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Vampires of El Norte

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Horror (2023)
Vampires and vaqueros face off on the Texas-Mexico border in this supernatural western from the author of The Hacienda.

As the daughter of a rancher in 1840s Mexico, Nena knows a thing or two about monsters—her home has long been threatened by tensions with Anglo settlers from the north. But something more sinister lurks near the ranch at night, something that drains men of their blood and leaves them for dead.

Something that once attacked Nena nine years ago.

Believing Nena dead, Néstor has been on the run from his grief ever since, moving from ranch to ranch working as a vaquero. But no amount of drink can dispel the night terrors of sharp teeth; no woman can erase his childhood sweetheart from his mind.

When the United States attacks Mexico in 1846, the two are brought abruptly together on the road to war: Nena as a curandera, a healer striving to prove her worth to her father so that he does not marry her off to a stranger, and Néstor as a member of the auxiliary cavalry of ranchers and vaqueros. But the shock of their reunion—and Nena’s rage at Néstor for seemingly abandoning her long ago—is quickly overshadowed by the appearance of a nightmare made flesh.

And unless Nena and Néstor work through their past and face the future together, neither will survive to see the dawn.

371 pages, Hardcover

First published August 15, 2023

About the author

Isabel Cañas

12 books3,211 followers
Isabel Cañas is a Mexican American speculative fiction writer. After having lived in Mexico, Scotland, Egypt, Turkey, and New York City, among other places, she has settled in the Pacific Northwest. She holds a doctorate in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and writes fiction inspired by her research and her heritage.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 5,459 reviews
Profile Image for Ayman.
265 reviews113k followers
September 27, 2023
i’m sitting on a bad boy piece of information…A BAD BOY PIECE OF FUCKING INFORMATION ‼️

the way this has become one of my top books of the year. the best decision i made this year was picking up this book. from the very first page i was hooked in. the author was COOKING on high tempt the second i started reading!

it’s 1840s Mexico. Nena and Néstor are innocent childhood best friends with the promise of marrying one another one day😭 that is until Nena is attacked by a Vampire (not the kind that sparkles in the sunlight) and Néstor believes she died. But Nena thinks Néstor just left her😭 9 years later and much older, Néstor returns to town to find out that Nena is very much alive and his 9 years of grief were all for nothing… War breaks out due to colonialism in Mexico and the two are left to survive with one another while trying not to be mauled by these fugly Vampires…

when i tell you this book is the definition of: If he wanted to he would ladies. my heart aches at the love they have more one another. they both suffered 2 different types of grief during their 9 years apart and every time i think about it i just CRY!! i’m SICK! reading this book felt like my skin was shedding and i was turning into a werewolf. every page had me hooked and frothing at the mouth for more. Nena and Néstor are forced to not only fight these vampires but classism, colorism, and their undying love for one another🥹

Reading through Néstor’s pov was riveting. this man is IN LOVE!! “nothing mattered but this: a bolt of yearning as wide as the sky. A certainty so brilliant. It’s shattered every vision he wants out of the future. This was what he wanted. Nena.”
he’s constantly referring to Nena as his home. she’s really his salvation i’m telling you. This man would move the heavens and the earth for his girl! i need him biblically…

and my gosh Nena…i haven’t read through a female protagonist’s pov that had me yearing and longing, and wanting THIS much in such a long time. idk wtf this author is doing to me istg… Nena’s strength and determination and badassery is not to be taken lightly or unappreciated. she is THAT girl! slaying vampires left and right and fighting for the life she deserves!! her bravery whether it be silent or loud was so refreshing to read through.

this book gagged me. left me blinking once every 10 minutes. the writing felt like it was connected to my veins leading to my heart. this book had me aching. bawling my eyes out. i think it changed my hair color? my back is about to make a full rotation around the earth…

no person should leave this earth having not read this book…i DO NOT say this lightly ‼️
Profile Image for Simone James.
Author 12 books16.7k followers
August 5, 2023
Give me vampires, give me a vivid setting in historical Mexico, give me two complex characters separated by tragedy, give me incisive commentary on class, gender, and race hierarchies, give me slow burn romance, give me suspense and action, but most of all, give me vampires.

This book gave me all of it. My gothic loving heart is happy. It is SO GOOD.

Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,894 reviews12.6k followers
August 11, 2024
**4.5-stars rounded up**

Set in 1840's Mexico, Vampires of El Norte is a love story a lifetime in the making. It's more than just a love story between two people though. It also speaks to the love of the land, one's home and culture.

This is the latest release from Isabel Cañas. It's a beautifully told Historical Romance story with well-blended Horror elements. We're talking creepy vampires!

Having loved The Hacienda, I was so excited for this release. Not only did it sound amazing, but the cover is easily one of my favorites of all time.

While this started a little slow, taking me about a week to make it through the first 10%, after I got through the initial build-up, I couldn't put it down.

In this story, we are following two young people, Nena and Néstor. Nena is the daughter of a wealthy rancher and Néstor was her childhood best friend.

The two were inseparable as kids, even past the point where it was considered appropriate. They would sneak off and slowly, over time, they began to grow sweet on one another.

During one of their secretive late night rendezvous, Nena was attacked by a mysterious monster. Néstor races her to help, but believing Nena dead, he promptly flees the area. He's been on the run ever since, wracked with grief, moving from ranch to ranch working as a vaquero.

When the heart of our story begins, nine years have passed since that terrifying night of Nena's attack.

Nena has remained on her parent's ranch, training with Néstor's Grandmother to become a curandera. When war threatens to spill over their borders, the locals gather together and form a cavalry to fight back against the invaders from the United States.

Nena's father is in charge and she convinces him to let her travel with the group as their healer. Men will be getting sick and injured and she knows she can prove herself useful.

Preparing to travel to the battlefields, Nena and Néstor are reunited with very mixed feelings. Néstor has lived the past 9-years feeling guilty for Nena's presumed death and Nena has lived the past 9-years feeling abandoned by Néstor.

Good ole' fashioned romantic miscommunication ensues.

As frightening and dangerous as war is, the nightmares from Nena and Néstor's past still lurk in the shadows and they're about to become more threatening than ever.

Forced to work together, will Nena and Néstor be able to put their misunderstandings aside long enough to rid their country from their enemies, both human and non-human?

As I mentioned above, this did take me a little bit to really become invested in. Once Nena and Néstor were reunited though, I was hooked. I loved their chemistry.

The journey of their relationship, as well as what was happening in the plot was just so satisfying. I really enjoyed them getting to know one another as adults.

The side characters, as well, added a lot. Both of them had family members still rather prominent in their lives and it was interesting watching all those dynamics play out.

I am not a Historical Fiction reader generally. It's definitely not a genre I gravitate towards, however the way Cañas expertly blends in convincing Supernatural Horror elements really sells it for me.

I love the imagery she creates. These vampires are definitely not the sparkly kind. I also appreciate the vivid settings and how much culture plays a role in the story. You really get a sense of place and time from her writing.

Overall, I just had a really great time with this. I felt transported. This was the perfect type of romance story for me. I will remember this one for a long time.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I cannot wait to see what Cañas delivers next!!!
Profile Image for A Mac.
1,060 reviews185 followers
June 15, 2023
Nena is the daughter of a rancher in Mexico during the 1840s. She spends her time playing with Nestor, the son of one of the ranch hands. But one night, she is brutally attacked when out with him. He flees, believing she is dead. Bur Nena didn’t die, and nine years later, her home is under threat from encroaching Anglos and supernatural creatures who kill during the night. Fate brings Nestor and Nena together again, and their conflicting emotions are quickly overshadowed by the nightmares raging around them.

The author did a good job at incorporating the setting and history of this time. The isolation and land were utilized well in adding some tension to the plot. The inclusion of the encroachment of Anglos across the land during this time was also incorporated well as a parallel to the actual monsters. However, the vampires and their attacks just weren’t that spooky or tense and felt more like an afterthought/metaphor than a true part of the plot. There was also minimal lore incorporated about them, which was disappointing. This made the “horror” aspect of this book and the atmosphere feel greatly lacking. I also wish the book had focused a bit more on the herbal and healing/magical lore; these things were heavily utilized but the author just showed them happening, rather than exploring any lore or aspect of them.

The biggest drawback of this work for me was how overwritten it was. This contributed to the lack of atmosphere, tension, and suspense that could have been present. It seemed to be the worst during Nestor’s parts during the first half of the book then Nena’s during the second half. These long passages of introspective exposition seemed like they were supposed to round out the characters but were extremely repetitive and slowed down the plot drastically. I don’t like skimming while I read, but most of these parts were not worth reading carefully. The characters weren’t that compelling and didn’t have meaningful depth/development, and the secondary characters were much the same.

This was a fine read – I had high expectations and was disappointed, but it wasn’t a waste of time. If you enjoy forbidden romances and historical fiction, you will probably enjoy this work. My thanks to NetGalley and Berkely Publishing Group for allowing me to read this work, which will be published August 15, 2023. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for SK.
486 reviews7,816 followers
August 30, 2023
3.5 stars✨

"I couldn't face it... A world without you. I'm not brave enough."

The first half was average but the second half truly blossomed beautifully. The atmosphere is so eerie, I really enjoyed it.

Put it this way- you go expecting a lot of vampires but it's actually a historical romance. Nestor and Nena, both are childhood friends. Nena gets bit by a vampire, terrified, Nestor runs and doesn't show up until nine years later when he meets Nena again. Their romance is something realistic to the time it was set in and I did like it quite a lot.

The only problems I had was the fact it took me a while to get into the story and that I would have liked more vampires. Like cmon the book is named "Vampires of El Norte."

Gothic romance and vampires? Here I come
Profile Image for John Mauro.
Author 6 books800 followers
June 5, 2024
My complete review of Vampires of El Norte is published at Grimdark Magazine.

Vampires of El Norte is the second horror novel by Isabel Cañas following her highly regarded debut, The Hacienda. As with her first novel, Vampires of El Norte combines elements of horror, romance, and historical fiction to create a chilling tale in an historical Mexican setting.

Vampires of El Norte alternates perspectives between Nena and Néstor, an adolescent couple in northeastern Mexico in 1837. Tensions are rising between the local Mexican ranchers and Anglo settlers who are crossing the border from Texas.

Meanwhile, Nena is fascinated by her grandmother’s folktales, which are haunted by menacing nocturnal creatures that suck the blood of their victims and leave them to die.

A nighttime tryst gone terribly awry causes Nena and Néstor to separate for nine long years. Néstor drowns his sorrows in a life of debauchery, while Nena trains as a healer in the art of folk remedies.

Nena and Néstor unexpectedly reunite as the Anglos bring full-scale war to Mexico. But can Nena forgive Néstor for abandoning her and succumbing to a life of vice? A possibly rekindled romance is set against the shadows of the Mexican-American War and the constant fear of an unspeakable horror.

Isabel Cañas manages a careful balance between the romantic and horror aspects of the novel. In my view, the first and last portions of the book strike just the right balance. However, the middle part of the novel takes a lighter romantic tone that left me craving something darker.

Oral traditions play an important role throughout Vampires of El Norte, lending a folk horror aspect to the novel. I especially enjoyed the author’s unique representation of vampires, which is genuinely terrifying at first and later adopts a more melancholic feel. Isabel Cañas delivers one of the most creative and compelling depictions of vampires that I have read in a long time.

Another highlight of Vampires of El Norte is its mid-nineteenth century setting during the Mexican-American war, which Isabel Cañas leverages to draw parallels between fictional creatures of horror and the real-life terrors of nationalistic aggression and war. Vampires of El Norte is an excellent example of how fantastic elements can help enhance our understanding of historical tragedies and their impact on both the individuals involved and society as a whole.

Vampires of El Norte is compulsively readable, blending the usually disparate genres of horror, romance, and historical fiction all in one compelling Weird Western story. I look forward to reading more from Isabel Cañas in the future.
Profile Image for Dennis.
907 reviews1,853 followers
August 7, 2023
I was really nervous about reading Isabel Cañas' second novel after really enjoying THE HACIENDA last year. For some reason, I felt that the author may fall into the dreaded Book 2 curse. Don't ask me why, I just had a feeling. That being said, VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE is not only going to prove me and anyone else who thought otherwise, but it is even better than her debut.

Taking place in 1840s Mexico, the story focuses on rancher families living on the Mexico-Texas border and their family feuds. Nena and her family see the threats to their ranch constantly, with Anglo settlers from the north invading their space. However, Nena also realizes that something is lurking around their ranch at night that is even more sinister than trespassers. When Néstor gets informed about Nena's attack, believing she was dead, he has been running from ranch to ranch working the land and trying to escape the grief of a woman he loved. When the United States attacks Mexico in 1846, Nena and Néstor are reunited once again. Not only do they have to fend off the United States, but vampires as well.

VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE is a supernatural romance through and through. Vampires are only a secondary plot in this book and I am so happy about that. Just go into this story knowing that and you'll love it. I loved Nena and Néstor so much and their romance sparked so much emotion for me. I did not expect this book to truly be about the struggle for love and togetherness and it was an excellent surprise for me. I loved everything about this book and teetered between my @librofm audiobook and the physical copy seamlessly. The audiobook's narration was fantastic and I hope readers enjoy Nena and Néstor's journey as much as I did.
Profile Image for Kay.
2,182 reviews1,119 followers
October 16, 2023
A slow-burn YA historical romance with Mexican–American War backdrop.

It's 1840s Mexico. Two young friends, Nena and Néstor are separated after an attack by a night creature. Néstor, a vaquero (wrangler) thinks Nena the daughter of a rich rancher is dead and takes off. Not until years later did they meet again.

This is NOT Cowboy "From Dusk Till Dawn" but rather a forbidden YA romance.

I absolutely love Nena in the red dress on the cover and the blurb is promising. Isabel Cañas did a wonderful job with the history, detail, and atmosphere. Because Vampires of El Norte is tagged as horror, I am disappointed that there weren't enough supernatural elements. The pace was too slow for me but I enjoyed the beginning when I first met the characters and the exciting third act.

Since I don't speak Spanish, the ebook was helpful with the translation feature. I'm surprised that not every new Spanish word has an English context right before or after. I don't know if this would work if I had read a print edition or listened without an ebook. If I had the right expectations, I may have enjoyed it more. Recommended to those who enjoy slow-burn YA'ish gothic historical romance with bits of supernatural monsters.

Thank you Berkley Publishing Group for the DRC.
Published Aug 15, 2023
Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 24 books6,424 followers
August 15, 2023
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas (The Hacienda)

Affiliate Link: https://bookshop.org/a/7576/978059343...

Release Date: August 29th, 2023

BISAC Categories: Horror - General, Gothic, Thrillers - Suspense, Historical Fiction

Subgenre/Themes: Romance, unrequited love, vampires, family obligations, arranged marriage, 1840s Mexico, vaqueros, curanderas (healers), ranch life, US invasion

Writing Style: Lucious prose, multiple POV, cinematic details & setting

What You Need to Know: Fans of The Hacienda and its primary characters will love Nena and Néstor. Newcomers should expect Vampires of El Norte to lean into the romance between its two lead protagonists. Their relationship drives this story. When the vampires are present, it’s truly a terrifying treat but it’s safe to advise horror readers showing up for the vampires to understand their role in this tale is shared by several oppressive entities against lovers, Nena and Néstor.

My Reading Experience: Readers, if I could bottle up that relaxed feeling when I’ve been absorbed into the pages of a good book, I would mass produce it and we’d experience world peace; the best feeling in the world. Not every book is capable of delivering on this, but Isabel Cañas gave it to me in spades with The Hacienda last year. I wanted to exist on those pages; in that world!

I went into this with similar expectations and by the end of the first chapter, I was swooning.

Running through my mind while I was reading was the idea that maybe Cañas enjoyed the romantic aspects of The Hacienda so much, she decided to lean into it more for this novel and maybe the historical fiction aspects too because they are the major thrust of the novel. Not really a complaint–I love slow-burn, Gothic, historical, horror, and romance, but I will say that I struggled with some repetition toward the middle chapters. Néstor has an overarching narrative about Nena and a certain situation that happened in their past that caused a separation between them and this plays on repeat in his head. At times, it feels natural and other times, it’s telegraphing the character’s motivations and intentions a little too loudly. The Cat and mouse game the two play is entertaining in that classic “will they or won’t they” kind of way that I enjoyed most of the time but occasionally felt overused. These things didn't hinder my reading experience too much, I enjoyed my time in this book. I will disclose that I loved The Hacienda more because of my ability to invest in the characters and their story more, but The Vampires of El Norte is a great follow up.

Any time the vampires were on deck was a winning moment for me. The Vampires of El Norte are unique and scary. Cañas wrote those scenes with fierce horror fans in mind; plenty of descriptive detail with her fingers on the dial amplifying the intensity. I’m glad the story didn’t shy away from graphic violence and bloodshed. I just wish there were more of it. The vampires share the stage with other persecuting powers so the full-on horror scenes have human monsters and supernatural monsters competing against each other with our star-crossed lovers front and center.

Final Recommendation: Horror fans looking for those sweet, sweet romance vibes nestled inside of a moody, scenic, Gothic historical fiction will find what they’re looking for here.

Comps: The Hunger by Alma Katsu, Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison, Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Profile Image for Rachel (TheShadesofOrange).
2,611 reviews4,010 followers
September 29, 2023
3.5 Stars
Video Review: https://youtu.be/DWp3ljyCkIk

This is a slow burning historical horror novel. I often struggle with glamorized vampire stories but this one offered a more mature take on the creatures of the night.

As a character driven piece of historical fiction, this one wasn't necessarily in my wheelhouse. This was well written with complex protagonists, but I will admit that this one did not entirely grab me. I appreciated it more than I loved it. I cannot comment on the cultural elements as I'm not incredibly familiar with this time period of Mexico.

I would recommend this one to readers who love literary Mexican horror with a exploration of this point of history.

Disclaimer I received a copy of this book from the publisher.
Profile Image for Mikala.
566 reviews180 followers
December 24, 2023
This can by no means whatsoever, be called a “horror”. Petition to the publishers to please MARKET BOOKS CORRECTLY. Penguin markets this as “historical romance” which ABSOLUTELY and “gothic & horror” which BARELY….why even set those expectations?

What I liked:
• Very atmospheric and descriptive writing.

What I didn’t like:
• While I fully acknowledge Isabelle Canas is maybe the best romance author I’ve ever read (saying this as a reader who generally dislikes reading romance), I have to also say that it really bothers me that this one essentially boils down to a miscommunication trope.
• Like WHY why whyyyy would Nestor just run away before checking if nena was actually dead or okay??? That to me is extraordinarily unbelievable. And for him to pine over her so strongly for nine years…just no. I think the “starcrossed lovers” trope was better done in The Hacienda.
• The historical fic vibes…like that’s just a personal thing is its my least favorite genre as I find it so boring and the whole “women must have modesty” theme that is so harped on is exhausting.
• This also felt really really young to me for some reason. Maybe for the main characters constant need for approval from her parents. And the fact that these characters only new each other from their youth, I cant really picture them as adults. They also really act like children as well to me, Nena for instance holding it against Nestor for leaving and being angry at him…and him holding this flame for a girl he knew a decade ago that he fantasizes about like smelling her hair ugh. It feels very YA “all-consuming” overly dramatic love when as an adult it just ISNT LIKE THAT.
• The vampire aspect was SO SO SO under-utilized and forgettable and kind of bugs me that its even a part of the title because it further makes me think that the publishers were really trying to tap into the horror market…and the fact that it was released around fall too. So its like they made the buzz worthy title because the most interesting part of this book IS the vampires but the are hardly in the book. (like I really don’t think this book would change at all without them)

Overall: ☆ ☆
I think if I had read this at a different time, when I was more in the mood for a romance I would have rated this a lot more highly. A lot of this I struggled to get through. But it comes down to again that this is my two least favorite genres and what I DO actually love “gothic horror” was so miniscule that it wasn’t even worth reading it for that aspect.

I am really struggling with my rating here because I just think this was SO BORING. But I also can acknowledge that it was well written, and there was nothing truly wrong with it other than I went in with false expectations??? The Hacienda for instance had a LOT more horror and genuinely creepy scenes. I also found the characters motivations to be realistic. That book had a romance in it that actually REALLY worked for me but it wasn’t the main plot of the story. And it actually made sense to me why it was so angsty and melodramatic. It was a 4.5 for me.

I listened to the audio version of this and my brain glazed over during so much of it. I really feel like unless you LOVE a super melodramatic, soapy, angsty romance than the majority of this book is going to feel repetitive and skippable to you.

I can genuinely see some people loving this though I just feel that I am not the right audience because I want more horror and preferably less romance…however if I AM going to read romance I do have to say this is an author that I would turn to because her writing is genuinely really good.
Profile Image for Bridget Vollmer.
484 reviews46 followers
August 15, 2023
2.5 rounded down.

This was just ok. I was really expecting a gothic horror with vampires and what I got was a historical romance with a touch of vampires. The ending was was weak and the vampires were an after thought. More time was spent on the inner monologue of Nestor and Nena and their failed relationship rather than the threat of vampires. Again not a bad book, just not what I was expecting.
Profile Image for Frank Phillips.
587 reviews304 followers
September 22, 2023
I'll be the first to admit I intentionally missed out on the Hacienda last year. I assumed it was just over-hyped and when being compared to Mexican Gothic, I just assumed it would fall short, so I just avoided the inevitable disappointment. When I saw the cover of this, Canas' follow up, I immediately knew I needed to read it, anything with vampires will always grab my attention, especially when it's outside of the fantasy genre and labeled as a gothic, historical fiction. I'm incredibly happy and relieved to say this one was every bit as good as I hoped it would be!

This story was richly atmospheric, and will appeal to any historical fiction fan, which I've always been. I don't know if it was based on Mexican folklore, or if that part is made up, but it read as though it were true, and I was incredibly creeped out throughout!

Nena and Nestor have grown up together, and always been sweethearts. Unfortunately, Nestor is below Nena socioeconomically as she is the daughter of a wealthy rancher, and Nestor is not from wealth, and a partnership with her would be inappropriate and forbidden, as Nena's father is not only wealthy, but the head of the estate in which Nestor lives and works. As 'the help,' Nestor hasn't even so much as been allowed or invited inside the house. When the two are thirteen, and on a late night rendezvous, Nena is attacked by something lurking in the shadows. Something with teeth that has drained her of her blood. Something that some locals call El Cuco. Nestor is torn apart and thinking her dead and lost in his grief, he leaves Rancho Los Ojuelos to find his future elsewhere.

Fast-forward nine years later and as Anglo settlers are threatening to invade from the north, fate brings Nestor, now a vaquero, back and to Nena's family estate. He quickly receives the shock of his life discovering Nena inexplicably survived the attack that night. Nena mistakenly believes he simply abandoned her, and is cold to him initially. When the two are forced to survive several nights alone fleeing from Yanquis and other things hiding in the dark, they rekindle their friendship and love for each other. Shortly after arriving back home, the ranch is attacked by not only the anglos, but the creatures that crave blood, and only Nena can save not only her family estate, but the man she loves! But, what if she is forced to choose between the land and home that's been in her family for generations or the love of her life? Which will she choose?

Even though the initial few chapters were a bit slow, I eventually found myself loving the gothic atmosphere of 1840s Mexico and their culture this book took me on a journey through! I knew nothing of their customs, traditions and folklore prior to this, and learned so much as I read, which was an delightful bonus. I found myself becoming very attached to both of the very troubled, yet undeniably likeable protagonists, hoping that somehow there would be a future for them. I quite literally sat at the edge of my seat reading the final pages, completely enthralled! Overall this was fantastic, however one thing I wish there had been even more of was the VAMPIRE bit. There seemed to be very limited interaction with these mysterious and misunderstood creatures, and I found myself desperately craving to learn more of them as as I read. Perhaps, at some point, there will be more to this story?!

If you are a fan of tragic love stories, any level of historical fiction, and don't mind a bit of horror added in, then this might just be the book for you! This read was a highly recommended, incredibly well-written gothic love story, with vampires in the background, that I will not soon forget!
Profile Image for Mara.
1,824 reviews4,185 followers
July 9, 2023
As a historical magical realism type book, this was well done and engaging. As horror, I found it lacking. There was just not enough of the titular vampires for what I was expecting
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,022 reviews2,447 followers
April 4, 2024
3 stars

I really enjoyed this author's previous book The Hacienda and was excited to pick up Vampires of El Norte. While I enjoyed it in the end, there was a point maybe 70% in where I considered dnf-ing this book because quite honestly: this book was kind of boring. It was also filled with a second chance childhood sweetheart romance that was fairly lackluster. But the best parts were the fighting scenes at the end, otherwise this would have been a 2 star read.
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,886 reviews392 followers
August 26, 2023

I actually really enjoyed how Isabel Cañas wrote vampires here! It was a take that based itself in mythology and the scenes where the vampires actually showed up were all very well written. Nothing else worked for me.

As others have said in their reviews, Vampires of El Norte was mostly a historical romance novel instead of a horror one. There was such a heavy focus on the romance between Nena and Néstor to the point where it overshadowed everything--even the historical subplot with Anglos.

The romance plot made use of two of my least favorite things in romance: lack of communication and hot-and-cold characters. There was such resistance from Nena and Néstor to just come out and talk about what happened to them? And then the amount of back and forth from Nena regarding Néstor and her feelings for him was incredibly frustrating.

I also didn't think Nena's character development worked in any way considering how she treated Néstor and how long it took her to make a decision about what she wanted? And then it was so rushed to have her family just be okay with things when she struggled with making them see and accept her perspective throughout the entire novel.

This was really disappointing overall. I had very high expectations for this book since I loved The Hacienda, but the romance and how it was developed made this a bad reading experience for me.
Profile Image for Chloe Liese.
Author 18 books9,199 followers
December 11, 2023
Beautifully written and atmospheric, this story deftly wove supernatural suspense, historical fiction, and sweeping romance into an immersive, engrossing tale. Cañas' prose is lush and propulsive, her narrative voice lyrical and confident; she's just a joy to read, her voice evoking the same magic as gathering around a campfire and being drawn into a thrilling, suspenseful, emotional story. Loved it!

Content notes: blood, violence, war, strained familial relationship.
Profile Image for Ginger.
876 reviews488 followers
February 23, 2024
2/2.5 stars ⭐️⭐️

I have no idea how this got nominated on Goodreads for best horror last year. Who’s voting on these categories?
I can see Vampires of El Norte being in historical fiction or romance but horror?!
I think this book got mislabeled.

I’m glad that I read The Hacienda first before picking this one up. It has more of a gothic feel with menace and evil lurking in the pages.

Vampires of El Norte does not.

It’s basically a historical romance with some vampires thrown in for good measure.
I liked the idea of the vampires but it’s not fleshed out enough and we’re not given information on how they’re introduced to this area.

**In my opinion, more backstory on the vampires is needed for this plot.**

Back to the romance:

I was so tired of being in Nestor & Nena’s head by the middle of the book. The writing and atmosphere are good but the characters drove me crazy with lack of communication and juvenile actions while being in the middle of a war.

Definitely go into this one with your expectations in check, especially in regards to vampires and horror.
Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,608 reviews4,290 followers
August 29, 2023
2.5 stars rounded up

After having the wrong expectations for The Hacienda, I thought I was going into Vampires of El Norte knowing what to expect- soapy melodrama and some creepiness in a historical setting. And yes, we did get that, but I also felt like this was slower and less engaging than The Hacienda. I didn't find the vampires as creepy as I wanted to and didn't think we got enough of them. There is certainly some relationship melodrama, though it feels quite young. I could see this being a good YA crossover title with childhood friends to forbidden lovers.

I do think the historical and cultural elements are interesting and well handled. It's set in 1840's Mexico and talks a lot about the class disparity between the wealthy ranchers and the vaqueros who work for them. Ultimately I wanted to like this more than I did, but I'm seeing other reviewers have a much better time with it. I kind of think Cañas just may not be the author for me. I love the premises of both her books, but the execution just doesn't seem to land for me in the way I want it to. Take my feelings with a grain of salt though because her writing really seems to click for a lot of readers. The audio narration is good, but perhaps contributes to the YA vibes I was getting. I received an audio review copy of this from Libro.FM, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Ali L.
274 reviews4,524 followers
November 20, 2023
I don’t often find myself in the position of hardcore rooting for two thirteen year olds to make a life together, but it took 17 pages of this book to sway me in the direction. Nena and Néstor are best friends who maybe kiss sometimes (you know, for research) and things get sticky when Nena gets bitten by a vampire (not a sexy vampire, unless you’re into like, giant spiders, which is fine if you are I don’t judge). Her dad, who is a massive dick, runs Néstor off and our brave boy spends nine years languishing over his dead beloved (she isn’t dead and for some reason no one told him, a plot hole I could pick at but choose not to). After being reunited, Néstor and Nena spend the remainder of the book fleeing white people (who are, in an unsurprising twist, much worse than the vampires) and saying things hotly to each other. This book is dark, atmospheric, romantic, and we gotta protect Néstor, he’s doing his best. Bring salt.
Profile Image for Tomes And Textiles.
383 reviews619 followers
September 9, 2023
EDIT: Check out my Tik Tok review while I get my written thoughts together.

Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Canas evokes the defiance of Vivien's Leigh's red dress from Gone with the Wind with the absolute rebellious fierceness of Sylvia Fowler's Jungle Red nails from the Women into Nena's red dress all set at against the backdrop of the Yankee's invasion of Mexico at the precipice of the Mexican-American War. It's a sweeping supernatural historical, yes, full of vampires, but also full of childhood love, family drama and survival at all costs.



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Profile Image for Mai.
1,140 reviews497 followers
September 19, 2024
Latine Heritage Month

I think I would've loved this in my teens. Not because I grew up during the height of Twilight, but because there is something I would've found wild and sensual about Nena and Néstor's forbidden friends to lovers romance. As I age, I agree more with her parents. Love isn't everything. Marry for money and comfort.

If you're going in looking for a vampire heavy novel, do yourself a favor and walk away. This story is about the people. We barely see any vampires, and by the time we do, it's toward the end of the story. I like that they are likened to the white American expansion into Mexico.

📱 Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley
Profile Image for Char.
1,806 reviews1,732 followers
Shelved as 'dreaded-dnf'
December 28, 2023
My library hold came in and I was excited! Then I listened for 2 hours and I'm throwing in the towel. I am bored and I don't care about any of these people. (Not that I need to care, but I do need a reason to continue, and I don't have any.)

DNF-no rating, no review. This one is not for me.
Profile Image for Jan Agaton.
1,075 reviews1,104 followers
September 24, 2024
we get it; "it had no eyes" & "its nose were slits" lol.
the writing was so distractingly redundant, but otherwise the romance was cute & the monsters were pretty creepy, but this didn't hit as well as The Hacienda did for me unfortunately
Profile Image for Aubrei K (earlgreypls).
256 reviews950 followers
August 21, 2023
"The only purpose of tomorrow was to survive it and to reach her on the other side."

Historical romance meets literary fiction meets horror = My perfect book <3

Vampires of El Norte is set in the 1840s in Mexico. We follow Nena, the daughter of a wealthy rancher, and Néstor, the son of one of the ranch hands.

Nena and Néstor were best friends as children, but as they begin to grow up, Nena's parents scold her for spending her time with a boy alone - especially the son of someone so far below her class.

When Nena and Néstor are out late one night they encounter something terrifying in the dark which haunts their future.

If you go into this expecting purely horror, you will definitely be dissapointed. This is one of my favorite books I have read this year, but I would categorize it more as romance than anything else. The horror is well done, the imagery is vivid, and the setting is dark and atmospheric -- but the focus of this book is the love between Nena and Néstor. I read a lot of romance, and I don't think I have read a romance book in a long time that had a love so pure and innocent and all consuming.

The romance may be the focus of the book, but I thought Cañas did an incredible job making the backdrop of this novel satisfyingly spooky with a perfectly paced suspense and appropriate tone to match the horror genre. The plot may not have been as horrific as some may have liked, but it had the storyline of a romance with the word choice, tone, imagery, sensations, and setting of a horror. I think horror and romance are so similar in a lot of ways (they are both high stakes, passionate, and tend to explore themes regarding the meaning of life/pursuing what is most important/etc.) so I think it is genius to combine the two in the way Cañas did.

Other Highlights:

- Cañas wrote some emotionally intelligent male friendships and just men in general, which I think is very rare in horror and was quite refreshing.

- The interactions between Nena and Néstor were so effortless and honest, they never held back their emotions at all and it was INTENSE because of that.

I LOVED this book and can't imagine changing anything about it! Cañas is very quickly becoming one of my favorite authors - OUR QUEEN OF HORROR ROMANCE, can't wait for more <3 <3 <3

*Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley for the free ARC in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for Richard Alex Jenkins.
184 reviews79 followers
February 27, 2024
Vampires of el Norte is a mellow and nicely written book, but NOT a horror book, not even close!

I really wanted to like it but was hoping for so much more. Reading this after Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy was a coincidental and horrible mistake. It feels like pastiche or an unnecessary cheat code for a video game.

The book title and primary genre are misleading. Nominated for the best horror book of 2023 - you gotta be kidding me? Learn to take these yearly buzz lists with a sack of salt!

And salt, supposedly wards off evil, but since when is it a known repellent against vampiric creatures? Try holy water, garlic, religious artifacts, roses, running water or strong light (sunlight is best). Vaqueros (cowboys) apparently rode around in 1840s Mexico with vials of the stuff in their saddlebags? Just as importantly, vampires cannot cross a threshold unless you 'invite them in'.

An accurate label for this book would be fictional romance, with likeable main characters, strong morals and a Gone With The Wind gusto about it. It's a pretty good love story in terms of flow, style and sentiments. For this reason I am giving it three rounded-up stars. It also taught me a few things about US/Mexico relationships and some new Spanish vocabulary.

But horror and vampires? Don't get me started. Tacked on tropes to make it more exciting - excuses if you like - as tacky outliers for a core romantic heart.

To be fair to the author, she probably didn't categorise this book herself. Other people did that. I wanted much more from it. If it was labelled correctly as romance I wouldn't have read it in the first place either, so there is that, but genre misplacement is a deceptive marketing tactic to attract people from all walks of life. It certainly got me!

There's an element of Lady Chatterley's Lover - not the sexual aspects - but a rich lady falling in love with a man clearly below her station. This is the soul of the book. Will they, won't they get it all together?

This is a nice tale with decent storytelling. Pleasing but also repetitive, rather predictable and had me stomping off aghast determined not to DNF at times.

A small world where not a lot happens, definitely not the expansive and terrifying adventure I was anticipating. There might be vampires out there - were there ever - but not scary ones at all.
Profile Image for Rachel (thejerseyreader).
195 reviews80 followers
August 16, 2023
tl;dr: This book wasn’t for me. I think it’s due to how it was marketed.

I am someone who doesn’t care for romance—y’all know this. So while I went in expecting gothic horror, scary vampires, paranormal chills, and wild cowboys, I got a meandering, aimless romance with a side dish of vampires that was never fully fleshed out 😓

I could have grown to love it; I was honestly STOKED to follow Nena’s story as a curandera on the front lines of battle! Even that fell by the wayside for Nena and Nestor’s repetitive POVs about their feelings.

I definitely don’t mind a romance subplot amid the supernatural, but the ratio was too off for this gal 🤷🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for Maddie Fisher.
201 reviews3,254 followers
March 18, 2024
This was an achingly tender romance, placed in a fantastical historic setting.

I enjoyed the characters and found their behavior to be believable and immersive. The vampires were done in an original way, and I loved how they were incorporated into the historical narrative. It felt really grounded because of that.

The themes in this story are simple but powerful: loyalty, forgiveness, unity, and courage. I loved that the story is focused on the courage it takes the characters to ask for what they want, and fight for it, which can only happen once they believe they are worthy. It takes courage to face vampires, yes, but facing their village or family is much harder.

I enjoyed this, and would recommend to historic fiction and romance readers who are open to a little supernatural in their stories.
Profile Image for Ali.
932 reviews141 followers
July 17, 2023
♡ 163/ 100


What was described to me as "cowboys vs. vampires historical gothic horror" did, in fact not deliver that. Yes, there were cowboys vs. vampires, yes it was historical and gothic, and yes it had vampires thus making it horror, I will argue that this is genuinely a romance novel. This story does have all of the previously mentioned, but 99% of this story is about Nena and Néstor finding each other again, working through their childhood traumas, and falling back in love.

When Isabel Cañas's debut, The Hacienda came out last year, I had heard it was also a tidbit mismarketed and it was a bit genre-bending. Although I haven't read that yet, I would say her sophomore novel also falls under that category. I wanted spooky cowboy vampire horror and was instead given a very slowly-paced love story.

Not for me, but I do acknowledge it is well written, and when the romance hits it HITS. I loved them, but that wasn't what I originally downloaded this advanced reader's copy (ARC) for, sorry!

So many people are going to love this, and I wanted to love this too. I feel like if you go into this novel knowing that my review is what is to be expected you'll be fine, but overall I felt a bit lied to.

(Received this DRC through Edelweiss. Thank you to Edelweiss and Berkley for allowing me to read and review this book prior to release!)

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