
Cholesterol Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cholesterol" Showing 1-14 of 14
Julia Child
“If you're afraid of butter, use cream.”
Julia Child

“It is mainly the soluble fiber in the common natural foods that  lower cholesterol”
Howard T. Joe M.S. Ph.D., Essential Guide to Treat Diabetes and to Lower Cholesterol

Dave Barry
“It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from someone else's plate.”
Dave Barry

Gary Taubes
“By 1991, for instance, epidemiologist surverys in populations had revealed that high cholesterol was NOT associated with heart disease or premature death in women. Rather, the higher the cholesterol in women, the longer they lived, a finding that was so consistent across populations and surveys that it prompted an editorial in the American Heart Associations journal, Circulation: "We are coming to realize," the three authors, led by UC San Francisco epidemiologist Stephen Hulley, wrote, "the the results of cardiovascular research in men, which represents the great majority of the effort thus far, may not apply to women.”
Gary Taubes, Rethinking Diabetes: What Science Reveals about Diet, Insulin and Successful Treatments

“Quick dinner with ... Ang [Lee] and his wife Jane who's visiting with the children for a while. We talked about her work as a microbiologist and the behaviour of the epithingalingie under the influence of cholesterol. She's fascinated by cholesterol. Says it's very beautiful: bright yellow. She says Ang is wholly uninterested. He has no idea what she does.
I check this out for myself. 'What does Jane do?' I ask.
'Science,' he says vaguely.”
Emma Thompson, The Sense and Sensibility Screenplay and Diaries: Bringing Jane Austen's Novel to Film

“What is the number one cause of death in the United States? It's not high cholesterol or accidents by cars, planes or trains. It's not wars. It's not drug addiction, and it's not even disease, so that lets out heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes and more. In Third World countries, infections and malnutrition are major causes of loss of life. But in the United States the number one cause of death is not any of these things. IT IS PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (Null, TW).”
Dr. Sherry Rogers

“A sterol called cholesterol is supposed to be guilty of making us grow old before our time. But there is no proof of this. - 1961”
Dr. Blake F. Donaldson, Strong Medicine

Sean Dietrich
“The first thing I did was eat barbecue. I have always found that barbecue helps the human body work better. The cholesterol lubricates the mental passages.”
Sean Dietrich, Will the Circle Be Unbroken?: A Memoir of Learning to Believe You’re Gonna Be Okay

David Perlmutter
“Nothing could be further from the truth than the myth that if we lower our cholesterol levels we might have a greater chance of living longer and healthier lives. In a recent report appearing in the prestigious medical journal the _Lancet_, researchers from the Netherlands studied 724 elderly individuals whose average age was eighty-nine years and followed them for ten years. What they found was truly extraordinary. During the study, 642
participants died. Each thirty-nine-point increase in total cholesterol corresponded to a 15 percent decrease in mortality risk. In the study, there was absolutely no difference in the risk of dying from coronary artery disease between the high- versus low-cholesterol groups, which is incredible when you consider the number of elderly folks who are taking powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs. Other common causes of death in the elderly were found to be dramatically associated with lower cholesterol. The authors reported: 'Mortality from cancer and infection was significantly lower among the participants in the highest total cholesterol category than in the other categories, which largely explains the lower all-cause mortality in this category.' In other words, people with the highest total cholesterol were less likely to die from cancer and infections -- common fatal illnesses in older folks -- than those with the lowest cholesterol levels. In fact, when you compare the lowest- and highest-cholesterol groups, the risk of dying during the study was reduced by a
breathtaking 48 percent in those who had the highest cholesterol. High cholesterol can extend longevity.
~ David Perlmutter, M.D., _Grain Brain_”
David Perlmutter, M.D.

David Perlmutter
“One recent study performed by the American Medical Association and published in the _Archives of Internal Medicine_ in January 2012 demonstrated an astounding 48 percent increased risk of diabetes among women taking statin medications.

This study involved big numbers -- more than one hundred sixty thousand postmenopausal women -- making it hard to ignore its significance and gravity. Recognizing that type 2 diabetes is a powerful risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, a relationship between statin drugs and cognitive decline or cognitive dysfunction is certainly understandable.
~ David Perlmutter, M.D., _Grain Brain_”
David Perlmutter, M.D.

Stephen T. Sinatra
“La idea habitual de que el estrés no es más que un estado psicológico-《que todo está en tu cabeza》-es tan anticuada como la de que el colesterol es el causante de las enfermedades cardiacas.”
Stephen Sinatra, La verdad sobre el colesterol: Descubre los falsos mitos acerca del colesterol. Un programa efectivo y sin medicamentos para rebajarlo (Nutrición y dietética)

“Several serious medical studies and entire referenced books show that lowering cholesterol with medications did NOT reduce the number of deaths by stroke nor the amount of sickness, including heart attacks and (Atkins, Herbert, TW, Suurbula, Ravnskov, Smith). In addition, some commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs actually lowered the good HDL cholesterol as well (Johansson), putting you at higher risk of an early heart attack.”
Dr. Sherry Rogers

Steven Magee
“At the age of 46 I was placed onto cholesterol lowering RX-Only prescription medication.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“After a decade of working in high altitude astronomy the medical profession discovered that I had high cholesterol, a hole in my heart, heart arrhythmia's, erratic low blood oxygen levels, small airways disease of the lungs, asthma, allergies, and various brain issues including amnesia, absence seizures and sleep disorders. High cholesterol, sleep disorders, heart, lung and brain problems appear to be long term known adverse health aspects of high altitude work and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures.”
Steven Magee