
Archons Quotes

Quotes tagged as "archons" Showing 1-20 of 20
Laurence Galian
“While the Archons cannot physically touchdown on Planet Earth, they can project their thoughts telepathically and their images holographically. They are experts in creating simulations of all kinds, inverting and distorting your perception and in this way, they create an Archontic Inversion. Archons are deceivers par excellence. They live in hive-like structures. They are more like robots than living beings, as they lack intentionality and imagination. In other words, they follow orders like an army of automatons.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Sol Luckman
“Loosh is a hyperdimensional energy given off by the human soul when traumatized. The Archons parasitically feed on it. Think of it as their simulacrum of kundalini.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Laurence Galian
“Alien Parasites are what the Gnostics call 'Archons.' They cause delusions in people's thinking because they convince their victims to believe things that are not true. A delusional person has false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions. A delusional person is someone who has a belief that is held with an extremely strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. Now, this trait may be a brave attributes, but the delusional person refuses to listen and consider the opposite opinion. The mature and wise individual always is willing to listen to an opposing opinion, and actually is eager to hear the opposing point of view, in order to make sure his or her theories and beliefs can withstand all opposing ideas and to revise his or her ideas if necessary.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Laurence Galian
“Archons live mainly in Saturn's Rings. Rome was known by the "Romans" as Saturnia, not as Rome and Saturn was one of the Roman gods. However, the Archons do not respect the limits of their living space, nor do they respect the limits of the purposes for which they were created.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Sol Luckman
“Anytime you see dichotomies that ignore the human experiment’s infinite nuances, you can be certain you are encountering the Archontic mind.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Sol Luckman
“May the Luminous Child awaken in you.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Laurence Galian
“When the Christos saw the distress of Sophia, He traveled from the Pleroma to help awaken Sophia from her nightmare and to help her in her struggle against the mechanical robotic imitations of humanity.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Laurence Galian
“Archons are basically cosmic bureaucrats. They are demons. They seek to play God. In short, they are Alien Parasites. The Archons are in people’s minds and brains. They love to help people make mistakes, to the point that people are completely lost in confusion. Archons love to lead people into labyrinths of confusion and excessive complexity. Archons make people think that they are more powerful than humanity. Have hope! Do not give up. The Archons, in fact, are much less powerful than the Aeons who live in the Pleroma. If you strengthen your connection with Sophia, the Christos and the Aeons, you have nothing to fear.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Sol Luckman
“Religions that began worshipping a single male ‘God’ were an Archontic construct holographically inserted into history in order to separate humanity from its spiritual roots in the earth.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Sol Luckman
“The Illuminati are the willing terrestrial servants of the Lord Archon, who demands everything from pedophilia and child sacrifice to war and chaos as offerings that create loosh.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Sol Luckman
“The devil and hell are mental whips created by the Archons to keep humanity enslaved to their system.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Laurence Galian
“The Archons use 'mind control' techniques. This is known as psychological warfare, but Archontic manipulation far surpasses anything the United States, Russia, Vatican City, Israel, or the United Kingdom has, of yet, invented. The Archons are the ultimate brainwashers. The Archons keep people distracted with pornography and drugs, with sports and alcohol, with material possessions, exotic vacations, artificial reality, addiction to various pleasures, along with dreams of the artificial technological paradise of: radical life-extension, transhumanism, nootropics and Brain Computer Interfaces. The Archons do this so that humanity does not have the time or opportunity to observe what is really happening in the world. Humanity is under siege. The Archons want you to be as uneducated and uninformed as possible. They destroy your passion for learning, and infiltrate and sabotage the educational system. Ultimately, they want to destroy all that makes you human, your hopes, your dreams, your joys, especially they want to destroy your spirituality.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Sol Luckman
“May we all stand tall together in the face of those forces, here and elsewhere, that seek to enslave us.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Sol Luckman
“Money is a tool of control invented by the Archons and implemented by your banking families.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Sol Luckman
“The Artificial Intelligence. This is another term for the Archontic hive mind. It is a binary operating system that imitates the many shades of gray characteristic of human intelligence—only to end up a circumscribed parody of it that processes everything strictly in terms of black and white.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Laurence Galian
“They {alien parasites} begin by invading the minds of individuals in government, military, medicine, finance, media, education, academia, secret societies and religion. They give these individuals what is essentially a computer virus. From these foxholes, they launch their spiritual warfare against the general population and against specific individuals.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Laurence Galian
“When the electromagnetic flow of Sophia's intention approached specific types of metaloids, fermions, subatomic particles, and ions, this contact formed creatures similar to cyborgs; insectoid creatures, called Qlifot (fragments of broken vessels) in the Lurian Kabbalah, or the Archons in Gnosticism.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Laurence Galian
“Therefore, they [archons] meddle with human beings, inserting deviant thoughts into their minds, They are influence peddlers, a type of non-physical implant, a foreign installation in the brain, from which they launch their mind-control system.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

“All thoughts, emotions, mindsets, archons, egregores, demons, mogwai, or non-physical beings are computer programs that will control your actions if you let them. Just as malware does not serve you, these non-physical properties do not serve you. Uninstall them. Remove them. Drop them. Live your life with the power of Divine Love, which is the sweetness of choice.”
Deborah Bravandt

Sol Luckman
“By any reasonable definition of the term, the Archons are crazy.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer