
Body Positive Quotes

Quotes tagged as "body-positive" Showing 1-30 of 31
Veronica Roth
“This body had carried me through a hard life. It looked exactly the way it was supposed to.”
Veronica Roth, Carve the Mark

Joanna Ho
“My eyes crinkle into crescent moons
and sparkle like the stars.
Gold flecks dance and twirl
while stories whirl
in their oolong pools,
carrying tales of the past
and hope for the future.”
Joanna Ho, Eyes that Kiss in the Corners

Julie   Murphy
“My magic truth-the thing that has changed everything for me-is this: the body I have shouldn't change how deserving I am of my dreams. I stopped obsessing over my body being too round or too wise or too lumpy. Because I'm not too much of anything. I am just enough. Even when I don't feel like I am.”
Julie Murphy, Puddin'

Julie   Murphy
“Don't you see how belittling this is! I'm not brave for wearing a dress. I'm just living!”
Julie Murphy, If the Shoe Fits

Julie   Murphy
“The word fat makes people uncomfortable. But when you see me, the first thing you notice is my body. And my body is fat. It’s like how I notice some girls have big boobs or shiny hair or knobby knees. Those things are okay to say. But the word fat, the one that best describes me, makes lips frown and cheeks lose their color. But that’s me. I’m fat. It’s not a cuss word. It’s not an insult. At least it’s not when I say it. So I always figure why not get it out of the way?”
Julie Murphy, Dumplin'

“I live for moments when I dare to be ME in spite of all that I "should" be.”
Kierra C.T. Banks

Jamie Le Fay
“You are the most powerful army in the world; you are the future of this planet. You cannot, you will not spend one more minute of your time looking in a mirror wishing you looked different.”
Jamie Le Fay, Disillusion

Jamie Le Fay
“Because when you kiss your first boy or girl, you don't want to be so caught up in your lack of self-worth that you forget to enjoy the kiss, that you forget that you deserve the pleasure of that moment. You don't want to be so caught up in your lack of self-worth that you become an object of his or her desire, a grateful unworthy slave to his or her attention.”
Jamie Le Fay, Disillusion

Stephanie Lahart
“Most females are dissatisfied with how they look and battle with countless insecurities, not realizing that you look most beautiful when you think you don’t. I wish that women and girls all over the world knew just how uniquely beautiful that we ALL are. Loving yourself for who YOU are is empowering! There’s great freedom in being unbothered by other people’s opinion of you.”
Stephanie Lahart

“F*** these men who don’t think we’re beautiful, because there are men who love us big babies!”
Miss Ken

“I think you should leave [the scar]. [...] It's not as bad as you think. It will look better once it is healed. And besides, you already have a classical beauty. This gives you a romantic beauty as well.”
April Adams, Drawing the Dragon

“Beauty cannot be limited to physical appearances... because beauty can be felt without being seen.”
Rebekah Elizabeth Gamble, The Talking Stick Diaries: Cherish Your Soul

Julie   Murphy
“I don’t like to think of my hips as a nuisance, but more of an asset. I mean, if this were, like 1642, my whole birthing hips would be worth many cows or something.”
Julie Murphy, Dumplin'

Tia Fanning
“I believe that all women are like works of art. Like art, women come in different colors, sizes, and forms. And like works of art, every woman is unique, beautiful... and should be appreciated and treasured as such.”
Tia Fanning

Yasmine Millett
“Often, in my experience, the impression of beauty is created by a single aspect of a woman and from that aspect beauty appears to spread outward through every part of them, rendering them beautiful in their entirety. Sometimes such beauty comes from a smile. Sometimes from a lovely pair of eyes. Sometimes from an attitude, or form of movement, or a sentiment of goodness or happiness which reveals itself in a single expression. Sometimes it is the curve of a body from which beauty spreads, sometimes a tone of skin, or a river of glossy hair that catches the light and seems to shine like silk. Yet were that aspect to be removed and not replaced by something else, so too would the beauty it had brought to light disappear. Less often, beauty comes from several sources in the same person, all working together to increase the impression of overall beauty. If one of these aspects were to disappear, unlike a man, the woman would remain beautiful, though changed.”
Yasmine Millett, The Erotic Notebooks

Misa Sugiura
“My mom says I’m fat. Well, my grandmother does. Asian moms live to say shit like that. It’s what they do. You should know better than to listen. And you should also know better than to think you have to be skinny to be pretty. Anyone who cares what size you are is an asshole.”
Misa Sugiura, It's Not Like It's a Secret

Salman Aziz
“Love should not be by the body. Love should be by the heart.”
Salman Aziz

“You see Viola, this is the body I have and I'm gonna keep it. I've got a potato nose, a bit of flab, a muffin top... I've grown attached to them. And life's too short to worry about what other people think. I've decided to like myself the way I am and to have fun, every time I can.”
Assia Petricelli, Per sempre

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Microdoses of well-being are accessible to every one of us—no matter how we got here or how off track we might be.”
Sarah Hays Coomer

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Two healthy habits we underestimate, at our own peril, are nurturing the relationships that keep us sane—and extricating ourselves from the ones that make us feel measurably worse.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, The Habit Trip: A Fill-in-the-Blank Journey to a Life on Purpose

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Spirit can mean whatever you want, but it is rooted in connection, in the stillness that comes when words are no longer necessary. It’s a place, a practice, or a way of being that gets you out of your head.”
Sarah Hays Coomer

Sarah Hays Coomer
“The Habit Trip offers a deliberate method to receive the messages your body is sending and respond in kind with healing reinforcements. It’s an actionable antidote for stress and frustration.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, The Habit Trip: A Fill-in-the-Blank Journey to a Life on Purpose

Sarah Hays Coomer
“Your body is the conduit for every satisfying experience you will ever have.”
Sarah Hays Coomer, The Habit Trip: A Fill-in-the-Blank Journey to a Life on Purpose

“Increasing technologies, globalisation, and wealth, along with sedentary jobs, have led to a much less active lifestyle for many humans, with consequences for general health and increasing rates of overweight and obesity. This lack of exercise coupled with malnutrition, specifically referring here to poor-quality, obesogenic diets, are thought to be responsible for epidemics of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).”
Kimberly A. Plomp, Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach

“Ember no tiene problemas en llamarse a sí misma gorda. “Es
como Harry Potter”, siempre dice cuando alguien se sorprende por
su elección de palabras. “El nombre 'Voldemort' sólo es terrible
porque nadie se atreve a pronunciarlo. Es lo mismo con gordo, pero
es sólo una descripción como delgado o flaco. Es sólo una palabra,
y no es algo negativo”.”
Kasten Maxton

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