
Attraction Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "attraction-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 193
Kelly Moran
“Giving a manicure to a rabid raccoon was easier than getting a straight answer from her.”
Kelly Moran, Charmed

Kelly Moran
“The truth was, he respected the shit out of her, was attracted to every cell in her body, and—this was the worst part—he liked her.”
Kelly Moran, Charmed

Kelly Moran
“Comprehension became a distant memory from days of yore when attraction was something he could reign.”
Kelly Moran, Charmed

“Civilization could not exist without tremors of desire and without the counteracting, negation force of disciplined denial. Nor would the gyratory pulsations of a lively civilization exist devoid of the convulsive chemistry of union and repellency. We are born with a desire to be immortal. Cursed with the knowledge that we must die, people live their orthodox lives out by displaying reckless abandon as to the outcome of human life or nervously hounded by utter despondency nipping their heels. How we resolve this decidedly human complex of carrying out our daily lives while burden by our inescapable mortality determines our essential character. The collation of similar values adopted by our community determines who we are as a people.”
Kilroy J. Oldster

Kelly Moran
“Her grin leveled kingdoms.”
Kelly Moran, Charmed

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The only luck I believe in is the one I created and defined.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Nancy Pickard
“He didn't move back to allow me to walk by him, and so I had to brush heavily against him on my way out the door. I felt as if my body were metal to his magnet, and I had literally to pull away from him.”
Nancy Pickard, Bum Steer

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“We can imagine and pretend that love is business, but I assure you there is no love in doing business.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The laws of attraction are similar to a magical spell. Think about what's necessary to you, then let it go. Focus on your daily work, otherwise it won't work.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“In a man, you have to look for character and security, going beyond his age.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Fenna Edgewood
“Briar waved a hand and gave a tinkling happy laugh. He flinched. This was unbearable. The lass was as fresh and pretty as a daisy and seemed just as oblivious to her own charms as a garden flower was, too.
She smelled much better than a daisy, however. Daisies were highly overrated flowers. When you got up close to one, they smelled disappointingly like manure. No, Briar Blakeley smelled like something delicious. Like something you wouldn’t mind popping straight into your mouth. Like cake baked with vanilla and cinnamon. Or a confectionary’s shop.
She was sweet as honey, probably twice as naive, and something about her was making his blood pound and his loins tighten. The sooner he could get rid of her the better.”
Fenna Edgewood

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Real money has to have a solid foundation, based on something that's in your control, not upon chance or luck.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The advice to love yourself may sound beautiful to the ear, but it was the only sin committed by the first narcissist.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Our generation is currently caught in a dilemma, because prostitution is caused by the delay of early marriages. Delaying anything has never benefited anyone.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“If a man boast of his attractiveness, he is unattractive.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Marc Levy
“- Har du aldrig varit rädd att ni var för olika?
- Jag ska ge dig ett gott råd: om du är på ett ställe där alla människor är som du, stick därifrån så fort du kan!”
Marc Levy

Marc Levy
“Det finns en märklig paradox i en spirande kärlekshistoria. Man blir ängslig. Rädd för att tala om för den andra parten att man inte kan låta bli att tänka på henne eller honom hela tiden. Man vill ge allt, men man snålar, hushållar med lyckan som om den gick att spara, lägga på hög.
Kärlekens begynnelse är lika idiotisk som bräcklig.”
Marc Levy

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“I am not here to teach you about patience. But I'm here to teach you how you can easily predict the right timing, so you know when to act or wait idly.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Love would have been great if money had never been created. But since it exists, we ought to wisely use both to our advantage.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“What are the differences between investing and gambling, isn't risk taking the currency of both in case you suddenly lose all your hard earned money?”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Marion Bekoe
“Before you attract the person you want in your life, be that person.”
Marion Bekoe

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“It is time for so-called good men to wake up and then take their rightful places in all domain of life.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Catrina Bell
“The woman is built like a roller coaster, and I want a ride.”
Catrina Bell, Beastly & Bookish

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If something attracts you, know that the reason you go towards it is because it carries a piece of your soul!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Your mindset is the level of the subconscious, the origin of thought, before reaching the level of consciousness or reasoning.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“If money, or wealth in general, is truly the root of all evil, how come the majority of people want to succeed in life?”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Citizen depression has always been the fuel of all marketing strategies throughout the ages.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“The inoffensive person attracts an offense.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Whenever we look at “successful people,” we imagine we are seeing the whole picture, but it is only the tip of the iceberg that interests us and that we observe.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

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