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The Ex-Wife

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You’ve got everything she wants …

Newly married Natasha has the perfect house, a loving husband and a beautiful little girl called Emily. She’d have it all if it wasn’t for Jen, her husband’s ex-wife who just won’t leave them alone …

Then Natasha returns home one day to find her husband and Emily gone without trace. Desperate to get her daughter back, Natasha will do anything even if it means accepting an offer of help from Jen. But can she trust her? And do either of them really know the man they married?

If you loved The Girl on the Train, Gone Girl or The Couple Next Door then this dark, twisting psychological thriller from Amazon chart bestseller Jess Ryder is guaranteed to have you gripped.

352 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 1, 2018

About the author

Jess Ryder

13 books312 followers
Jess Ryder is a pseudonym of novelist/screenwriter/television producer, Jan Page

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 726 reviews
Profile Image for Berit Talks Books.
2,062 reviews15.7k followers
June 6, 2018
5 Brilliantly Twisted Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Wow wow wow this book was simply brilliant! Jess Ryder Took me on one crazy ride.... this is my first book from this author, but it is definitely not my last! Admittedly up until about 35% I was a little unsure as to what was going on and then... BAM! huge swerve and then the twists kept coming!

Natasha has the perfect life, a doting husband, a beautiful daughter, the only problem.... the ex-wife... then one day Natasha arrives home to find no Nick, no Emily, no belongings... what is going on? Natasha is a terribly likable character and you just want her to figure all of this out, and get her daughter back....

The story is told from two points of view... Natasha then and Anna now... Anna is on the run, but from who? And why? And who is Anna? Oh what a well plotted story this is! As those layers start peeling away you start finding out secret after lie after secret after lie.... leaving you to believe absolutely nobody.... and the very end, creepy!

I read this book with my friend Mackenzie, who found a blog article written by the author.... to sum it up the author says the best way to create a good psychological thriller is to alter the readers perception and then let their imagination take over.... and that’s exactly what she did in this book, well done Miss Ryder 🥂

Absolutely recommend to fans of a good twisty psychological thriller... this is a must read!

*** many thanks too Bookouture for my copy of this book ***

Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
877 reviews13.9k followers
June 11, 2018
3.5 Stars

A marriage built on secrets, lies, and pure craziness leads to the ultimate betrayal in The Ex-Wife.

Natasha is happily married to Nick. Yes, she’s given up her youth to be with him, but she is rewarded with a life of luxury and her lovely daughter, Emily. Nick left his wife, Jen, to be with Natasha. Jen, however, remains a constant presence in their lives. As their marriage begins to show signs of strain, Natasha begins to plan for a life without Nick. But before she can leave, Natasha returns home to find both Nick and Emily gone. Natasha is determined to get her daughter back, even if it means accepting help from Jen. But can Jen be trusted?

The story is told from the point of views of Natasha, Jen, and the mysterious Anna. With each POV, tidbits about Nick, Jen, and Natasha’s tumultuous relationship are gradually revealed.

What I liked about this book is that I was never really sure what was going on or how things were going to play out. I was addicted for the first 50%, but then things fizzled out a bit. I figured out the first major twist but was surprised by some others. There were certain revelations that were a bit of a letdown. I also was quite intrigued by Sam’s character and wanted to know more about him.

I couldn’t stand Nick and didn’t understand why these women fell for him. He’s a controlling a**hole. Yes, he was supposedly good looking and made good money, but that’s never enough to be treated like shit. I wanted to shake these women for being with him.

Overall, this is a fun psychological thriller that kept me turning the pages.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and Bookouture in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Debra.
2,825 reviews35.9k followers
June 14, 2018
Natasha believes that she has it all - a loving husband (Nick), a beautiful home, a beautiful daughter (Emily). Life would be perfect if only her husband's ex-wife (Jen) would leave them alone. She calls constantly and has close ties to Nick's family which makes family events incredibly uncomfortable for Natasha.

Then one day Natasha learns that Nick did not drop off Emily at pre-school. She returns home to find all their belonging gone! She is devastated! Readers will be devastated right along with her. As she attempts to find them, she decides she needs to go have a chat with Nick's ex-wife to determine if she knows the whereabouts of her missing husband and child.

This book is told through alternating POV and had me guessing "Who is Anna?" and obviously "where are Nick and Emily?" and "Why did they leave?". I enjoyed that this book kept me guessing as to what was going on, who was Anna, and could all of the characters be trusted (such as Sam)?

Although, I did guess one of the plot twists, the others were a pleasant surprise. Not all of the characters are likable in this book which worked perfectly for the plot. As I learned more and more about the secrets, lies and motivations of some of the characters, things did begin to make more sense.

One thing that irked me about this book is that no one in authority seemed to care or feel the need to get involved when Nick and Emily went missing. I didn't buy the old, well he is her parent so there is nothing you can do angle. Plus, let this book serve as a warning to women - make sure that things are in your name as well!

This book was well-written with some twists and turns along the way. This was an interesting and fast paced read.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookpost.com
Profile Image for Mackenzie - PhDiva Books.
734 reviews14.5k followers
June 12, 2018
A twisty novel of suspense that will make you question everyone!!

See my detailed review on Phdiva.blog!

Wow, what a read!! This was my first novel by Jess Ryder and as soon as I finished I added her previous two to my Amazon cart because I am so excited about this book. Jess has an incredible gift with story telling, and so I looked her up to learn a bit more about her. Jess Ryder the author is actually a pseudonym for Jan Page, a screenwriter, television producer, and novelist. I do think that explains her gift with crafting a good psychological thriller—it isn’t so different from how television producers and screenwriters create the elements that guide the viewer through the story they want to tell.

About the Book

Natasha is a barista struggling to make ends meet, when she is struck by a car with a handsome businessman driving it while biking to work. After a whirlwind courtship, Natasha and Nick are married and have a beautiful daughter named Emily. Natasha is so happy being a mother. In fact, everything would be perfect if it weren’t for Nick’s ex-wife, Jen. Nick is patient with Jen, and Natasha lets him be because her and Nick’s relationship is strong and stable.

And then one day, Nick leaves to take Emily to daycare while Natasha has a lie-in. When Natasha goes to pick up Emily from daycare, she discovers that Emily never showed up. Frantically, Natasha runs home, calling local hospitals. But when she arrives home, she notices something unexpected—all of Nick and Emily’s things have been packed up and taken from the home.

Natasha is struck by confusion, grief, and anger. She doesn’t know how to reach Nick, but she has an idea. Swallowing her pride, Natasha reaches out to the one person she thought she’d never need anything from—Jen. After everything that has happened, can Natasha really trust Jen? And does she have a choice?


Can you imagine how crazy that would drive you??? To come home and realize your husband has disappeared with your daughter, and you had no idea it was going to happen. The lack of answers and closure alone (aside from missing your daughter and husband) would honestly drive me mad! I felt infuriated on Natasha’s behalf during this sequence.

I loved the way Jess used the present story of “Anna” on the run to counterbalance where we were at in the main story. We know SOMETHING happened that led to a life on the run, but getting there is the fun part.

Jess has a gift with plot structures and twists. I was confused as to what was going on for about the first 30% of the book, but by 40% the book was just mind-blowing twist layered upon lies layered upon story developments. I was captivated! I was actually reading Jess’s blog and she has a fascinating piece about writing twists in psychological thrillers.

In her own words:

"I’d describe [twists] as the deliberate misleading of the reader, encouraging them to make false assumptions and draw wrong conclusions about the narrator/s, the plot, the identity of the characters, their motivations and ambition, or how they are connected to each other. As the book progresses, the reader creates a fictional world in their own imagination and then, at a time of their choosing, the writer brings it crashing down.”

I’d never thought of a twist as a way of the author misleading of us! Of course, that is absolutely what a twist is. But what an interesting way of manipulating our imaginations. To help us create a richer backstory through subtle clues, only to then tear that apart with a simple shift in perspective or additional detail—one small missing piece of the puzzle with enormous implications. I loved this description!!!

I will be reading more from Jess Ryder, and I hope other readers find her book as captivating as I did!

Thank you to Bookouture, Jess Ryder, and NetGalley for an opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
June 17, 2018
5 Wild & Crazy Stars.

My Oh My, That was One Wild, Fun and Crazy Ride!

Natasha seems to have the perfect little life, married to Nick, a successful and caring man who caters to her every need. Together, they have a baby girl named Emily, who they love and adore above all else. The only problem? Jen. Nick’s ex-wife. His family loves her and invites her to family functions, totally ignoring Natasha and Nick still cares enough to have nightly phone calls with Jen, claiming however that she is lonely and needs someone to talk to and that it means nothing.

One day however, it all comes crashing down. Natasha comes home to discover that Emily is gone, as is all of her stuff and Nick, her so-called “beloved husband” is responsible. The only person she can turn to, to get her daughter back is the one person she has always despised: Jen. Can she trust her? What do you think? I’m afraid I can’t spill.

“The Ex-Wife” by Jess Ryder is a delicious and completely wicked novel that grabbed me straightaway. The ride is intense. The hype? It’s all true. If you’re looking for a stellar read, go out and grab this book my friends, you won’t regret it.

I read this with Kaceey and Brenda. We all really liked this one - for good reason!

A huge thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and Jess Ryder for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Published on NetGalley, Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram and Amazon on 6.17.18.
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,479 followers
June 6, 2018
The pace is fast and the tone is rather frantic (which I think worked well).

Here are the players–Game on…

Natasha – Current wife and mother to Emily

Emily– Young daughter of Natasha and Nick

Nick– Loving hubby and dad

Jen– Jealous ex-wife

Anna– You’ll find out when you read it! Yikes

The relationship between Natasha and Jen was very intriguing and I was curious about how it would play out. The ex, Jen was jealous that things worked out so beautifully for Natasha and Nick. I wanted to know more about her and why she behaved as she did. She seemed unable to move on after her divorce from Nick. Then, things take a turn and Natasha needs Jen’s help. Can she trust her though? After all, this is the woman who has been trying hard to tear her down.

I loved how this psychological thriller kept me asking myself, “What is going on?” and racing towards the end to find out. The twists were surprising and kept me on edge as they were revealed. I felt a shot of adrenaline as each chapter ended and compelled me to keep reading (which I did). Several times I literally sat straight up in bed and asked myself, “Did that just happen?” Who doesn’t love a “gotcha” moment!

Loads of fun! What a rocky suspenseful ride! I cruised through this one at lightening speed! 5 STARS of pure entertainment

Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,298 reviews4,069 followers
June 21, 2018
A delightfully twisty read!

Betrayal, lies and deception. Three vital elements that help make the perfect thriller!

Natasha is a new wife and mother. She’s married to a strikingly handsome, wealthy husband who adores her, and a beautiful young daughter she loves with all her heart. Sounds fairly close to perfect...right?

Jen is the former wife. The one who devotedly stood by Nick since they were kids. The one who knows no other life than the one she had with Nick, until that home-wrecking Natasha took him away.
But Jen is not quite ready to just fade away quietly into the night.

Anna - the mysterious third POV. Forever looking over her shoulder, petrified her past is catching up to her.

This book will have you in a finger-pointing frenzy, accusing pretty much anyone and everyone. Who’s telling the truth? Who’s lying? Is anyone innocent in all of this? I can’t tell you how many times I changed my mind on who to trust. (Love that!)

A fun and fast thrill ride that will keep you solidly hooked throughout! Highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and Jess Ryder for an ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dash fan .
1,490 reviews722 followers
June 9, 2018
4☆ Rollercoaster of a Psychological Thriller

The Ex Wife is a rollercoaster of a psychological thriller. It was exciting, thrilling and kept me guessing.

What would you do if you come home and found your husband and child missing?
Well that's exactly what happened to Natasha when she came home.
The thing is Natasha has 3 people in her relationship, the third being her husband's ex wife Jen.

For me it's not easy to put the plot into words as it's one you really need to experience yourself.
There is twists, secrets, lies, mystery character (Anna). It really does have a lil of everything.

Jess Ryder has created a taut and suspenseful Pyschological Thriller that ramps up the tension page by page until it's impossible to know who to trust.
A perfectly paced plot that is twisting, enthralling, and kept me guessing.
The Characters are well thought-out and strong.

If you enjoy your Pyschological Thrillers to keep you guessing and have delicious twists then you will want to read The Ex Wife!

Thank you to Bookouture for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

My Review is also on my Blog Website:-

Profile Image for Barbara.
1,566 reviews5,168 followers
December 2, 2021

Natasha - a London barista whose 'coffee art' is first rate - is on her way to work when she's knocked off her bike by a Range Rover. The car's driver - a handsome, wealthy media distributor named Nick - jumps out of his vehicle to help the girl.....and both their lives are changed forever.

Nick offers up first-aid and £500 for damages, and the following days include dinner in a posh restaurant and trysts in a luxury boutique hotel. Nick and Natasha fall madly in love, but there's a hitch.

Nick is still married to his childhood sweetheart Jen, an interior designer who's completely devoted to her husband.

Natasha feels guilty about seeing a married man, and feels even worse when she discovers she's pregnant. The barista frets about telling Nick, expecting him to offer up stacks of cash for an abortion. Instead, Nick is THRILLED. He promptly divorces Jen.....

and marries Natasha, and the new couple are soon ensconced in Nick's beautiful mansion with baby Emily. 👶

The only fly in the ointment.....the ex-wife is still hanging around. Nick's mother and sister always invite Jen to family events, and the former spouse continues to maintain friendly relations with Nick. Thus Jen frequently calls Nick, visits Nick, and even brings gifts for little Emily.

To top it off, Nick's sister makes Nick and Jen the godparents to her newborn son, which leaves Natasha out in the cold vis a vis the extended family. All this drives Natasha crazy, but there's not much she can do.

In fact Natasha can't seem to do much about anything. She doesn't drive, has no income of her own, and is totally dependent on Nick for everything. Natasha's mother tells her she's foolish and should be more self-sufficient, but Natasha pooh poohs her mom's concerns. This soon comes back to bite Natasha in the butt! 🤢

One morning Nick brings Natasha her morning coffee, and offers to drop Emily off at daycare before he leaves for his business trip to Toronto. Nick then kisses Natasha goodbye and leaves with the baby.

Later, when Natasha goes to pick Emily up from the nursery, the child's not there. And she hasn't been there all morning! A frantic Natasha stumbles home and discovers that ALL of Emily's toys and clothes are gone, including her favorite Gemma Giraffe 🦒 . Nick has absconded with the child.

Thus begins Natasha's nightmare. She's desperate to get the baby back, but can't get in touch with Nick. Moreover, after an errand away from the house, Natasha returns to find all the locks changed. She can't even get her phone charger, much less her clothing and other possessions. And the police can't help.

Natasha goes to stay with her mum, who says "I told you so" and offers Natasha her retirement savings to get a lawyer. Natasha refuses, though, not wanting to take her mom's nest egg, and afraid she can't prevail against Nick - who's too rich and clever. So Natasha sinks into depression, takes to her bed, and broods.

Oddly enough, ex-wife Jen offers to help Natasha find Nick, apparently feeling sympathy for the young mother's plight.

And that's all I can say without spoilers.

The book is written in a NOW and THEN format. It's clear that something happened that led to a flight and a name change, so the NOW sections are narrated by 'Anna' and the THEN sections are related by 'Natasha.' The chapters alternate back and forth, so we see what led up to Emily's abduction, and what happens afterwards.

On the positive side, the story is suspenseful, well-constructed, and easy to follow - and I was very curious to find out what happened and why.

On the negative side, Natasha is a painfully annoying woman. There seems to be a trend lately (which I deplore) to construct female characters who are helpless doormats, and Natasha is a prime example. In fact Natasha is so fatuous that she strains credulity to the breaking point (IMO).

Here are some of Natasha's behaviors that are foolish and/or not believable: 😏
-- Natasha can't drive. An adult woman in London who can't drive? I don't think so. Natasha's mother drives and has a car.
-- Natasha is a university graduate, but allows her husband to COMPLETELY control the money; she has no joint account with him and doesn't even know how much he makes. Really??
-- Natasha lets Nick hobnob with Jess to his heart's content. A normal woman would put her foot down at some point.
-- When Nick runs off with the baby, Natasha doesn't even think about getting a lawyer. Wouldn't this be the VERY FIRST THING an intelligent person would do?

I could go on, but it would reveal too much of the plot.

The novel has interesting twists and I like the ending. So, taking into account the story's virtues and faults, I'd say it's an average psychological thriller.

**Authors - especially female authors - I implore you.....please give us smart women characters!!**

Thanks to Netgalley, the author (Jess Ryder) and the publisher (Bookouture) for a copy of the book.

You can follow my reviews at https://reviewsbybarbsaffer.blogspot....
Profile Image for Linda.
1,470 reviews1,554 followers
June 24, 2018
It's best to wait long than to marry wrong.

Natasha finds that out the hard way after her bicycle crashes into a vehicle driven by Nick....Nick, the tall, dark, handsome man with a bank account that reads: Beyond Comfortable.

Nick wines and dines Natasha to make up for that slight accident. But it is no accident that Nick has been married to Jen for many years. Never came up in their conversations until it had to. Now Jen is kicked to the curb and Natasha is re-decorating the abode that he once shared with Jen.

The story deepens when Natasha gives birth to Emily. Nick is over the moon since he and the previous love nest dweller (Jen) were never able to have children.

Divorce divies up the holdings of the prior couple. It seems that Natasha has been awarded custody of Jen the Ex-Wife. Jen whittles her way into their home at all hours, calls Nick on the phone endlessly, and is paired with Nick as godparents for Nick's sister. (Wait until you meet that little piece of work.) Jen is the permanent shadow on the wall of Natasha's mind.

The stress is getting to Natasha. But before you can blink an eye, Nick has disappeared from their home taking their daughter Emily with him. With nothing in her own name, no money, no assets, Natasha is now sitting on that same uncomfortable curb as ol' Jen. Gonna be a rough ride here on out.

Jess Ryder creates a storyline with a devious man who possesses a conscious the size of a comma. Connect this doorknob to several women who have fallen for his smooth line of talk. It's equivalent to squeezing barbed wire and expecting not a nick. (Oh, sorry for that pun!)

The Ex-Wife is a twisty tale that rattles around inside of the heads of those purloined. You may or may not see the locomotive coming even with smoke pouring out of the tunnel. It's one of those books where you just sit back and enjoy the next chapter, and the next, and the next. A great Summer read for sure.
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,439 reviews1,642 followers
May 22, 2018
My oh my, what a bumpy ride Jess Ryder has taken me on with The Ex-Wife. This one is a psychological thriller that keeps a reader guessing all the way until the very end, and then maybe even after you’ve finished the book.

Starting with a prologue in a hospital with no idea who you are reading about the book then starts at chapter 1 with Anna in the present. From then the chapters begin to flash back to then with Natasha. The things is Natasha is the current wife and Jen is the ex-wife, so the question becomes who is Anna?

Natasha had met Nick in a chance encounter while he was married to Jen. Jen and Nick had been childhood sweethearts but their marriage seemed to be one of convenience and coming to an end so when Natasha falls pregnant Nick divorces and marries her.

Jen however keeps pushing her way into the marriage even three years later. Natasha thinks things are fine however until one day Nick packs up and takes their daughter and disappears and with no where else to turn Natasha accepts Jen’s help finding her daughter.

So many layers to this story that with each passing chapter I felt like a kid at Christmas hastily unwrapping to learn more details. It’s definitely a gripping read from start to finish but when done I just wanted to continue on as I felt some things are let up in the air and my poor imagination ran wild. Such an intense ride from start to finish that I’d definitely recommend checking this one out.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more review please visit https://carriesbookreviews.com/
Profile Image for Dem.
1,226 reviews1,332 followers
June 30, 2018
A fun and thrilling page turning novel with lots of twists and turns to keep the reader engaged.
I really enjoyed this one by Jess Ryder, A gripping psychological thriller that kept me guessing and a great summer / beach read.

Newly married Natasha has the perfect house, a loving husband and a beautiful little girl called Emily. She’d have it all if it wasn’t for Jen, her husband’s ex-wife who just won’t leave them alone …

Then Natasha returns home one day to find her husband and Emily gone without trace. Desperate to get her daughter back, Natasha will do anything even if it means accepting an offer of help from Jen. But can she trust her? And do either of them really know the man they married?

I enjoy the odd Psychological Thiller as you tend to know what you are getting, so yeah you may have to suspend disbelief at some of story but I expect that with Psychological thrillers (to an extent) and this book works really well as the plot and the characters are clever and I enjoyed the suspense.
I read this one over a couple of hot sunny (heat wave) evenings in the garden and really enjoyed the drama.

Recomend this one to readers who enjoyed books like Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman The Memory Watcher by Minka Kent The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks

My thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this one in return for an honest review
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,182 reviews781 followers
June 28, 2018
4.5 Stars

Natasha’s life seems perfect, I said “seems” because she has everything, a handsome husband who’s rich, a beautiful home and a lovely baby girl. But she can’t enjoy all of them because of her husband’s ex-wife, Jen. She is everywhere, Jen is the wife that her husband’s family like and she is in all their family gathering, always in touch with the husband. It’s like Jen still is his wife, not Natasha. One day when Natasha comes home he couldn’t find her daughter and her husband. She searches everywhere and asks everyone but no one knows anything. And still, there is someone who has to ask, Jen. Can she trust Jen? Does Jen know anything at all? And if she doesn’t so what’s happened to the husband and the baby girl?

The Ex-Wife was my first read by this author and definitely won’t be my last! It was thoroughly enjoyable. when I was reading it I had some scenarios but they were wrong and I could just guess right about one of the twists. It’s fast-paced, well-written with a perfect story-line and unpredictable twists. Told in multiple POV, 1st person. It’s a stand-alone novel. Overall, loved it and hope you enjoy it as well!
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews402 followers
June 13, 2018

This book kept me quite dizzy and I remained dizzy most of the way through with interludes of calmness, all in a good way.

As I read further and got more and more lost within its pages I got more sense of who was who and what was what.

The author did a fantastic job of keeping secrets and leading me along with my mind keep ticking over. This deceit takes you on a journey of craftiness with superb writing.

I found it a busy book with always something going on to keep my attention and my readers juices flowing.

The chapters are given to Anna, Natasha and Jennifer. At the beginning I was trying to keep up, but once my brain got into gear I was well away. Everything started to fall into place.

Nick is the main guy in this story. He interconnects as you read along.

The ending had my jaw on the floor.
I wasn't expecting THAT.

My thanks to Bookoutour and Net Galley for my copy.
Profile Image for Maya.
25 reviews20 followers
May 28, 2018
Hauntingly beautiful, this is a story of love and redemption, family ties, the dark secrets and the lengths we’ll go to protect the ones we love.
It’s an utterly absorbing and addictive tale of psychological suspense that will grab your attention from the very beginning.

‘The ex-wife’ starts with a prologue where we meet Anna lying in a hospital bed, obviously distraught and not aware of what happened to her.

Natasha is a newly married young woman and a mother, leading a perfect life, the only thing standing in her way of true happiness is her husband’s ex wife, Jen who just can’t seem to stay away. Natasha deals with it well until her husband and her daughter disappear without a trace and she’s left with a thousand questions and very little answers.

The story is set in two different timescales, it’s a double narrative so we get two sides of the story, one from Natasha and one from Jen.
So who is Anna?

It’s a sharp dagger of a book so tightly wound, it will make you question everything and everyone until the last page. The last chapter was a brilliant ending and even though it left me wondering about what happened to some of the characters, I didn’t mind because everything fell into place perfectly.

Jess Ryder, you just got yourself a new fan!

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my ARC.

Profile Image for Bedelia .
Author 0 books106 followers
July 2, 2018
DNF at 61%. I absolutely hate DNFing a book and I rarely do but I feel like my reading time is golden and I just can't be bothered to waste it. I was having major book anxiety while trying to muck through The Ex-Wife and I really just wanted it to end before I ended up sans hair.

image: description

I can get on board with a slow burn psych thriller but with The Ex-Wife I felt like I was still waiting for the match to catch fire. It seemed as if I was reading 2 different books and, quite frankly, they were both boring.

Natasha .... Oh, man. I don't know if I have ever disliked a character as much as I do her. Her reactions seemed very odd, laughable even, and didn't seem to match the situations. I am not sure if the character was supposed to come across as naive and vulnerable but I felt she was weak and moronic. Two traits I can't stand in a female lead. I would take bitchy Jen any day of the weak and I was kind of rooting for her to throat punch Natasha.

The Ex-Wife just was not for me.
Profile Image for Nicki.
618 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2018
OH BOY,Jess Ryder definitely knows how to mess with your head,pull at your heart strings and play with your emotions.Her words flow with ease and you find yourself mesmerized by this twist packed story of two women who find themselves caught up in the mind games,lies and manipulations of a man who is prepared to go to any lengths to get what he wants,no matter who gets hurt or what the consequences of his actions are.

After a prologue that is set in a hospital room,the story progresses in chapters that alternate between Natasha and Jen and flip back and forth between now and then.Natasha is married to Nick and they have a beautiful baby daughter called Emily.Natasha has a beautiful home,no money worries and a loving husband.Her life would be perfect if it wasn't for Nick`s ex wife Jen who won't leave them alone.Then Natasha returns home one day and finds that Nick and Emily have disappeared.She is so desperate to find her beloved daughter that she is willing to do anything,even accept help from Jen.I don't normally feel any sympathy for characters who enter into a relationship with someone who is already in a relationship with another person but it's hard not to sympathize with poor Natasha once Emily disappears.The authors descriptions of Natasha`s despair,grief and feelings of hopelessness were so realistic,you would have to have a heart made out of stone not to feel some sympathy for the poor woman.My feelings about Jen ebbed and flowed like the waves of the sea,swapping and changing as the story unfolded.I would definitely say I liked Natasha a lot more than Jen throughout most of the book.Interspersed throughout the story were chapters voiced by a woman called Anna,a character who is doing all she can to stay under the radar because she is terrified that someone is searching for her.Who is she? and why is she so certain that her life is in danger?

This is a riveting,enthralling psychological thriller that had me hooked in from the very first page,totally gripped by the twists and turns as the story unfolded before my eyes.The characters were vividly drawn and realistic.I absolutely loved this gripping story of deceit,manipulation,relashionships and forgiveness,it is definitely worth more than five stars.Due to some of the issues raised throughout the book,I think the story would cause some interesting discussions if it was read by a book group.

Many thanks to Bookouture for a arc of this book via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review
Profile Image for Sarah Joint.
445 reviews1,010 followers
June 7, 2018
A roller coaster ride with amazingly fleshed out characters. If you are tired of reading thrillers where you just can't understand a character's motivation, give this one a shot. You'll question the characters in the beginning, but as the book goes on, Jess Ryder explains them so well and makes you understand their motivations, their weaknesses, their strengths... everything about them. There's plenty of crazy situations in this one, and lots of surprises to keep you on your toes.

Natasha has it all: a handsome, loving husband, an adorable child, and a beautiful home. No more working dead-end jobs and barely making rent. She doesn't have to worry about money at all, as Nick takes care of that. The one fly in the ointment is his ex-wife, Jen. She's always around... coming to family parties, sticking her nose in their business, taking up the little free time Nick has... and she's beyond tired of it. Yes, she began her relationship with him before they were separated... but she agreed to leave so quickly without a fuss, and it's time for her to move on so they can live their happily ever after.

That fairy tale is not. Happening. Suddenly, Nick and little Emily are gone. He's taken their things and simply vanished, leaving Natasha with nothing but an empty house for company. She's desperate to get her daughter back, but knows she's in for the fight of her life any way you look at it. Nick can afford the best lawyers and make her look unfit. But why would he do that, why would he want to? And how will she even find out where they've gone? Jen is offering to help her, but who can she trust?

We get mostly perspectives from the two women, plus the mysterious Anna... who the reader isn't quite sure about right away. This is a nice thriller with great, interesting characters. I loved the bits of reality about caring for a small child (it's not all fun) and the never-ending twists and turns the story took.

I received a copy of this book from Net Galley and Bookouture, thank you! My review is honest and unbiased.
Profile Image for Jan.
423 reviews277 followers
June 25, 2018
I had a much better experience with this author the second time around...I'm glad I gave her another go. 😊

This is one of those twisty domestic thrillers that has a certain 'fun' flair to it.

Let's start with Natasha, who is recently married to Nick after a whirlwind romance.
Nick was married to Jen, his childhood sweetheart, when he first met Natasha. But that didn't stop him from pursing her and having an affair. When Natasha becomes pregnant, Jen concedes victory to her and ends her marriage to Nick peacefully.

Or does she?

This is where the fun began for me---who should I be rooting for?

Told from the POV's of Natasha, Jen and a very mysterious Anna, I was gripped by this story and all it's craziness. Manipulation, backstabbing, revenge-it's all here. But there are moments of redemption, maturity and love to help balance out all the nastiness.

Highly recommend-this one I won't be forgetting for a long time.

ARC provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Helga.
1,160 reviews306 followers
June 9, 2018
“Amazing, the narratives we spin to suit ourselves…”

Jen and Nick are happily married for 20 years, until Nick literally bumps into Natasha in the street and then everything changes. Jen becomes the ex and Natasha the new pregnant wife.
But Jen is not completely out of the picture and all is not as it appears. Natasha’s charming and peachy life is going to crumble and it seems she can trust no one.

This was a fast-paced and well-written psychological thriller, told from multiple points of view.
My first from this author but not the last.
The story seemed to me unfinished though and some things stayed unresolved.

Maybe there is going to be a sequel? Let’s hope so!
Profile Image for Liz.
2,467 reviews3,348 followers
May 10, 2019
3.5 stars

The book summary claims that Natasha has the perfect life. So my initial impressions were what the hell was I reading then? Nick has a drinking problem and routinely treats her like a dimwit. He places her second to the needs of his ex-wife. I found him sleazy, pompous and not worthy of one woman let alone two. Mind you, these were my thoughts even before the real action of the story begins. If only Nick had gone missing, I would have said good riddance. But Natasha’s little girl, Emily, was also missing.

The book is told from the POV of Natasha then and Anna now. We aren’t initially told who Anna is or why she’s in hiding. Natasha irritated me as she was just so dependent on her husband. Although to be honest, way too many women make some of the same mistakes she did. Ladies, the main takeaway from this book is the importance of being financially independent!

The first ¾ of the book moves at a fast clip and there were quite a few twists I didn’t see coming. My opinion seemed to change about where it was going with every chapter. But then, the book seemed to hit a speed bump. The pace of the book slowed and I felt like I could see exactly where it was going from then on. The ending was so obvious it was a real disappointment to me. And the climax was totally unbelievable.

The narrator here does a disservice to the book. All her female voices, except for Natasha’s mom, sound pretty much the same.

Profile Image for Tammy.
1,128 reviews268 followers
June 23, 2018
The Ex-Wife is worth its hype. So gripping with many twists and turns. There’s a point in this where I teared up, sad.. but a wild ride that’s for sure. And loved that ending! 4 ☆
March 7, 2019
A seemingly perfect marriage, secrets and lies, the Ex-Wife who won’t leave them alone, the husband and daughter who disappears and then what happens makes for one twisty entertaining read.

Jess Ryder does such a great job creating a face-paced twisty and captivating story that had me questioning so many things throughout this story. The story grabbed my attention from the start and didn’t let go till that brilliant and satisfying ending. I highly recommend

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my copy to read and review
Profile Image for Stacey Camp.
Author 5 books70 followers
June 7, 2018
**5 Goodreads Stars**

Natasha is struggling to make it as a barista in the city. Living on a tight budget, she cycles to work daily until one fateful day dramatically changes her life for the better - or so she thought.

While racing down a steep street on her bike, Natasha accidentally swipes the side of a car and tumbles to the street. A handsome, older man steps out of the car to check on Natasha. She's fine, but the man, Nick, feels guilty and offers to take her out to dinner. Things seem innocent until Natasha finds herself falling hard for Nick. There's only one little problem: Nick is married to Jen, his high school sweetheart.

Natasha falls pregnant - something Jen never was able to do - and Nick casts aside Jen. He is eager to be a father and ready to welcome his new baby girl Emily into his life. Natasha moves into the house Nick and Jen shared and everything seems shockingly perfect beyond Jen's occasional lengthy phone calls to Nick. 

Things change when Nick gets one too many tickets and is under a court order not to drive. Jen suggests that he hire a private driver, which Natasha thinks is unnecessarily extravagant. Nick goes against Natasha's wishes and hires a driver, who ends up spending a great deal of time with Natasha. Natasha begins to question her reality as her driver suggests that Nick isn't being honest with her. Is Nick cheating on her? Is Jen somehow still involved with Nick? Is Nick really spending so much time on international business travel or is something else going on behind Natasha's back?

This book was an intense, hold-on-to-your seats ride from start to finish. The author drops hints here and there at what might be going on; clever suspense readers may figure out what's happening mid-way through the book, but that certainly won't spoil this tantalizing thriller for even the most seasoned mystery readers. This was a super quick read for me and so very difficult to put down! I loved how tension mounted in this book; it was there from the first page and continued to build with every turn of the page. 

Thank you to Bookouture, NetGalley, and Jess Ryder for an advanced reader copy of The Ex-Wife! I hope to read more of Ryder's books in the future!

For more of my book reviews visit me here:
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Profile Image for Jill McGill .
245 reviews179 followers
June 10, 2018
Wow, this is one twisted roller coaster ride that Jess Ryder takes us on... and I loved every minute of it! The Ex-Wife is a fast-paced psychological thriller that has so many layers and twists that I found myself glued to the story, turning page after page.

Natasha has a perfect life that every girl dreams of - the handsome husband, the gorgeous dream house, and the most adorable little girl that she would move heaven and earth for. Just one problem, her husband's annoying ex-wife who just won't leave him alone. Then BAM, Natasha comes home one afternoon to find her husband and daughter gone without a trace. What is going on? Why is this happening? Natasha will do anything to get her daughter back. She decides to ask her husband's ex-wife for help, after all, she knows him better than anyone. But can Natasha trust her?

Kudos to Jess Ryder for writing this gripping psychological thriller that I just couldn't put down! Highly Recommend

*Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing me with an ARC.
Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,419 reviews697 followers
May 29, 2018
My head is still spinning after that roller coaster of a ride that Jess Ryder has just taken me on! Seriously, it was fantastic!

This' is the story of Nick and his current wife Natasha and their child Emily. Nick was formally married to Jen, who is still everywhere in their lives. Then one day Nick and Emily go missing without a trace. Can Natasha trust Jen to help her find her daughter.?

This is one twisty story that will have you thinking you know what happened and then bam! Told from alternate viewpoints this is such a fantastic story that you will be addicted to. You just have to know what happened, how and why. So many lies, cheating and trust issues!

Thanks. To Bookouture and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book to read in exchange for my honest opinions
Profile Image for BIBLIOMANIAC MJ.
91 reviews53 followers
June 16, 2018
Wow! I absolutely loved this one! Most definitely deserves 5 bright stars!

Natasha is a young mother to Emily and is happily married to her older husband, Nick. Life is perfect apart from Jen, the ex-wife, who is still very needy of Nick's attention and seems to take pleasure in rubbing Natasha up the wrong way.

Until one day Natasha goes to pick up Emily from school, but she's not there! She soon discovers that Nick has disappeared with Emily and he is nowhere to be found. What on earth is going on?

Natasha is desperate to get her daughter back and will even turn to Jen for help if that's what it takes, but can she be trusted?

The story soon reaches the point where the reader is put in the position where we're hesitant to trust anyone, with each chapter unravelling another secret and another lie that had me questioning my previous assumptions. Very cleverly plotted, I just had to discover where exactly the story was headed, bingeing on all the juicy and mind blowing plot twists the author masterfully prepared, finishing off with a wow ending that had my ravenous appetite for domestic psychological dramas thoroughly and absolutely satiated!

Well done to Jess Ryder on writing this riveting masterpiece.

This one comes HIGHLY recommended.

Many thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture and the author for the opportunity of reading an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion of this book.
Profile Image for Namita.
578 reviews32 followers
June 18, 2018
Natasha has a doting husband Nick, a beautiful three year old daughter Emily and lives in a luxurious house. Everything would be perfect if it wasn’t for Nick’s ex-wife Jen’s constant interference in their lives. So Natasha is caught completely unawares when one day she realizes that Nick has disappeared with Emily. Nowhere else to turn she asks Jen for help and Jen agrees. But is Jen really trying to help Natasha or seek her own revenge ?

The Ex-Wife is a fast paced psychological thriller with lots of twists and turns that kept me up late at night trying to figure out how and where it ends. Narrated in the past and present with two different POV’s Jess Ryder does a bang up job of building up suspense in this entertaining novel which I would definitely recommend.

I would like to thank Bookouture & NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.

This and more reviews at https://chloesbooksblog.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Renita D'Silva.
Author 13 books364 followers
June 2, 2018
Wow! An amazing, wonderfully twisted, roller-coaster of a story that had me glued to the pages. A story that has stayed with me, masterfully written, the tension ratcheting up, making you so involved in the lives(and deaths) of the characters that you are disorientated when you get back to reality. Brilliant! One of the best psychological thrillers I have ever read!
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,343 reviews3,449 followers
July 14, 2018
"Don't you think it's about time you told her the truth? For her own sake?"
"No. The truth is very overrated, "he replied without a flicker.
I stared at him disbelievingly. "You can't say that-the truth is everything!'
"No, it's not. People distort the truth all the time."

The ex wife, Jen (who won't go away!)

Who is telling the truth? Who is distorting it?

And, Who is Anna? (You will find out in part Two-no peeking!) I was surprised...

But, despite a FAST start, (I thought it might be a 5 Star read) the book started to drag in Part Two (about the 60% point), and I was wanting to skim ahead and be done. 😴

Still, if you love psychological thrillers with MANY twists and turns, this may be the book for YOU, although it fell short for ME.

Thank You to Netgalley, Bookouture and the author for providing an ARC in exchange for my candid review!

This book is available now
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