
Bowie Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bowie" Showing 1-21 of 21
David Bowie
“I'll paint you moments of gold, I'll spin you Valentine evenings...”
David Bowie

David Bowie
“And you,
You can be mean
And I,
I'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers,
And that is a fact
Yes we're lovers,
And that is that

- "Heroes"
David Bowie

David Bowie
“Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!

- Moonage Daydream
David Bowie

David Bowie
“Heathenism is a state of mind. You can take it that I’m referring to one who does not see his world. He has no mental light. He destroys almost unwittingly. He cannot feel any Gods presence in his life. He is the 21st century man.”
David Bowie

“Love me, love me, love me,
Say you do.
Let me fly away with you.
For my love is like the wind,
And wild is the wind.

- Wild is the Wind
Ned Washington

David Bowie
“I have someone who loves me for me. Seriously, it REALLY helps!”
David Bowie

Stefano Benni
“Being in love, as both Plato and David Bowie have pointed out, is horrible.”
Stefano Benni, Margherita Dolce Vita

David Bowie
“My brother was one of the bigger influences in my life, in as much as he told me I didn't have to read the choice of books that I as recommended at school, and that I could go out to the library and go and choose my own, and sort of introduced me to authors that I wouldn't have read.probably. You know, the usual things like the Jack Kerouacs, the Ginsbergs, the ee Cummings and stuff.”
David Bowie

David Bowie
“Written in pain, written in awe
By a puzzled man who questioned
What we were here for

- Oh! You Pretty Things
David Bowie

Stewart Stafford
“The bravest thing David Bowie ever did was to go on stage after Queen at Live Aid.”
Stewart Stafford

Mark Paytress
“Bowie is less about trappings and more about the traps that seek to limit human potential.”
Mark Paytress, Bowie Style

“I truly fell in love with him when I found he adored reading to people and was good at doing funny voices' - Iman on Bowie”
Iman Abdul Majid
tags: bowie

Karl Wiggins
“It’s almost as if Bronson, Ginsberg and Bowie craved the freedom of letting go, of pushing their mind aside and allowing the vampires and demons and all the other freaks to run them so that they could slip away elsewhere”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

“His name is David Bowie and he's nineteen. Would you like to meet him?”
Tony Visconti

David Bowie
“Wham! Bam! Thank You Ma'am!

- Suffragette City
David Bowie
tags: bowie

David Bowie
“He Said. "David, you must remember that in all the functions we have in life, art is the one place where we can crash our plane and walk away from it". And that's so right. Creating something is the one area where you mustn't have caution or inhibition. If you make a startling, disastrous mess, it's fine, because you can reach out and reevaluate and plunge off into another direction.

Bowie on Eno and art Interview Magazine September 1995”
David Bowie

“Bowie talks in great, voluble torrents, darting from one topic to the next, parenthesizing and then parenthesizing the parentheses, as if he has too many ideas for one conversation.”
Sean Egan, Bowie on Bowie: Interviews and Encounters with David Bowie (8)

“Morality was supreme because it joined male and female characteristics. Blending the best characteristics of both sexes and the 'opposite' races - the characteristics of intelligence and compassion - Comte claimed the legitimacy to act as the spokesperson for the collective being Humanity and to regenerate society. As a completely unified and moral person, he could create within society the solidarity necessary for progress. In a way, he was challenging the two androgynes who had captured the imagination of his contemporaries: Joan of Arc and George Sand. Comte appeared to heed the words of a feminist journal. La Voix des Femmes, which proclaimed in 1848 that 'Woman must ... emancipate man by making him a woman.”
Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography, Volume III

“Et pourtant je suis un homme. C'est ça que je voulais te dire : avant d'être un homme ou une femme, homo ou hétéro, on est une personne. Fort ou faible, dominant ou dominé, ça a souvent à voir avec ce qu'on a entre les jambes, mais pas que. C'est pour ça que j'aime Bowie, regarde, il bouscule tous les codes : masculin et féminin, il couche avec des hommes, avec des femmes, il révolutionne la musique, se réinvente chaque fois. Et en même temps il ne revendique rien, ne veut pas être un porte-drapeau, ne marche pas pour une cause. C'est pas un modèle. Il nous ouvre juste des horizons.”
Jessie Magana, Nos elles déployées
tags: bowie

“I can't think of a single question to which I'd receive a satisfactory answer or, indeed, one I'd want to hear.

I mean, where do you start, when faced with someone responsible for your alternative education, for opening up the world to you? It would be like Blake talking back to the angels on Peckham Rye.

Philip Hoare - Bowie Is”
Victoria Broakes and Geoffrey Marsh, David Bowie Is Inside
tags: bowie

Kevin Armstrong
“A tawdry realm of shifting, insecure employment and fleeting glimpses of high reward for little effort. A world where strings are pulled by complete cretins while those who work hard at the creative coalface are at the bottom of a steaming dunghill of vacuity, broken dreams, and empty promises.”
Kevin Armstrong, Absolute Beginner: Memoirs of the world's best least-known guitarist