This book is not mine, please move it (part 13) > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by rivka (new)

rivka This thread is for authors with names in common with one or more other authors. If you have found a book or book(s) by your fellow-named authors, or for some other reason someone else's book has landed on your profile, this is the thread for you.

Please include a link to each book that needs moving off your profile.

(Note: Starting new threads for each author (or book) instead of posting in this thread is still ok -- even recommended. This thread is to prevent such requests from landing on threads linked to specific books or authors.)

message 2: by Brooke (new)

Brooke Gardner

I need this cookbook removed from my author profile, please!

message 3: by Scott (new)

Scott Brooke wrote: "

I need this cookbook removed from my author profile, please!"

Please ask support to change your name to Brooke L. Gardner and move you to a new profile.

message 4: by Chris (new)

Chris Duke I need a new author profile with just this book associated with it, all the other books, followers and review are not mine.

Here is the book:Camp Bigfoot

message 5: by Tami (last edited Nov 18, 2022 05:57PM) (new)

Tami Chris wrote: "I need a new author profile with just this book associated with it, all the other books, followers and review are not mine.

Here is the book:Camp Bigfoot"

Hello, you need to contact support and ask them to move you and your only book to a new profile, link and please don't change your name.

message 6: by Gabrielle (new)

Gabrielle Morgan Neither of these two books are mine, please remove them from my author profile when possible. Thank you!

message 7: by Abcdarian (last edited Nov 19, 2022 07:33AM) (new)

Abcdarian #6: Gabrielle wrote: "Neither of these two books are mine, please remove them from my author profile when possible. Thank you!"

Done. It will take time for them to disappear from your author profile, but they are gone from your list of books.

message 8: by Tyrell (new)

Tyrell Johnson This book is also not mine. Thanks!

message 9: by Liralen (new)

Liralen #8 done. It might take your author page a while to update.

message 10: by Mary (new)

Mary Lawrence This book is not mine. Please remove it from my profile.
Thank you!

message 11: by Liralen (new)

Liralen #10 done. It might take your author page a while to update.

message 12: by Emma (new)

Emma Collins Can you also add books?
This book is mine:
Can you please add it to my profile?
Thank you

message 13: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #12 Emma wrote: "Can you also add books?
This book is mine:
Can you please add it to my profile?
Thank you"


message 14: by Keith (new)

Keith Hill This book is not mine: 9798530741555


message 15: by Patrick (new)

Patrick Kelly This book is mine:

Please assign it to my profile. Thank you!!

message 16: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #14 Keith wrote: "This book is not mine: 9798530741555



message 17: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #15 Patrick wrote: "This book is mine:

Please assign it to my profile. Thank you!!"


message 18: by dany (new)

dany The Heart of Teaching by Lisa Lee

I know the author of this book personally and she is not a Goodreads Author (and not the one linked). Please remove the Lisa Lee attached.

message 19: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #18 dany wrote: "I know the author of this book personally and she is not a Goodreads Author (and not the one linked). Please remove the Lisa Lee attached."

Book moved to a new author profile.

message 20: by Mike (new)

Mike Russell This book is not mine: A. R. C. Archangel Raphael Conversations
by Mike Russell
Please remove it from my profile. THANK YOU

message 21: by Raúl (new)

Raúl Campos This book is not mine. Please move it, thanks.

message 22: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #20 & 21 Done.

message 23: by Raúl (new)

Raúl Campos This book is not mine. Please move it. Thanks. En algún lugar del tiempo

message 24: by Eduardo (new)

Eduardo The following four books are NOT mine. Please remove them from my author page. Thank you.





Any books belonging to a series called "Once Again Is Goblin But In Another World: King Orge Manga Fantasy 'Re-Monsters'" is NOT of my authorship. Please remove them. Thank you!

message 25: by Liralen (new)

Liralen #23 and 24 done. It might take your respective author pages a while to update.

message 26: by Jason (new)

Jason Dean Could you please remove this book from my author page? As the Jason Dean mentioned on the cover is an illustrator, and not me. Many thanks.

message 27: by Scott (new)

Scott Jason wrote: "Could you please remove this book from my author page? As the Jason Dean mentioned on the cover is an illustrator, and not me. Many thanks."

#26 done

message 28: by Raúl (new)

Raúl Campos The following three books are not mine. Please remove them from my profile. Thanks.




message 29: by Lieke (new)

Lieke #28 Done

message 30: by Henna (new)

Henna Johansdotter Could you please remove this book from my books as it is not mine? Thank you!

message 31: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian Henna wrote: "Could you please remove this book from my books as it is not mine? Thank you!"

You do not have poetry in that anthology?

message 32: by Heather (new)

Heather Frederick Hello - this book is not mine; please remove it. Thank you! Heather Frederick

message 33: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #32 Heather wrote: "Hello - this book is not mine; please remove it. Thank you! Heather Frederick"

Moved. It may take time to disappear from your profile page, but is gone from your list of books.

message 34: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Rose A book by another Sharon Rose landed on my profile. Please remove


message 35: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #34 Done.

message 37: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #36 Done. It may take time for them to disappear from your profile page but they are gone from your list of books.

message 38: by Tania (new)

Tania Roberts This book isn't mine, please remove it from my author page

Thank you

message 39: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #38 Done. May take time to disappear.

message 40: by Laurel (new)

Laurel Luehmann Hi! Please remove this book from my author dashboard:

thank you so much!

message 41: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #40 Done. May take time to disappear.

message 42: by Raúl (new)

Raúl Campos The following two books are not mine. Please remove them from my profile. Thanks.



message 43: by Abcdarian (new)

Abcdarian #42: Done. May take time to disappear, but gone from your list of books.

message 44: by C. (new)

C. Roman Hello. This book is not mine

Can you remove it from my profile please? Thank you

message 45: by Lieke (new)

Lieke #44 and 45 Done

message 46: by Henna (new)

Henna Johansdotter Abcdarian wrote: "Henna wrote: "Could you please remove this book from my books as it is not mine? Thank you!"

You do not have poetry in that anthology?"

I do but it's only one page and I would like for it to not show up in my works as I'd like only my own works there!

message 48: by Ma (new)

Ma done

message 49: by rivka (new)

rivka Henna wrote: "I do but it's only one page and I would like for it to not show up in my works as I'd like only my own works there!"

We do not remove valid book data. On Goodreads, both works you have authored and those you have contributed to will appear on your list of works.

message 50: by Alex (new)

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