
Agents Quotes

Quotes tagged as "agents" Showing 1-30 of 30
“Little by little the agents have taken over the world. They don't do anything, they don't make anything, they just stand and take their cut.”

Louis Menand
“There is history the way Tolstoy imagined it, as a great, slow-moving weather system in which even tsars and generals are just leaves before the storm. And there is history the way Hollywood imagines it, as a single story line in which the right move by the tsar or the wrong move by the general changes everything. Most of us, deep down, are probably Hollywood people. We like to invent “what if” scenarios--what if x had never happened, what if y had happened instead?--because we like to believe that individual decisions make a difference: that, if not for x, or if only there had been y, history might have plunged forever down a completely different path. Since we are agents, we have an interest in the efficacy of agency.”
Louis Menand

James Allen Moseley
“Too many people think the ends justify the means. They should all be shot!” said the President.”
James Allen Moseley, The Duke of D.C.: The American Dream

Kailin Gow
“A praise from an author to a reader is so important. When an author calls and treats her readers "minions" and expects them to carry out her bullying tactics to anyone she wants to bring down, it is a disrespectful and disgusting use of her authority. Publishers and agents who allow their authors to treat her teen readers in that manner are equally as culpable. - Kailin Gow, Authors Voices”
Kailin Gow

Stephen         King
“remember Stephen King's First Rule of Writers and Agents, learned by bitter personal experience: You don't need one until you're making enough for someone to steal ... and if you're making that much, you'll be able to take your pick of good agents.”
Stephen King

George Bernard Shaw
“An author who gives a manager or publisher any rights in his work except those immediately and specifically required for its publication or performance is for business purposes an imbecile.”
George Bernard Shaw

James Allen Moseley
“Suddenly, a spiral of lightning snaked across the frowning sky and struck Ray and Ilsa. In a spectacular flash, they vanished. An earth-shattering bang of thunder knocked over all the FBI agents. Ilsa’s file of genealogical records flew into the air. The thoroughly singed pages flew down the street, twisting in the frantic breeze. The bullhorn fell from the limp fingers of Agent Schweppes’ hand. The rain began to fall like bullets.”
James Allen Moseley, The Duke of D.C.: The American Dream

Richelle E. Goodrich
“When I finally find that one willing agent, I'll have found my prize in the Cracker Jack box.”
Richelle E. Goodrich

Jasper Fforde
“Mücken haben die blaue Ziege gestochen.”
Jasper Fforde, The Eyre Affair

Jonathan Stroud
“The men dug some way down, I believe they struck the coffin."
"Excellent. We can deal with it now. George here is good with a spade, aren't you George?" "Well I certainly get plenty of practice." George said.”
Jonathan Stroud, The Whispering Skull

Keith Gessen
“Honestly,” he says, “I judge writers on how they write queries. If you’re a good writer, you’re a good writer.” And if not, then not.”
Keith Gessen
tags: agents

“Now, Mr. Antonio. I understand that there are people who are close to you who want me dead.”

“No, mija. They don’t want you dead.”

“Then explain this.” I handed him the picture.
He chuckled again.

“No, they don’t want you dead. That would be too easy. They want revenge.”

Cold sweat broke out all over me, but I kept my face calm. I looked at him straight in the eye.

“Well, then they are going to be quite disappointed, aren’t they?” I flashed my teeth at him.

“Senorita, you might want to warn Senor Smith, you see, my nephew he doesn’t like to share, and if he sees another man after you, he’ll get very, eh, aggressive.” The silver fox looked at me and winked.

“Oh, he won’t have to worry.” I said as I was walking out the door. “I doubt he will be alive long enough to know Agent Smith.”

Then I slammed the door.”
Rumi Antoinette

“Well, whatever happened here today...' he said, turning back to Popescu and donning his own sunglasses so he could discreetly cast his gaze over her figure,'...it was only the beginning.”
L. Ashley Straker, Connected Infection

“Are you a house-wife, Mrs Silvers?' he asked. 'What would you recommend for getting burger relish out of a white shirt?'

The seething woman cranked the venom-level of her gaze up to eleven, and Raven smiled pleasantly back.”
L. Ashley Straker, Connected Infection

Steven Magee
“We live in a society where interacting with government agents is a
potentially hazardous activity”
Steven Magee

Christina Engela
“Nobody seems to know which came first; egg or chicken – except of course for agents of the Time Saving Agency – who can find out anything about, well – anything. The only trouble is, they aren’t talking – however, you can take it from me – they know. The answer to these and other puzzles are kept safe and secure behind fire-walls and thick security doors secured with, er – time-locks, where one could possibly find answers to many other troubling questions, and not all of them necessarily relating to chickens.”
Christina Engela, The Time Saving Agency

Rona Edwards
“If a Writer births the baby, then a Producer raises the child and sends it off to school.”
― Rona Edwards, I Liked It, Didn't Love It: Screenplay Development from the Inside Out”
Rona Edwards, I Liked It, Didn't Love It: Screenplay Development from the Inside Out

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If the agenda in a country is constantly changing, sometimes even hourly, you must know that you are governed by ignorant and incompetent! And perhaps worse, you are run by traitors who only serve foreign country interests!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

David Mitchell
“You’re not an artist per se but you enable the artists who make the art. What you are is an enabler. An assembler. A builder. This is a calling. You don’t get the glory. You don’t get remembered. But you don’t get devoured. And you do get the money. If that’s not good enough, go and play golf.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
tags: agents

“Raven scowled at her. 'Fine. But if I accidentally shoot you because my aim is shaky, because I'm too tense, because I wasn't given the chance to relax before going into a potentially very dangerous situation, you'll be happy blaming only yourself?”
L. Ashley Straker, Connected Infection

“She stared at Raven in a long second of shocked silence, before sagging to the floor.”
L. Ashley Straker, Connected Infection

Jonathan Galassi
“They’d all chatted cordially about the weather, their children, and various authors, steering clear, for the most part, of the ones they’d ‘shared’ (i.e. fought over) and moving on to the general decline of the business and the perfidy of agents – subjects the two old lions were in utter agreement about.”
Jonathan Galassi, Muse
tags: agents

“Hell yeah! Twitter was proof that leaderless self-organizing systems could be true agents of change.”
Biz Stone, Things a Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of the Creative Mind

Steven Magee
“When interacting with corporate government agents, always assume that they are corrupt until proven otherwise.”
Steven Magee

“God gave us his word of salvation, for us to become the agents of His principles and the doers of His will, His judgment on earth”
Sunday Adelaja

John H. Holland
“Overall, then, we will view cas [complex adaptive systems] as systems composed of interacting agents described in terms of rules. These agents adapt by changing their rules as experience accumulates. In cas, a major part of the environment of any given adaptive agent consists of other adaptive agents, so that a portion of any agent's efforts at adaptation is spent adapting to other adaptive agents. This one feature is a major source of the complex temporal patterns that cas generate. To understand cas we must understand these ever-changing patterns.”
John H. Holland, Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity

Steven Magee
“The truth about angry and aggressive policing came out in 2020.”
Steven Magee

“The publishing industry is like a game of Jenga. By the time you pull out everyone else's cut you realize there are no profits left and the whole thing falls over on ya.”
Ian Conner
tags: agents

J.L. Mackie
“Mankind is not an agent; it has no unity of decision; it is therefore not confronted with any choices.”
J.L. Mackie, Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong