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Unscripted #3


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Success was lonely.

I should have been on top of the world but I felt trapped, suffocated by fame.
My life wasn’t my own. I belonged to the fans and the media. Too famous to leave my house without attracting a crowd. Like a prince in a palace of glass watching life pass me by.

I’d almost resigned myself to the impossibility of a relationship in the time of hook-up apps made more impossible as an actor. I was almost okay with my inability to date, until I met the only person forbidden to me: My director.

The most beautiful guy I’d laid eyes on, twenty years older than me, and seemingly interested too. Now I had four months of working side by side while trying to keep my hands to myself, or one of us would lose our job. The temptation was going to kill me.

Unwritten is a slow burn, May-December with low angst and a dog that’s in charge. This book can be read as a standalone.

264 pages, ebook

First published October 8, 2020

About the author

J.R. Gray

49 books1,082 followers
When not staying up all night writing, J.R. Gray can be found at the gym where it's half assumed he is a permanent resident to fulfill his self-inflicted masochism. A dominant and a pilot, Gray finds it hard to be in the passenger seat of any car. He frequently interrupts real life, including normal sleep patterns and conversations, to jot down notes or plot bunnies. Commas are the bane of his existence even though it's been fully acknowledged they are necessary, they continue to baffle and bewilder. If Gray wasn't writing…well, that's not possible. The buildup of untold stories would haunt Gray into an early grave, insanity or both. The idea of haunting has always appealed to him. J.R. Gray is genderqueer and prefers he/him pronouns.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews
545 reviews9 followers
October 8, 2020
Understand this. You can sound confident and have anxiety. You can look healthy, but feel like sh*t. You can look happy and be miserable inside. You can be good looking and feel ugly. So be kind, because every person is fighting a battle you know nothing about... - author unknown

I have read and loved each book in the Unscripted series so I was honored to be able to beta read book three, Unwritten. Every teaser I had read about this book had me chomping at the bit to dive in. MM. Yes please. Age gap. Even better. Slow burn.....yes!!!

Tobias is the young, hot darling of the movie world. He has been in the spot light since he was 16 and at 21 his star is shining even brighter than ever. But Tobias has a secret. Not everything is as glamorous and perfect as his beautiful face and six pack abs would indicate. In walks Mel, Tobias' new director and according to Tobias "the hottest guy in the room" and someone who is completely off limits. Sparks fly between these two...even though Mel is twenty years his senior and someone that Tobias should absolutely not be thinking about, lusting after or wanting to spend quality time in his life and in his bed. J.R. Gray, gives us all the feels in this latest installment. Sensitive topics are handled beautifully and we are taken on a deep journey of self discovery and inner reflection thorough out. Add in Alfred, the dog we all wish we had and a secondary cast of characters (including Hale and Quell - love them) and Unwritten is a 5 star read.

This book reminds us that things are not always as they appear and as the quote above says, be kind because everyone is fighting a battle that we know nothing about.
Profile Image for W.
1,431 reviews138 followers
October 17, 2020
3.5 Stars

I liked this easy to read , sweet and tender , slow burn story and it's romantic happy ever after ending.

Unwritten can be read as standalone .
Profile Image for Ronie Reads.
1,381 reviews22 followers
July 18, 2023
A nice ending to the series. Now excuse me, while I go for a walk. Got a bit steamy in here!
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,293 reviews482 followers
October 16, 2020
A Joyfully Jay review.

4 stars

Unwritten is the third book in Gray’s Unscripted series and features Mel, who we have previously met as Quell’s best friend, and Tobias, who is new to the series. While Quell and Hale are present here as side characters, this book would work if you wanted to start here.

Tobias knows he is fortunate and privileged, but he also wants to date. We get caught up with some disasters that became public as Tobias tried to date and the banter and tone is entertaining from the start. Tobias keeps himself fairly closed off. He has a bodyguard who became a friend, and he sees his trainer, and he’s only recently become friends with Quell and Hale, but Tobias can’t just go out without being overtaken by fans.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Jennie.
775 reviews23 followers
October 15, 2020
Movie star Tobias meets Mel, the director of the latest film Tobias is staring in.

I enjoyed watching these men get to know each other while fighting their attraction to each other. Their flirting and denial was fun to see.

The complications of them working together seem endless with no way to figure it out.

I'm glad I got to watch them get their hea. This is my first book of the series and it read well as a stand alone.
Profile Image for Agalactiae.
1,342 reviews20 followers
October 7, 2020

Mon expérience avec cette série est plutôt laborieuse. J'avais été plus que tentée de lire le premier tome, seulement je n'avais pas accroché dès le départ, je sentais que la romance n'était pas pour moi. Seulement, lorsque j'ai vu les thèmes abordés dans le troisième tome...comment dire, c'est tout ce que j'aime, du coup j'ai voulu retenter cette série, et étant donné que chaque tome peut se lire en standalone, je me suis lancée !

Cette fois, nous avons affaire au rapprochement de deux hommes, l'un étant acteur à succès et l'autre réalisateur, les deux se rencontrant en chair et en os sur le tournage, du moins juste avant.
Tobias est tombé dans le show-business depuis bien longtemps, il a appris à gérer tout ce qui va avec les paillettes. Seulement, difficile de donner sa confiance à quelqu'un dans ces cas-là, et encore moins pouvoir avoir une relation avec une autre personne. Pourtant, il va être subjugué par Mel, le réalisateur qui va le faire tourner dans son prochain film de 20 ans son aîné.

Les deux vont s'avouer une attirance certaine dès le départ. Sur ce point, je préfère lorsque les romances sont plus subtiles que cela. Certes, on va avoir droit à une sorte de slow-burn, car les deux hommes savent qu'ils ne doivent pas franchir une certaine limite, mais je ne sais pas. Il m'a vraiment manqué quelque chose pour m'embarquer dans leur relation. La différence d'âge n'est pas exploitée plus que cela d'après moi aussi.
Tobias est atteint de certains troubles aussi qui peuvent l'handicaper par moment mais aussi qui risquent d'éclater dans la press. Tout cela créer un climat anxiogène pour lui, et on va le voir gérer au quotidien également. Pour moi, l'auteur aurait pu développer un peu plus, pousser encore plus car il y avait matière à faire, j'aurais préféré que ce soit abordé différemment.

Globalement, j'ai passé un moment de lecture sympathique. Je constate que c'est une saga qui plaît beaucoup. Personnellement, j'ai l'impression de rester un peu en retrait de tout ça et qu'il me manque de la rpofondeur... La façon qu'a l'auteur a de faire interagir ses personnages ne me correspond pas vraiment je pense. Ceci dit, la plume est très agréable à lire.
Il y a de bons moments très sympathiques. Mention spéciale à Alfred, le petit toutou de Tobias. J'ai bien aimé aussi Finley, le super bodyguard avec un cœur gros comme ça ^^
Profile Image for Hemmel M..
704 reviews48 followers
November 9, 2021
It was fine. Nothing special. I did not get a sense of personality with both MC's. Narration was mediocre, with both narrators using indistinguishable voices.
Profile Image for Mari  Cardenas.
2,189 reviews25 followers
October 8, 2020
4.5 Stars!

This was such a lovely kind of slow burn, feelgood, age-gap romance, and a perfect continuation for this series. While you can read Unwritten as a standalone, we meet Mel and his friends Hale and Quell in the first two books, and Tobias in book 2. And trust me, you don't want to miss Unscripted and Rewritten!

I really like Mel in the first two books of the series. He was always a great, supportive friend for Quell and played a big part in helping Quell and Hale get past their problems. Seeing him find his HEA was great, especially since Mel and Tobias were perfect for each other despite their age difference. 

Tobias was all kinds of adorable. Even if he was a huge superstar, he was very down-to-earth, or as much as he could be isolated from almost everyone as he was. I really admired him for how hard he tried to work to get past his disfluency and later, his panic attacks. 

I said this is kind of a slow burn, mostly because Mel and Tobias are attracted to each other from the moment they first met, and this keeps growing exponentially the more they interact, only they can't give in to it because of their professional relationship as director/big-shot actor. The chemistry is sizzling between them, and it was great to see how supportive Mel was whenever Tobias needed him and how Tobias just fit so well with Mel. 

I loved catching up with Hale and Quell and seeing them doing so well and I really liked Finley, Tobias's bodyguard, and Alfred, Tobias's not-so-little dog, who stole every single scene he was in. 

After how angsty Rewritten was, this was a refreshing change. Sweet, romantic, low-angst, and with a fantastic cast of characters, I was thoroughly drawn into the story and have no trouble recommending it. 

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
Profile Image for Charles.
78 reviews8 followers
October 3, 2020
I received this book for free from Gay Romance Reviews in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Unwritten had my heart by the end of the first chapter! I was rooting for Tobias and Mel to get through filming the movie and then get together as a couple. They both have amazing chemistry and they truly love each other. The best part, they both are willing to wait to be together.

Like I mentioned, I loved the characters. Tobias is so real with speech disfluency and also his anxiety. These characteristics really brought another dimension to his character. Mel is a strong leader and works really well with Tobias. Yes, there is an age gap between them but they are not letting that in the way of their feelings.

I felt like I identified the most with Tobias. He is younger and he also has anxiety like I myself do. While he is famous and rich while I am not, he is really down to earth. He does not have many friends and while he is an extrovert he seems to be cautious of being a burden to those around him.

The minor characters in the book such as Finley, Hale, Quell, and Rose were all well rounded. But I think my favorite minor character was Alfred, Tobias’ dog. He is just so smart and likes Mel. He wants to see them together and does everything he can to make that happen.

Most of the book took place either on the set of the movie or in Tobias’ condo penthouse. There were scenes in other places such as in Vancouver and at Hale’s condo. But the settings were detailed enough that was able to picture them all in mind while reading.

Plot & Writing
Unwritten changed the point of view (POV) pretty much every other chapter switching from Tobias and Mel. The really helped when reading so that the reader can see both sides of the characters and what they are thinking. It worked really well for the book overall.

The plot was really solid. The writing made it feel natural and believable which is really important. I couldn’t see any glaring plot holes or anything was unresolved by the end of the book. It all progressed rather nicely.

Like I mentioned before, the world-building was really good. Now, I have not read the previous two books in the series but I was able to enjoy Unwritten as a standalone. It really did not rely heavily on the previous books in the series and the world-building that took place really enriched the reading.

Overall I really loved Unwritten. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a feel-good romance read. My favorite part was the ending and I really did not have any parts that I did not like. Everything just made sense and it made for a really good reading experience.

This review was originally posted on Charles Reads

Profile Image for Lisa.
2,274 reviews43 followers
October 7, 2020
What a pretty cover! Anyways....
Mel and Tobias have an age gap, director and one of his actors slightly taboo/not allowed situation. But it doesn't feel like a big deal. I mean the job part -yes. That definitely made them resist (which was fun to watch and not angsty). But the age gap thing really seemed like not much of an issue. Eh, it's Hollywood.

The very first couple pages of this story had me cracking up, and I laughed a couple more times while reading. This couple had great physical chemistry, bolstered by a real connection and were easy to root for. I also love love loved getting more of Quell and Hale from the first couple books in the series. However, you could read this on it's own and not be lost at all. Oh, and I loved Tobias' bodyguard. And the dog. Can not forget the dog!

Another thing kind of unique to this series is how the author touches on sensitive subjects and people's struggles. Tobias has issues that affect his job and daily life. All this also kind of makes him insecure and it's something he deals with throughout the story. It really made me love him more. And Mel was just supportive and awesome throughout, of course.
Profile Image for C.N. Persson.
Author 8 books53 followers
July 26, 2022
Väldigt mysig och härlig. Inläst av 2 av mina absoluta favoritinläsare, vilka gjorde mig allt annat än besviken. Medryckande text som fick timmarna att flyga iväg.
Author 5 books44 followers
October 10, 2020
**I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.**

Unwritten is the third installment in the Unscripted series. It can be read as a standalone but it does mention the couple and their circumstances regarding their relationship from the first two books.

Tobias is a famous actor. He started when he was just a child so this life is all he really knows. He's been stalked and now requires a bodyguard who has turned into a friend. Unfortunately means Tobias can't have a normal dating life weather it's signing up for a dating app only for it crash from traffic when people find out he's on there or those apps not believing it was him and not allowing him on. So a simple hook up becomes a problem. He's been with woman but knows he bi and wants to take those steps with a man. He's resigned that the life he wants isn't going to happen so he spends all his time with Alfred, his dog. Alfred has a huge personality and is "in charge" whether Tobias believes it or not.

When he meets the director of his new movie he's unexpectedly surprised how cute he is. When they spend the night drinking and talking like they've know each other for years Tobias knows he's in trouble. Their friendship is so easy and Tobias looks forward to seeing Mel every day until it becomes so hard to be around him without taking the relationship further.

Mel thinks Tobias is the hottest man he's ever seen. But being twenty years senior and his director has him putting the breaks on that line of thinking. He would lose his job he loves but getting involved with Tobias. As much as Mel wants to be with Tobias he knows for both their sakes they can't risk it. Would Tobias be willing to wait? Would Mel still choose him at the end of the day?

This story pulls you in from the beginning. The angst is high and keeps you rooting for this couple. I loved getting a glimpse of Quell and Hale and the progression of their relationship. I was a huge fan of Finley, the bodyguard and Alfred a very smart pupper.

I can't wait to see what's next.

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Ruthie Taylor.
3,714 reviews39 followers
October 3, 2020
~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

This is the third book in the series, and deals with a new couple. I still think you would do well to read the books in order, and Quell and Hale feature significantly in this book - and we learned from their issues with fame and the crazy of stardom about the impact it has on your mental wellbeing.

Tobias has megastar status, having starred in Resolution movies for 8 years. He has a bodyguard and cannot go anywhere without attracting attention - so he finds himself at 24 mostly alone, with the bodyguard and his dog, Arthur. On a rare evening out to meet the cast of the new movie about to be filmed, he is instantly attracted to Mel, who turns out, unfortunately to be the film's director, so totally off limits.

We get to join them on their journey of restraint and caution, as they navigate their chemistry and the making of the film, and try to see if there is a long term future to be had. I really, really enjoyed the book, and read it pretty much in one sitting. It is fun, sad, engaging and sexy. Even when they are behaving, the heat between them singes the pages.

An excellent addition to the series, and I could definitely have read more about their adventures in Greece and more about Vancouver ... but imagining it was good too!

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Sarah Sargent.
Author 2 books12 followers
October 6, 2020
Unwritten is vastly different for the Unscripted series, it was something that I was prepared for. However, I was delighted that this story was different from the beginning. Tobias is suffocated by his fame. The top A-list actor can’t go out without being recognized; his current best friend is his Albert that seems to run the show. When Tobias sees one person who is the most interesting man in the room, he is drawn like a moth to a flame. When Tobias finds out that Mel is the director for his movie, four months can’t come fast enough. Mel has always been able to find someone to meet his needs no matter what city he is in, there is something different about Tobias. This unlikely pair forms a friendship to get though the filming of their current project. The affection and attention that Mel and Tobias gives to each other is an incredibly slow burn. The strength they both need is found in each other.
Profile Image for Pat.
1,424 reviews17 followers
October 8, 2020
From the first page I was drawn into the lives of Mel and Tobias .

The difficulties of holding your feelings close to your chest where all you want is to shower someone with love was more than difficult for Mel and Tobias..

In a work situation between the director and an actor it just isn't acceptable.
How Mel and Tobias worked their way forward was written with much love I just couldn’t stop reading . I felt all the emotions they themselves were trying to keep in check..

One large dog .. Alfred who knows his master....

One bodyguard , Finley a wonderful solid man with humor and a kindness that I adored.

The longing for each other, added with small parts of intimacy was expertly written.
Humor added with feelings and such great characters I was sad when I came to The End.

I sure did enjoy this book I felt part of the story …

Would easily recommend this book and now I need to read more of J.R.Gray as now I am hooked.
Profile Image for E.Muddle.
1,225 reviews17 followers
October 9, 2020
A brilliant, sizzling slow-burn May/December romance that captured my heart right from the beginning. Tobias and Mel are so incredibly easy to fall in love with, and once you do, it's guaranteed they'll imprint on your heart. Tobias is an absolute sweetheart and I truly felt for him and his gnawing anxiety that had become a part of his everyday life. And that's why I'll forever love Finley and Alfred - his bodyguard and dog respectively - considering they were always there for him, grounding him, and bringing sparks of lightness and humour to his life. But the clear winner is his relationship with Mel, and just how perfectly they fit together. They have instant attraction and chemistry, but it goes way beyond the surface level. The emotional connection they develop is intense and genuine, and so so beautiful! I loved everything about this book, and it has quickly taken up a special place in my all-time favourites!
Profile Image for Between the sheets book reviews.
199 reviews20 followers
October 17, 2020
Unwritten is the third book in the Unscripted series, you can read it as a standalone but I would recommend reading the other two first because 1) they are awesome & 2) you get to meet Mel (one of the lead characters of unwritten) as he is Quill’s best friend (from Unscripted & Rewritten).

I loved Mel in the previous 2 books and was so excited to hear he was getting his own story. When he meets Tobias in the second chapter and seeing their instant chemistry/connection, I knew this was going to be a fantastic read.

J.R Gray knows how to pull a reader in, knows all the ingredients needed to keep said reader interested and through his beautiful words and compelling characters, knows exactly how to make us fall in love with his brilliant storytelling. This particular story gave me all the feels!!! I love an MM age gap, slow burn romance. This really was done so perfectly.
Tobias is a huge superhero Actor and Mel has been brought In to direct the franchise’s 3rd film. That first meeting at the cast party , when they were first introduced and set eyes on each other, well... to say SPARKS flew would be an understatement. That instant attraction by both of them was a huge sign of trouble because having any type of ‘Relationship’ was a no-no , it was forbidden so the next 4 months of filming ... was going to be hell for them both .

I loved every aspect of this story, the temptation, the slow burn, the friendship they were building, the insecurities and struggles Tobias dealt with daily and how Mel was quickly becoming his rock, I loved and felt it all. Tobi’s dog Alfred was a highlight that brought me many lol moments and I really want to have Finley (Tobias’s bodyguard) find his HEA he was gorgeous, fiercely protective (above and beyond his bodyguard role) smart, funny, sarcastic and a huge support to Tobias. I would buy his book in a hot minute. (Hint, hint J.R 😉)

I had the honor of receiving an ARC for Unwritten for my honest opinion. I LOVED IT. That’s my honest opinion and will recommend to anyone I come across. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3,243 reviews33 followers
October 4, 2020
The plot of this book delves into a multiple of issues...fame, publicity, disability, privacy, and love.

Love drives the whole story though...and it's beautiful.
The humor provided by Alfred helps to balance out the pain that Tobias faces. Everyone needs an Alfred in their life...well, maybe not Finley, but definitely everyone else.

You would think that a famous movie star who makes lots of money would have the world at his fingertips, but that would definitely be a shallow way of looking at the entertainment industry. Luckily with friends and a supportive staff we get to a well deserved HEA.
Profile Image for R.
1,973 reviews
October 4, 2020
Tobias is the current superhero heartthrob. So what if it means he has no life outside of a movie set. His only friends are other stars, his bodyguard Finley, and his dog Alfred. He desperately wants a life but knows he made his choice and will live with it. Till he meets Mel. Off limits, in a totally lose your job kinda way.

Some angst but mostly this was a soft, slow burn, love story. Strong personalities of the main characters and supporting cast (from other books in series) kept the story from moving to slow.

I like this author. He creates characters that are believable and their issues are real life problems, which resonates with readers.

Oh....Alfred owned this book and Finley needs somebody.

Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads.
Profile Image for Angie.
1,299 reviews21 followers
October 10, 2020
I received a free copy to read and review for Wicked Reads

I really enjoyed this book. It could be read as a stand alone but I suggest reading the previous two. This book showed the other side of being famous, the side no one really thinks about. No one sees that you can't go to the store or see your friends or just be yourself. You aways have that persona to live up to. Mel and Tobias have instant heat, buttttttt, they are basically coworkers and can't do anything until filming is over. There was an age gap between them as well. These two had to keep it together and it was hard at times. I liked seeing things unfold and seeing characters from the previous books. And if you are like me and a dog lover you'll love Tobias' dog.
2,781 reviews42 followers
October 15, 2020
Unwritten is a sweets, sexy, slow burn romance that I thoroughly enjoyed. Romance between a director and his star is frowned upon. Add in a significant age difference and it further complicates things. What can you do when you can't deny who you are attracted and drawn to?
Mel and Tobias are faced with these decisions and must decide what they each want.
I loved the dynamics and chemistry between these two.
We get to see the real life struggles each of them deal with. That adds such richness and dimension to these characters.
I'm loving this series!
Profile Image for Amy Dufera - Amy's MM Romance Reviews.
2,698 reviews135 followers
October 8, 2020
Certain books just make me gush. And this is one of them.

I love everything about JR Gray's Unwritten. The third book in the Unscripted series, it's easily read as a standalone. But, omg, if you haven't yet, please do yourself a favor, and read Unscripted and Rewritten. Those books were just wonderful escapes and I couldn't devour them fast enough.

Mel and Tobias are a fantastic couple. I absolutely am obsessed with they way they connected upon meeting. They just clicked. Perfectly. It didn't matter that they were a forbidden relationship or that their age difference was an issue. They just meshed.

And then came the physical attraction. These two absolutely ooze attraction, want, and need. You can just feel the way they ache to be together.

But, it's a slow burn and it's wonderfully written. So just wait. It will be worth it.

And then there's Tobias' anxiety and dysfluency. I applaud the way the author illustrated these issues, with care, compassion, and honesty. Everything about Tobias reinforces that one can be confident and successful while also suffering from horrible anxiety. I love the way this is written, with every emotion, every hesitancy, every bit of anxiety jumping off the pages.

I love Hollywood stories and this series just continues to thrill me. I couldn't have fallen harder than I did for Quell and Hale in the first two books, and now I have fallen almost just as hard for Mel and Tobias.

The writing drew me in from the start, with the characters fully coming alive. I love the writing style. I love the tone. I love the pace. I love it all.

Basically, if you love Hollywood stories, Unwritten in a must read! And if you are just looking for your next flawed character, look no further. JR Gray will leave you delighted for having met these men and experienced their journey with them.


Profile Image for Sara.
2,087 reviews38 followers
February 10, 2021
It was all just too slow paced for me. Slow plot, slow burn. Meh.
Profile Image for Lola29.
90 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2022
I loved how they set healthy boundaries for themselves and stick to it, learning how to communicate and building a strong relationship
Profile Image for Jules.
71 reviews5 followers
February 28, 2023
3 stars

better writing, not as interesting characters, weird pacing. overall the writing improved throughout the series but none of the books really hit the mark for me
Profile Image for ButtonsMom2003.
3,278 reviews29 followers
October 8, 2020
I love this series!

I suspect that a lot of people not in the movie/tv, etc. industry tend to think of stars as larger than life and that they lead a charmed life. The portrait that J.R. Gray paints in Unwritten shows something totally different. Tobias did want to be an actor but he really didn't consider how things would change if he became a big star. While the money is great, the life he has to live has been profoundly changed. He can't safely go out in public – therefor no dating or enjoying time off with his friends.

Mel is a character we met in the first two books but Unwritten does very well as a standalone story. He's the new director for the franchise film that Tobias is starring in. When they first meet the sparks fly even though there is a significant age difference between them.

The main theme of the story is how Tobias and Mel navigate the feelings they have without jeopardizing either of their careers. Relationships between the director and cast members are forbidden so they must keep their feelings in check until filming is over – which is several months away.

Besides the love story between Tobias and Mel, one of my favorite things was Tobias's dog, Alfred. He was an integral character in his own right and I loved the personality that J.R. Gray gave him. If you've never been a pet person it's probably hard to understand how much personality they can have and how significant they can be in your life.

I don't know if this is the last book for this series or not but I really want Tobias's bodyguard, Finley, to get a story. He put up with a lot from Tobias in Unwritten and he deserves to get his own HEA. 😊

A copy of this book was provided to me but my review was voluntary and not influenced by the author.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***
Profile Image for Dixiecowgirl.
1,428 reviews25 followers
October 14, 2020
Sweet slow-burn romance that will make you smile.  I really enjoyed Mel and Tobias in this story because they were low drama and had lots of communication.  I loved how they connected with each other and found their way to friendship.  They were able to act like adults and develop their friendship and learned to love each other.  The writing was terrific and the pacing was perfect.  It was wonderful having characters from the previous books in this series as part of this story-line and it gave it depth and perspective.  There are so many special moments and well thought out scenes that this book will live in your heart for a long time.  

This is book three of An Unscripted Series and can be read and enjoyed as a stand-alone story. 

I was gifted this book from Gay Romance Reviews and i freely give my honest opinion and review    
Profile Image for GhostMMreader.
601 reviews12 followers
October 11, 2020
I waited for two days after finishing this book before writing the review because I wanted it to settle down and to see what was left of the whirlwind of emotions that characterize this story.

Although the story stretches over more than four months of filming, the scenes where Tobias and Mel interact on the set are few. The scene where Mel has to deal with his emotions when directing the first onscreen kiss between Hale and Tobias is pivotal, but otherwise most of the action happens at the secluded compound where the actors and the director live, as if the outside world did not exist. And this is one of the main focus points of this story: being such a big celebrity together with some kind of past aggression from a fan (I’ll need to read the first two books to get more information on that) has turned Tobias into an hermit, who has close interactions only with his bodyguard and his dog. Mel is also on his own, because he came to LA just to direct this specific movie, leaving his normal social life in Vancouver. Therefore it often felt like reading the script of some kind of reality TV show where the MCs spent a lot of time talking, analyzing their relationship / friendship, soul searching, dissecting the reasons why their life was like it is, all while staying on the compound among the close knit circle of friends made of Hale and Quell, Mel and Tobias, Finley the friendly bodyguard and Arthur the smartest dog on Earth (who should receive a degree in human psychology ad honorem!).

And just like in a reality show, nothing major happens under the bed sheets until after the end of the last day of shooting when Mel and Tobias are freed of their contractual restrictions on dating between coworkers. This ploy used by the author to justify the fact that Tobias and Mel had to stay celibate did not convince me. How can you exclude the existence of a love relationship only because the two men did not consummate? They spent all their free time together, they flirted, they said the L-word numerous time, they worried for the other’s wellbeing and planned their life after the last shot. They even finished spending their nights and mornings together in the same bed and kitchen, but as long as their boxers stayed on, they apparently did not violate their contract….. Come on, there could have been a better excuse to focus on the emotional rather than physical connection between the two.

But the real star of the story is Tobias’s mind and its effects on his mood, his emotions, his entire life. Be prepared to read how hard it is to live with a general anxiety disorder, how exhausting life in the spotlight may be under these circumstances and how it impacts on your self-image, on your social interactions, on your overall well-being. They say money can’t buy you love, but it can’t buy you mental health either.

This book might not be the best choice for a superficial reader or someone looking for a hot easy read. If however you are looking for an emotionally complex story, where the romance is often overshadowed by the overworking mind of the MCs, then this is the book for you.
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117 reviews2 followers
October 14, 2020
Perfect ending! *spoilers*

I discovered JR Gray while browsing KU. Unscripted was the first book I read by this author and I was captured then. In Rewritten I was intrigued by Tobias and Alfred. I was extremely excited to find out that Unwritten would be a book for Tobias.

I enjoyed how Gray was able to talk about mental health in the books, especially this one. A lot of times mental health is glossed over. We often think that because someone is rich or privileged they should not have depression or anxiety, but it’s not about how much money you have. Mental health does not choose by race, sex or pro page and JR Gray shows this in his stories.

He also shows that even people with mental health disorders need and can be loved. He explained this with compassion and empathy. I loved how Alfred and Finley were there for Tobias. Alfred is historical and acts more like a cat than a dog! Finley is amazing and definitely needs to find his HEA. Finley is a good character because Tobias is not just a job for him.

This book is a slow burn with some angst but once you get to the steamy part it’s worth the wait!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews

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