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Battersea Parker #2

Battersea Parker 2

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Malcolm and Dexter are back! This time armed with girlfriend's Sally and dippy Candy always two steps behind them, not forgetting the young blonde who has recently confessed she's with child and that one of them will become a father very soon. It's a journey for the boys that takes them past the morning sickness stage, right up to the contraction part, with the usual Dexter and Malcolm chaos going on in between. Question is, who will turn out to be the daddy?

307 pages, Paperback

Published September 2, 2018

About the author

Jimmy Tudeski

13 books994 followers
Jimmy Tudeski is a script writer, author and ghost writer, best known for writing comedy memoir, or adult comedy fiction.

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Profile Image for Heather Smith.
12 reviews
September 12, 2018
I had really high expectations before reading this book and I wasn't let down. One of the main characters is a little sexist, but I think the sexism is then equalled out through its comedy. Never have I read a book that caused so much of a debate between me and my boyfriend, because we both enjoyed it, but actually took sides. Amazing second book by Jimmy and a total pleasure to read x
Profile Image for Teagan.
7 reviews
September 11, 2018
I cannot believe you put your neck on the chopping block in order to write a book like this, knowing women might want to hate you for it. Turns out the book isn't as sexist as I first thought it might be, yet it perfectly does enough to be a very funny comedy. You are one very funny man, Jimmy!
Profile Image for Jill.
18 reviews
September 11, 2018
This is sure to be one I put on my "Read again" list.

I'm not sure if I can say this, but to kill off a main character like Jimmy Tudeski did in the first book, I wasn't sure if this would live up to expectation or deliver the same jokes again. Yes Dexter continued with his famous MF outbursts, Candy still Duh'd quite a bit, but the book did feel refreshingly new. I thought it was very brave to touch on a subject that causes so many fights between men and woman, but I personally think Jimmy nailed it.

This book is not only funny, but it has some art work inside that will surprise readers too. I actually found myself double looking at quite a few of them ;) The overall message of the book is hiding deep within the last few chapters and if I'm honest, could have been a little clearer. It basically shows a man admitting women DO have it tougher through pregnancy, yet him asking for a little understanding too. Yes, Jimmy had to write joke after sexist joke to portray Dexter's unsupportive and witty character, but that message is clear if you look for it.

This book is very funny, charming and clever. I have never read a comedy like it and I'm sure it's going to bring this author great success. My only hope is that he writes a third one.

Profile Image for Leni Dawson.
4 reviews
September 5, 2018
Okay, this is going to sound a little weird, but I kind of liked this book. It's weird because its clearly written with male readers in mind, but OMG its funny. I'm not sure everyone who has gone through a pregnancy is going to agree with me, but if you manage to reach the later stages of the book, there's a really touching message inside. This isn't a writer or character moaning about what a man goes through during pregnancy, but what he is actually scared of. Another book in this series that touches on a very sensitive subject, yet brings it all together through comedy.
Profile Image for Tyler Smith.
9 reviews22 followers
September 9, 2018
I've said it about Jimmy's writing before and I'm going to say it again - No one does comedy like him. You should have changed the title of this one to; how many different colour balls can Dexter spot? The frustration of the male characters felt real, the whole pregnancy thing was well planned out and the book delivered the same X-Rated theme I enjoyed in the first book. OMG, Jimmy Tudeski a character in his own book - Only he could have pulled something like this off. How are you not more famous than you are? How are you not already a best seller? Credit must go out to Ashley S Clancy who discovered this guy, because without her, I wouldn't be laughing so much. Great job Jimmy and PLEASE keep it up. I feel some female readers won't like this book much, but some of us will understand what you've tried to do.
Profile Image for Jo.
9 reviews
September 9, 2018
I'm not sure some of the newer characters worked, I'm not sure if some of the facts about pregnancy were true, but another very funny read. I get the feeling this writer likes to shock and rattle his readers and I for one love a different kind of book from time to time. Trust me, you will never read another book like it. This writer does things so differently.
Profile Image for Rhoda Wilkins.
4 reviews
September 5, 2018
I am a long way off going through any of this stuff myself in real life, and I'm sure not everyone is going to agree with me, but I thought this book was very funny. It's nice to see a writer try out different things, instead of do something everyone else does. Pictures, daring topics, royalty, and lets not forget him writing himself into the book as a character, then making Dexter pick fun at him. I think this shows you this writer isn't there to insult anyone or upset people, but trying to make comedy a positive thing. I loved the characters in the first book, I enjoyed their wit in this one and I wish there was a third book coming too.
Profile Image for Sam Johnson.
17 reviews2 followers
September 8, 2018
After reading the first Tudeski book in this series, I was left unsure whether or not I would enjoy another one. Because this one featured pregnancy, and I've had two children myself, I thought I would try it. Again, it's a witty book of one liners, rude jokes and sex. Nothing really different from the first one, except it gave a mans point of view through the journey of pregnancy.

The book was clever in the way sexist Dexter mocked everything about pregnancy, then was completely and utterly unsupportive of Marsha, yet Malcolm was the opposite. I don't know why I was surprised about this, considering the book is actually about two very different men and the way they act around others. I'm not sure why a visit to a football match came into it, or whether or not a famous celebrity was needed to be written into the story, but let's just say it didn't ruin the thing completely.

What saved the book for me, was the touching message at the end - The part about a mans fear. Never through my two pregnancies did I consider my partners feelings like this and when I asked him, I couldn't believe he actually admitted he felt the same way too. What comes out of this book, is an eye opener, where it's easy to mention how very painful and hard pregnancy is for a woman, then how totally dick a man can be during it. Men do have feelings and I guess this is what this book is really about.

For an author to write himself into a chapter of a book was very refreshing and funny too. To laugh at himself and have Dexter mock him the way he did, shows this writer is a very down-to-earth person, only out to share a special little message. Would I read a third book, if one was ever to be released? Yes, I would, but now I've got myself into the series, I would be looking for that secret meaning inside the book, that I feel needs to be promoted a little more by Tudeski in the future.

Very enjoyable book, once you stop attacking the writer in your head for having the nerve to write it in the first place.
Profile Image for Stella H.
5 reviews
September 10, 2018
I was so looking forward to reading this book, that I read it in one single sitting.

I loved the characters from the first book, so couldn't wait to find out what happened next. More chaos is what happened. With old characters doing their thing, then new characters Michelle, Marsha not forgetting Jimmy doing their thing too, it was a very funny book. Never have I seen an author write like this and never have I ever seen one show off their bare chest in a book before either.

What Jimmy Tudeski does for me, is transport me away from all my real life issues. Whilst I'm with his book, it just makes me melt with a sense of warmth. His writing is honest, the subjects he touches on are risky, yet for me he just gets it. Life is just about doing your best, yet not taking it too seriously.

Thank you Jimmy, for lightening up my life and literally putting a smile on my face.

Profile Image for Sandra Morris.
10 reviews
September 15, 2018
After reading my first dark comedy by this author, I decided to give his second book a try. What I found is it doesn't matter how many talented or well written authors are out there, you can certainly connect with some better than others. Jimmy Tudeski isn't famous, isn't a mainstream author, but I love his work. So very insightful, entertaining and light. Another great 4 star read. Pressure is on to keep it up Mr Tudeski, if I can say that without you and your likeable characters taking it the wrong way.
Profile Image for Taz Clough.
5 reviews
November 24, 2019
Normally, when you read a second book in a series, things tend to fall off and not be as good. This book though just got stronger and stronger. Now with a pregnancy theme (who's the daddy) added to the story, this book had a little more direction. The characters again were written perfectly, the whole men against women, women against men thing was very funny, but for me, it was lifted dramatically by the inclusion of Princess Kelly and Jimmy Tudeski himself. I've never read a book where the writer made himself a character and wasn't that character bullied by Dexter. Jimmy, you are a very talented writer and although many people I fear won't enjoy such openly brave and crude sex talking book, I loved it all.
Profile Image for Donna Riley.
6 reviews
November 1, 2019
After reading the first book in this series, I thought I knew what I was getting myself into. I thought it was going to be more of the same, more Dexter doing really naughty things and getting away with it. This book took Jimmy's writing to a whole new level. It's one thing a man writing a book about pregnancy, joking about everything and getting away with it, it's another to have his character Dexter rip up the rule book. Strangely, although nine months through the eyes of a male character and writer and definitely a little sexist in place, I actually really enjoyed this book. At first I thought, oh no, you can't say that, yet once had finished giggling to myself, I thought, you know what, that was actually really funny.

I think Jimmy's writing style is very different from others. You can definitely tell that although he does write many things others wouldn't ever dare touch on, it's all very much harmless fun and not taken too seriously. With pregnancy, a funerial and an author writing himself into the storyline, I dread to think what will happen in the third book if it's ever released, but I would really look forward to reading it.
Profile Image for Lisa Holmes.
3 reviews
October 19, 2019
I thought the first book broke rules and cleverly caused offence when reading it, but this one took the pi£s! Throughout nine months of pregnancy, Dexter literally slated everything a woman will go through, then weirdly made perfect sense. Yes, that bad cop, good cop thing was there again, as Malcolm took the side of pregnant Marsha, but wasn't Dexter written really well in this role. It's like, I actually started feeling sorry for him as they started to visit the clinics. Killing a main character off in a book can be very risky, especially with readers who might like that character, but again this was done in such a distasteful way, you had to find it funny, or you would cry. I've said it before and I will say it again, no one writes comedy like Jimmy does and with him writing himself into the book as a character himself, just to let Dexter mock him too, shows that this author isn't out to cause offence, but to make people laugh and entertain them. I laughed, I actually had tears in my eyes. A great comedy the first time around, weirdly made funnier with the subject of pregnancy in this second book.
Profile Image for Sam G.
6 reviews
October 2, 2019
Jimmy's writing never fails to deliver. Funny, border-line sexist and totally outrageous. This one takes Malcolm and his friends through nine months of pregnancy, where neither he or Dexter know which one is the father of the baby. Unlike many pregnancy comdies this one does something completely different and delivers things from a mans pointofview. YET, it's not about men moaning about women or everything they've got to go through, but talking about the hardest parts of pregnancy for a man, where he will fear losing the love of his life during birth. How Jimmy writes a emotional journey like this, whilst keeping up with his outrageous comedy I don't understand, but that was a really enjoyable story. There really isn't many controversial comedies out there and this on is so very funny it's a shame it's not as big as it should be.
Profile Image for Sammy Johnson.
6 reviews
September 9, 2019
I definitely thought I knew what to expect, but as usually Tudeski has surprised me again. If you want a writer to constantly shock you, there's no better than this guy. Who in there right mind, writes themselves, an author into the story, just so the characters can mock him? A very clever way to cover up the strangely deep storyline of pregnancy, which I've been through once myself. I hate to say it, but the characters do have a point, because I know it wasn't that easy for my husband at home when we went through it. Once again, a book full of rude, crude and cringeworthy comedy, delivered perfectly to shock, not offend. I hear there's going to be a third in the series, wow, how do you top this? x
Profile Image for Kate Dennis.
8 reviews
January 23, 2020
Whereas I thought the first book in this series lacked a solid storyline, this one seemed to punch above its weight at times. Taking on something as big as pregnancy, then laughing through it using a male POV seemed like a challenging task, but Tudeski delivered pretty well. Yes, some of the content is highly controversial and I'm sure a few people are going to point the sexist finger his way, but if you step away from what one of his main characters was doing wrong in the book then open your eyes, you will also see the good the other male lead was doing at the same time. For me this story was like good cop, bad cop, yet instead of cops, good dad, bad dad. Although very controversial, I do happen to believe this second book in the series was in-fact stronger than the first.
Profile Image for Louise Pinder.
3 reviews
September 21, 2019
I didn't really like the first book this author offered his readers and I should have hated this book (if possible) even more. Full of crude, disturbing and sexual offensive rants, yet this one delivered an eye opening message at the end of it which I could connect with. Despite feeling this writer feels the need to shock his readers with crazy sex talk during his books, I feel he does have depth and meaning somewhere. If he would just concentrate on the beautiful message he wants to deliver and cut all the lowering of the tone comedy, I think he might deliver something quite special. Watch this space.
Profile Image for Joy.
8 reviews
October 6, 2020
The second book in the series, which follows Malcolm and Dexter's chaotic friendship, which still strangely remains in tact during this one two. The bringing in of a really strong storyline certainly adds more depth, and I absolutely loved the part where the two friends went and visited Buckingham Palace together. There's nothing better than sex talk and naughty behaviour taking place in a place it shouldn't, and you can't get any more important that at the birth of one of your children in hospital or at a very famous palace.
Profile Image for Tomas.
133 reviews
March 2, 2022
Actual rating: 1.5/5
I really liked the first book, the second one I did not. I gave it a two star rating only because of the last two chapters.
First of all, why is princess Kelly in the cover when she only appears and speaks in one page?

Nothing interesting happens.
Marsha is pregnant so Malcolm and Dexter have to step up their game to help her. She moves in Dexter's apartment and then all shenanigans take place, is what I would say, but not. Only bickering and fights ensue.
Every chapter is the same, Marsha is pregnant so she is unreasonable, Dexter fights back, Malcolm comes, silently takes Dexter's side, then Sally and Michelle take Marsha's an insult the male pair.
There are some useless chapters in the book, like the author chapter and the royal chapter. I really looked forward to the royal one, because it's an accomplishment for Malcolm but no, its ruined by Dexter and his predictability.

All of them are completely the same as the first book. They don't change, maybe in the last two chapters there are some indications that Malcolm has grown and also Dexter, but in the whole book they had waves of development only to be reset at the beginning of a new chapter/part of story.
Dexter is only more annoying and his only contribution to the story is, that he is rich and gets what he wants.

The girls are completely just for decoration. Yasmin in the previous book, got more meaningful dialogue than Sally in the whole book. Sally's mission is to acknowledge when Dexter bangs at the door and take Marsha's side in an argument. Nothing happens to or with her. I thought that maybe in the royal chapter she'd get more screen-time but alas nope.
Candy was the most interesting female character because she is stupid and her commentary was always funny to read.

This is supposed to be a funny book, it wasn't. The first one, especially the first part, was. There where some flashes of comedy, but only with Candy. The most funny one was in the wedding, that was the only part where a laugh did escape my breath.
Also maybe there will be a third book, but I don't see what the value would be if it will be the same as this book.

So in conclusion, I don't recommend the second book in the series, since a lot of chapters are unnecessary and don't bring anything to the story and Dexter is even worse than in the first book.
Profile Image for Rita Segers.
5 reviews22 followers
April 26, 2020
After reading part one of this very funny book, I was very excited to get stuck into the second.

Nerdy Malcolm and wannabe gangster Dexter, after capturing the girls in the first book now face a real dilemma. Which one of them is the father to Marsha's unborn child and who got her pregnant during a drunken one night stand at the back end of book one? In order not to wait nine months and until the baby is born to find out, Malcolm and Dexter both decide to stand by Marsha and take their new found responsibilities deadly serious. Enter chaotic book number two!

Nine months of hell for Dexter, according to him. Nine months of Malcolm trying his best, but getting it wrong. Then nine real months of hell for Marsha, Candy and Sally as things spiral out of control once again in adult comedy format.

This series so far is the best comedy double act I have ever read and every chapter is honestly a timebomb of chaotic laughter. Yes some parts in this book are a little sexist and crude, especially when Dexter is involved, but the book definitely wouldn't be a comedy without him in it. Dexter sure does bring the sexist behaviour, Malcolm tries to step up and be the man, Dexter and Malcolm both butt heads during the story, then it turns out. Well, I will let you find out who the baby daddy is at the end of it all.

I've heard there's going to be a third and final book in this series, yet there's no evidence of this anywhere. I really do hope there is to be a third, because it's really nice to relax and laugh whilst reading a book and this series definitely makes you do that.
Profile Image for Pam Cuthbert.
4 reviews
December 6, 2019
I spoke about the first book in this series being offensive and highly controversial, yet it seems the writer made a huge effort to heighten the bar and shock his readers more during the writing of this book. Through a very funny yet shallow mans eyes, it takes on the nine month journey of pregnancy and you can guess the rest. Full of one liners, sexist remarks and men being men right through the morning sickness period and around women, I can assume this book will at some point be ripped apart, misunderstood and actually be called sexist. Being a woman, I didn't see it this way though. I saw, like I said after reading the first book, this book was simply harmless fun, allowing you to escape into a not so serious world of laughter. Just like Carry On Doctor, or Carry On Nurse, this one would be called, Carry On Pregnant. It's light hearted, it's funny and it's very rude, taking us back to a time where people weren't uptight all the time. It's also cleverly insightful and emotional too if you look for it.

This writer is incredible, because although it looks like he's setting himself up for a fall when it comes to reviewing something so controversial, it's as though he's sitting there waiting to find out who understands him, who finds the laughter through it all and who just jumps, snaps and attacks because it seems this is the easiest thing to do these days.

I not only enjoyed this book and found it very funny, but I got the message too. Carry On Laughing.
February 29, 2020
How isn't this one of the best adult comedies on the market? Okay, it's delivered through the eyes of a man and slightly one sided when it comes to things like pregnancy, but what about it isn't true? I'm a man with two children and being have been through it myself, I found it very amusing.

What this very funny book does is lighten all the arguments pregnancy will often cause, then laugh at it all instead, using both sides of the story. There are great parts in it for female readers and there's great in there for men too. Also, two of the main male characters handle it completely different, so you've got one doing all the sexist funny stuff, whilst the other character is totally supportive of his pregnant partner, all be it they both think they are the father of her child.

The main point to the story is very emotional and warming, if you get to this end part before claiming it's too sexist and giving up on it. My advice, read the whole thing. It does make perfect sense at the end and it is very entertaining.
Profile Image for Kate Radley.
1 review
September 30, 2020
Until you've been through nine months of pregnancy yourself, this book isn't going to mean much, except maybe a comedy full of bantering friends, where one is pregnant. Even if you have been through pregnancy yourself, you still might not understand this book, unless you've had the love of your life stand right by your side for that whole time. For many this will just be a sexist comedy based on pregnancy, where one man in particular seems hell bent on saying everything he possibly can to be a sexist prick and laugh it all off. If however you look beyond him, you will find a story that tells you EXACTLY what a man goes through during that nine month period, as well as all the fears he will often face on his own.

This not only is a very funny book, with very strong characters, but it is quite clever too. It brings out the worst in a man, which cleverly shows his absolute fear does most of the talking.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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