
March 2016 Short Story Poll

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, 103 pages, 1937
  50 votes, 25.5%

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, 121 pages, 1922
  28 votes, 14.3%

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen, 122 pages, 1879
  18 votes, 9.2%

Chess Story by Stefan Zweig, 98 pages, 1941
  16 votes, 8.2%

The Bet by Anton Chekhov, 64 pages, 1889
  13 votes, 6.6%

Double Indemnity by James M. Cain, 115 pages, 1936
  12 votes, 6.1%

To Build a Fire by Jack London, 32 pages, 1903
  12 votes, 6.1%

Xingu by Edith Wharton, 48 pages, 1916
  9 votes, 4.6%

  7 votes, 3.6%

  6 votes, 3.1%

  6 votes, 3.1%

  6 votes, 3.1%

  4 votes, 2.0%

  4 votes, 2.0%

House of the Sleeping Beauties and Other Stories by Yasunari Kawabata, Approx. 90 pages-Title Story Only, 1960
  3 votes, 1.5%

Everyday Use by Alice Walker, Aprrox. 16 pages-Title Story Only, 1973
  2 votes, 1.0%

Poll added by: Bob

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Pink (new)

Pink It looks like we have a runway winner for our short story at the moment.

message 2: by Bob (new)

Bob Mod
Too bad we don’t have a mercy rule, so we can stop this slaughter. Of Mice and Men has stomped the rest of the field. I can hear the rest of the contestants crying ‘Uncle’.

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Darren 2126 books
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MKay 771 books
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Of Mice and

Sarah 248 books
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Of Mice and

A.B 1076 books
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Jenn 559 books
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Graham 5201 books
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Of Mice and

Lindsay 331 books
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Double Indem

Claire 271 books
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Of Mice and

Amanda 2298 books
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Of Mice and

JeanMarieT 491 books
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Yegor 103 books
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Of Mice and

*Dawn 6120 books
43 friends
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Of Mice and

Josh 754 books
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To Build a F

Sam F 2407 books
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Of Mice and

Tim 195 books
49 friends
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Siddhartha b

Kara 2051 books
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A Doll's Hou

Daphne 131 books
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To Build a F

Fran 2081 books
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Of Mice and

Dylan 297 books
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Kawtar 508 books
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Of Mice and

Lobsang 455 books
53 friends
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The Bet by A
