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Game On

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From the slightly fantastical to the utterly real, light and sweet romance to tales tinged with horror and thrills, Game On is an anthology that spans genre and style. But beneath each story is a loving ode to competition and games perfect for anyone who has ever played a sport or a board game, picked up a video game controller, or rolled a twenty-sided die.

A manhunt game is interrupted by a town disappearing beneath the players’ eyes. A puzzle-filled scavenger hunt emboldens one college freshman to be brave with the boy she’s crushing on. A series of summer nights full of card games leads a boy to fall for a boy who he knows is taken. And a spin the bottle game that could end a life-long friendship.

Fifteen stories, and fifteen unforgettable experiences that may inspire readers to start up that Settlers of Catan game again.

Gloria Chao
Sona Charaipotra
Kika Hatzopoulou
Katie Cotugno
Isaac Fitzsimons
Kathleen Glasgow
Shaun David Hutchinson
Kim Jones & Gilly Segal
Amanda Joy
Yamile Saied Méndez
Anna Meriano
Nina Moreno
Laura Silverman
Kayla Whaley
Francesca Zappia

First published January 18, 2022

About the author

Laura Silverman

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews
Profile Image for The Candid Cover (Olivia & Lori).
1,228 reviews1,621 followers
February 11, 2023
Full Review on The Candid Cover

Game On by Laura Silverman (editor) is unlike any anthology I’ve read before. Diverse in terms of the “games,” genres, and characters within its pages, this one promises something to appeal to any reader. There are many surprising stories in this collection, and I particularly enjoyed the contributions from Laura Silverman, Nina Moreno, and Katie Cotugno. This is a unique, genre-defying anthology that is perfect for any fan of competition and games.


Containing short stories by 15 authors, this anthology is centred around different types of games. Rather than just sports, the interpretation of “games” is broad, and there are stories about video games, board games, and party games as well. One of the tricky things about anthologies is that there can be a tendency for each story to feel repetitive, but I loved the way this one combats this by including a wide range of genres, from contemporary to horror. Within its pages are stories of first dates, a town that disappears, and a secret involvement with Quidditch, truly promising something of interest for every reader.


I was especially impressed with the way each author interpreted the prompt of “games” differently, and many of the stories surprised me. My favourite of the collection would have to be Laura Silverman’s contribution about a girl who is planning a board game party. I appreciated the way this one comments on the sexism surrounding games, and even in the main character’s own relationship, and her fight to make this issue heard is so powerful. Also among my favourites are Nina Moreno’s adorable story about two girls who find love via a farming, Animal Crossing-esque video game and Katie Cotugno’s unique take on manhunt, which is much different from what I’ve read from her before. I always love when anthologies introduce me to new authors, and even reveal new sides of some of my favourite authors, and this one did just that!


Game On by Laura Silverman (editor) is a unique anthology about different types of games. With a wide range of games, genres, and characters, this one is sure to appeal to many readers. I especially enjoyed the stories by Laura Silverman, Nina Moreno, and Katie Cotugno, but each work within the anthology has its strengths, making it a great read for those who are looking for a fresh collection of short stories.
Profile Image for Alex (Pucksandpaperbacks).
481 reviews146 followers
April 26, 2022
Thank you to the publisher for sending me an e-copy of this book for review via Net Galley. All thoughts are my own.

CW: Sexism, Cancer, Death, Grief, Drowning, Panic Attack, Mention of drug use and marijuana, alcoholism, violence, mention of HP - quidditch, depictions of racism, police brutality, parental death

I really enjoyed the prompt of games in this anthology! From sports, a Mafia party, and cheer camp, you get a lot of different and unique stories which is why I love YA contemporary anthologies. The book does provide trigger warnings for three out of the fifteen stories and that wasn't enough for me. I'm not sure why it was done that way. My only prediction is that the editor might have asked each author and they provided them? I just think if you're going to have trigger warnings, have them for every story because most of these were very heavy dealing with death, grief, and murder.

See my full thoughts in this vlog!

Some of my favorite stories were: Hell Week, She Could Be A Farmer, One of the Good Ones, Mystery Hunt, The Girl With the Teeth, Word of Wonder, Weeping Angels, and Night Falls!

Profile Image for Katie.
665 reviews79 followers
January 18, 2022
Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars

This was a really interesting anthology of short stories, ranging across different genres, all with one similarity: some sort of focus on a game within the story. I don't typically read anthologies (more because I am too busy with other books than a lack of interest) so this was really fun for me to dive into. I was really interested because I love games of all sorts, and I always struggle to find books that really focus on them that I also enjoy.

Because this spanned so many authors and genres, it was bound to happen that I would enjoy some more than others, and this proved to be the case here. But even for the stories that I might not have enjoyed as much as others, it was never too much of a struggle, because I knew it wasn't very long before I got to the next one. And overall, I enjoyed most of them. I really appreciated how these short stores gave authors a chance to bring in more diversity all within one volume. Most of the stories with romance were LGBTQ+, which was really great to see.

Overall, I recommend this, especially to anyone interested in any of the authors, as this is a great opportunity to get a glimpse into their work, as well as people who enjoy different games and would love to see that more in books.

Thank you so much to the publisher and netgalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
154 reviews88 followers
January 20, 2022
I was anticipating a collection of short stories set in the world of sports. This isn't that. Instead, this is a collection of short stories that span a range of genres, from horror and paranormal to realistic and mystery. There are only a few stories in which sports is mentioned at all, and only one in which it is the central theme. The others use sports or competition as a backdrop to the primary plot of racial prejudice, revenge, people and houses disappearing, or going for the guy you love. Although several board games are mentioned, the game premise is somewhat vague.

I found myself so taken with the world in Game of the Gods by Francesca Zappia, I wish there were a whole book examining it. There were a couple stories that I didn't think worked as well with the gaming themes, and some that I just didn't connect with, but overall, I thought this was a fantastic collection! Here, there is truly something for everyone.
Profile Image for Grace.
62 reviews1 follower
September 25, 2022
This book was pretty good. I liked most of the stories there were a few I didn't really like so I kind of skimmed over those ones. There was a lot of romance but it wasn't too much. This book was one of the better short stories collection I have read and I want to read some books written by the authors' short stories I liked in the book.

3.75 stars
Profile Image for Daniela.
90 reviews
January 25, 2022
This was such an incredible read! I’m always amazed by the wide range of genres and writing styles that can emerge from a singular theme. Some stories gave me goosebumps from the thrill/fear, while others made me smile and laugh. There was a diverse cast of authors and characters with incredible storytelling!
Profile Image for Madison.
1,084 reviews68 followers
December 7, 2021
Game on is a collection of 15 short stories that span a range of genres that all mention, in some way or form, competition.

I was expecting a sports fiction anthology. This is not a collection of sports fiction short stories. Instead, this is a collection of short stories that span a range of genres, from horror and paranormal to realistic and mystery. Actually, there are only a few stories where sport is mentioned at all and only one where it was the focus (admittedly, that was my favourite story, so maybe that tells you something about my reaction to this collection). The rest use games or competition as a backdrop to the main story of racial discrimination, revenge, disappearing people and houses, or going after the guy you love. There are mentions of some board games, but the game theme is actually pretty loose. The first story is about a game of spin the bottle at a party.

Maybe it was because I am not a big reader of some of the genres included in this collection, such as horror, that I didn’t enjoy all the stories. There were also a few stories with no or little resolution or explanation, just a story of noticed disappearances or fragmented and disjointed writing, making it even harder to connect to the characters in such a quick time span. Writing short stories is not easy and needs to be done well to capture the reader.

Other stories in this collection were fantastic. I enjoyed the thrilling revenge story, was saddened by the story of police brutality and racism and delighted by the story of a first date at a role play card game. And, as I mentioned above, I loved the cheerleading sport story.

This YA anthology sets out to be inclusive, and it certainly does that. Most of the romantic stories are LGBT+. There is a range of ethnic diversities represented and our characters range from high school age to just starting college.

Looking for a short story collect that defies a genre and celebrates all form of competition? Then you’ll enjoy Game On.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

Find more reviews, reading age guides, content advisory, and recommendations on my blog Madison's Library
Profile Image for Jamie.
232 reviews
April 16, 2022
very diverse in terms of both genres and characters, which i liked - i think it just took me a bit to get used to the genre shifts. the bright, fun cover doesn't really do some of these stories justice. and for some reason i love writing mini reviews for every story when i read anthologies so:

“Let it Spin” by Sona Charaipotra - 2.5/5 - liked the friendship dynamic but didn't really like the author's stilted, fragmented sentence type of writing

“Hell Week” by Amanda Joy - 4/5 - so sweet! a romance kindling from a fun competition is what i went into this anthology wanting to read and that’s exactly what this was, tho the miscommunication plot kinda makes no sense when u think abt it for more than a second

“The Liberty Homes” by Katie Cotugno - 3/5 - interesting??? did not expect this to be a sci fi or a tragedy but i really liked that it was! also the atmosphere of a sweltering summer and pre-teen emotions and fears being woven into a sci fi plot was really well done. unfortunately HATED the weird omniscient 1st person pov and could really have used more worldbuilding or explanation

“Mystery Hunt” by Gloria Chao - 3/5 - i have no idea how college freshmen who have been in linguistics classes for 2 months can win an entire department-wide linguistics scavenger hunt but sure!! i guess!! the riddles were fun

“She Could Be a Farmer” by Nina Moreno - 5/5!! - a story centered around a stardew valley-type game was set up for me to love but it was so sweet, the relationships really felt realistic and i loved how supportive everyone was for cam. i feel more for cam’s mom and ernesto in this 30 page story more than i do some characters ive read trilogies about. also really funny, which is rare for me to think. if anything, i think i got a new author to try out from this collection

“One of the Good Ones” by Isaac Fitzsimons - 3.5/5 - loved the mc, and made me really want a bagel. i understand it's a YA, but i did kinda wish the conversations in this dug a little deeper

“Just Tell Them You Play Soccer” by Anna Meriano - 1/5. 0/5. the writing style made me so irrationally angry, and i cant explain why. the mc and the love interest are the exact same person. the pop culture references are never-ending. she skipped writing the scenes of first kiss and/or when they first started dating? feels like a cardinal sin in a romance focused short story to me. deflated any minuscule amount of romantic tension that she built up. it's time to take harry potter references to a nice farm upstate

“The Girl With the Teeth” by Kayla Whaley - 3/5 - really interesting concept even tho gore isn’t my favorite horror subgenre, really well executed. from an outside perspective i think it’s a great commentary on self-harm

“Spite and Malice” by Shaun David Hutchinson - 3.5/5 - i love shaun david hutchinson’s writing, i do, but really not a fan of the cheating narrative. he's angry at his dad for cheating (justifiably) but then cheats himself and doesn’t see the hypocrisy in that? there was some unrealized potential there idk. really thought he was setting up for a poly romance and i wished it was

“Game of the Gods” by Francesca Zappia - 2/5 - i mean…. sure? once u get over the pretty unique concept of football teams trying to win favor from Greek gods to improve their playing it was just kinda boring. the writing really had nothing to offer either, everything abt this was just bland

“Do You See it Now?” By Laura Silverman - 1.5/5 - good message and all, like communicate to your bf if he's being sexist, and if u feel uncomfortable around him u should break up, for sure, but also like. i know that already. also, once she calls him out on it, he immediately turns into a villain? there’s no subtlety or grey areas in this. this is definitely meant for someone much younger than me, which is not its fault

“Plum Girls” by Kathleen Glasgow - 2.5/5 - i liked the twist, but everything else felt like it was trying too hard to be disturbing than it was actually disturbing

“World of Wonder” by Kimberly Jones and Gilly Segal - 2/5 - another boring one!! the pov shifts from ursula to renee without any indicators was so hard to get used to, and i couldn’t tell their voices apart even tho this was written by two different authors. none of the characters were memorable. im turning more and more into the grinch which every story i read

"Weeping Angels” by Yamile Saied Mendez - 4/5 - beautiful little story about grief and letting go. no complaints, but nothing that really stuck with me either

“Night Falls” by Kika Hatzopoulou - 4.5/5 - CUTE! great one to end on. one of the only stories where i was actually invested in the game they were playing. love the writing style, love the characters, love the game, tho the ending was a little rushed
Profile Image for Anna.
1,763 reviews8 followers
January 11, 2023
Game On is a collection of YA short stories, each focused on a specific game--sport, video game, scavenger hunt, etc. (Why no D&D story, though?) There was a really wide range of genres/tones, which sometimes throws me off in anthologies, but I think it worked here because the authors weren't trying to all contribute toward a central thesis, or have the stories take place in the same universe, it was just a fun assortment. There's the typical anthology feeling of liking some stories more than others, so I'll do one of my ranked lists, but overall this was fun to read! My only overarching complaint for the collection pertains to the content warnings, which felt insufficient/incomplete--they were given for four of the stories, and in each of those additional topics came up that weren't warned about, and some other stories could have used them as well.

From least favorite to favorite:
Plum Girls - I DNF-ed this one, looked like it was going to be another with inadequate content warnings and I wasn't feeling up for that
Let It Spin - Wasn't following the plot/characters. Includes teen drinking
Game of the Gods - I usually like remixing Greek mythology but this was just too weird. And I am morally and scientifically opposed to football
Hell Week - I am also opposed to cheerleading, at least how it's done in American high schools
The Girl with the Teeth - Interesting concept, but unexpectedly gory--I was not warned, and kinda wish I'd DNF-ed this one too. Not a horror fan!
Weeping Angels - More very incomplete content warnings
World of Wonder - The concept was fun, but also kinda contrived. The unmarked POV switches were unnecessarily confusing, and the ending was unsatisfying
Spite and Malice - Nice writing, but I'm baffled by the shruggy, shade-of-gray position on cheating and risk-taking
The Liberty Homes - It's unclear who the narrator is, but I was intrigued by the plot here. And then the ending was not satisfying! So I'm not sure what point the author was trying to make
Mystery Hunt - Honestly, I think it's hard for stories where you're watching the characters solve puzzles not to feel kind of railroad-y and self-congratulatory, and for the puzzles not to feel either way too hard or way too easy. Had to suspend some disbelief here, but the characters' interactions were cute. A bit frustrated by the repeated references to one foreign word to describe situations, and then that word never being defined--I get that some words can't be translated exactly, but can you really not give us a ballpark idea?
Just Tell Them You Play Soccer - Minus points for being all about Harry Potter references, plus points for a Roller Girl reference. Nice example of how to set a story in college while keeping it approachable for younger readers
Do You See It Now? - Important topic, not explored with the most nuance but reasonable for younger readers. Distracted by a description of "developmental cards"--they're actually "development cards"--and what I believe was incorrect scoring in Catan. Pedantic, maybe, but why reference real games if you're going to mess up details, especially in a story about game nerds?
One of the Good Ones - One of the most serious in the collection as it tackles police violence and a segregated community. Really powerful, despite a few things I didn't like--there could have been a bit more clarification on Logan's family/adoption, and once again I am opposed to football, and the attitude toward it in American high schools. Contains teen drinking
She Could Be a Farmer - A little bit hard to believe, but cute, and I liked how the in-game messages were incorporated into the narration
Night Falls - My favorite, and the concluding story. One of the best for really feeling invested in the game, and a fun group of characters. I was a little confused as to whether this was an unreliable narrator (turns out: no), but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Should have had a content warning for describing fictional (in-game) violence
Profile Image for Sara.
288 reviews30 followers
January 22, 2022
I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this anthology but I was pleasantly surprised. I found most of the stories super intriguing and enjoyable.

If you’re coming into this thinking these are going to all be sports stories you are going to be surprised. The games in the story range from sports, spin the bottle, video games, board games, and more. So the idea of games is pretty loose so I think almost everyone can find a story in this anthology that they’ll enjoy.

I found the book to be extremely diverse which I was a huge fan of. There were many stories about LGBTQ+ characters as well as many ethnic backgrounds. Since this is a diverse book there are going to be some more serious topics such as homophobia and racism but I still enjoyed the stories.

The stories cover several genres including contemporary, horror, and sci-fi. I found this really enjoyable because I was able to find a ton of authors I wouldn’t have discovered before. Some of the stories are a bit open-ended depending on the genre and the author’s writing choice so some readers might not enjoy this aspect but others might find an author they want to read more from.

I think one of my favorite stories has to be She Could Be A Farmer by Nina Moreno. It’s sapphic, has Animal Crossing vibes, and the mother cracks me up. Honestly, it’s such a cute feel-good short story and was exactly what I wanted to read at the time.

Since there are so many genres and types of stories in this anthology I think this is a book you would want to pick up based on your mood. I’m a big mood reader and since this shifts back and forth between genres, some of them just weren’t what I wanted to read at the time. However, I think if you pick up the book and read a story or two when you’re in the mood, you’ll be pretty happy.

I’m giving this a solid 4 out of 5 stars because there were some stories that weren’t my favorite, which is pretty normal for an anthology, but I love how inclusive and diverse it was and really think there’s something in it for everyone.
Profile Image for Becca.
299 reviews14 followers
February 11, 2022
Game On is an anthology about stories that revolve around a "game". I went into this book thinking it was an anthology about different sport stories. While I was disappointed about that I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked a lot of the stories (and now want to learn how to play some of the games). The games ranged from sports to LARP to video games to murder mysteries to more. A couple of the stories also hit some topics that need to be addressed such as racism and sexism. Below I have rated each of the stories (there is no story summaries. sorry.).
- “Let it Spin” by Sona Charaipotra 3/5
- “Hell Week” by Amanda Joy 4/5 LGBTQIAP story 🏳️‍🌈, cheer story
- “The Liberty Homes” by Katie Cotugno 2/5 good story just left with a lot of unanswered questions
- “Mystery Hunt” by Gloria Chao 4/5
- “She Could be a Farmer” by Nina Moreno 5/5 LGBTQIAP story 🏳️‍🌈
- “One Of the Good Ones” by Isaac Fitzsimons 3/5 LGBTQIAP Story 🏳️‍🌈, BLM story ✊🏿 CW: racism
- “Just Tell Them You Play Soccer” by Anna Meriano 4/5 LGBTQIAP story 🏳️‍🌈, lots of HP references ⚡️
- “The Girl with the Teeth” by Kayla Whaley 2/5 TW: blood, gore, hallucinations?, horror, self harm, schizophrenia?. Unique story told from the perspective of both a gamer and a character from the game
- “Spite and Malice” by Shaun David Hutchinson 4/5 LGBTQIAP story 🏳️‍🌈
- “Game of the Gods” by Francesca Zappia 4/5
- “Do You See It Now?” by Laura Silverman 5/5 CW: sexism
- “Plum Girls” by Kathleen Glasgow 5/5 CW: death, murder
- “World of Wonder” by Kimberly Jones and Gilly Segal 5/5
- “Weeping Angels” by Yamile Saied Méndez 5/5 CW: grief, death, panic attack
- “Night Falls” by Kika Hatzopoulou 5/5 LGBTQIAP story 🏳️‍🌈
Author 13 books4 followers
May 23, 2022
This anthology is very well-done in its variety and execution. The games-and-competition premise is unique, fun, and interesting, sometimes relating to romance and sometimes relating to loss or friendship or even activism instead. These sorts of elements also make the stories deeper than just the surface level of gaming that we may occasionally think of (or even purposefully search out because everyone needs a little healthy escapism sometimes.) Games really do bring people together! They can give people memories and kinship, and that's just what we see here.

My favorite stories were "Mystery Hunt" by Gloria Chao (intelligent and bantering), "She Could Be a Farmer" by Nina Moreno (reminds me of my own gaming nostalgia), "World of Wonder" by Kimberly Jones and Gilly Segal (fun), "Weeping Angels" by Yamile Saied Mendez (sensitive and bittersweet), and "Night Falls" by Kika Hatzopoulou (reminds me of my own memories of playing Mafia.) I would definitely recommend this anthology to others, especially the many others I know who love games or gaming! It's relatable across a variety of subjects while still staying current in the modern world's interests. Check it out today!
Profile Image for Caitie.
1,920 reviews64 followers
March 4, 2022
I picked this up on a whim from the library and it was....very disappointing for me. Short stories are hit or miss for me, and this mostly missed. I liked some of the stories, but they felt too short even for a short story collection. I liked the idea of this book, showcasing many different kinds of sports from cheerleading to board games to scavenger hunts (is that a sport? or just a game? someone please explain this to me). I feel like I wanted more from some of these, like Anna Meriano, who's book I love only got like a six page story...which made it hard to get invested. I did, however, like and appreciate the trigger/content warnings at the start of the book for certain stories, that was nice. Although the stories didn't get deep enough to delve in these tough topics so it almost seemed to negate the warnings.

I know some people will like this, but it wasn't for me.
Profile Image for Leila Jaafari.
695 reviews16 followers
March 20, 2022
“Let it Spin” by Sona Charaipotra ⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Hell Week” by Amanda Joy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“The Liberty Homes” by Katie Cotugno ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Mystery Hunt” by Gloria Chao ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“She Could Be a Farmer” by Nina Moreno ⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“One of the Good Ones” by Isaac Fitzsimmons * ⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Just Tell Them You Play Soccer” by Anna Meriano ⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️
“The Girl With the Teeth” by Kayla Whaley * DNF
“Spite and Malice” by Shaun David Hutchinson ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Game of the Gods” by Francesca Zappia ⭐️⭐️💫/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Do You See it Now?” By Laura Silverman ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Plum Girls” by Kathleen Glasgow * DNF
“World of Wonder” by Kimberly Jones and Gilly Segal ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Weeping Angels” by Jamile Saied Mendez * ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Night Falls” by Kika Hatzopoulou ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

*= stories that have explicit trigger warnings.
Profile Image for Emma Reid.
1,234 reviews36 followers
November 18, 2021
This book came to PLAY!! We've got a variety of genres all focusing on games in some sense - videogames, sports, boardgames, and even a real life murder mystery - so there's a little bit for everyone. I was personally blown away by the sci-fi and horror stories. So much detail was packed into these short stories and I'd be willing to read an entire book devoted to each. But it's not just fun and games... We've got discussions about racism, sexism, and self-harm. My personal favorite was the sapphic Animal Crossing love story, but it's seriously so hard to pick just one. If you're in a reading slump and have a competitive streak, this is a great book to pick up.

*Thank you to Penguin Teen and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review*
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,079 reviews22 followers
January 28, 2022
2.5 Stars

I'm so sadly disappointed by this book. When I read the description, I really thought I was going to love it so much. I'm all for diverse anthologies and I love sports fiction, games/puzzles/etc, so I thought this would be right up my alley. Unfortunately, I really didn't like most of it.
The majority of the stories in this were just meh...okay. Nothing outstanding.
There were a few pretty good ones. For instance, I really enjoyed Isaac Fitzsimmons story!
Then there was one that was chalk full of HP references, which I just feel like shouldn't be happening when a book was published in 2022.

Content Warnings
Moderate: Self harm, Racism, Grief, Police brutality, and Sexism
Harry Potter References
5 reviews2 followers
September 12, 2022
I don't normally read short stories, but I picked this one up because I have recently been introduced to Francesca Zappia and she was one of the authors in this collaboration. Some of the stories were amazing and others left me scratching my head. Some of the stories ended so abruptly that I was left really confused and had a ton of questions. But there were a few shining stars in this collection that I really got pulled into. That's part of the reason I don't read short stories, is because I get so pulled in, and only having the characters around for a very short amount of time is almost heartbreaking. I like to spend a lot of time with really good characters, and you just can't get that with a short story. But overall it was a decent read. And I did enjoy most of the stories.
2 reviews
April 3, 2022
This is the first anthology I've read and it is a wonderful collection of a wide variety of stories, all tied together based on games. With the huge variety of different types of games and writing styles, this book is never boring. The stories pull out tons of different emotions and really drew me into the lives of the characters and made me feel what they were feeling, very well written. Lots of topics that humans are facing in today's society and it's great to see that representation in writing as well. I would definitely recommend this book and might lend it out because there are a few stories I know my friends would love as much as I did.
Profile Image for Ayesha.
327 reviews1 follower
October 11, 2022
1. was bittersweet and south asian🥰🥰 so v cute
2. sapphic cheerleaders v cute
3. creepy i still wanna know why it all happened
4. love a good scavenger hunt and rhe linguistic thing was cool. read like wattpad tho
5. lovedd this one. nintendo games and prom so cozy and sweet and sapphic. also wattpady
6. real and important. felt bad for logan
7. sapphic quidditch😭😭
8. lovedd this one. so insane and creepy and sm gore. loved warning
9. yh no thank u i woll not root for ppl who actively cheat
10. soo good greek gods and shit so fun
11. love dumping bfs instantly over important stuff
12. insane writing. lil nice revenge. creepy
13. eh disney land esque??
14. sad
15. they played mafia😭😭 and it was 2nd person which was kinda cute. sapphic card games we love that
Profile Image for Shannon.
49 reviews2 followers
June 16, 2023
I read another author who wrote part of this and I really liked her book. Honestly I didn't even read that this was a collection of stories so I was surprised when I started but I liked them for the most part.
6 reviews1 follower
October 25, 2020
One of the contributors here is actually named Yamile Saied Mendez, not just Yamile Mendez. Could somebody edit her name in the contributor list so this book shows up on her Goodreads page? Thanks.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,177 reviews13 followers
February 15, 2022
2.75 overall

There were very few stories that I actually liked and a handful I very much hated. Not the best anthology I've read.
Profile Image for Hope.
105 reviews
April 19, 2022

I really enjoyed some of the stories, but some of them weren’t for me
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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