
Chimeras Quotes

Quotes tagged as "chimeras" Showing 1-6 of 6
E.E. Giorgi
“Revenge hardly mends anything. The son of a bitch you want to crush does not exist. The son of a bitch is your own self.”

Claudia Pavel
“I hope you'll erase all of your soul's mournful songs
and allow me enhance your spirit in a delightful flight of chimeras.

(fragment "I hope", chapter Hope)”
Claudia Pavel, The odyssey of my lost thoughts

Joris-Karl Huysmans
“Mme. Chantelouve would never realize the ideal he had fashioned for himself, the tantalizing features, the agile, wild animal body, the melancholy and ardent bearing, which he had dreamed. Indeed, the mere fact of knowing the unknown rendered her less desirable, more vulgar. Accessibility killed the chimera.”
Joris-Karl Huysmans, Là-Bas

“Women and men with bodies covered in feathers and heads crowned with tiny curved horns dangled from the ceiling, twirling and spinning around thick sheets of gold or magenta silk that hung like massive party ribbons. Below them, performers in costumes made of fur, more feathers and paint slathered over skin, prowled and crawled as if they were wild chimeras escaped from another world. Tella saw performers dressed to look like tigers with dragon wings, horses with forked tails, snakes with lion manes, and wolves with ram horns, who growled and nipped and sometimes licked at the hells of guests. There were a few low balconies where shirtless men with wings as large as angels' and fallen stars pushed grinning couples back and forth on giant swings hanging from canopies of thorns and flowers.”
Stephanie Garber, Legendary

“Only a dozen or so of the Fae who had been gathered in the Court when she arrived waited on the green. Most held the reins of creatures so incredible that even Delphine, subsumed with sick fear about Emily, was momentarily transfixed. The Fae man with the golden eyes stood next to a salamander on legs like tree trunks, its ink-black body spotted with brilliant yellow. It opened its maw for a treat from the man, revealing a row of terrifying gilded teeth. A woman with dark blue eyes and a faint blue tinge to her complexion absently stroked the head of a white chicken whose comb bloomed with crystalline roses and whose dark red talons raked the earth. A dark-haired Fae woman with sinewy arms and strong shoulders bare had turned a black-and-white goat into a unicorn by twining its horns into a single ivory-hued spiral, as well as giving it a generous increase in size.
Emily clapped her hands in delight.
"Would you like to pet one, love?" the Fae woman asked, guiding her toward a bronze-furred creature that Delphine slowly appreciated had once been a squirrel, its size now outstripping a large dog. "That one cannot be ridden, but he is as good a scent hound as any earthbound canine."
"Where did they come from?" Delphine gaped.
She didn't expect a reply, but the man with the salamander laughed. "The same place you do. They wander in, rarely. When the door is opened, whether we mean it to be or not. Occasionally, they are bargained. But mostly they are just strays." She opened her mouth to ask how, and he cut her off with an abrupt wave of his hand. "We do not know how it works or why the doors open of their own accord any better than you, and we wish they would not."
"Why, when they become wonders like these?" She reached tentatively toward the squirrel, who butted her hand with his enormous velvet head.”
Rowenna Miller, The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill

Seanan McGuire
“Underestimate the power of gravity, if you like; underestimate how many bullets you’ll need to take out a chimera. But never, if you value your life, underestimate what a parent will do for the sake of preserving a child.' —Alexander Healy”
Seanan McGuire, Half-Off Ragnarok