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The Mortal Instruments #6

City of Heavenly Fire

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In this dazzling and long-awaited conclusion to the acclaimed Mortal Instruments series, Clary and her friends fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary's own brother.

Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures out of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell.

The embattled Shadowhunters withdraw to Idris - but not even the famed demon towers of Alicante can keep Sebastian at bay. And with the Nephilim trapped in Idris, who will guard the world against demons?

When one of the greatest betrayals the Nephilim have ever known is revealed, Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec must flee - even if their journey takes them deep into the demon realms, where no Shadowhunter has set foot before, and from which no human being has ever returned...

Love will be sacrificed and lives lost in the terrible battle for the fate of the word in the thrilling final installment of the classic urban fantasy series The Mortal Instruments!

725 pages, Hardcover

First published May 27, 2014

About the author

Cassandra Clare

195 books273k followers
Cassandra Clare was born to American parents in Tehran, Iran and spent much of her childhood travelling the world with her family, including one trek through the Himalayas as a toddler where she spent a month living in her father’s backpack. She lived in France, England and Switzerland before she was ten years old.

Since her family moved around so much she found familiarity in books and went everywhere with a book under her arm. She spent her high school years in Los Angeles where she used to write stories to amuse her classmates, including an epic novel called “The Beautiful Cassandra” based on a Jane Austen short story of the same name (and which later inspired her current pen name).

After college, Cassie lived in Los Angeles and New York where she worked at various entertainment magazines and even some rather suspect tabloids where she reported on Brad and Angelina’s world travels and Britney Spears’ wardrobe malfunctions. She started working on her YA novel, City of Bones, in 2004, inspired by the urban landscape of Manhattan, her favourite city. She turned to writing fantasy fiction full time in 2006 and hopes never to have to write about Paris Hilton again.
Cassie’s first professional writing sale was a short story called “The Girl’s Guide to Defeating the Dark Lord” in a Baen anthology of humor fantasy. Cassie hates working at home alone because she always gets distracted by reality TV shows and the antics of her cats, so she usually sets out to write in local coffee shops and restaurants. She likes to work in the company of her friends, who see that she sticks to her deadlines.

City of Bones was her first novel. Sword Catcher is her most recent novel.

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Profile Image for Erika.
212 reviews1,798 followers
June 18, 2017
This review and more can be found on Living for the Books

Finally, this prolonged series comes to an end and while I wish I could say that I'll really miss the characters, I probably won't. To be completely honest, I used to adore this series back when I first read it about four years ago, but I feel like it no longer has the same appeal as it once did. I'm pretty sure I only picked this book up out of habit

The biggest issue I had with this book was that the characters focus on the wrong things. The world is basically coming to an end and instead of caring about that, most of the characters seemed concerned with their love lives. Thank goodness there was no Clary and Jace drama, I don't think I could ever take more of that. Instead they're mostly happy for the book, even when they're hunting down Sebastian in the demon realms. They were kinda of sappy, but so were all the other characters. At least the characters were still sarcastic and more than once I laughed at the dialogue between the characters.

A couple characters do die, but for me it wasn't that big of a deal. I didn't shed a single tear for any of the characters that died in this book, but I was practically sobbing about the mentions of characters from The Infernal Devices. The deaths didn't really serve a purpose other than to kill off a couple of characters because it didn't really seem to move the plot forward.

The villain, Sebastian, was alright I guess. I didn't like him all that much because I thought he was strange. At first he wants to kill all the Shadowhunters and then his plans change a great deal when Clary, Jace, and all the others, find him in the demon realms. His plans for Clary are disturbing and he's basically an evil mastermind, but I never got the wow he's a great villain feeling. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think it may be partially because I'm just so done with this series.

I wasn't expecting to be blown away by this book and I wasn't, but I still enjoyed it. I laughed, I cried, I rolled my eyes, I wanted to throw the book, but in the end it was a decent ending to a series that should have ended three books ago. If I hadn't given up on Shadowhunter books I might be tempted to pick up the next series because the new characters are kind of adorable, but I think for now I'm done with the Shadowhunter world.


Me when I found out the release date:

Just finished City of Lost Souls and now I have to wait 2 more YEARS before I can read this book! It's going to be torture I tell you! Pure TORTURE! At least Clockwork Princess is coming out in 2013 otherwise I think I might go insane from this wait!
I LOVE the title it just makes you want to read this even more. I mean who wouldn't want to read a book called City of Heavenly Fire?
On another note...if Magnus and Alec don't get back together someone is going to get hurt because they are awesome together!
I just thought of something...what if the world ends before this book comes out? WE WILL NEVER KNOW HOW THIS SERIES ENDS IF THE WORLD ENDS! How can they do this to me?


Edit: *clears throat* so um you have to understand that when I posted this I thought TMI series was the best thing since sliced bread. To be honest I probably thought that because I hadn't read that many books at that point so I had nothing to compare it to. Books 1-3 were good but after that I now think the series has gone downhill especially after the movie. I'll still read this book but to be honest I'm not as excited about it. 2 years is a long time and my taste in books has changed drastically since then. I'll keep the top part because it feels wrong to delete it. And this is why I'll never post a review of a book before it comes out.

Edit 2:
What even is that cover?
Profile Image for Kiki.
208 reviews9,069 followers
January 5, 2020
This isn't a review (I can't for the life of me remember a single aspect of this book and I no longer have any feelings towards it, ill or otherwise) but I'm doing my GR spring cleaning and removing or editing reviews that I hate. It's a big task, since I've written a lot of abominable crap over the past decade of being on Goodreads (I'm so OLD), but for fun I decided to go through the comments on this review. Six years' worth of them. With all the fire and brimstone down there, it looks like a gaming subreddit, but at times there was some genuinely interesting conversation.

That's it, though. That's all I have to add. For the record, I actually wanted to remove this book from my shelves, because I genuinely cannot remember a single thing that happened in it and I don't even own the book, but GR won't let me. It freezes every time I try to take this book off my shelves. I guess I'm stuck with it. Cool, or whatever.
Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
559 reviews175k followers
March 26, 2016
I was thinking up until the last 200 pages that this was definitely going to be a 3 star read, but that ending completely changed my mind. It really made up for the first chunk of the book.
Profile Image for Emma Giordano.
316 reviews107k followers
August 31, 2018
This book was PHENOMENAL. I finished it in under 24 hours because I literally COULD NOT put it down. Cassandra Clare concluded such an amazing series in such a beautiful way. I didn't think it was possible to cry more happy tears than sad tears when finishing off your absolute favorite series, but somehow, this novel was too amazing for me to dwell in the few sad parts and forced me to embrace all it had to offer. I thought I'd be broken with the end of The Mortal Instruments, but I am so happy knowing the fates of the characters I've come to love and feeling the security of knowing that one of the greatest works of YA literature ever written has ended as wonderfully as it started. If you want to check out my book talk (which does include spoilers) here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjV9c...
Profile Image for shre ♡.
361 reviews736 followers
July 6, 2014

*UPDATE* OMG COVER COVER COVER. COOOOOOOVER!!!! THAT COVER. Clary's friggin wearing white and I CANNOT. What do you guys think? Personally I think it's beautiful. After you get over the fact that Clary's wearing white. And it's Clastian.


















Profile Image for Truthic.
18 reviews
August 6, 2014
The fascinating world of shadowhunters and downworlders has always intrigued me with it's rich world-building. The characters, so true and relatable, including those few twisted ones, have all contributed to making this one of my favorite book series of all time. Add in some adventure, romance, and humor, and you've got a recipe for success.

The last installment of the Mortal Instruments was nothing short of unforgettable. There were so many things I loved with it, but also things I regretted Cassie didn't explore futher. I guess with a book series as large as this one it would be hard, if not impossible, to address everything. All in all, City of Heavenly Fire was deeply affecting, a real page-turner with both heartbreaking and truly happy moments. Few books have managed to touch me this way; last time was Clockwork Princess, and I swear, it took me months to even consider picking up a new book to read. Months. That's how emotional it got me.

There is a war in this book. The end-of-the-world type of war, and however cliché that may sound, let me assure you, it is not. Maybe, just maybe, I'm too invested in this series, but I found the build up to be realistic. The war will bring destruction, but it will also pave the way to a hopefully brighter future . It will shape the lives of the survivors, and lead to the ascension of new warriors.

Essentially, The Mortal Instruments is a story about bravery and sacrifice and friendship, and encircling all of these, is love and compassion. It's about how caring about others and about the world we live in can only make it better. That's what I'm taking away from this story.

That and overly exaggerated expectations of how my next boyfriend should be like. If you're not anywhere close to as awesome as Jace Herondale is, I'm done with you. . . I just might up never getting married, but that's OK....

I will miss Clary, Jace, and the rest of the gang (really, miss is putting it lightly, I will probably agonize over the loss of them). And I hope to maybe see some cameos of them in the Dark Artifices. Maybe Cassie will even consider writing a short story of Tessa and Jace's talk about the Herondale family? One can only hope!


PRE-REVIEW (Aug, 2010)
If City of Heavenly Fire is to be published year 2013, it evidently means that there will be no end of the world year 2012! This is GOOD news!

*UPDATE* 25/11-2012
We WILL survive! Ms. Clare wouldn't do this to us if she wasn't ABSOLUTELY sure the world isn't ending in less than a month... *me looks nervously at the calendar*

*UPDATE* 23/12-2012
Told ya :P
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,245 reviews101k followers
November 19, 2018
1.) City of Bones ★★★
2.) City of Ashes ★★
3.) City of Glass ★★★
1.) Clockwork Angel ★★★
4.) City of Fallen Angels
2.) Clockwork Prince ★★★★
5.) City of Lost Souls ★★★★
3.) Clockwork Princess ★★★★★

“You are the blade of Heaven. Make sure you are worthy.”

Friends, we did it, we read all of the The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments. I’d like to take a moment and thank each and every one of you who motivated me to read this backlist instead of just jumping into The Dark Artifices. Seriously, I am so grateful because even though the road started off rocky, I quickly became so attached and fell so in love with these characters and this world. (But we don’t talk about City of Fallen Angels, that book never existed!)

Basically, if you are on the fence about starting this series, and not sure what it is about, this is a story about a paranormal world that is hidden from the mundanes (non-magical humans). We see vampires, werewolves, fae *swoons forever still*, angels, demons, and everything else you think of when you think paranormal. And we also are introduced to the world of shadowhunters, the warriors who are sworn to defeat the demons.

But this is also a story that puts friendship at the forefront constantly. This is a tale about found families, choosing who you want to share your life with, and realizing that neither of those things require the same blood. This is a book about unconditional love, and selflessness, and doing anything you can to protect those you care about. And you follow so many different characters, friend groups, and families along the way.

“There will always be those who want to tell you who you are based on your name or the blood in your veins. Do not let other people decide who you are. Decide for yourself.”

And there is just something so beautiful about seeing all these stories, characters, and families intertwine. All these bloodlines mixing truly feels like something so special to read. I don’t compare things to Harry Potter too often, but I will say that the feeling I had while flipping these pages, never wanting to stop, excitedly purchasing the next book, it was all so reminiscent of my Harry Potter experience. And there is really no higher praise that I can give a book series than that.

I loved this final story. I believe with my whole heart and soul that Cassandra Clare just kept improving throughout all of these books. And I have only the highest of hopes for what she will do next. But the rest of my review is going to touch on a couple key things that happened in this book and things that have happened in previous books, so please use caution reading the rest of this review if you have not read this book and its predecessors! And as always, I’m going to do a little mini character breakdown on my thoughts and feelings on all the main characters in this book. Spoilers ahead!

“I think sometimes we are reckless with our hearts the way we are with our lives. When we give them away, we give every piece.”

(I could not find the artist’s name, I'm so sorry, but I found this amazing picture on Pinterest!)

Jace - I didn’t hate Jace in this book. Damn. There. I said it. Are you happy now? Again, I think Cassie Clare just gets better and better at writing as these books go on, and I was legit happy with Jace’s character, even his pervy dude scenes, because #relatable. But my beautiful friend, Lea, pointed out that Jace brought a condom to Hell and I honestly died of laughter for about five minutes. I aspire to the level of confident that Jace has to not only think he could put it in while in hell, but to also bring protection just in case. But like… I’m here forever and always for safe sex portrayal, especially for teens, even in Hell, my good dudes.

Clary - I feel like I’ve never fallen in love with Clary the way that I have with other characters from this world, but I’ve never disliked her. And I really like how Jace took a backseat and trusted her to finish her own story. Also, I love how she used her power at the end, because I always forget what a badass power it is.

Simon - My sweet, kind, geeky, selfless boy. Simon honestly might be my favorite of this entire world. And him constantly willing to sacrifice parts of himself for his friends, you all… I need all the tissues in the world. He is friendship goals, boyfriend goals, and just human goals. This boy deserves the world.

“I don’t want the world. I want you.”

(Beautiful fanart by taratjaht!)

Isabelle - And Izzy is truly my world. I think Cassie Clare did such a wonderful job crafting her character to break all those gross “mean girl” stereotypes. Izzy is hard and soft, confident and unsure, and beautiful inside and out. Her friendship with Clary in this one also made me really weak. But her realizing she actually loves this selfless vampire, this kind dork, and sweet boy… you all, it is still breaking me. Sizzy 4 lyfe!

Magnus - Okay, be honest, how messed up am I that I really enjoyed seeing Magnus’ dad? Like, damn. I’m impressed and want to know everything about Asmodeus. Magnus was amazing, like always, even though he lost his cat. Ahhh, my heart! But I can’t wait to see what happened in Peru, and some more of his adventures, in The Bane Chronicles!

Alec - I wasn’t the biggest fan of Jace or Alec until this book. Alec was a realistic eighteen-year-old that just had his heart broken, to me. And he was actually amazing throughout this entire story, while showing us all the things he is struggling with deep down. Also, his dad is a fucking asshole even after he was like “my best friend, who was a dude, loved me and I told him to fuck off!” Like, I’m sorry, was that supposed to make me like you and realize you are tolerant of your kid being gay? Miss me with that shit forever, please. But Alec was, and is, going through a lot, and he was still able to tell Magnus what he wanted and what his limits were at the end of this book. Like, I think I finally ship them together.

Emma - Okay, let’s be real, she is Jace junior, BUT 102 times better. But I instantly loved her and wanted her to be protected. I can’t even imagine the grief or trauma she went through and is still going through. And I can’t wait to learn more about her, while she hopefully learns more about her ancestry.

Julian - Legit, these kids are like thirteen-years-old and I’m like “don’t become parabatai, you’re soulmates!” like an insane person. I can already tell that Emma and Jules are going to give me all the feels when they are older. And their writing on each other? Cutest, most pure shit in the entire world. And Julian wanting to be there and raise his brother and sisters when he is just a kid himself? What a sweetheart, and I’m ready to protect him at all costs.

Brother Zachariah - Legit, this character made me cry more than any. From saying where his home was, to asking if someone might play the violin. My heart, I can’t. And I am most excited to see where his storyline goes. And to see him talk about his past with a few young shadowhunters.

“Ghosts are memories, and we carry them because those we love do not leave the world”

Luke - I’ve loved Luke from City of Bones and I loved him through the last page of this book. Legit the best dad, and he deserves the entire galaxy.

Jocelyn - I honestly just came to hate Clary’s mom more and more as this series progressed. Luke is too damn good for her. She not only was a shitty mom to Sebastian, but she was to Clary, too. And hearing her say all that horrible shit about how she wished she could kill him in the crib and stuff. Like, I get it, he's evil, but can you like not say shit like that? Fuck. Maybe he didn’t get all his evil from Voldemort Valentine.

Mark - At the start of this book, learning that he was half fae, I instantly fell in love. Seriously, I need to know everything about this hunt, and I’m praying that it will be touched upon more!

Helen - At the start of this book, learning that she was half fae AND QUEER, I instantly fell in love. I felt so bad for her at the end of this book because of how she was treated for being half something else, but I can’t wait to learn any and everything about her.

Aline - In my review for City of Glass I wrote, “Um… is this new character Asian and queer? Because, I think she is, and I think I’m head over heels in love with her already.” AND MY SENSES JUST KNEW! JUST KNEW! I bet this character ends up being one of my favorites.

(Gorgeous fanart by DREI SJ!)

Jordan - His death was actually my least favorite thing about this book. And don’t get it wrong; I hated him from the first time I realized who he was. But… the way Cassie made him and Maia so in love, to only realize that fans were probably like, “yo, this some abuse apologist bullshit” so she killed him off and…

Maia - …Maia realized she never could have been happy with him? Like, no. Sorry. That’s not how it was written. And it’s so messed up because I should be so happy that at least the abuse apologist storyline is over, but it just makes me angry how much it got swept under the rug. Especially because Maia is like one of four characters of color. I don’t know, friends. I just, I didn’t like it. Oh, and then she is obviously going to just jump into another relationship with the Bat dude? Like, why does Cassie Clare treat the character of Maia so poorly? It felt so forced and I felt so much cringe while reading it. But I do love how she is in charge of the pack now, so hopefully I enjoy her in other books.

Raphael - Oh and then one of the other three characters of colors dies? Feels bad, man. Especially because I was really starting to feel for Raphael. Poor guy just got dealt such a bad hand in life. But I can’t wait to see his past with Magnus in The Bane Chronicles.

Maureen - This death actually made me sad, too. Like, she didn��t even have a chance. They couldn’t have captured her and done something? Like, how heartbreaking. Seriously.

Seelie Queen - Okay, but where did this bitch go? I literally gasped when I found out who was warming her bed. I’m still not over it.

Kaelie Whitewillow - We are all rooting for you!

Sebastian - You all, I really came to like Sebastian’s character. Was he a little extreme? Yes. Does Cassie Clare love threatening incest? Yes. But even before the evil left him, I felt a lot of empathy for him. He really is the product of growing up with no love, and it really doesn’t have to do with his demon blood. Maybe it’s my age while I’m reading these for the first time or something, but I actually felt a great deal of sadness from Sebastian, and I think he was a really good villain in this book because of the emotions he was able to evoke from me.

So, to summarize, Jace and Clary did it in Hell (protected), Simon and Izzy are the OTP of my dreams, Magnus and Alec deserve all the happiness in the world, I better get more of this fae hunt society thing with Mark, Emma and Julian are already killing me, Sebastian was wild and evil but I still felt bad for him, Maia is a hot mess but it’s Cassie’s fault, Raphael deserved better, and all I want is Alline and Helen to rule the shadowhunter world. It has been a wild ride, friends.

Overall, I am so happy you all convinced me to read this series, instead of just jumping into Lady Midnight. This book in particular gives you so much new information and characters, I think you’d for sure be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t read at least this book. The road might have started out a little rocky for this series, but I really did come to love it with my whole heart. Simon and Izzy are in my top five OTPs of all-time, Magnus is one of my favorite characters in all of literature, and I already need to know more about everything fae! I can’t wait to continue on with The Bane Chronicles!

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Content and trigger warnings for attempted rape, assault, captivity, attempted/desired incest, self-harm, violence, blood depiction, death, murder, loss of a loved one, abandonment, drugging, and war themes.
Profile Image for Sasha Alsberg.
Author 8 books65.2k followers
May 30, 2014
Words cannot express how amazing this book was! I will be posting a detailed review up on my youtube channel soon :)
Profile Image for Rachel  (APCB Reviews).
333 reviews1,309 followers
January 30, 2015
Read the full review @A Perfection Called Books

With a heavy heart, I write this review. TMI is the series that rekindled my love of reading. I was so invested in this series, and I'm so sad that it's come to a close. But darn, Cassie ended it well. Warning: This book will make you so emotionally unstable. You'll go from angry to remorseful, happy to sad, laughing to crying, and so on. This book was everything I hoped for and more.

Me While Reading This Book:

The Writing:

Cassie Clare never ceases to amaze me with her skilled writing. I had no idea how she was going to tie up her all the loose ends and create a satisfying end. Somehow she did it, and better yet, she did it well. I love the deep complex characters, the twisting plots, the humor, the action, the deception, the drama, the wit, and crazy parallels and connections to TID. Her writing is consistent and lovely. The third person POV with switches between characters works really well, and she's really descriptive. I can always picture in my head what's going on in the story. I had no idea what was going to happen in this book. Clare kept me guessing until the end. Everything was just so beautifully written and wonderfully done. She's a writing god!!

The Plot:

I love how this book wasted no time. Cassie Clare just went right into it! End of Chapter 1 *BAM* they're going to Idris!! Thank god. I thought I was going to have to wait ten chapter for them to return to the homeland. This book was packed full with awesome elements. There was the perfect blend of action, drama, romance, humor, mystery, adventure, and betrayal.There was a great balance between grave, sad moments and light happy moments. This book is a whooping 725 pages yet somehow this book doesn't seem too slow or fast-paced. Everything was timed out well. Every scene was there for a reason, there weren't any dragging and boring moments. I liked how she wrote it so that not everyone got away unscathed by the end. It wasn't a total HEA but still happy!

The Characters:

I am going to miss all of these characters so so much. These characters have come so far. I'm so proud of them and all they've accomplished and overcome in this series. I love these characters so much, and I can't let them go!

The Romance:

The romance in this book was so adorable. Clace was perfect Clace. They trust, they confide in, they love. They've finally worked out their relationship problems. Sizzy DTRed!! Yay! I love Sizzy but it annoyed me how they never really talked about their feelings. They keep putting it off or just don't talk about it. Malec was amazing. I've never been really crazy about them, but I totally shipped them in this book. They saw their own flaws and fixed them. They came to terms with things and decided to just be happy and be together!

Some Awesome Quotes:

-"Heroes aren't always the ones who win," she said. "They're the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They don't give up. That's what makes them heroes."

-"Shadow hunters are the Angel's weapons. Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger. When we suffer, we survive."

-"Because the world isn't divided into the special and the ordinary. Everyone has the potential to be extra ordinary."

The Deaths:

The deaths aren't anywhere near as bad as people claimed them to be. Don't worry you'll survive. You might shed some tears as I did, but trust me, it will all be okay.

^^Karma for some of those deaths

The Humor:

"'The guard are there to protect us, not keep us in. Have some perspective.' 'Alec, you've known me for seven years,' said Jace. 'When have I ever had perspective?'"

'''Brother Zachariah,' Isabelle said. 'Months January through December of the Hot Silent Brothers Calendar. What’s he doing here?' 'There’s a Hot Silent Brothers Calendar?' said Alec. 'Do they sell it?'"

"'You're pining,' said Jace.
Alec shrugged. 'Look who's talking. "oh I love her. Oh, she's my sister. Oh why, why, why—"'"

The Climax:

The Denouement:

Jem and Tessa:

Ahh I loved reading the parts with Jem and Tessa. Ugh I kept tearing up when I read so many of those TID references. JESSAMINE. Oh god. And there were Will references all over the place. ;( I love how Cassie added Jem and Tessa to the book. Tessa and Jem truly deserve each other. They are such good people and gosh, after everything they've been through they so deserve to be happy. I hope we see a wedding for them sometime in the future. I hope that Tessa tells Jace of their relation and Jem does likewise with Emma. So then they're both not totally alone. AND It's hinted that Jem and Tessa might be in TDA. And they got Church back! :D

The Blackthorns and TDA:

I am so happy that we got to meet the main cast of The Dark Artifices. I love the Blackthorns family already! In TMI there was the focus surrounding The Crew (Sizzy, Clace, and Alec) but that was about it. It's going to be fun to read of more people in the main cast all together. All of the characters so far seem so realistic and relatable and adorable and sweet and complex! Emma Carstairs is so awesome! She's like a smaller female version of Jace XD And Julian is so adorable and fiercely protective. With the glittering setting of Los Angeles and chock full of great characters, I am SO EXCITED for Lady Midnight, out Fall 2015.

The Ending:

The ending was truly bittersweet. Not everything in the Shadow World turned out perfectly. There are scars and many mistakes made that might turn into problems later. It was truly "the saddest happy ending." Not everyone came out unscathed. I liked that Cassie Clare didn't make the all-around perfect HEA. In terms of what happened for these characters, I think besides the little hurtful prick/twist they pretty much got their HEAs.

After Finishing The Book:

It's hard to say goodbye to this series. I love how CoHF ends brightly and optimistically. Cassie Clare lets the reader imagine what the future holds for these characters. In that way, these characters will always still be with us, their story still lives on. I know that I will carry this lovely story in my heart for the rest of my life and although TMI is over, we'll always remember. This series has been a wonderful journey that I will never forget. I find it only fitting that I end my review with a quote from Cassie:

"We are the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss." -Cassandra Clare


UPDATE 5/30/14 Finished the book. Crying. Literally crying. Review to come.

Below are some gifs and pics that epitomize my feelings and emotions regarding this finale of my most beloved series.
UPDATE 5/26/14

My plan:
Today sleep from 4-9 PM
Study for school 9-11PM
Read City of Heavenly Fire as it appears on my iPad Stand from 11PM-2AM

^^Heck yeah.
UPDATE 4/22/14
only 34 days until CoHF!! asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklllllllll

UPDATE 4/11/14
Oh my gosh, less than 50 days until CoHF comes out!! *fangirls* I've been waiting for this for so long... And now the time is almost upon us. Will the shadowhunters be able to defeat Sebastian once and for all? Or will they die trying?

UPDATE 1/1/14


UPDATE 1/16/14

I. Want. This. Now.

My concerns:

My reactions:

To sum up my emotions:

City of Heavenly Fire, I. Am. Ready.
Profile Image for Ferdy.
944 reviews1,258 followers
May 30, 2014

Underwhelming, cliched, and mostly predictable. The characters, the story, and the ending was all rubbish. I wasn't expecting great things from CoHF but I did think I'd get a LOT more than what was delivered. There was no originality, no twists, no satisfying resolutions, there was just NOTHING… Everything worked out pretty much perfectly for the main characters, it was so bloody cheesy and blah.

What's what: Incest-loving-evul-caricature-Sebastian wants to shag his sister and do other evul things. Meanwhile thicko-bland-Clary, supposedly-sexy-looking-but-not-actually-sexy-Jace, and their merry gang of fellow teen angsty-shadowlosers want to put on their big boy/girl knickers and stop shaggy-mcgee-Sebastian and his shaggy plans. All whilst navigating their oh so complicated love lives and finding themselves and shit like that.

Random Thoughts:

-Most of Clary's thoughts consisted of how sexy Jace was and how hot she was for him. It was pathetic. It was tiresome reading her describe Jace's hair, cheekbones, and eyes every single time she saw him - I mean, who the hell thinks about someone's facial features and the various shades of colours of said facial features whenever they see someone that they're close to?! It was beyond ridiculous.
Clary was generally an awful person, she had the chance to kill Sebastian in the last book but she refused because it would mean killing Jace too. So she let crazy-evul Sebastian live and that resulted in him basically killing thousands and starting a war. Clary knew something like that could happen and instead of ridding the world of a monster she let thousands die and suffer just because she was too weak, vile, and selfish to let her boyfriend of a few months die. Ugh, she was no heroine, she was a sick cow and Mary Sue all rolled into a pasty, short, ginger package.

-Jace was an extremely dull character, he was seriously the biggest Gary Stu ever… He was the best young Shadowhunter that ever was, the sexiest, the smartest, the most talented, there was nothing he wasn't good at. He wasn't a complex or realistic character in any way, he was a flat and cliched speshul snowflake. He was basically just a pathetic fangirl fantasy.

-Magnus was still as petty and irritating as ever. The way he acted towards Alec was awful, it was cruel how he gave so many mixed messages to an already messed up and confused Alec. He was playing hot and cold with him and giving him false hope, it was a dick move when he knew that Alec was clueless about breakups/relationships in general.
Magnus made plenty of mistakes in his centuries old life but when Alec, a teenager in his first ever relationship, made one mistake he flipped the fuck out. Where was his understanding and compassion? He had none, he just liked playing the victim.
And when Magnus did deign to give his relationship with Alec another chance, it was only because he was more or less forced to forgive Alec and open up about his past to him. He never wanted to restart their relationship or tell Alec about his past of his own accord, he only did it because he felt backed into a corner. If he really loved Alec as much as he claimed then he wouldn't have kept so many thing from him especially when he could see how insecure and hurt he was by it.
In the series overall it seemed like super old and experienced Magnus was allowed to lie, be insensitive, and make mistakes… Yet inexperienced-in-every-way Alec wasn't able to so the same without being punished.
Magnus/Alec were not romantic in any way, Alec deserved a much better guy than him, someone who actually respected and trusted him, and not someone who always had the upper hand and control in all aspects of their relationship.

-That bullshit line from Magnus that Alec was his first many things was well, bullshit. Magnus experienced love, sex, heartbreak, adventure, lust, men, women, teenagers, and everything in between. Alec wasn't his first anything. Well, he was his first shadowhunter boyfriend — that was probably the only reason he was even interested in him because he wanted to cross that of his list of experiences. When Alec dies, he'll be watching out for his next teenage shadowhunter love victim. Ugh.

-I felt sorry for Isabelle, she really loved Simon but it was obvious that he was all about Clary, he was still wishing and fantasizing about being with Clary even though he was meant to be over her. Isabelle loved Simon with all her heart and never felt that way about anyone else, she was just second best to him and the main reason he only ever liked her was because of her looks. She really should have dumped Simon instead of settling for him when he'd always love Clary just as much, if not more than her. And no, I didn't buy Simon saying he only loved Clary like a sister.

-I didn't like Jocelyn getting a happy ending, she should have died horribly, it was her fault that Sebastian/Jonathan never had a chance of a proper life. If she had protected her son from Valentine, he could have been normal and loved but because she was weak, stupid, and selfish his life was destroyed before it even began and he was born a monster. Jocelyn failed as a mother in the worst possible way yet she got everything at the end. The cow.

-Maryse and Amatis were both utterly pathetic. Amatis for refusing to move on from Stephen when he happily divorced her, remarried and had a child with someone else, and was then dead for years… The loser carried on mooning over him for almost two decades instead of getting on with her own life and trying to find happiness elsewhere. Then there was Maryse who took back Robert after he cheated on her, and was planning on leaving her and their kids for someone else… Why would she take him back after that?! And then when he finally did leave her she went into a deep freeze and turned cold and emotionless. Ugh, they were both so unbelievably pathetic in not moving on, and wanting men who clearly didn't want them or love them.

-I rolled my eyes at all the adult shadowhunters coming up with shitty plans to defeat the bad guys… Of course, the silly-angsty-teenage-shadowhunters somehow came up with better plans… And typically the adults didn't listen to them. Heaven forbid, educated and experienced adults handling things better than the usually stupid, whiny, teenage protagonists.

-What a cop out that no-one from the main gang died. They all got their perfect sickly sweet HEA. Alec was cool being with immortal and forever young Magnus whilst he aged and died, it would have been so much better if he couldn't handle that and instead decided to break up with him so he could be with someone who would grow old and die with him.
Simon stopped being a vampire in a totally deus ex machina way and got to be human again just like he wanted — oh and then he got to be a shadowhunter and spend forever with his geeky fanboy dream of a hot girlfriend. Jace and Clary were naturally, talking about marriage even though they weren't even eighteen yet, and Jace got a mansion and bling for finally embracing being a Herondale instead of a Wayland-Morgenstern-Lightwood-whatever-wanker.
The only ending that was good was Maia's - she fell out of love with Jordan, he died, and she moved on. It was great that she no longer wanted to be with the guy who attacked her and turned her into a wolf. It made a change from the usual female protagonist who stay with the love interests who betray and hurt them in unforgivable ways… Maia was far more worthy and admirable than Clary.

-Emma and Julian's way of communicating with each other by using their fingers to draw letters on the others skin was so copied from My Mad Fat Diary's Rae and Finn (which CC has said she's watched).
The whole TMI series is filled with things from other books and tv shows, CC can't seem to think of stuff by herself.

-Where were all the strong female friendships? There was loads of focus on male friendships, it seemed like the female characters were only allowed to have good friendships and banter with other male characters. There was barely no scenes where Clary/Isabelle bonded, the couple they did have was spent moaning about guys — apparently, strong female friendships don't matter.

-Ugh, I hated how various spin off shadowhunter series (like the Bane chronicles and the Dark Artifices) were pimped out in this — it was so cheap and obvious.

-I'm pretty sure telling someone they have to 'DTR' ('define their relationship' with their potential partner) wasn't a thing back in 2008.

-The shops/places in Alicante/Idris seemed like a crappy copy of Harry Potter/Diagon Alley.

All in all, absolute rubbish. I loved TID but this series not so much — the characters are so unlikeable, the relationships so cheesy, and the story predictable and dragged out. I doubt I'll read any of the future spin off series.
Profile Image for Nicole.
93 reviews5 followers
December 30, 2014

EDIT: January 11, 2014 Release date pushed back 2 months? Still no cover?!?! What is this. What. Is. This.

a coming-to-realization story

A girl, innocently reading City of Lost Souls, deciding to check release date of the next book.

Seeing this:



oh well

"Oh, ok, not too bad. I mean, just a few months, right?"


March 19 2013

MARCH 19th.




At First:




And Of Course:

in denial



Then This:


Can't Forget:

why the world?!?!

Almost Forgot:


And Finally, This:

oh well.

I can do nothing.

It better f***ing blow my mind.

And that is all.
Profile Image for Jon.
598 reviews746 followers
March 3, 2015
Edit (1/17/14): That cover is epic, but I really wish Malec was on it instead!

Edit (3/12/13) - I just noticed that it says on the bottom of the placeholder: "Cover to be revealed when you least expect it".

Cassandra Clare why are you doing this to us? March 19, 2014 is way too far away, this is pure torture. How could she end it on a spectacular cliffhanger then expect us to wait 2 whole years?

Clockwork Princess is already out! I hope everything works out between Tessa, Will, and Jem. Even though Clockwork Princess is already out, City of Heavenly Fire is still so far away.

Cassie Clare give me City of Heavenly Fire because this wait is so cruel!

Pretty please? I need to know what happens, I need Magnus and Alec to fix their relationship. I need to find out what happens to Clary, Jace and Simon. I can't wait any longer.

If I don't get it soon I might go crazy.
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
February 6, 2017
Omg! Omg! Omg! This freaking book is the best one and my feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllsss

This is going to be another one of my crazy reviews! I really need to start reviewing in parts so that I can get all of the feels before they wear off!


Well first let me say when that stupid jerk, Sebastian kills someone I loved I wanted to pulverize him into the ground. HULK SMASH! Of course, I wanted to do this anyway but I digress.

I didn't even take any notes for this book I was so caught up in STUFF

And the stuff was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤

Like holy freaking crow! So I read the first three books in this six book series then I waited a few years. And then I got the Clockwork Angel Trilogy and read those three books. Then came back and re-read the first three books and finished off the last three books. LET ME TELL YOU! I had no idea I was going to be reading about some of the people in the freaking Clockwork Angel Trilogy in here! I about fell over about fifty times and the stars were all shining (well they aren't out yet, but still) and everything just made my heart soar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love a book that can make me crazy happy BECAUSE <--- that's why I read. Duh, and I like to get excited and happy about books!

I am so freaking happy right now with the way this series ended! I will have to read The Clockwork Angel trilogy again sometime, but I'm going to go onto Lady Midnight because --> (another duh moment) I had no idea it was about some peeps from this book!

Swoon!!!! And it better be good. ♥

And to think, I was going to wait a few more weeks to read this book!!! I'm so glad I didn't ♥

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,731 followers
September 17, 2016
I have thoroughly enjoyed 'The Mortal Instruments' series. Here and there, I find myself wanting to break out of my usual romance genre and read a paranormal/fantasy story. This series was a fantastic choice for me!

I listened to the Audible version of these books and they were a joy to listen to. The narrators did a wonderful job of drawing me into the story and holding my attention throughout the series. With six books, that's quite the feat.

The final book in the series, 'City of Heavenly Fire' brings everything full circle. All of my questions were answered and I felt like I had closure. I was left feeling content, which is something I absolutely need with the end of a series. I can't stand to be left hanging, knowing that the answers will never come.

That being said, there was definitely a bittersweet feel to some of the twists and turns. While I was glad to see things come to an end, there was some heartache along the way. The fates of Simon, and even dare I say--Sebastian, were tough to swallow. I was surprised by my own reaction to some of the events.

One aspect of this book that I really liked was the way the author pulled all the characters together. It was rare to see them all working together vs. breaking off into small groups or pairs. Although everybody wasn't there at all times, my favorite characters were all together for the important action/battle scenes.

On that note, let me say that I was very impressed with the authors ability to describe the worlds, battles and creatures throughout the series with such detail. The imagery was brilliant. I could easily visualize everything as if I were right there...down to the slurping sounds the bodies made as they fell to the ground.

While I enjoyed the story very much, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I thought it could use some whittling down. At over 700 pages, or 27+ hours of audio, this last book was a mammoth. In fact, the story continued on for over 3 more hours past the point where the "epic showdown" had occurred. Things had pretty much been wrapped up, but there were excessive details about the aftermath of the war that just seemed to drag on and on...at least for me.

If all of that length was meaningful content that enriched the story, I wouldn't be complaining. However, I thought that much of it could've been eliminated without taking away from the story. I "zoned out" a few times while listening and doing housework for minutes at a time, only to "come to" later without having ever skipped a beat. So, clearly some of that content wasn't critical to the story.

All in all, this was a great conclusion to a fantastic series. It was certainly on the long side, but think of it as getting more bang for your buck! Pretty soon, I think I'll have to check out the prequel/spinoff series that my GR friends have been recommending to get my fix!
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews774 followers
September 5, 2022
"No one's tried to kill me in at least two weeks."

It's over! It's finally over!!! Saying this had been a painfully boring reading experience is a massive understatement. From first three MI books, then to the ID trilogy, followed by Red Scrolls of Magic and back here to the second half of MI, is not something that I ever wanted to put myself through again, with the exception of Red Scrolls.

Honestly, I had very little expectations after City of Fallen Angels and only two things kept me going: to see how it'll all end and those fun parts with Isabelle and Simon. The overwhelming romance remained the main theme and the actual fantasy elements became quite minor. By the time I make it to the fifth book, I was skipping entire chapter that are only full of repetitive romance.

As I'm ending this sixth and last MI book, I suddenly realized how good Cassandra Clare's writing is (no sarcasm). It is very clear, highly readable and took almost no effort in maintaining a steady flow. It also must have been a reason for perpetuating me from one book to the other despite not enjoying all the love triangles and stuff.

Once again, I'm doing a common review for all three books as there's very little to separate them.
Profile Image for MischaS_.
782 reviews1,426 followers
March 24, 2020
Okay, I needed some time to think about this book. Because I'm not really sure how to rate this one.

a) I'm pretty unhappy with this book because I think this series should have ended with City of Glass.

b) It's not as good as the three books were.

c) Let's face it. This book has over 700 pages. When I found that out, I worried that there would be a lot useless and pointless talking. And I was right. The first part of the book was really, really annoying. There were few good action scenes, but mostly they talked and talked and they even talked about whether they should talk. They talked about what they should talk about. And they talked where they should talk about it... I think you know what I mean. There was just so much talking about nothing.
The second part was a bit better. However, if this book had 500 pages or even less, it would be way better! I know editing is tedious, but sometimes it's a good thing to cut some content.

d) Okay! It's pretty repetitive! .

There was nothing surprising in this book. And the whole ending of this book/series is kind of tiring.

I think if there wasn't , I would enjoy this book more.

There is much more I'm disappointed with in this book, but that would be a really, really long review.

I think that after reading Bane Chronicles, I'm done with all CC books because I fell like she's using the same pattern over and over again.

After this review, I found out that I'm angrier with this book than I thought. So the rating is somewhere between 1 and 2*. But because I think this book was written just for money, I want to go for 1* stars. But because I loved those characters and the story I'll go with 2*. Maybe I'll change it in future, but for now, I'll leave it at 2 stars, and I'll remove books four, five and six from my bookshelf. I'm going to pretend that the series ended with the original trilogy.
Profile Image for Mikee (ReadWithMikee).
203 reviews1,346 followers
February 9, 2017
“Freely we serve
Because we freely love, as in our will
To love or not; in this we stand or fall.”
I can't believe I finally finished this series. I am speechless. Completing all of The Mortal Instruments books feels like such an accomplishment. This is the first long-running series, with a total of six books, that I have ever read in my life.

As a whole, The Mortal Instruments was a rollercoaster ride. I had a love/hate relationship with these books and some of its characters. I actually began to lose hope in this series but City of Heavenly Fire redeemed The Mortal Instruments for me.

I hated Clary with a burning, fiery passion deep in my heart but she began to grow on me, along with Jace. I AM NOT a Clace fan. Not romantically, not even individually. They are my least favorite characters in The Mortal Instruments, which is fairly ironic because this series revolves around these two characters. But I found myself accepting the both of them in this book. They weren't the typical, annoying characters that they were 95% of the series. They were likable. They finally became the people they should've been from the very beginning. The romance, drama, and angst was kept to a minimum in this book, so thank you Cassandra Clare. Bless your soul.

City of Heavenly Fire was every bit as action packed as I had imagined, maybe even more so. But at times, the story felt a bit slow and dragged on. A part of me sort of expected it because any book that's 700+ pages long is bound to feel a bit dragged. Thankfully, I didn't mind it much. I was kept on my toes for the most part and sped through the last 200 pages with a blink of an eye.

This book and series ended perfectly with City of Heavenly Fire and I'm glad I persevered until the very last page no matter how irritated I became towards the last half of The Mortal Instruments. A part of me still feels like a chapter of my own life has come to an end because The Mortal Instruments has been a huge part of my reading experience. I'm so happy to have dived into the Shadow World and the Shadowhunter books when I did because now I only have to wait a few more days for the release of Lady Midnight. Thank goodness I won't have to suffer these withdrawals for long.

I can't wait to be introduced to a whole new series in the Shadowhunter World. Before, I complained about Cassandra Clare's obsession with dragging this world on but after reading and finishing The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, I now understand the love that readers have towards Shadowhunters and Cassandra's books. Thank you Cassandra Clare for your wonderful creation. Keep doing what you're doing because you've turned me into a loyal reader and I will read just about anything with your name on the cover.

Profile Image for Claudia Lomelí.
Author 10 books82.3k followers
July 1, 2017
Sooo... I survived CoHF. And the ride was amazing.

I don't know what to feel! I can't believe it's over! But one thing I love about the Shadowhunter chronicles is that we'll be getting more and more every year! And I loved the way Cassie introduced the characters of TDA in this book, I'm already in love with them! Julian is so so so sweet, and I loved Emma! And Tavvy and Dru and Livvy and Ty! Even Mark, oh, Mark :'(. I just want the Blackthorns to be happy! BUT WELL, I'll have TDA to know them better and to fall more in love with them.

Hmmm... and I don't know what else to say, I can't write an accurate review of this book without spoiling it. For this non spoilery part, I'll say that it was simply beautiful and that it made me squeal, scream, cry, laugh out loud, it was full of so many FEELS. I really loved it and it was an excellent way to finish this series <3. I'm glad Cassie decided to write 3 more books after City of Glass, because every single one of her characters grew a lot in them!

SO... five big stars for this book! I just want to say: I still think Clockwork Princess is the best book Cassie has ever written, CoHF is close, but it didn't top CP2 for me.

I'll make a video discussing the book soon, I have to!!! There is so much to talk about and to shout about, hahaha. BUT NOW... BEWARE FOR THE SPOILERS.

So, I think Cassie is a BIG TROLL. She is a TEASE! She scared the hell out of us and in the end nobody died! Or at least, no main character died! I was so SCARED while reading the book, fearing for the life of my precious characters and I was in TEARS when I thought Magnus was going to die in Edom!!! It made so much sense and I was hysteric! Magnus is my favorite character and I was like: NO CLARE, DON'T YOU DARE!!! I literally fell out of my bed and I was crying in the floor when he said goodbye to Alec. UGH, CASSIE, YOU ARE SUCH A TEASE! SO EVIL! Playing with my feelings like that :(. Not that I hate Cassie for that, I LOVE HER, and I also loved this part of the book, but I was trully scared! I didn't want Magnus to die! EHEM, then Simon stepped up and I felt a little relieved with the deal Asmodeus made with him! YES, I was SAD for him and for Clary and for Izzy, but it was the best we could get! I mean, I didn't ever pictured Simon as an immortal vampire, he didn't want to live forever, so I think that this was the perfect way to fix that and to give him the mortal life he deserved <3. I am happy with the way Cassie fixed that! It was heart wrenching, YES, but necessary! And Simon saved everyone and I love him for that.

AND WOW WOW WOW, maybe he'll be a Shadowhunter! How amazing is that!? My grin didn't fit in my face when I read that part!

So, for the characters that DID die, I feel really sad about Raphael :(. I really liked that vamp. Jordan also made me tear a little, but I wasn't really fond of him, so I'm okay with him gone. BUT BUT BUT the one who made me most sad was Sebastian's death :(. I know he deserved it and the part of the Judas Kiss was amazing, I was like: YES. YES. YES!!!! BUT THEN it was so sad seeing the real Jonathan dying in Jocelyn's arms and he was SO ashamed of himself and UGH, I couldn't stand it :(! At the end when he told them to destroy the infernal cup and everything he said to Clary... oh, Jonathan :(.

UGH NO, I really have so much more to say! About Tessa and about JEM! OMG! We got Jem back and all my feels exploded! ALSO ABOUT JACE CHOOSING TO BE A HERONDALE! YES! YES! I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER! And Malec, oh, MALEC, I can't believe they ended up together and better than before <3. I was really scared for them in this book, but at the end they made it! And I'm proud of both of them, and so so so happy for them <3.

BUT YES, I'll say everything in my video discussion, so I'll shut up for now.


9 reviews20 followers
Want to read
July 16, 2012
Hmm…although I have only read the first three books of TMI, I can't possibly imagine how Cassandra Clare wrote THREE MORE DANG BOOKS!!! Did anyone else think that City of Glass wrapped everything up nicely? I did. With everyone happy. The Downworlders and Shadowhunters forgetting their pasts and mingling. Maryse being okay with Alec and Magnus (that part was so sweet. I smiled whenever they came up.) Clary and Jace together. Simon accepting his sunny-albeit bloody- fate. Happiness for all!!!!! "No," says Cassandra Clare.
I guess there are some questions unanswered:
Will Simon choose Maia or Isabelle?
Will Clary train to become a Shadowhunter? (well, I guess that one's pretty obvious)
Will Jocelyn marry Luke?

But…with Valentine and Sebastian "dead" (ya, I seriously doubt that), the Downworlders and Shadowhunters "resolving their ancient problems that don't make any sense," and Clary and Jace "finally together," what is the plot?!
Probably lots of Jace and Clary time. Yay. -__-

And I know it's been said before but….2014?! SERIOUSLY! You can't do that! There's something called LOSING INTEREST and it's probably going to happen to a lot of the people who are totally spazzing out about the wait. We all loyally-or reluctantly-read the five flipping books, at least let us know the ending! Jeez.


May 25, 2017
2 Wait.. Was that it? Stars

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Major Spoilers Ahead

Okay so let me get this straight I read 6 books in this series, the last book over 700 pages and that was the ending CC gave us readers really? I have to say I am pretty disappointed in the way the whole series played out. The first 3 books were really good but I feel like the last 3 though okay lacked depth of character, and depth of the on going relationships. Maybe it's because there was so many storylines going at once( CC could totally give JR Ward a run for her money when it comes to multiple storylines.) Whatever it was it made me feel like something was missing. For instance we have 3 major relationship going on in this series (Jace and Clary, Simon and Izzy, Alec and Magnus) and like 3 side relationships(Maia and Jordan, Luke and Jocelyn and Maryse and Robert) Now I can understand not getting deep on the side relationships, but I as a reader should feel the love between the major 3 and I didn't. Jace and Clary I did but even their's could have been stronger. Maybe if they had been able to be together more in the books. Simon and Izzy were a total let down. Their relationship consist of a few kisses Izzy acting like a cold bitch for 5 books then towards the end of book 6( which again is over 700 pages) them telling each other they love each other. Really? Then CC goes and takes Simons memories of Izzy and everyone else! God I was pissed!

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Why? There was already tons of drama in this book. Why would you be so cruel to Simon? I mean you turn him human and wipe his memories of everyone Izzy, Jace, Alec, and Clary. And Simon wasn't the only over the top dramatic thing that happens in this book that left a bad taste in my mouth. Lets talk about Jordan..... Poor Jordan he and Maia dated and were in love back in the day. Then he gets in a fight with a guy (werewolf) gets bit and turns werewolf. Now he doesn't know that was happening and it was causing him to be out of control. He was abusive to Maia and then he bites and turns her. All bad stuff. Okay so when he turns he finds help and trains to become like the person who helped him. Trains to keep other newly turned wolves from going rogue like he did and hurting the ones they love too. So for years he is ate up with guilt and still loves Maia never touches another woman not even a kiss. So when Maia and Jordan got back together (Maia forgave him because she knows when you are first turned you can't control things and have black out rages) I was so happy. Then she started acting cold to him in this book. She started pulling away. Just out of the blue. The last book ended and they were fine. Now she is having trouble forgiving the past and doesn't want to be with him? Then CC kills Jordan! Yup kills him and Maia tells Bat her ex that she was planning to break up with him because she didn't really get over the past. So he died and the woman he loved didn't really love him back. God!

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And the whole Emma/Jules/ Blackthorn family plot line bored me. I started skipping their part of the book completely. I just didn't care. Why was she trying to start a whole new story plot with a whole new set of characters? Ohhh I know why because she started a spin off series with them. But I don't care. Just sayin'! Maybe if I would have met them in book 1-3 I could have connected but the last book...pfff whatevs!

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Now lets talk about that epilogue. It felt more like a HFN than a HEA and this is the last book in the series so Where is the wrap up? I got no real closure. No marriages, no babies no future. Just 6 months later and Jace and Clary are together, Simon can't really remember much but kinda remembers a very little thanks to Magnus, and everything is pretty much the same as the last 5 books. WTF there are no more books in this series so why leave things feeling unfinished. I get she is doing spin off series left and right but damn I needed closure! I feel like I just wasted my time and got nothing from it. I was just so disappointed and unsatisfied. I still gave the book 2 stars because there are some good parts and tons of action but overall it could have been so so so much better!

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Profile Image for Yulitza Moncada.
38 reviews103 followers
August 15, 2016
La verdad no entiendo porque espere tanto tiempo para leer este libro, estoy muy arrepentida de no haberlo leído apenas lo tuve en mis manos, este último libro me lleno de tantas alegrías y emociones como no tienen idea, que hasta llore como una niña cuando lo termine.

Este último libro está lleno de acción, felicidad, tristeza, muertes, momentos emotivos, de todo un poco y de verdad estoy muy agradecida a Cassandra Clare por darnos este libro tan espectacular, eso SI para mí no es el mejor de todos los libros, pero me gusto y MUCHO.

Los personajes nuevos me gustaron mucho, Emma y Julian me encantaron, me cayeron demasiado bien, y estoy emocionada por leer ya “LADY MIDNIGHT” y poder conocer mas a profundidad a estos personajes, de resto los personajes que ya conocemos no tengo que decir nada de ellos porque simplemente los amo, Jace, Alec, Magnus, Clare, Simon, Isabelle, Jocelyn, Luke, Sebastian, estos personajes son mi vida, y la evolución que tuvieron cada uno de ellos en CoHF es IMPRESIONANTE, muchos pasaron de ser débiles, a ser unos personajes BADASS que te dejaban la boca abierta con lo que hacían, pero si tengo que recalcar es la evolución en el personaje de Simon Lewis, no podía creer y aceptar como creció este personaje, como dejo de ser ese Simon asustado, débil, a ser un personaje sin miedo, y que se sacrificaría por cualquiera a los que ama, , otra cosa fueron todas esas menciones a Tessa y Will, no saben cómo sonreía de la felicidad en esos momentos.

Si tengo que decir que CoHF tenía sus cuantas páginas de relleno donde tu creías que iba a pasar algo y NOP, no pasaba nada, aun recuerdo como Cassie nos asusto con el tema de las muertes, que íbamos a sufrir y la verdad con las muertes que tuvimos solo sufrí por 1 y creo que muchos ya sabrán cual es, llore mucho ese proceso donde Sebastián/Jonathan moría, el resto de las muertes realmente fue como OK, QUE PENITA ME DIO POR ELLOS… SIGAMOS , la trama como tal del libro me gusto y bastante, Cassandra supo cómo desarrollar esa ultima guerra, esos acontecimientos que pasaron, supo cómo hacer que no pudieras soltar ese libro hasta que ya estuvieras a nada de terminarlo, y DIOS MIO .

De esto solo les puedo decir que para mi COHF fue un grandioso final, y la verdad quede satisfecha de cómo Cassie termino esta historia, y quede con tantas ganas de mas que no voy a dudar a leer LM, este libro provoco tantas emociones en mi que no las puedo describir, lagrimas, felicidad, sonrisas, momentos de odio, etc, pero de verdad estoy muy agradecida a Cassandra Clare por darnos este final tan bonito con ese EPILOGO QUE ME HIZO GRITAR Y SALTAR DE LA EMOCIÓN , para finalizar les tengo que decir que este libro fue el cierre perfecto para esta increíble saga de libros que marco tanto mi vida, y me hizo vivir momentos hermosos al momento de leer cada uno de sus libros.

- Ave atque vale in perpetuum, frater. -
Profile Image for Baba.
3,812 reviews1,273 followers
February 14, 2023
The Mortal Instruments, book No. 6 The final, longest and probably best book in the series (now that was surprise for me!), in which Sebastian, the Endarkened and demons look to wipe out not just the Shadowhunters, but the entire world! Was it worth it? From a young adult fantasy reading perspective, very much so, as Sebastian goes full barrels out to utterly destroy the Shadowhunter world forcing Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, Alec, Magnus, Maia, Luke etc. to be pushed to the limits and beyond.

Artwork saved by Melissa P. Duarte on Pintrest
A series that I began rereading for the sole purpose of discarding it and freeing up some shelf space ends up reminding me that this is a very good piece of reality building with a range of limited but interesting characters, with the overriding romantic story threads being the only downside for me, although they are played with much better effect in this final volume. A firm Three Star, 7 out of 12 for me :)
And yes, I am still taking this series the local charity shop to free up 7 book spaces on my YA shelves :)

2023 and 2017 read
Profile Image for Lucy AveAtqueVale.
6 reviews25 followers
March 29, 2016
Oh, 2014 you say?

Way to freaking long. Right now this is me;

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And, the longer I wait the more I want to do this;

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Oh, and if Alec and Magnus don't get back together;

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For those of you who ship Simon/Clary instead of Simon/Izzy; Well,

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I would really love for Izzy to finally tell Simon how she feels 'cause then I would have to be all like;

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FINALLY!! Thank you, Jesus.
Profile Image for Tina ➹ lives in Fandoms.
455 reviews458 followers
April 8, 2024
you better read in this order: (it's the publication order- safest option in my opinion)
1) City of Bones: ★★★★/5
2) City of Ashes: ★★★★/5
3) City of Glass: ★★★★★/5
1) Clockwork Angel: ★★★★★/5
2) Clockwork Prince: ★★★★★/5
3) Clockwork Princess: ★★★★★/5)
4) City of Fallen Angels: ★★★★/5
5) City of Lost Souls: ★★★★(★)/5
& now
6) City of Heavenly Fire: ★★★★★/5

TMI series Rating:
5 imMortal Golden Stars


first three books: 4.5
last three books: 5

I love this world & I crave for more! (thankfully, we have more!)
the unique magic system, the modern world Urban fantasy, the involving of vampires & werewolves, the supernatural nature of it, Angels versus Demons.
in amount of my interest, the whole Shadowhunters chronicles (as one big series!) is probably my 5th favourite series, & my most favourite YA!
I love it! the amount of fantasy, adrenaline & romance; balanced, beautiful.

City of Heavenly Fire:

Complete 5 heavenly Golden Stars
3rd best of 2019

This book filled me with thrills, chills, excitements, laugh, horror, tragedy, pain & agony. since the very first page.
I laughed a lot, with the main sassy characters & also with the undiscovered Malcolm who revealed himself after so many books in Shadowhunter world, in this one.
& I only cried harder (& longer!) than this one in two books: HP; the Deathly Hallows & they both Die in the end
(I totally love when I cry over a book, so this is a good point)

In other words, it was perfect!

& this was the best one in the Mortal Instruments!
Now I'm gonna sweep my shattered heart off the floor.

this review Might have spoilers about previous books

I love Sebastian! He was cunning, dangerous, schemer & charismatic! & his tragic past made my heart wrench & the fact that no one understands him (either in shadowhunters world or among the fans) is even more heartbreaking. I cried a lot.
One of the best villains I've ever read.
I would join him! I would love him. someone please give him a hug! (Clary, damn you!)
& it's weird coming from me, a hero-lover.
(please don't be rude in the comments)

Alec, my sweetheart, you were awesome!
I also always adored archers, especially when he is the serious, silent, clueless, composed, protective as the eldest one, always seeing sense, sometimes funny character. I loved it where he was the POV character, alas they were a few but they were awesome! I relate to him so much!
in this book I felt my heart tore into 2 pieces; one for Alec & one for Sebastian.

Clare's heroines are good, I mostly like them. Clary & Tessa were sometimes annoying & stupid, so despite her stubbornness, Emma is my favourite female lead character. (TDA) you can read why in my review of Lady Midnight
in TMI, I like Izzy. Clary was good sometimes & sometimes I wanted to punch her in the face. (including this book!)
as in adults, I like Charlotte, Maryse & Jocelyn.
But... I liked you Maia! after reading this book; I feel betrayed. She was good & strong but said something that ruined herself in my eye!

I kept making hypothesis; none of them happened, to my astonishment!
I was internally screaming in horror: I didn't see that coming!
I love to see old characters. It was kind of Nostalgic. (tho I only started this, a year & a half ago) I read this series in 4 stops & every time I was Obsessed with someone else; first it was Alec, then it was Simon, now it is Sebastian (& Alec too, but more Sebastian)
& I love there was a exclusive country only for them in this world; beside the institute, I want to go there!
just it, thank you Cassie Clare! for this amazing world! <3
9 down, 3 to go
the dark artifices, I will come for you!
2019, 1st read: I finished 728 pages in 5 days & on Alec's birthday! (Sep 12)
if you're new to this world, check out Shadowhunters book order (updated-all the series included)
December 13, 2014
Why are you doing this to me!!! I love Cassandra Clare's books but I'm gonna hate her forever for making me wait this long!! It's bad enough I have to wait about half a year for COLS, now I have to wait more than a year after COLS for COHF!!! This is ABSOLUTELY THE WORST KIND OF TORTURE IN THE WORLD!!!! I should have waited till the end of 2013 then bought COFA, COLS and COHF but I couldn't keep my hands of COFA. And now how am I feeling you ask? Well....TORTURED, SLEEPLESS and I CAN'T KEEP MY MIND OFF COLS AND COHF!!! Ughhhhh! Oh and SUICIDAL. Ok I'm just kidding about feeling suicidal. I can't wait for the books to come out. For me, books are synonymous to oxygen, food and water and all the other things required for life. So.... I will die without books and books are one of the things nessacary for life for me. I know I'm exaggerating the point, but I mean it except maybe the part about dying without books. I hope I find enough books to read until COLS and COHF are released.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 28,666 reviews

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