
Bucket List Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bucket-list" Showing 1-30 of 46
Jimmy Tudeski
“Have you arrived at your happy day by day yet, or are you waiting for a happy ending that will never actually arrive? There's no happy ever after – Only, happy right now!”
Jimmy Tudeski, Uck It List

Amy Andrews
“Scarlett lived by the (thankfully) ancient medical creed: If it tastes awful and smells worse, it’s probably good for you.
Julia wasn’t so sure about that. She lived by the edict: If it tastes awful and smells worse, leave it the hell alone. On the other hand, if it tasted good and smelled better, you either ate it, squirted it on your neck or fucked it.
It hadn’t led her wrong so far.”
Amy Andrews, Numbered

Amy Andrews
“I bet if cancer of the penis was more prevalent there’d be a cure for this fucker. I bet if dicks were being amputated or dropping off left, right and centre there’d have been a cure decades ago. There’d be a whole fucking government dick department dedicated to it.”
Amy Andrews, Numbered

Amy Andrews
“He kissed her then. Not tentative. Not polite.
This was no first-kiss kiss. It was demanding. Dirty. And it went on and on. Deep, open-mouthed, head-twisting, tongue-fucking, rock’n’roll kissing.”
Amy Andrews, Numbered

Gayle Forman
“Don't worry, I plan on living a long time."
"Why are you making a bucket list, then?"
"Because if you wait until you're really dying, it's too late.”
Gayle Forman, Just One Day

Amy Andrews
“Poppy Devine did not deserve cancer. Poppy was sweet and industrious and careful and measured and always, always did the right thing. If anyone deserved cancer it was Julia. Julia was loud and opinionated and disagreeable. Rude, some might even say. She went out with bad men, took unnecessary risks, pushed people to their limits, swore like a sailor and flipped the bird more than any female in the history of the world.
It should be her number coming up in the cancer lottery.”
Amy Andrews, Numbered

Ros Baxter
“Quentin flicked a quick glance back at her again. Poppy. This girl had the wrong name. She should have been Rose. Great face, lots of prickles.”
Ros Baxter

Ros Baxter
“Why this girl? Why had this girl crawled right under his skin and made an uncomfortable home there? Why did he want to make things good for her, to see her smile, to make her face
and her voice make all those interesting shapes and noises? Why did he want to stay up late with her when he knew she should be sleeping, just to hear her talk about maths and politics and the
state of the world?
This was not Quentin. Quentin did not like skinny girls. He didn’t like serious girls. And he really hated bossy girls.
Quentin loved curvy, fun, uncomplicated girls; girls who laughed at his jokes and took off their bras when they danced on tables. If they wore bras at all. Yet here he was, washing up and mopping and feeling like five kinds of an arsehole over hurting the feelings of some skinny, serious, bossy girl.”
Ros Baxter, Numbered

Ros Baxter
“Quentin wasn’t stupid, despite living what his father called ‘a lifestyle unworthy of yourself’.”
Ros Baxter, Numbered

Ros Baxter
“It had seemed like a good idea at the time, a sure-fire way to impress this girl, who was as cute as hell but wound tighter than one of his father’s antique clocks.”
Ros Baxter, Numbered

Ros Baxter
“As an ex-footballer, sometimes surfer and wannabe rock star, Quentin had been fucked by cheerleaders, surfer girls and groupies, but he had never, ever been fucked like that.”
Ros Baxter, Numbered

“Everyone who's born has a mysterious life path to follow. We must live to find that one reason to live”
Suchet Chaturvedi

Anna Bell
“Is that what you meant when you said the more you love a person the harder your heart breaks?”
Anna Bell, The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart

Anna Bell
“I realize that it's not that difficult to remember what people like, especially when you care about them.”
Anna Bell, The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart

“Instead of my bucket list book, this is the story of my abbreviated life, short but nonetheless possessing secret love, joy and pain, adventure and hard work, luck and its opposite”
Fatima Ali, Savor: A Chef's Hunger for More

Ros Baxter
“Quentin Carmody didn’t do early mornings, heights or bossy women.”
Ros Baxter, Numbered

Ros Baxter
“Quentin had told Spike that inking ‘percussion’ across your
knuckles was kind of lame. It takes more than ten letters to make
a badass knuckle tattoo. That was the problem with drummers.
They didn’t listen. But they always seemed to get laid anyway.”
Ros Baxter, Numbered

Ros Baxter
“He shook his head at her question. Did women really think men cared about that stuff? Did he care if she did this all the time? Definitely, definitely not. He could honestly say he did not give a flying fuck whether this girl dragged guys home every other day to have her way with them for seven hours. He was just glad as hell she’d decided to do it with him. Today. And hopefully maybe again. Sometime.”
Ros Baxter, Numbered

Ros Baxter
“She frowned, and the effect was so pretty he wondered if he was going mad. Why did he find this cranky, kooky woman so damned appealing? He knew for a fact he could go out tonight and drag home some hot, willing chick who would stroke his ego and never argue with him about anything. He closed his eyes and remembered just how good that felt. Willing women; god bless them.”
Ros Baxter, Numbered

Anna Bell
“I must have truly been under his spell, believing anything is acceptable when you're in love.”
Anna Bell, The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart

Anna Bell
“Sometimes I scare myself with how quickly I can come up with lies.”
Anna Bell, The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart

Anna Bell
“Bucket lists are supposed to be about doing things you've always dreamt about not torturing yourself.”
Anna Bell, The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart

Anna Bell
“There are plenty of other ways to mend a broken heart, and doing some list full of stuff that you don't want to do doesn't have to be one of them.”
Anna Bell, The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart

Anna Bell
“And yet you thought he was the one? Imagine a lifetime without laughter.”
Anna Bell, The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart

Catherine L. Morgan
“To have an abundant life, rich and full, means seeing the shortness of the day and seizing it, living the bucket list before the sun sets. It requires the quick gulp and the leaping blind, discarding what is heavy and worthless, investing in eternal things, counting as precious the gifts as they come and holding them loose because they will soon be gone.”
Catherine L. Morgan, Thirty Thousand Days: The Journey Home to God

A.K. Kuykendall
“I'm parodying a powerful quote from Rob Hill Sr. A quote that, in the crazy ass world of right now, sho'nuff screams to me; because my goal, too, was to build a life I don't need a vacation from. Through tears, I'm scratching this one off my bucket list.”
A.K. Kuykendall

“Thoughts flit in and out of my mind like floating white dandelion seed-heads. What if the mole is cancerous?”
Helen Libby

“I was becoming more independent. And I was ready to take the next step toward more freedom, toward exploring the many items on my bucket list. I was continuously aware that I’d been given a second chance at life—and I chose to stay—so I intended to pack in as much excitement on my journey as I could. And I kept remembering that voice, that intuitive sense I felt that compelled me to do something different.”
Amy Purdy, On My Own Two Feet: The Journey from Losing My Legs to Learning the Dance of Life

Hopal Green
“2024 is a New Year a chance to catch up on what may have slipped through our hands. A time to achieve what we have next on our list. Go and make your reality, go and make 2024 great!”
Hopal Green

“I have a bucket list and I have a scary list. The bucket list consists of all the things I hope to accomplish by a certain time. Such as, travel to Tahiti, live in a bungalow for two weeks. The scary list is the list of all the actions that need to occur in order to accomplish those things and make sure the bucket list happens.”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

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