
Bedrooms Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bedrooms" Showing 1-10 of 10
Roman Payne
“You are like a god, like an immortal one,' she whispered to me one night in our bed, her naked body pressed to mine, our sweat golden and glistening in the candlelight. 'Oh, my love,' I whispered back to her, 'I am more mortal than all. It seems that a part of me dies every night that I lie with you.”
Roman Payne

Melissa Etheridge
“I'm so cool that the kids come to my bedroom and go, 'Mom! Turn the music down!”
Melissa Etheridge

Michelle Ogundehin
“No amount of fancy decor will make the slightest bit of difference to your ability to sleep soundly if you do not take heed of what you do before you get anywhere near your bedroom. Only once this has been addressed, can this room become one of your most powerful allies in pursuit of wellbeing, happiness and good health.”
Michelle Ogundehin, Happy Inside: How to harness the power of home for health and happiness

Munia Khan
“I think poetry without metaphor is like husband and wife living in separate bedrooms.”
Munia Khan

Anthony Powell
“Entering the front door, you were at once assailed by a nightmare of cheerlessness and squalor, all the sordid melancholy, at its worst, of any nest of bedrooms where only men sleep;”
Anthony Powell, A Dance to the Music of Time: 3rd Movement

Nathalie Léger
“I was reminded that only in unfamiliar bedrooms do we perceive with such clarity the true nature of our existence---true because astray---only away from our own bedroom, from the room that I longed for ever moment of my trip---how I longed to be there, to slip into it---in the persistently unyielding space of a deserted place that just won't be appropriated.”
Nathalie Léger, Suite for Barbara Loden

Sarah Addison Allen
“There were crooked photos on the wall of Della Lee as a child, with dark hair and eyes. Josey wondered when she started dyeing her hair blond. In one photo she was standing on top of a jungle gym. In another she was diving into the public pool from the high dive. She looked like she was daring the world to hurt her.
Della Lee's bedroom at the end of the hall looked like something out of Josey's teenage dreams. Back then Josey had politely asked her mother if she could hang a poster or two, if she could have some colorful curtains or a bedspread with hearts on it. Her mother had responded with disappointment. Why would Josey ask for something else, as if what she had wasn't good enough? The heavy oak bed, the antique desk and the sueded chaise in Josey's room were all Very Nice Things. Josey obviously did not appreciate Very Nice Things.
The walls in Della Lee's room were painted purple and there were sheet lavender curtains on the single window. A poster of a white Himalayan cat was taped on one wall, along with some pages torn out of fashion magazines. There was a white mirrored dresser that had makeup tubes and bottles littered across the surface. Some tote bags with names of cosmetic companies, like department store gifts with purchase, were stashed in the corner near the dresser.”
Sarah Addison Allen, The Sugar Queen

Kate Morton
“Emmeline’s room overlooked Eros and Psyche on the front lawn, while Hannah preferred the smaller one with a view to the rose garden and the lake beyond. The two bedrooms were adjoined by a small sitting area, which was always referred to as the burgundy room, though I never could think why as the walls were a pale shade of duck-egg blue and the curtains a Liberty floral in blues and pinks.”
Kate Morton, The House at Riverton

Michelle Ogundehin
“The pleasure of a freshly-dressed bed is one of the finer things in life, and yet many stumble here, not sure what can go with what, or whether it's okay to mismatch pillows and duvet cover. The simple answer to this is that anything goes.”
Michelle Ogundehin, Happy Inside: How to harness the power of home for health and happiness

Steven Magee
“Separate bedrooms? Never again!”
Steven Magee