
Always With You Quotes

Quotes tagged as "always-with-you" Showing 1-4 of 4
“In your life, you have only one friend. who full filly yours all dream and He/She everything do for you and stay with you always and one bigger think is he/she all do for yours smile without any selfiness”
Arshdeep Singh Samrala

Farrah Rochon
“As she waited for the soul-crushing grief to envelop her, an odd thing happened. The grief failed to materialize. Instead, she felt... joy. An overwhelming sense of peace weaved its way around her sadness.
Tiana knew she would always miss her daddy, but the hole his passing had left in her heart wasn't as hollow this time around. It was filled with memories of the past year--- the laughs they'd shared, the meals they'd prepared together, and the all-encompassing love they'd experienced every single day. And a true goodbye.
Tiana closed her eyes tight, holding onto those memories. They would be with her always. Just as her daddy would be with her.
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

Farrah Rochon
“Not too long before, she would have maintained that no matter how well things were going, she would never be truly happy again, because her father was no longer with her.
But he was here. She felt him every time she walked into the kitchen at this restaurant. She felt him whenever she walked into her mother's house in the Ninth Ward, or when she was in the house she and Naveen shared uptown.
She felt him everywhere.
And because she knew his spirit would always be with her, no matter how far she traveled or how long they were apart, Tiana now knew true happiness.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

“Today I wish you to know that even in your silent battles, you’re not alone, God fights alongside you & for you. Also know that even though I may not always walk beside you, my prayers are always with you, whispering courage, hope & unwavering support. My mission isn’t to become a mythical hero, but to become a light house, a reliable source of inspiration & light for those I love.

To all my loved ones, know this: even though I pray for you everyday & guide you towards your best version & goodness, your journey is your own. I can’t erase your challenges or make your choices. It will be up to you to live your own life & make your own choices knowing there are always rewards & consequences to every choice & action.

Darling listen – I just wish to gently remind you that you hold the pen & sword, shaping your own epic tale. Let you dip your pen in courage & forge your sword with faith. Each choice is a vibrant stroke painting the world you call your own.

Sweetheart, always remember, you are not just the recipient of my love & blessings, but the hero of your own story.

I wish & hope that your light will soon shine in 2024, not just in reflection, but in your own vibrant & magnificent way.. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal