceive even when it seems impossible there is deceit. They turn anyone against anyone but themselves and in the end they are the only ones favored. Immorality should not reproduce.”
Maria Karvouni

Maria Karvouni
“Quantum computers are the future. And quantum reality should be the future. If truth is impossible to be found with hyper technology because there will always be anti hyper technology to cancel it out and deceive, all sides of the story. Let the billion humans decide for themselves who to believe.”
Maria Karvouni

“Her writing is beautiful yet shocking, has depths, layers, and twists for advanced thinkers, but is also easy to read and understand for average readers.
... powerful, dark, expect occasional foul language.”
Yateen Maria

Maria Karvouni
“It is instinctive and based on observations of real events and intuition and above all with clear mind. It has either happened or it is probable and possible to happen but cannot be proven. At least nowadays, but ways to be proven may be discovered in the future.”
Maria Karvouni

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