
Climate Action Quotes

Quotes tagged as "climate-action" Showing 1-30 of 38
Roger Spitz
“Sustainable futures are not possible without futures intelligence, which in turn requires climate intelligence.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume IV - Disruption as a Springboard to Value Creation

Roger Spitz
“Climate intelligence enables action-oriented, climate-aligned decisions to mitigate risks, build resilient adaptation, and identify emerging opportunities.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume IV - Disruption as a Springboard to Value Creation

Roger Spitz
“Incremental climate adaptation needs to shift to exponential climate adaptation.”
Roger Spitz, The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption: Volume IV - Disruption as a Springboard to Value Creation

Hope Jahren
“All measures of conservation, as well as all technologies meant to wean us from fossil fuels, are worth pursuing in the same way that doing something is always more than doing nothing.”
Hope Jahren, The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go from Here

Hope Jahren
“We are strong and lucky. Our planet is home to many who struggle to survive on too little. The fact that we are of the group with food, shelter, and clean water obligates us not to give up on the world that we have compromised. Knowledge is responsibility.”
Hope Jahren, The Story of More: How We Got to Climate Change and Where to Go from Here

Abhijit Naskar
“If you want to leave something for your children, leave a better world, not heaps of money, because at the rate our ancestors screwed up this world and at the rate we are sustaining their stupidity in our pursuit of limitless productivity, soon all the money in the world will not be enough to save our children from imminent disaster.”
Abhijit Naskar, Good Scientist: When Science and Service Combine

“The extent of the effects of climate change on individual regions will be enormous over time and will result in large scale changes in weather patterns and shifts in weather patterns.
(Journal:Climate Change)
By theamitkumarswords”

Abhijit Naskar
“It's not that the planet can't heal itself, it can, but once it starts to heal itself, humankind will be eradicated as disease-causing germs.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gentalist: There's No Social Work, Only Family Work

Abhijit Naskar
“A species capable enough to cause climate change, is also capable enough to cease climate change, but only if we realize our mistakes in time - and that time is now, because later will be too late.”
Abhijit Naskar

L.L. Barkat
“I don’t want to talk to us about what we can’t do. I want to talk to us about what we can do. And what we can do, if we are going to do it with some level of aplomb and commitment, needs to stem from love...”
L.L. Barkat, Earth to Poetry: A 30-Days, 30-Poems Earth, Self, and Other Care Challenge

Abhijit Naskar
“Imagine your kids burning or drowning to death. It hurts, doesn't it! That's exactly the kind of future that awaits your kids, unless you step up. Stop being the nonchalant spectator and act responsible. What can you do, you ask! Here's what you can do right now. Drive less, consume electricity less and plant trees more.”
Abhijit Naskar, Every Generation Needs Caretakers: The Gospel of Patriotism

Abhijit Naskar
“For electric vehicles to make an impact on climate change, they must be powered by renewable energy sources, otherwise, the powerplants producing the electricity to power the vehicles would end up dumping more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere than we are able to reduce by replacing regular vehicles with electric ones.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Insan: When The World is Family

Abhijit Naskar
“If we are to make significant strides in climate action through electric vehicles, then producing them as a class statement for the rich won't do, they must be made affordable enough to be owned by the vast population of working classes.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Insan: When The World is Family

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Climate Change

No matter whether you are loaded,
All the world's money won't save your child.
As our climate gets further compromised,
The rich and poor will suffer and die alike.
Industry gave us affluence and advancement,
But at the expense of our planet's wellbeing.
Our ancestors couldn't fathom it back then,
We don't have their luxury to be greedy fiend.
We barely have a decade to reduce emission,
After that all the prayers won't rescue humanity.
You think things have been hard in your life,
Wait till you hear in grave your children's agony.
Enough with this bickering over phony regulation.
Discard all luxury and reduce individual emission.”
Abhijit Naskar, Gente Mente Adelante: Prejudice Conquered is World Conquered

Eileen Anglin
“The health of our environment should be a non partisan issue. If we remain divided, it will not be effectively addressed.”
Eileen Anglin

Abhijit Naskar
“We barely have a decade to reduce emission, after that all the prayers won't rescue humanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Gente Mente Adelante: Prejudice Conquered is World Conquered

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“I am one with nature, I am nature, don't cut me down, don't burn me, don't drive me to extinction, don't pollute me, don't limit me, let me be free, let me live according to my nature in my natural habitat, the universe.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

“All we need is to take an climate action now! Environment destruction of our common home increases every day. We need a better rain distribution on Earth, ecological awareness of minners, farmers and industry for the sustainable exploration of our natural resources.”
Ronald Sanson Stresser Junior

Abhijit Naskar
“If you actually want to tackle climate crisis, then instead of yelling at the politicians like a hysterical Karen and obstructing traffic, educate the masses on clean energy and get involved in startups working on affordable clean energy solutions.”
Abhijit Naskar, Şehit Sevda Society: Even in Death I Shall Live

Heather     White
“Taking action can also help reduce anxiety about the future. The compounding power of daily rituals can not only transform your personal relationship to the planet but also create a ripple effect from your life to the lives of people you know. Simply put, the Law of Simplicity & Consistency, the Law of Identity, and the Law of Amplification work together to create culture change.”
Heather White, One Green Thing: Discover Your Hidden Power to Help Save the Planet

Mohith Agadi
“Where there is a will, there is way, and there are also trees!”
Mohith Agadi

Laura Chouette
“* They say the world is broken;
yet, I only see love…
the kind that fills every heart around the globe with endless hope and unfounded fear for the new to come.
I see an end to every long lasting doubt
and a bright light inside the new dreams
of our generation.
(To see a future nowadays
is equal to threat.
Yet, we only seek understanding
while guiding the light.)”
Laura Chouette

Sadie  Noni
“But what is the price of doing nothing, Guardian? And who bears it? You are a part of the whole, are you not? Like the trees, the orangutans, the tigers…Do not underestimate your power. You influence more than you think.”
Sadie Noni, The Fires of Tanam Alkin

Abhijit Naskar
“Vandalism isn't activism, you morons! If you want to help the climate, help the green energy industry become mainstream.”
Abhijit Naskar, Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science

Abhijit Naskar
“Climate Activists (not all) have turned into Climate Karens, which has done nothing for the climate crisis, but has only added one more crisis to the list. BLM activists don't go about abusing white people, Pride activists don't go about harassing straight people, and yet, that's precisely what has become the norm in climate protests. Vandalism isn't activism, you morons! If you want to help the climate, help the green energy industry become mainstream.”
Abhijit Naskar, Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science

Abhijit Naskar
“Climate Activists have turned into Climate Karens, which has done nothing for the climate crisis, but has only added one more crisis to the list.”
Abhijit Naskar, Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science

Nick Fuller Googins
“What it came down to was saving each other’s butts.”
Nick Fuller Googins, The Great Transition

“We should also be saying that there is a bit of joy in eating sustainbly. Eating differently, not wasting, appreciating. Food is so much more than beefing. It’s about identity and fun and memory and community and tradition. We focus a lot on instead and substitute but what about as well?”
Colm O'Regan, Climate Worrier: A Hypocrite’s Guide to Saving the Planet

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