
Connection To Others Quotes

Quotes tagged as "connection-to-others" Showing 1-29 of 29
Sonia Choquette
“Remember that you’re intimately connected to everyone else in the world, so when you attack another person, you attack yourself.”
Sonia Choquette

Nelou Keramati
“If you cannot wait for time to unearth roots, you must dig.”
Nelou Keramati

C. JoyBell C.
“You cannot force a person to see you as someone they want to open up to; you cannot force a person to see you as someone they want to connect with; you cannot force a person to see you as someone they are bound to. None of this can be enforced, none of this is reached through struggling; for the reality of these is in nature and freeflow is the way of nature. The natural opening up, the natural connection and the natural bond: cannot be attained through enforcement; but as the ocean is, it can also not be hindered or stopped. We cannot make people bond with us in ways that we wish them to; but when it does happen, it really happens, and cannot be undone.”
C. JoyBell C.

“The difference
between being bound
and being connected
is perception.”
Olivia Barnes, Bramble

Debasish Mridha
“Do not feel alone.
You are connected to everyone
yesterday, today, and for days to come
connected with a threadless garland
that is love.”
Debasish Mridha

“Doing what you love, with those you love, is an adventurous type of success. The kind that can not be taken away, often discovered by those who have had much taken away, and saw it as an opportunity to re-access their path, and reset from the crucible of shared and beneficial dreams.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

Germany Kent
“There seems to be a trend that I have noticed. It seems the more peace and love I wish on others the more peace and love come to me. ”
Germany Kent

“...Freud's theory of self-determination...argues that human beings need three things in order to be content: They need to feel competent at what they do; they need to feel authentic in their lives; and they need to feel connected to others. He considered these three pillars--autonomy, competence, and community--to be intrinsic to human happiness.”
Billy Baker, We Need to Hang Out: A Memoir of Making Friends

Michiko Aoyama
“I believe that every contact between people makes them part of society. And that goes beyond the present moment. Things happen as a result of our points of connection, in the past and the future.”
Michiko Aoyama, What You Are Looking For Is in the Library

“I believe, completely, that life is about connection; that nothing else truly matters.”
Sally Brampton, Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression

“My sense of self hinges upon the belief that what I do matters. That belief has compelled me to venture far from home life, and to immerse myself in the lives of strangers in the hope that my work will have an impact and connect people in some intangible way, that I can contribute some greater good.”
Finbarr O'Reilly, Shooting Ghosts: A U.S. Marine, a Combat Photographer, and Their Journey Back from War

Germany Kent
“Who you're connected to is very important because that connection can lead to you being innovative or becoming complacent.”
Germany Kent

Virginia Woolf
“He ran his mind over the things they had said, the random, unnecessary things which had eddied round and round and used up all the time, and drawn them so close together and flung them so far apart and left him in the end unsatisfied, ignorant still of what she felt and of what she was like. What was the use of talking, talking, merely talking?”
Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out

Stephen Chbosky
“I just wanted someone to tell me the truth”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Jeferson Tenório
“Lembre-se que é ao lado de outra pessoa que aprendemos a nos conhecer.”
Jeferson Tenório, O Avesso da Pele

R.F. Kuang
“By the time they'd finished their tea, they were almost in love with each other — not quite yet, because true love took time and memories, but as close to love as first impressions could take them. The days had not yet come when Ramy wore Victoire's sloppily knitted scarves with pride, when Robin learned exactly how long Ramy liked his tea steeped so he could have it ready when he inevitably came to the Buttery late from his Arabic tutorial, or when they all knew Letty was about to come to class with a paper bag full of lemon biscuits because it was a Wednesday morning and Taylor's bakery put out lemon biscuits on Wednesdays. But that afternoon they could see with certainty the kind of friends they would be, and loving that vision was close enough.”
R.F. Kuang, Babel

“If life is supposed to be a theater, then somehow, we all met and played our part.”
Luis Enrique Cavazos, The Five Virtues That Awaken Your Life

Elizabeth Buchan
“Was it possible to find recompense, meaning, connection with others amidst the mess and the muddle ?”
Elizabeth Buchan, Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman

Tamara Lechner
“Relationships have the greatest impact on our happiness. There is an energy that exists between humans that increases connection and allows for us to feel stronger, happier, more centered and grounded when we have a sense of belonging.”
Tamara Lechner, The Happiness Reset - What To Do When Nothing Makes You Happy

Ilhan Omar
“As we continue to perfect our union, citizens, neighbors, coworkers, and family must keep expanding our circles of self-interest to learn and relearn the fundamental truth that we are all connected. The more invested we are in one another, the better all of us ultimately will be.”
Ilhan Omar, This Is What America Looks Like: My Journey from Refugee to Congresswoman

Ilhan Omar
“The more we listen to and learn from those with different backgrounds and present circumstances from our own, the more we can find connections to our own lived experience.”
Ilhan Omar, This Is What America Looks Like: My Journey from Refugee to Congresswoman

Alyssa Rosenheck
“Courage is the ability to connect with another human and share our truth.”
Alyssa Rosenheck, The New Southern Style: The Interiors of a Lifestyle and Design Movement

Germany Kent
“The power of your journey is hugely related to connection and alignment which are not to be taken lightly.”
Germany Kent

“There’s a popular believe that people age out of this desire to make friends. They get married or have kids or get a demanding job, and see their free time shrink. They make a choice to focus on the people they already know rather than trying to meet new friends. But even on the other side of the big life event, people can find themselves looking around and wishing they had more friendships rooted in deep connection.”
Aminatou Sow, Ann Friedman , Big Friendship

“You might not WANT to feel needy. But your nervous system is extremely evolved to drive you to seek safe emotional connection with others--and it has millions of years of a head start on your wish to be above that.”
Allyson Dinneen, Notes From Your Therapist

Marc Levy
“- Har du aldrig varit rädd att ni var för olika?
- Jag ska ge dig ett gott råd: om du är på ett ställe där alla människor är som du, stick därifrån så fort du kan!”
Marc Levy

Kailey Bright
“We shared a history without ever crossing paths.”
Kailey Bright, Unity