
Aedion Ashryver Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aedion-ashryver" Showing 1-30 of 50
Sarah J. Maas
“She looked at them, at the three males who meant everything—more than everything. Then she smiled with every last shred of courage, of desperation, of hope for the glimmer of that glorious future. “Let’s go rattle the stars.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“Behind them, across the hall, the dancers shattered their roses on the floor, and Aedion grinned at his queen as the entire world went to hell.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“Aelin took a step forward.
One step, as if in a daze.
She loosed a shuddering breath, and a small, whimpering noise came out of her - a sob.
And then she was sprinting down the alley, flying as though the winds themselves pushed at her heels.
She flung herself on the male, crashing into him hard enough that anyone else might have gone rocking back into the stone wall.
But the male grabbed her to him, his massive arms wrapping around her tightly and lifting her up. Nesryn made to approach, but Aedion stopped her with a hand on her arm.
Aelin was laughing as she cried, and the male was just holding her, his hooded head buried in her neck. As if he were breathing her in.
"Who is that?" Nesryn asked.
Aedion smiled. "Rowan.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“Ten years of shadows, but no longer. Light up the darkness, Majesty.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“The useless sentries in the watchtower are now all half in love with you,” he lied. “One said he wanted to marry you.”

A low snarl. He yielded a foot but held eye contact with her as he grinned. “But you know what I told them? I said that they didn't stand a chance in hell. Because I am going to marry you,” he promised her. “One day. I am going to marry you. I'll be generous and let you pick when, even if it's ten years from now. Or twenty. But one day, you are going to be my wife.”

He shrugged. “Princess Lysandra Ashryver sounds nice, doesn't it?”
Sarah J. Maas, Empire of Storms

Sarah J. Maas
“Whatever you had to do to survive, whatever you did from spite or rage or selfishness … I don’t give a damn. You’re here—and you’re perfect. You always were, and you always will be.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“Her scent hit him. For a second, he could only breathe it deep into his lungs,his Fae instincts roaring that this was his family, this was his queen, this was Aelin. He would have known her even if he were blind. Even if there was another scent entwined with hers. Staggeringly powerful and ancient and—male. Interesting.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“Why don’t you get to the point,” she drawled. “I want to have a few hours of sleep tonight.” Not a lie. With every breath, exhaustion wrapped tighter around her bones.

“I would have thought,” Arobynn said, “given how close you two were and your abilities, that you’d somehow be able to sense it. Or at least hear of it, considering what he was accused of.”

The prick was enjoying every second of this. If Dorian was dead or hurt—

“Your cousin Aedion has been imprisoned for treason—for conspiring with the rebels here in Rifthold to depose the king and put you back on the throne.”

The world stopped.

Stopped, and started, then stopped again.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“She wondered whether the queen knew. Rowan did. Aedion did. And Arobynn did. He had understood that with Rowan, she was no longer afraid of him; with Rowan, Arobynn was now utterly unnecessary. Irrelevant.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“You survived; I survived. We’re together again. I once begged the gods to let me see you — if only for a moment. To see you and know you’d made it. Just once; that was all I ever hoped for.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“So Aedion leaned in, and kissed Lysandra, kissed the woman who should have been his wife, his mate, one last time. “I love you.” Sorrow filled her beautiful face. “And I you.” She gestured to the western gate, to the soldiers waiting for its final cleaving. “Until the end?” Aedion hefted his shield, flipping the Sword of Orynth in his hand, freeing the stiffness that had seized his fingers. “I will find you again,” he promised her. “In whatever life comes after this.” Lysandra nodded. “In every lifetime.” Together, they turned toward the stairs that would take them down to the gates.”
Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash

Sarah J. Maas
“The king picked up his goblet, swirling the wine inside. 'I didn't receive word that your legion was here.'

"They're not."

Chaol braced for the execution order, praying he wouldn't be the one to do it. The king said, "I told you to bring them, General."

"Here, I was thinking you wanted the plesure of my company.”
Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire

Sarah J. Maas
“Aedion touched her shoulder. “Welcome home, Aelin.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“A smile tugged at her lips, and her eyes - their eyes - sparkled. 'Hello, Aedion.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“Gavriel smiled at him. "Close the gate, Aedion," was all his father said. And then Gavriel stepped beyond the gates. That golden shield spreading thin.”
Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash

Sarah J. Maas
“Lysandra's smile grew. "I like your fangs," she said sweetly.
Aelin choked on her grape. Of course Lysandra did.
Rowan gave a little grin that usually sent Aelin running. "Are you studying them so you can replicate them when you take my form, shape-shifter?"
Aelin's fork froze in midair.
"Bullshit," Aedion said.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“But the king was frowning. "I expected you a month ago."

Aedion actually had the nerve to shrug. "Apologies. The Staghorns were slammed with a final winter storm. I left when I could."

Every person in the hall held their breath.”
Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire

Sarah J. Maas
“Ashryver eyes met her own, and she touched the face that was the other side of her fair coin.
"For Terrasen," she said to him
"For our family."
"For Marion."
"For us."

Slowly Aedion drew his blade and knelt, his head bowed as he lifted the Sword of Orynth. "Ten years of shadows, but no longer. Light up the darkness, Majesty."
She did not have room in her heart for tears, would not allow or yield to them.
Aelin took her father's sword from him, its weight a steady, solid reassurance.
Aedion rose, returning to his place beside Rowan.
She looked at them, at the three males who meant everything—more than everything.
Then she smiled with every last shred of courage, of desperation, of hope for the glimmer of that glorious future. "Let's go rattle the stars.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“Aelin's hand wavered slightly over his wound. "What's your shield made of, then?"
Fenrys tried and failed to shrug. But Gavriel muttered from where he worked on the still-whimpering pirate, "Arrogance."
Aelin snorted, but didn't dare take her eyes off Fenrys's injury as she said, "So you do have sense of humor, Gavriel."
The Lion of Doranelle gave a wary smile over his shoulder. The rare-sighted, restrained twin to Aedion's own flashing grins. Aelin had called him Uncle Kitty-Cat all of one time before Aedion had snarled viciously enough to make her think carefully before using the term again. Gavriel, to his credit, had merely given Aelin a long-suffereing sigh that seemed to be used only when she or Fenrys were around.
"That sense of humor only appears about once every century," Fenrys rasped, "so you'd better hope you Settle, or else that's the last time you'll see it.”
Sarah J. Maas, Empire of Storms

Sarah J. Maas
“Rowan lifted his eyebrows. Are you all right?
She nodded. I just want to get through these two days and be done with it.
"That will never stop being strange," Aedion muttered.
"Deal with it," she told him, carrying the suit into the bedroom. "Let's go hunt ourselves a pretty little demon.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“A strange, ever-changing female scent hit him, and Aedion found Lysandra leaning against the hallway door. Tears gleamed in her eyes even as she smiled.
She gazed at the closed bedroom door, as if she could still see the prince and queen inside. "That," she said, more to herself than to him. "That is what I am going to find one day."
"A gorgeous Fae warrior?" Aedion said, shifting a bit.
Lysandra chuckled, wiping away her tears, and gave him a knowing look before walking away.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

Sarah J. Maas
“Before my first battle,” Aedion said to the girl, “I spent the entire night in
the privy.”
Evangeline squeaked, “You?”
Aedion smirked. “Oh yes. Quinn, the old Captain of the Guard, said it was a
wonder I had anything left inside me by the time dawn broke.” An old ache
filled Aedion’s chest at the mention of his mentor and friend, the man he’d
admired so greatly. Who had made his final stand, as Aedion would, on the plain
beyond this city.
Evangeline let out a little laugh. “That’s disgusting.”
“It certainly was,” Aedion said, and could have sworn Lysandra was smiling a
bit. “So you’re already much braver than I ever was.”
“I threw up earlier,” Evangeline whispered.
Aedion said in a conspiratorial whisper, “Better than shitting your pants,
Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash

Sarah J. Maas
“Aedion grinned, and ruffled her red-gold hair. “The battle won’t be pretty,” he

said as Evangeline sipped her milk. “And you will likely throw up again. But
just remember that this fear of yours? It means you have something worth
fighting for—something you care so greatly for that losing it is the worst thing
you can imagine.” He pointed to the frost-covered windows. “Those bastards out
there on the plain? They have none of that.” He laid his hand on hers and
squeezed gently. “They have nothing to fight for. And while we might not have
their numbers, we do have something worth defending. And because of that, we
can overcome our fear. We can fight against them, to the very end. For our
friends, for our family ...” He squeezed her hand again at that. “For those we
love ...” He dared to look up at Lysandra, whose green eyes were lined with
silver. “For those we love, we can rise above that fear. Remember that tomorrow.
Even if you throw up, even if you spend the whole night in the privy. Remember
that we have something to fight for, and it will always triumph.”
Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash

Sarah J. Maas
“The thing was quiet. Then it tilted its head. The smile it gave him was horrifying in its beauty. "I shall enjoy watching you die, General.”
Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas
“The useless sentries in the watchtower are now all half in love with you,” he lied. “One said he wanted to marry you.”
A low snarl. He yielded a foot but held eye contact with her as he grinned. “But you know what I told them? I said that they didn't stand a chance in hell. Because I am going to marry you,” he promised her. “One day. I am going to marry you. I'll be generous and let you pick when, even if it's ten years from now. Or twenty. But one day, you are going to be my wife.”

He shrugged. “Princess Lysandra Ashryver sounds nice, doesn't it?”
Sarah J. Maas, Empire of Storms

Sarah J. Maas
“The prince's sapphire eyes flicked to his, and Aedion blinked past the haze covering his vision. What studied him was cold, predatory, and not quite human.”
Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas
“He would bet good money that the Wyrdstone collar was for the king's own son--and he prayed that the prince had died before he'd allowed his father to leash him like a dog.”
Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas
“And if I do not die tomorrow, may I kiss you when the day is done?”
Sarah J. Maas

Sarah J. Maas
“Lysandra indeed went on the defensive and showed her hand. “I know my history is … unappealing.” “I’m going to stop you right there,” Aedion said, daring a step closer. “And I’m going to tell you that there is nothing unappealing about you. Nothing. I’ve been with just as many people. Women, men … I’ve seen and tried it all.” Her brows had risen. Aedion shrugged. “I find pleasure in both, depending on my mood and the person.” One of his former lovers still remained one of his closest friends—and most skilled commanders in his Bane. “Attraction is attraction.” He steeled his nerve. “And I know enough about it to understand what you and I …” Something shuttered in her eyes, and the words slipped from him. Too soon. Too soon for this sort of talk. “We can figure it out. Make no demands of each other beyond honesty.” That was really the only thing he cared to request. It was nothing more than he’d ask of a friend. A small smile played about her lips. “Yes,” she breathed. “Let’s start there.”
Sarah J. Maas, Empire of Storms

Sarah J. Maas
“—Te extrañé —le susurró Aelin e inhaló su aroma, ese olor a guerrero que apenas estaba aprendiendo, recordando—. Cada día te extrañé.
Su piel se humedeció bajo el rostro de su primo.
—Nunca más —prometió él.”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

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