
Blind Belief Quotes

Quotes tagged as "blind-belief" Showing 1-9 of 9
Jawaharlal Nehru
“The spectacle of what is called religion, or at any rate organised religion, in India and elsewhere, has filled me with horror and I have frequently condemned it and wished to make a clean sweep of it. Almost always it seemed to stand for blind belief and reaction, dogma and bigotry, superstition, exploitation and the preservation of vested interests.”
Jawaharlal Nehru

Cora Carmack
“Blind belief is a comfort; it is the frame that puts the rest of the world into context. It allows us to block out the things that don’t make sense, that which frightens us. It narrows our vision so that the world does not feel so large. Would it comfort you to have the frame of superstition? To believe that if you say the right words and sacrifice the right things, then your world will stay exactly as it is? Or do you wish to choose what you believe, what you trust and understand?”
Cora Carmack, Roar

Marcellin Berthelot
“I do not want chemistry to degenerate into a religion; I do not want the chemist to believe in the existence of atoms as the Christian believes in the existence of Christ in the communion wafer.”
Marcellin Berthelot

Sol Luckman
“Dowist: (n.) blind believer in the stock market.”
Sol Luckman, The Angel's Dictionary

Titon Rahmawan
“Blind belief can be terrifying. Even more terrifying than the shadow of death.”
Titon Rahmawan

Kameron Hurley
“You have War of the Worlds?" I asked the knu. It returned twenty different films, sixteen editions of a text, but no radio play. Radio drama. That's the word Tanaka had used.
One text said it was history, and included a transcript. "Read it to me," I said, and the knu picked up the soothing default voice I had programmed into my heads-up, and told me a story about how little towns went crazy thinking the Martians were invading, back during the days of peak capitalism. What makes people believe this shit? I thought as I lay there listening. But it was easy, wasn't it, when people were isolated. When information was scarce or siloed. People would believe whatever you put in front of them, if it fit their understanding of the world. Bad Martians. Logical, well-meaning corporations.”
Kameron Hurley, The Light Brigade

“Deification of an individual is the surest way to fossilisation of his ideas. That is how rigid ideologies emerge that leave no scope for interpretation and evolution. The text of today has the lethal possibility of becoming scripture of tomorrow once the people swallow the claim of its author to be a mere scribe of God.”
R. N. Prasher

“Communists condemn blind belief. Yet, information blackout by all communist states shows reliance on a a bizarre blind belief - If you turn off the lights, nobody can hear the gossip.”
R. N. Prasher

Gavin Nascimento
“Never blindly believe anyone but never blindly reject them either.”
Gavin Nascimento