
Considerate Quotes

Quotes tagged as "considerate" Showing 1-26 of 26
E.M. Forster
“I believe in aristocracy, though -- if that is the right word, and if a democrat may use it. Not an aristocracy of power, based upon rank and influence, but an aristocracy of the sensitive, the considerate and the plucky. Its members are to be found in all nations and classes, and all through the ages, and there is a secreat understanding between them when they meet. They represent the true human tradition, the one permanent victory of our queer race over cruelty and chaos. Thousands of them perish in obscurity, a few are great names. They are sensitive for others as well as themselves, they are considerate without being fussy, their pluck is not swankiness but power to endure, and they can take a joke.”
E.M. Forster, Two Cheers for Democracy

Criss Jami
“If the entire world sought to make itself worthy of happiness rather than make itself happy, then the entire world would be happy.”
Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

Criss Jami
“God favors men and women who delight in being made worthy of happiness before the happiness itself.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Lemony Snicket
“We believe in an aristocracy... Not an aristocracy of power, based on rank or wealth, but an aristocracy of the sensitive, the considerate, and the plucky. Our members are found in all nations and classes, and all through the ages, and there is a secret understanding between us when we meet... We represent the true human tradition, the one permanent victory over cruelty and chaos. We're an invincible army, but not a victorious one. We've had different names throughout history, but all the words that describe us are false and all attempts to organize us fail. Right now we're called V.F.D., but all our schisms and arguments might cause us to disappear. It won't matter. People like us always slip through the net. Our true home is the imagination, and our kingdom is the wide-open world.”
Lemony Snicket, Shouldn't You Be in School?

Jim Elliot
“The will of God is sweet tonight, altogether ‘good and acceptable and perfect.’ The considerate love of the Lord Jesus for us seems such a kind thing now. I know it has always been so, but somehow I didn’t see how wise it was when it didn’t seem kind… Remind me of this when I cannot regard His love as considerate some time.”
Jim Elliot

“{Colonel Carr's testimony of Colonel Robert Ingersoll at his funeral}

He was the boldest, most aggressive, courageous, virile, and the kindest and gentlest and most considerate and loving man I ever knew. His was a nature that yielded to no obstacles, that could not be moved nor turned aside by the allurements of place or position, the menaces of power, the favors of the opulent, or the enticing influences of public opinion. Entering upon his career in an age of obsequiousness and time-serving, when the values of political and religious views were estimated by what they would bring from the ruling party and from the church, in offices and emoluments and benefices, he assailed the giant evils of the times with the strength and power of Hercules and ground them to dust under his trip-hammer blows. Throughout his whole active life, there has been no greater and more potential influence than the personality of this sublime character in breaking the shackles of the slave, and in freeing men and women and children from the bonds of ignorance and superstition.”
Eugene Asa Carr

Steve Maraboli
“I find that being considerate of others and keeping what I say and what I do in agreement makes for a great night's sleep.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Malcolm Cowley
“Be kind and considerate with your criticism... It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book.”
Malcolm Cowley

Shannon L. Alder
“Love is a combination of virtues. The amount you receive from someone is based on the percentage of those virtues learned and applied. Unhappiness in a relationship is not a lack of love, but a lack of virtues in the percentages your significant other needs.”
Shannon L. Alder

“In some cases, some way, and sometimes you can tolerate or even if needed be considerate, but do not ever compromise moreover lower your standards.”
Glad Munaiseche

“What if the whole world just held hands?
United as one
Those who opposed, fell off
Disintegrated into the sun
The only thing left of evil was ash
The only thing left on earth was people with passion
Heart for Mother Nature
Caring for their fellow human being
Common considerate behavior
Contribution towards humane higher plane of consciousness”
Andrew Edward Lucier, Awakenigma Allegory Anomalous

Margo Lanagan
“A good heart is when a girl that you loved, a girl who has pained you and chosen another one in your stead - chosen two others! - places in your hands this precious and dreadful thing, the means to her own ruin. And you could tell it abroad, and everyone you know, from the lads up to your own mam and dad, would say you were right to tell, would nod and shake your hand and say, 'That Lord-son should know what kind of a wife he's got him', and you could shine all bright and right in their outrage, glamorous in your injuries and your lost love. But you keep silent because you can do that, too, and a good heart would do that, a fine man, a man who truly loved Annie Stork.”
Margo Lanagan, Red Spikes

Beth Ramsay
“In Writing: be attentive enough to detail to spell the person’s name correctly. My name is misspelled all the time; Ramsay with an AY, not an EY. It’s not much of a personal follow-up if the recipient feels insignificant.”
Beth Ramsay, #Networking is people looking for people looking for people

“In some cases, some way, and sometimes you can tolerate or even if needed be considerate, but do not ever compromise moreover lowering your standards.”
Glad Munaiseche

Emily Rodda
“There is a time to plan, a time to act, and a time to rest; it is wise to know which is which.”
Emily Rodda, Isle of the Dead

Sarah J. Maas
“Elain said to Azriel, 'Hello.'

Az said nothing.

No, he just moved toward her.

Mor tensed beside me.

But Azriel only took Elain's heavy dish of potatoes from her hands, his voice soft as night as he said, 'Sit. I'll take care of it.'

Elain's hands remained in midair, as if the ghost of the dish remained between them.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Frost and Starlight

Amit Kalantri
“During a conversation, it is better to have an understanding without words, than words without understanding.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Talees Rizvi
“To hold people together I ignore a lot. They must be humble because I know what I ignored.”
Talees Rizvi, 21 Day Target and Achievement Planner [Use Only Printed Work Book: LIFE IS SIMPLE HENCE SIMPLE WORKBOOK

Amit Kalantri
“A hand loses nothing by holding other's hand.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

“Most of us have an incredibly refined sense of smell. Scents are highly personal, so when scenting our homes it's really important to consider everyone living there, as preferences and tolerance levels can vary hugely.”
Oliver Heath, Design A Healthy Home: 100 ways to transform your space for physical and mental wellbeing