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Manga Classics

Manga Classics: The Count Of Monte Cristo

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The victim of a miscarriage of justice, the Count of Monte Cristo is fired by a desire for retribution and empowered by a stroke of providence. In his campaign of vengeance, he becomes an anonymous agent of fate. The sensational narrative of intrigue, betrayal, escape, and triumphant revenge moves at a cracking pace. Alexandre Dumas' novel presents a powerful conflict between good and evil embodied in an epic saga of rich diversity that is complicated by the hero's ultimate discomfort with the hubristic implication of his own actions.

401 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 2017

About the author

Crystal S. Chan

34 books45 followers
Adaptation of classic novels into manga editions with Stacy King.

See also: Crystal King

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 448 reviews
Profile Image for Rosh.
1,951 reviews3,329 followers
March 31, 2022
A rendition of the Alexandre Dumas novel in manga format. The book is faithful to the original story and as such, is just as complicated. If you found yourself lost in the multitude of characters that the 1844 classic contained, you will be stuck in the comic version too, even though it is much easier this time.

Some sequences are written in proper detail but some are rushed through in just a few pages. For instance, Dantes’ escape from the prison and his finding of the treasure is barely covered. The author’s note at the end explains the creative calls taken about the inclusions or exclusions of various events from the classic. That helps us understand how difficult it must have been to take a 1000+ page tome and convert it to a 400 page manga without losing the original essence.

The book is written like an actual manga, beginning from what is usually the last page for us and working its way backwards. I loved how committed it was to its purpose. The illustrations too are as per the format and absolutely striking.

I think you’ll understand this manga better only if you have read the original, which might defeat the purpose of the book which is to bring the classic to new readers who get cowed down by the sheer size of the tome. That said, this manga would be a wonderful way of looking at an old story through a graphical lens. Also, for those who need a quick glimpse into the original story without having the time to read so many pages, this would be a wonderful option. I have read the original too and found it overly descriptive and tedious at times. This book solves that issue by chucking out all the chaff.

Definitely recommended. Don’t skip the author’s note at the end.

4.25 stars.

My thanks to Udon Entertainment and NetGalley for the DRC of “Manga Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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Profile Image for [S] Bibliophage.
950 reviews873 followers
August 8, 2018
This is the nth time that I've read a Manga Classics from that were published by Udon Entertainment. I still haven't the classic book of The Count of Mount Cristo and I didn't have the slightest idea about the story.
Manga Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo
The original novel of Alexandre Dumas is a thousand-page book, hence it will take several days or weeks before I could finish reading it. However, through this adaptation, I was able to finish reading this classic story in just several hours. It's a great alternative for someone like me who wants to read this classic but don't have much time to spare to read the novel.
Manga Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo
The tale of Edmond Dantes' and the revenge he did for the three people who deceived him will set readers to anticipate what will happen in the end. This story reminds everyone not to be naive and trustworthy just like Dantes at the beginning of the story. If only he was observant of the people around him, he would not be imprisoned because of the false accusation that Danglars and Fernand conspired.
Manga Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo
The Count of Monte Cristo is undoubtedly one of the best classic stories I've read so far. And these Manga Classics encourage not only reading, but also on promoting and appreciating the greatest classic novels of all time.
Profile Image for toointofiction.
263 reviews353 followers
March 30, 2022
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This is a spoiler-free ARC review from NetGalley

Confession Time: I have never read The Count of Monte Cristo. I saw the book at a bookstore one time and it was GIGANTIC, so I am deeply intimidated by it. I do plan on reading it at some point in the future, however, but for now the manga will do. That being said, I can't be a judge to how accurate the manga is to the original book, but I can be a fair judge to everything else 😝😝

Anyhow, this manga was pretty good. I really like the idea of classic novels being adapted into mangas, graphic novels, etc. It's fun, and becomes much easier to read for those who are having trouble with that complicated old English way of writing (me, I'm talking about me). Again, I couldn't tell you how accurate it is to the book because I haven't read it, but I can't imagine it straying too far from the original.

I was intrigued by the story, it was very clever. I really really liked the character of the Count, once an honest man now hell-bent on exacting revenge on those who wronged him and ruined his life many years ago. He shows great intelligence, and there's a contradiction to his character, from the kind man he once was and still is deep down, to this vengeful and angry man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even if it means harming others in the process. There's really not much else I can tell you guys, this is a famous story and you probably know pretty well what I'm talking about.

This is a really cool way of adapting famous classic novels and I definitely recommend giving it a try.
Profile Image for Shawna Finnigan.
619 reviews355 followers
February 24, 2022

I knew nothing about The Count of Monte Cristo before reading this version, but I love manga classics, so I decided to give this one a shot. The Count of Monte Cristo follows the story of a man who was on the verge of pure happiness when three men wrong him. He gets tossed in jail for several years. Upon his escape, he sets into motion a plan to get revenge against those who stole his happiness from him.

The original story was over 1,200 pages and had to be cut down to just over 400 pages for this manga version, so as you can guess, large chunks of the story had to be cut out. This had its pros and its cons for me. I found that cutting so much story out made it hard to keep track of the large cast of characters, but I know that cutting so much out probably helped with the pacing of this story. Classics are generally slow paced and dull, but condensing this story into a manga format helped make the story quicker and more interesting. I was always eager to find out what happened next and the story held my attention the whole time.

The Count of Monte Cristo had one of the most interesting and complex storylines that I’ve ever read in a classic. There’s tons of characters whose lives all intersect in well thought out ways. There’s plot twists occurring every few pages and every detail in the story was well thought out down to the last detail. This isn’t a story for light and easy reading though as you have to pay really close attention to understand how each of the characters connects to each other in order to see how clever the story was. It takes a genius to plan out and write such a complicated yet interesting story like this one.

The main character in this story who goes by many names was phenomenal. I felt for his pain and found him to be a really well rounded character. His actions sometimes had unfortunate side effects, but his dedication to his cause was incredible.

A big issue I had with this story was the romance. It was very forced and thrown in there right at the end. There’s not even a hint that the main character felt any romantic love for anyone besides his ex-lover, so the romance caught me off guard. The girl also referred to the main character as being somewhat of a father figure for her, so the romance gave me sort of incest vibes (even though I know it’s technically not).

As for the manga illustrations, the illustrator did incredible. All the characters were so unique and the drawings were beautiful. It was fun to get to see into the illustrator’s mind a little bit at the end of the book. It’s clear that the illustrator put a lot of research and effort into designing the best story possible.

Overall I’d recommend giving this manga classic a read if you can. It had a few flaws, but it was still really enjoyable and the story will stick with me for a very long time.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Louie the Mustache Matos.
1,210 reviews111 followers
March 29, 2023
Many thanks to NetGalley, Stacy King, who adapted the original with Nokman Poon as illustrator, and Udon Entertainment for a chance to review this book. I have not felt compelled, in any way, by the author, the publisher, or NetGalley to alter my sincerest thoughts on this book. Every word of this review is solely and completely mine. The original novel The Count of Monte Cristo written by Alexandre Dumas is a classic tale of conspiracy, revenge, and justice told in lyrical language. Edmond Dantes is imprisoned for a crime never committed. Bereft of even the pretense of justice, he wallows for years until a fellow prisoner reveals knowledge of a treasure on the Isle of Monte Cristo. Determined to escape and use the treasure to plot the destruction of the men responsible for his incarceration, he creates an identity to assist him in his scheme. This is my first reading of a Manga Classic, and although the art is gorgeous, I did not enjoy the work. Reading left to right while scrolling from down to up on my laptop is so counter-intuitive that it impeded the experience. IMHO the whole graphic novel should have been reversed for online readers. In other words, the beginning part of the story which lies in the final pages should have been placed in the first pages. Less chance of revealing spoilers as the reader scrolls up. Clearly this will not be a problem for readers with a physical copy. Strong adaptation, but still bothersome.
Profile Image for Aneela ♒the_mystique_reader♒.
173 reviews118 followers
June 8, 2019
The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite calssics and I read it long ago when I was in school. So to reminisce the delightful childhood memories, I read this classic manga and I wasn't disappointed. I loved the characetrs, the story and the art was also nicely done.

What I didn't like was they totally cut the part of Edmond's escape. As a child, this used to be my favorite part and it still is. So, I was a bit disappointed. A couple of more pages wouldn't have hurt.

I would recommend this to youngsters who haven't read classics yet. It is in no way equivalent to the original classic but is sure enough to give you the glimpse of how amazing classics were and still are.
Profile Image for ✨Bean's Books✨.
648 reviews2,967 followers
March 28, 2020
A great rendition of this classic. And the artwork is absolutely beautiful. I'm looking forward to more from the Manga Classics series.
Profile Image for Abbas Fardil.
47 reviews32 followers
August 31, 2019
It's the manga adaptation of one of my favorite classics: The Count of Monte Cristo!
The Count of Monte Cristo Manga Classics by Alexandre Dumas

It’s an amazing work. The story adaptation is very nice. The illustrations are extraordinary. Espeically, the visualization of characters attracted me. Nokman Poon is the illustrator of this version. All of the characters are being look like alive. Suitable illustration according to the environment and story-line has made this awesome.

Thanks to NetGalley for the arc.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,877 reviews6,107 followers
January 7, 2019
The Count of Monte Cristo is one of those classics I'd been meaning to read forever, but never seemed to get around to. When I saw it was available as one of the Manga Classics re-imaginings, I was pretty excited, as these renditions always make the classics a little easier for me to get through; they tell the same story in a condensed version, and the art is always so lovely and fun to read through.

Thankfully, this was no exception, and was actually one of my favorites yet as far as the artwork went! The Count himself is drawn in that classic style of the handsome hero you'd expect to see in a shoujo manga, which was really fun, even if it does kind of disregard his age. I kept forgetting that he'd be in his 40s or 50s by the time the bulk of the story takes place... but either way, it was a really enjoyable way to read the story and I can see how The Count of Monte Cristo would've taken people by storm at the time with its morally grey protagonist and vengeance-filled plot.

Thank you so much to the publisher for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Nicole.
642 reviews56 followers
March 8, 2018
Manga Classics: Count of Monte Cristo!!! First things first: I received this book through NetGalley.
It took me quite a long time to finish this Manga, it wasn't really the stories fault, more my own. First I had a bit of a reading slump, then I forgot to pick it up again. But I finished it today. And I truly enjoyed the story.
I LOVE a good revenge story, not going to lie. Granted, sometimes the revenger can go a little bit too far, people react differently and really bad things happen that he or she didn't want to happen. As was the case in this story.
I never read the original, I think it has tons of pages, so I probably never will read it, so I can't say if it was true to the original and if all the important things are mentioned. But I can tell you, that I felt like I really got to know the story very well and that for me, everything that was important was mentioned.
Once again, the artwork was just so damn stunning.
Profile Image for Fiebre Lectora.
2,102 reviews647 followers
December 16, 2020
He disfrutado mucho con la lectura de esta adaptación de El conde de Montecristo: ha sido adictivo, un locurote de drama, y muy interesante a la par que sorprendente. Me alegro de que continúen sacando clasicazos en manga, para hacerlo más asequible cuando no te ves capaz de lanzarte de primeras a por la novela original.
Reseña completa: http://fiebrelectora.blogspot.com/202...
March 3, 2018
This adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’s novel ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ was excellent. The visualization of the characters and plot made it so easy to follow and enjoy 1200+ pages in the condensed Manga version with the right trimmings. Therefore, the primary focus here was the story of the Count, how he came to be and his revenge plans.

Young Edmond Dantes had a lot going for himself in 1815. He was to become the new captain of a ship, marry his fiancé and save his father from poverty with his new earnings. Excitedly he looks to his bright future, but on his wedding day he is detained for crimes unexplained and incarcerated in a dark cell at Château d’If without any human contact. As the days, months and years pass, he endures through all stages of emotions and finally starts digging towards the neighboring cell. When he unites with the older man from the other side, they become very good friends and spend a lot of time together. He is the one who teaches him how to be patient and plan his revenge. He also gives him details for a huge treasure to take so he can move forth with his plan.

“All human wisdom is contained in these two words - Wait and Hope”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

After his escape and obtaining his new riches, he becomes ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ and learns of the fate of his father, his fiancé and the conspirators and traitors behind his arrest that ultimately destroyed his path in life. But he has suffered much, endured and prevailed, and he is looking right into the eyes of his betrayers, and they do not know who he really is. His plans work out beautifully, as he avenges them all behind their backs and plays them.


There is a fine line between what parts to leave out of the novel, which sub-plots to keep and what elements to foreshadow so they make sense. I thought that this was very well planned out and executed. I did not feel like I was missing anything and the art was captivating.
This adaptation is definitely very appealing especially if one has been shy of reading the original tome. It would serve as a great introduction and create and interest in the more hesitant.
I thought it was very well done.

I received a copy of the ebook version of "The Count of Monte Cristo" in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. Thank you.
Profile Image for Kimberly Carrington-Fox.
800 reviews191 followers
August 30, 2018
I love this Manga Classic adaptations!
I've read Jane Eyre and Pride and prejudice, two of my favourite books, and I found them almost perfect. But this manga of The Count of Monte Cristo is my first aproach to this liteature classic, so I can't tell if it's a great adaptation or not. I found no difficulty with the story, which of course is great (it's a classic for some reason!). I knew the story and I became hooked since page one. And the art is beautiful! With not too much detail but with movement, a lot of facial expressions, even you can see how the characters grow old. I loved it.
I think it's perfect for youngsters (and not so young people!) as a first aproach of a great literature classic.
Profile Image for F.D. Gross.
Author 8 books159 followers
December 18, 2023
These reimagining of classic tales turned into manga have not ceased to impress me thus far. The Count of Monti Cristo being the second book I’ve read contains the beautiful blend of amazing art and story telling. This version focuses mostly on Edmond Dante’s, and seemingly so, considering the original is considerably long! The artists would have a monumental task converting all of that content into tangible graphics. So far manga has continued to impress on me and will continue to read more. It’s nice and refreshing to indulge in graphic novels and comics every so often. Helps with the long read fatigue and the year end challenge (wink).

5 out of 5 stars
F. D. Gross
Profile Image for Marquise.
1,882 reviews1,053 followers
February 5, 2022
Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo is an intimidating book to a lot of readers, and not for the contents but the brick-sized heavy editions it comes in. Even the abridged versions are still very long, much longer than this manga adaptation is at a little over 400 pages.

The Manga Classic series by Udon & Morpheus is therefore an excellent means of getting these readers engaged with the ponderous classics of yore that they might be otherwise circumventing due to length, and they've done it without sacrificing quality. Whoever is scriptwriting their adaptations has done an excellent job, and the writer that adapted Manga Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo deserves all the kudos. I've read Dumas' novel twice, and can tell you this manga is very faithful to the original story. It hits all the hallmark points, and doesn't sum it all so much that you miss nuance and miss the feel for time and place and characters. They've been careful to explain their storytelling choices in the notes as well, so you will know their reasons for them.

And the artwork is good quality as well. Classics readers don't usually like manga and might be dismissive of the art style, but objectively and assessing it on its own merit, it's good. I happen to think that it would've looked much better if coloured than black and white, or perhaps more "shaded" and grayscale inking than pure black & white, because it'd have made it look more "of the period," as well as if they hadn't gone for the cliché depiction of hair in manga. But those are my personal aesthetic preferences for historical manga.

Additionally, I would recommend the publishers to be more careful with their editions, because pages are out of order. In the copy they provided, you start by the end of the story and end at the start of the story because the pages seem to have been shuffled backwards. From comments I heard, it's something that's happened before, too.

Thanks to Udon Entertainment for the ARC through NetGalley in exchange for a review.
Profile Image for human.
648 reviews1,113 followers
March 22, 2021
Thank you to Netgalley and Manga Classics Inc. for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This Manga Classics edition of 'The Count of Monte Cristo' was immersive and fun. While the original book is incredibly long, this version of the story manages to keep it short but detailed. With an intriguing story and detailed art, I would definitely recommend this to others who enjoyed the original book, enjoy this format or other Manga Classics, or are looking for something new.
Profile Image for Ray Flores.
1,495 reviews242 followers
July 6, 2020
I’ve been wanting to read this classic for a couple of years now but I must be honest, I got intimidated by the +1000 pages that the original work has, so as soon as I saw that there was a manga adaptation, I just had to read it!

The story begins with a young Edmond Dantés, a guy who’s about to become the captain of a ship. Life’s been good to him, unfortunately, three men are jealous of his good fortune and on his wedding day, they deceive important people and they turn him to the police. Eventually he goes to a prison and spends more than a decade there.

But even on his darkest days, he meets an old man called Abbé Faria, the person who teaches everything he knows while they’re still alive. And it is thanks to him that Edmond discovers a hidden treasure and becomes the well-known Count of Monte Cristo.

And whilst the story is focused on his revenge against Danglars, Fernand and Villefort (the bank man, the guy who marries his fiancé and the prosecutor who imprison him), you can see the duality of the Count’s persona: he’s beyond grateful with those who have been good to him, and he always seeks to help those in need. But at the same time, he uses his witty to torture those who did him wrong.

To me, the Count of Monte Cristo was a character that I will never forget because he's the perfect impersonation of us humans. We always have both good and bad inside us and sometimes we trust the wrong people, and so, we become heartless; yet sometimes, we get to meet those who become a light in our lives, and we stay true to our heats.

The Count was really charming in his own way and I couldn’t help but to root for him, even in the end. I think that despite all his efforts not to be close to someone again, he inevitably found himself friends for life.

Anyway, as it is usual with the manga classic adaptations, the art is superb and it never gets boring! The ambience, the character design and overall, the work of the illustrator really help you visualize the different faces of the Count of Monte Cristo, as well as with the full cast.

I really had to stop myself from finishing it because other way, I would have read it in a single day! So, it’s obvious to say I would totally recommend you to read this if you have the chance!

I received an e-book copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Great Expectations | Jane Eyre
Profile Image for Catherine.
398 reviews53 followers
April 25, 2023
Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this manga in exchange for an honest review.

I loved the art in this, my only critique is that this had a lot of characters in it and at times it was hard to follow - it was very ambitious of them to fit the whole story into one book. I actually think they would have been better off splitting it into two books so that they skipped over less, however all-in-all, I think it was well done.

If you like manga, this is a worthwhile adaptation to wet your whistle with.
Profile Image for Lucía Cafeína.
1,793 reviews208 followers
November 23, 2020
¡Menuda locura de historia!
Realmente, la he disfrutado mucho, desde luego, y ¡como para no! La adaptación está hecha genial, y ha sabido plasmar muy bien a todos los personajes, así como la trama, que queda explicada de forma muy clara, a pesar de que es sumamente confusa y enrevesada, por todas las conexiones que hay entre los personajes, y los deseos de venganza del Conde.
Emocionante, sorprendente, y muy telenovelesco.
Ahora, me muero por ver también la película.
Profile Image for palina.
55 reviews150 followers
May 11, 2018

This was honestly such a good fun read, one of the better books I’ve read in a while.
I hadn't read the full book and i was generally unaware of the majority of the plot beforehand but i think this version does a really good job of giving the major plot points, and focusing specifically on the count’s account. The only issue that I had was that sometimes the politics and motivations of the side characters were a little unclear but that’s a given in such a shortened down version.

I thoroughly enjoyed the art work and think that the artistic elements of manga worked really well with the story. Since it is so much about the count's vengeance, the whole anger and mysterious brooding depicted this way was so entertaining. I think it does much better as a manga than it would just a graphic novel for instance. I finished this book so quickly because i was thoroughly invested in the count's character and the plot as a whole, and i honestly can’t wait to tackle the full version of this story. I know a lot of these graphic novel or manga versions of classics are used to get a general sense of the story before committing yourself but even if you decide not to read the 1300 page book that is the count of monte cristo, this read is still so worthwhile.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
1,879 reviews10 followers
October 21, 2017
I received an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The rich story of Count de Monte Cristo comes to life in this amazing manga, with rich drawings, long detailed plot and many deep emotions. I didn't expect the ending since I've watched the movies but I did like it very much!
Profile Image for Maritina Mela.
459 reviews95 followers
March 17, 2021

This is the classic story of a good man who is falsely accused and imprisoned on the day of his wedding, only to escape many years later, having become smarter, richer and having constructed a revenge scheme.

I enjoyed this one very much. It was very well written and beautifully illustrated.

But it wasn't without its faults.

I know this is a manga adaptation of a book that is around 900 pages long and sometimes you can tell that things have been left out because they had to save time. It definitely doesn't ruin the quality, but yeah, you can tell.

Some other things I was a bit meh about, had to do with personal preferences and expectations I had developed because of other Monte Cristo adaptations.

About the former, following so many minor characters and having to guess what Edmond was trying to do behind the scenes, wasn't the best or easiest thing ever.

And about the latter, I didn't expect Mercedes' husband (and one of Edmond's biggest rivals) to off himself in the middle of the story. I didn't expect Mercedes to leave, having never been forgiven by Edmond, and I also didn't expect him to end up with Haydee. Also, the fact that a man who was smart enough to bring his rivals' downfall in such a smart and masterful way, was not able to see that his young "servant" was in love with him, was a bit funny if you ask me. But yeah, in that regard, the story didn't end the way I thought it would.

But yeah, overall this was a great reading experience and I recommend it to people who love classics, mangas and to people who want to read the original The Count of Monte Cristo but don't want to commit to a big book. If you read this and like it, I think you will like the original book too.

If you made it this far, congratulations!
'Til next time, take care :) :) :)

I received a free e-book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Licha.
732 reviews113 followers
October 14, 2019
Really enjoyed reading this but must definitely read the original. I don't know how the two compare but I liked it enough to get the basics of what the story is. It gets 3 stars because I find manga to be somewhat impersonal and hard to get a feeling for.
Profile Image for Geoff.
988 reviews118 followers
September 10, 2020
The first of the Manga Classics I've read where it was clear that they had cut material (they had to - the penguin edition of the book is over 1200 pages!), but they captured the essence of the melodrama, riches, revenge, machinations, and ultimate redemption story. The art didn't wok for me as much here - something about the characters was lifeless and generic. But overall a fun manga read.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for BookishDramas.
554 reviews15 followers
August 16, 2022
An auspicious start as this is the first book that I am reviewing on NetGalley after procrastinating for nearly a month.
A 178 year old blockbuster classic full length novel converted to manga format seemed incredible and when I saw this available here in NetGalley, I just had to have a peek.

Not just a peek, have had a full read and am thankful to NetGalley for making this book available for review.
The Count of Monte Cristo has been one of my favorite classics and I have had the privilege of reading it in many formats, the classic novel, short condensed edition, comics, illustrated editions, meant for adults, teens and schools. Even then I was not very confident that the book would come out well as a manga.
The book was quite a revelation with crisp artwork and well edited to include all major key points of the book.
An elaborate revenge drama, the story at many levels is a bit dated but nothing can jade the elaborate set pieces and the way the story pumps up with the original island prison escape story, from the Château d'If is an adventure that spans generations and has not lost its luster.
This manga book felt a bit weird at first and the 4* star is because some part of the story felt lost in the story.
This edition is perfect for new readers but may not be for the connoisseurs.

I just completed this book a second time to bring in the beauty of the story to some of my friends and they like e loved this edition. Repeating a book at such short notice is not generally my thing but nothing should be lost by a memory lapse.

Received this copy of Manga Classics - The Count of Monte Cristo from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. I think I have written the review from my heart and as stated in this review, the original book remains one of my all time favorites. The Manga edition too seems to have made a home there after all.
Profile Image for Fabiola Chenet.
Author 19 books30 followers
March 17, 2019
Acheté et lu sur les conseils de Rinou. Une très bonne adaptation avec juste quelques passages trop rapides. Je trouve que l'œuvre et l'ambiance ont été respectées.
Profile Image for josephine.
254 reviews58 followers
January 26, 2018
5 stars!

I knew I would love this! 😁

I haven't read the original The Count of Monte Cristo, but from the reviews of those who have this is a really good rendition of it, staying true to the original and not leaving important details out. I, for one, have no complaints. I didn't feel confused at any point, but felt like I did understand the story as it developed well enough.

Dantes and his plot for vengeance was awesome. I loved this story, and was rooting for Dantes all the way through. Oh, and the art was excellent 😍 I loved the characters and the places depicted... there's just something about manga that I adore.

I don't know, guys. This was a quick, fun and well-produced book that I'll be rereading for sure.
Profile Image for Julie  Ditton.
1,398 reviews55 followers
September 28, 2023
“The Count of Monte Cristo” by French author Alexander Dumas is a classic tale of revenge that has endured for almost two centuries. This Manga Classic edition is a fantastic adaptation by Crystal S. Chang. She takes a meandering story which covers decades and includes multitudes of characters and pares it down to a concise story that stays true to the original but fits well in the manga format. Much of the exposition that would take chapters in the original can be told using Nokman Poon’s
drawings in just a few pages. Scenery for many of the settings are based on the historic settings. Purists may prefer to read an original work or translation. But graphic editions can help tell a story to a new generation who would not seek out a large volume. This manga edition allows for comprehension of the story for a much larger readership. I recommend this manga to anyone wishing to familiarize themselves with the classic story with easy reading in a short amount of time.

The books in the Manga Classic collection would be a fantastic addition to high school English class curriculums and should be in all high school libraries. Although ideal for reluctant readers, this series can also be appreciated by anyone who wishes to include some classics in their reading list.
Profile Image for Silvia Rodriguez.
95 reviews11 followers
October 11, 2017
The Count of Monte Cristo, manga style. I never thought I would find something like this, basically because I always thought mangas where some Japanese comics you read from backward to forward, which an inconvenience from my point of view. Mangas never brought my attention but this one did. I had The Count of Monte Cristo novel with me for years but I was always unable to start it, scared of its size (around a thousand pages in Spanish, my native language), its author, its plot with a huge historical background, unfamiliar to me, even the writing, so old fashioned. So, I started reading the abbreviated manga version with medium expectations. I immediately liked the cover with Edmond on the front with broken chains and a determined look on his face, dressed in rich garments. Following the instructions on how to read a manga, I started. I immediately loved the story, the initial setting, the characters…the drawings (if I can call them that) were absolutely fantastic, the faces so dreamy...even in black and white (in a 4D high definition world) you could feel the strengths and flaws of each one, the intentions behind their faces, the love and regret, the sorrow and pain…as the story develops and more and more people appear, I started to realize the huge work it must have been to compress an average of a thousand pages of a full story with complicated twists and several parallel plot lines converging into a single manga of four hundred pages. Somehow, they made the story come to life. They made possible to feel the first encounter of Edmond with Mercedes long after his imprisonment, the nervousness, the regret, the unspoken words…that was the moment I decided two things: to read the whole story in one sitting (going to bed at three in the morning, having to work the next day) and after that, to start the novel that was sitting on my selves, waiting.

I only felt a bit difficult to follow the story trying to recognise the faces of the character which, in black and white, they look very similar sometimes in a complicated story like this one. Really, not to be missed and I would recommend this to manga and classic stories lovers
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