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Eve in the Land of Kali

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Priyanka knew the moment Manoj entered, without turning around. That awareness was like the waft of perfume only she could recognize. Would that change when she married another man?

His infant daughter had her fist in her mouth, and Arun removed it to gaze into eyes, the colour of indigo and could not look away. What he did not know was that she had the gift of clairvoyance; she would warn him of events, which would change their lives irrevocably.

Prerana’s conflict-ridden relationship with her mother had left scars even time could not erase. Now she had to prevent her mother from usurping her child. Who would win this age-old battle?

Twelve stories about people who will seem familiar.

You know them all too well; perhaps some of them are you.

144 pages, Paperback

First published November 7, 2020

About the author

Prema Raghavan

1 book5 followers
Dr. Prema Raghavan is a Professor of English. She worked in NCERT for several years and apart from regular teaching and training assignments, she was also a member of textbook committees. She has several publications in the area of ELT and Inclusive Education. Gender studies have always fascinated her and provided the impetus for writing the book Eve in the Land of Kali. About the title, the author says: "Eve in the title of the book stands for all women who continue to struggle for identity amid patriarchy. The land of Kali in the title is India, where Kali, the feminine energy, powerful and untameable is a Mother Goddess. The title is both provocative and ironic. Does a woman in a country which worships the conquering spirit of Kali fare any better than the proverbial Eve?"

She has a popular blog on Facebook listed in her name. About the blog, she writes, “You will find musings and poems on this site mostly about my experiences, straddling the domains of child and adult, urban woman and primordial female.” An avid bird watcher who cultivates a bird-friendly garden, growing orchids is a passion with her. Her many interests spill over into the stories she writes. Currently, she lives in Mysore with her husband.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Alok Mishra.
Author 8 books1,228 followers
December 13, 2020
There is something special that this book brings to your attention; of course, it's literary in nature. However, things that you read in the book are just ordinary events of life presented in a way that makes you read these details with attention... Prema's writing is wonderful! Her depiction of events, scenarios, things and even human emotions are just at the top of everything I have read in the recent months... Indian English literature NEEDS such authors who have eyes for subtle details, linguistic embellishments, artistically prolonged scenarios and, all these served with very common characters, ordinary events and things that a reader can instantly relate to... that's what makes literature perfect, almost! All the 12 stories that this book contains are representing the life, struggles, emotional conflicts, problems and solutions, and so on... protagonists, in all these short stories, are women and that makes the collection really special. If you are looking to read something wonderful to end the year, you can pick it up from any book store online and enjoy an exemplary piece of contemporary fiction.
Profile Image for Nidhi P.
46 reviews149 followers
December 13, 2020
Bhagwan! Being a woman myself, I can relate to Mridula as well as Sahana... and likewise, in every story, the author has almost shunned the space for bias and you feel for every woman character, almost... I did not read such challenging, wonderful and charged literature in many years! Prema Raghavan's writing is awesome and she can imagine things in the ordinary purview of life that many authors cannot imagine by putting fancy characters in their novels or short stories. Simply, if you want to realise various shades of life from many different perspectives, you must read these 12 short stories. Emotional, realistic and literary rich... all the best!
Profile Image for Amit Mishra.
238 reviews686 followers
December 13, 2020
I absolutely loved the book! This is a collection of 12 wonderfully written short stories that resemble what we see and experience around us, regularly. Prema's writing style, her characters, her language and her artistic vision... everything about her work makes me believe that I am reading something which is above the contemporary bar of fiction writing by newcomers... Be it Mridula, Madhavai, or Jisha or anyone in any story, you will feel connected not only to one character in any story but to all of them who participate in the development of the plot. A very fine balance exists in the stories by Prema and that's something which compels you to read more... read all... and rejoice the land of human emotions. Wonderful! Must read and recommended! 
48 reviews59 followers
December 19, 2020
As a reader who has been reading literary classics, I find Prema's attempt very close to what I call literary whole... she has been able to get her readers into thinking, pondering and, at the same time, liking what she wrote as prose fiction. Short stories are having women at the centre and this is not only unique but also very constructive because Prema's themes are not simply the themes which are in fashion but the issues that need to be dealt... I admire her choice of themes, her creation of the plots that can arrest the readers' attention and also her wonderful use of language that gives her short stories an emphatic overall impression... RECOMMENDED!
55 reviews56 followers
December 13, 2020
And the important lesson of life comes from her grandfather, “real strength exists when used to rescue another. It comes from within and is true beauty”.

The sentence under inverted commas is extracted from The Homecoming, one of the 12 short stories in the collection by Prema Raghavan. This one sentence changes the life of a girl who is supposedly not beautiful... likewise, there are many other instances depicted in the book that can easily be related to many real life events and all naturally.

Prema Raghavan's collection of 12 short stories, Eve in the Land of Kali, describes the emotional and concrete conditions of women in the society, in various forms. As a daughter, mother, grand-daughter, daughter-in-law and so on... the stories are, it seems, taken from real life of women around us, women we see and interact with on a daily basis. Realism stares into the eyes of the readers with a balm of emotional details, beautiful, Hardy-like language and the art of exhibiting the humane... which is unmatched in the contemporary Indian literature, I believe... Thanks to the person who offered me a chance to read this collection! Wonderfully done, Prof Raghavan! A must read work for everyone interested in the art of storytelling.
Profile Image for Naman Singh.
84 reviews81 followers
December 20, 2020
This book is simply more than wonderful... something that makes you joyous about reading a piece of literature. Prema's writing is filled with merit, enthusiasm for human emotions and a chasm of sentiments that propel the readers in different directions. Her language is rich, loaded with details that we respect in prose fiction... I would love to recommend this women-centric short story collection to everyone who loves reading traditional writing. You must read Prema's...
58 reviews72 followers
December 19, 2020
For an avid reader, what else could be a better gift than a good book! This book was like a pre-christmas gift for me, suggested by my friend. Many thanks to you, Ashish. These days, we seldom come across books which portray issues faced by common people, emotions they deal with and most importantly how they cope up with all the challenges. Eve in the Land of Kali is one such book that chronicles lives of commoners with very fine details. Instead of taking the readers into some delusive world, it makes you experience some real flavours which we often overlook due to our busy schedule. Well, I have many more things to share about this beautiful book, but I wouldn't spoil your excitement. All-in-all, from its cover to the last page of the book, this book has many things to offer your reading hours... enjoy it!
36 reviews32 followers
December 14, 2020
Literary riches, linguistic artistry, metaphorical magic... everything in this poetry collection is there to mesmerise the serious readers short stories. I liked it and I enjoyed it as well. However, one has to admit that the collection might not connect with the readers of young age. Nothing against the author because she has done the best she could, yet, it'd be better to accommodate the younger generation with a little more speed in the storyline... which is detailed to delight the traditional readers like me and others... it's the shortcoming that very best of literature have to bear these days... if you want to learn artistry with words, this collection is for you... emotional short stories to keep your mind buzzing with thoughts for many days!
Profile Image for Bhuvan Mahto.
35 reviews5 followers
December 20, 2020
I have read this short story collection recently. Prema's writing compels the readers to continue, move forward and know the conclusions... however, in these short stories, most of the times, you will not find definite conclusions. The author has left the readers with two-way options – this or that... I liked the language, style, plots and also the emotional themes that the author has picked for her stories. Moreover, the author has also put women at the centre and this, in fact, one of the rarest occasions in Indian literary field. Prema's characters are alive, animated, out-of-pages and very much close to realism. You will not only enjoy the stories but also think about these characters, events and sentimental episodes again and again. A must-read for everyone!
Profile Image for Radhika Sharma.
12 reviews27 followers
December 20, 2020
Ah! How wonderful emotions can be? In this collection with 12 beautifully written short stories, you will know the details of human emotions... threaded in our daily lives... usually ignored by us. Prema Raghavan has put women at the centre of the events and readers will get to read various shades of feminist emotions, compulsions, desires, needs, confusions, solutions and so on... all these stories are written in a way that you cannot put them down before finishing. Prema's language is way better than what we have reading recently... and without any hesitation, I would like to recommend this collection to anyone with an interest in well-written literature.
18 reviews12 followers
December 20, 2020
Be it the plight of Ishita or confusion of Madhavi or intertwined lives of Supriya and Priyanka... Prema has wonderfully weaved her short stories in a way that the collection keeps the readers occupied, interested and also alert... I admire the language, the style and also the 'tense balance' that she has created which keeps the readers in a kind of hurried surprise – what's the character I should stand with?
Prema's collection brings women characters to the front in the best possible way and it will give the readers an opportunity to realise the issues, emotions and various shades of life from women's perspective.
Profile Image for Akanksha Shrivastav.
31 reviews41 followers
December 22, 2020
This is something I can call wonderful... I liked it right from the very first story to the end of it... all 12 of them are very communicating, thought-evoking and even awe-inspiring might not be an exaggeration! Prema's writing has some enchanting thing about it and you will feel absorbed in this... I would recommend this collection of short stories to the readers who can enjoy emotional literature and relish with the thoughts characters enjoy, mourn or just feel in the books.
53 reviews25 followers
December 17, 2020
Eve in the Land of Kali....One of the best books I have read in recent months. Full of colours, expressions, emotions, and messages for the readers. Stories in the book are crafted in such a way that they provide you a sense of familiarity and you can quickly connect with the characters. The story Mother and Daughter reminded me of the days when my mother and sister often used to get indulge in arguments (of course due to generation gap) about raising of my nephew. I must say the author has written each story with compassion that they definitely will touch some corner of the readers' heart and make them feel being a part of it.
42 reviews55 followers
December 14, 2020
The short stories are more than only emotional... there is something about them that any short story reader will like, appreciate and relish. Prema's writing may remind the readers about those classic Indian authors who used to paint emotions with words... inch by inch and layer by layer. I would love to recommend all the sensible readers of literature this collection of short stories that would let them enjoy their leisure with something to think and something to discuss. The short stories are having women characters at the centre and this is also a unique thing about it. The title seems more than interesting, above enticing and a curiosity builder! Enjoy it!
Profile Image for Lalan Jha.
46 reviews80 followers
December 17, 2020
All these short stories, all of them, quickly communicate to the readers. You have to accept that you are transported to your past, present or even future when you begin reading it. Prema has written with empathy, a very astute understanding of human emotions and a mastery of language. These things, together, create an amazing impact upon the readers... I liked all the short stories but if you ask me, I loved The Homecoming... you will know why once you read it.
Profile Image for Nishant.
18 reviews29 followers
December 14, 2020
Right from the first story, there is a different world to which I was transported as a reader. And, believe me, I could not come out of it until I read all the short stories. The short stories are written in a traditional style that will keep you aware of each of the passing moments in the life of the protagonist... and there are normally more than one protagonists in most of the stories. Stories come with lessons, emotions, and a compulsion to read and finish because the grip that tightens propels a reader to know more... Prema's writing is very appreciable and I am sure readers will enjoy it as much as I did!
26 reviews52 followers
December 21, 2020
Ammini was the third of the eight girls born in quick succession to a woman, whose body was pummelled, both by the labour of picking coffee beans in season and of bringing out a child every year.

Though we may try hard to ignore these things but we all know that the details presented by the author are not only close but very close to the reality around us. Prema's short story collection has stories that are mostly extracted from common people's simple and ordinary life we come across on a daily basis. Her lead characters have all be played by women and girls and that is, perhaps, to show the readers that their common plights are often overlooked in all the noises and hustle-bustle of 'important issues' feminists raise very vocally... simple and yet enchanting writing decorated with ornaments of language, width of the themes and intriguing plots. I enjoyed and I hope many others will enjoy it the same way!
202 reviews3 followers
December 9, 2021
🌟This book contains twelve stories. Every story is packed with strong feelings and devotion, and each person may relate to them. Every narrative left us with a message.

🌟"Mothers and Daughters" is one of my personal favourites among these stories. In this story, the author expresses the feelings of a mother whose daughter is about to become a mother. "A suitable match" is another of my favourites. This is a good story as well.

🌟Overall, I was quite impressed with the author's effort. I enjoy that section of all stories where the author defines the work of the character in the story. The author did an excellent job with this. This book should be on the reading list of everybody who is new to reading books. The author uses basic and straightforward language. You should have a look at it.
Profile Image for Sheetal.
26 reviews
December 22, 2020
This was one of the 3 books I chose and it felt the most distinguished one... I am thinking that I am lucky enough to have agreed to read and review this book... truly amazing exhibition of writing by Prema! I can tell that this short story collection will communicate to the readers in a subtle way, once you let that connection take place. The emotions come swarming and you can barely keep yourself aloof from that burst of sentiment... characters are all very much life-like and readers will feel that instantly. Women protagonists are designed in a way that you don't feel like reading some typically urban-rooftop fiction. Do enjoy what we usually ignore around us... you may feel like knowing one or two characters, at least...
46 reviews27 followers
December 14, 2020
The short stories are amazing to read, sentimental once you realise the agony and very troublesome if you try to take sides... it's a tight situation in which the author has given every character a fair share of representation and readers will have a very difficult time choosing their favourite ones... I enjoyed the short stories in general but liked The Homecoming, The Nest Egg and Mothers and Daughters the most. The author has embedded the life-saving messages wonderfully in the novel... messages which may rescue many occasions... enjoy these short stories and you will learn why reading literature matters! Sensible and much-much praiseworthy!
Profile Image for Akriti Verma.
28 reviews10 followers
December 15, 2020
Right from the cover, the book has many things to attract the readers. I have observed the cover for a few minutes, trying to figure it out but I will wait if the author can herself discuss this... someday! The short stories in the collection are all amazing, with women-centric stories and themes related to women. Though there are wonderful stories, there is no evil vs righteous scenario in any of them. It's just human vs human and there are many grey spots in such paintings. And to the best of the readers, Dr Prema has worked wonderfully on these themes and this story collection will certainly impress the readers for realism, imagination and issues dealt with... do read it!
64 reviews25 followers
December 16, 2020
What should I say about this book? Prema literally left me dumbstruck. Reading this book not only provided satisfaction to my reading senses, but also made me believe that there still exist authors who look beyond the retelling of the ancient literature and romantic drama. This is a book that's simple, talks about day-to-day life's struggles, which you may have personally experienced or have witnessed them in your neighbourhood. However, this very thing makes the book special, different from the books of young and contemporary authors. I enjoyed all the short stories in the book and I am in love with the way the author has narrated these... a recommended book!
Profile Image for S Sharma.
33 reviews26 followers
December 19, 2020
We often appreciate detailing done by painters or sketchers in their work. However, have you seen very fine detailing done by modern authors in their books? I am sure, you must have not seen. If you really want to explore, then Eve in the Land of Kali would be a great choice. I read all the 12 stories passionately and experienced that all these tales have thorough sense of human touch and values. The author has adorned them with fine shades of emotions. This is the beauty of the book! It entices, takes you in depth of sensory ocean, unfolds some real meanings and makes you feel contended. For me, this book was more than a literary text and I would like to recommend this book to everyone...
Profile Image for Arushi Sharma.
32 reviews6 followers
December 21, 2020
I can certainly make a sense of it... mostly the readers are being generous and giving it full marks! The collection of short stories is indeed short and it might be finished within a night. However, even after you finish this collection, the characters and their circumstances remain with you.. for a few days at least. Such is the power of Prema's fiction that her characters have come alive, out of the pages! I admire her writing, the language and also the choice of an all-women theme. Truly loved the short stories that bring tears to one's eyes and also give some things very special to remember like Jatayu's courage... Do read it guys.
26 reviews34 followers
December 23, 2020
The characters are very well-crafted. The brief introduction gets it right when you read the characters might seem familiar to you. I liked the concept of the author to introduce women characters only as the protagonists. This gives a singular purpose to the book. Prema has been successful in recording the conflicts and ordeal that women go through in various roles in their lives. However, a few stories were too long to be called short and that could have been otherwise... what you will like in this collection, mostly, will be the characters and the detailed painting of emotions in the author's wonderful words...
Profile Image for Sandy.
68 reviews10 followers
January 31, 2022
This heavily relatable book of 12 short stories is a remarkable read. Each story ends beautifully, giving the reader a chance to come up with their own endings to quench the thirst for more.

Gorgeously written with themes of adultery, nature, filial piety, domestic violence and the Oedipus complex, this collection of stories transports you into the lives of each South Asian woman.

The author does a wonderful job of taking the reader into each woman’s life, living through their joys and troubles - and guess what, most of us women reading would have experienced at least one of these instances.

Well done, Prema Raghavan.
Profile Image for Shashikala Sharma.
34 reviews37 followers
December 14, 2020
Prema's writing is subtle, detailed and decorated with the ornaments of language, finely refined with beautiful narrative that is compelling and intimate with the readers... I cannot say more about her work because that is something you can only experience when you read the collection of wonderful short stories. You will certainly enjoy it and the prime reason of joining Goodreads for me was this book – I wanted to tell the readers that writers with a class are still active... cheers, Dr Prema Raghavan! You have impressed me so much!
Profile Image for Abhishek Ranjan.
36 reviews25 followers
December 21, 2020
Some powerful short stories... I enjoyed most of the short stories in this collection by Prema Raghavan. However, I would like to recommend the tense ones to the readers to read first as there is no need to read the collection in a chronicle order. Do read A Suitable Match, Mothers and Daughters, The Nest Egg and Soul Mates before you read any other short story. You can feel the perfectly threaded emotions that will not let the camel of your imagination sit on either side... truly admirable art of writing short prose fiction!
Profile Image for Dilip Singh.
22 reviews15 followers
December 22, 2020

Prema has written about women in different roles and on different stages of their lives. The short stories are all wonderfully written and compelling enough to keep the readers alert, aware, conscious at various stages of their mind and also interested in the progress of person, ideas and issues. Women-only themes and protagonists have been matched with decorated languages and wonderful storylines that leave the readers not only mesmerised but also charged with various emotions. Much-recommended book that I would love to do great among readers.
20 reviews8 followers
December 23, 2020
Emotional... if I have to describe this short story collection in one word.
Wonderful... if I have to give a critical word.
And literary, classic, written with class and elegance... if I have to admire it with full freedom. I have become a fan of Prema's language. You have to read it to realise. You will see that I am not talking in any vacuum. Short stories are written with women protagonists and their predicaments. You may feel like knowing some of them, as many have already pointed out, because they are so life-like, real and common. All the best, readers!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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