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When Brian “Brin” Schubert’s condo floods, he takes his co-worker up on the offer to stay on his crappy futon for a while. The last thing he expects is for his friend’s roommate to be the one guy he despises the most. The same guy who stomped on his heart senior year of high school. And by the looks of the girl on his arm, the same man who’s still deep inside the closet.

Nicholas Dell never predicted that eleven years later, one of his greatest regrets would show up on his doorstep down on his luck. Nick has made some terrible mistakes—story of his life—and he’s been paying for them ever since. And if the guilt and shame aren’t enough, his first crush had to turn into one of the sexiest men he’s ever laid eyes on.

Nick and Brin have weeks to steer clear of each other. Weeks to avoid strangling each other. But when stubbornness leads to skyrocketing sexual tension, hate-sex doesn’t seem like such an awful way to work through their frustration. Except hate is a powerful emotion, especially when it’s turned inward. And in Nick’s case he’s been drowning in a sea of self-loathing for so long, he can’t see his way out.

As Brin reconnects with Nick, his perception of what really happened in their past begins to change. He’s finally ready to forgive him and take a second chance on the one guy who stirs him like no other. But Nick’s demons are complicated, heart-wrenching…demanding. So devastating, he might never allow himself true happiness—even with the one man who’s always owned his heart.

234 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 25, 2017

About the author

Christina Lee

54 books2,054 followers
Christina writes romance in different sub-genres, mostly with LGBTQ characters, not only because she's part of the community, but because representation matters, and everyone deserves a happily-ever-after. 

You can find more info on her website: www.christinalee.net. From there you can link to her Facebook reader group as well as her IG account and newsletter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 270 reviews
July 3, 2017

Regret is a quiet romance about regretting your choices, your past, your inability to move forward.

Brin regrets not being the son his father wanted. He knows he's a disappointment and nothing like his brother who bonds with their dad over sports. Brin is gay and works at a dog boarding/grooming business. He regrets not being more.

Nick regrets losing his sister Zoey. He regrets the death of his father and his mother's sorrow. He regrets not having enthusiasm for the family engraving business.

Despite the focus on regret, this is not a depressing story. Regret is an easy, sexy read with real moments of sweetness as Brin and Nick get to know one another again.

My main issue is that the MCs seemed like boys barely out of high school, not two men in their late 20s. Brin's grudge toward Nick bordered on the ridiculous. I'm not saying Brin didn't have a right to be hurt, but this was one incident TEN YEARS before. Brin wouldn't even give Nick a chance to apologize and explain, not then and not now.

I understood the blame and shame Nick carried. What happened to Zoey was utterly tragic. I just wish Nick had trusted his mom more.

The ending shows us a glimpse of a HEA, but the lack of an epilogue was a serious bummer. Tally the dog was the BEST, though.

Finally, I have to mention the editing, which was subpar and pulled me out of the story more than once.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,922 followers
June 21, 2017
FOTO BEWERKEN - makkelijk online je foto's bewerken of aanpassen

I don't really know how I would classify this story...."A second change love", "friends to lovers", "enemies to lovers".... So I am going with "frenemies to lovers". What I do know is that this book isn't exactly "lighthearted". It didn't make me burst into a full out sobfest, but it did hurt my heart a bit.

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This story starts off with Brin needing a place to stay, because the pipes in his appartment have burst, leaving his place flooded.

His friend Elijah offers him a place on the futton in the appartment he shares with his roommate. Since the roommate seems fine with Brin crashing for a while, Brim happily accepts the offer.

But imagine his surprise when Elijah's roommate is non other than his high school crush....Crush seems to be the proper name in this case, since that is exactly what he did to Brin's heart back then....he crushed it.

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Nick had never expected to see Brin again. He is happy and sad at the same time. Happy because Brin always meant so much to him...and he still does. Sad because he is so sorry and so ashamed of his behavior back then. He tried to get Brin to listen to him afterwards, but Brim wanted nothing more to do with him, which he totally understood.

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In the beginning of the story I was totally on Brin's side... I understood why he felt so angry and betrayed and I wanted him to stay far away from Nick. But the more I got to know of Nick and what was plaguing him...the more my heart broke for the guy.

Nick had such a low opinion of himself... He was so filled with grief and guilt, I was suprised that he was even functioning at all...

I couldn't have what I wanted and still make up for what I did at the same time. I didn't deserve it and I'd been paying for it my whole life.

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He hates himself for everything that has happend in his past and he thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved. He really wasn't a bad guy, he was just so young and messed up when things went down with Brin and he didn't know how to handle things.

He is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and he just needs someone to show him that he is worthy to be loved..... and Brin is the perfect man for the job.

Jaydenkiss's uploaded images - Imgur

I also want to give some credit to Nick's mom who really came through in the end... Awesome lady, though it took her a bit long :P

I really enjoyed this book, though I would have really liked an epilogue. Epilogues give me closure and I really wanted to see how things turned out for the two of them. Nick spend most of the book being drowned by feelings of guilt, so a glimpse of their future would have been nice.


This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession


Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,790 reviews3,925 followers
July 11, 2017
Alright. Lemme just have my Stuart Smalley moment here and fess up.

Hi! My name is Cupcake and I'm a sap. It's official after this read because Regret is sappy and if someone had handed me a biscuit I would've used it to sop the excess schmaltz off my kindle. Like a glutton. I flew through it too. I looked after what seemed like a couple minutes and was over 30%; the next thing I knew it said "the end" and now I'm jonesin' for more. Admittedly there were a couple moments wherein I actually recognized the sap may be being laid on a little thick but.. *shrugs*

So if there's some sort of sash or crown then someone can start fitting it out for me with extra bedazzling, please and thank you.

"You were my only source of light. Seeing you, talking to you... it filled me up, gave me something to look forward to every single day. I felt lost, otherwise."

Brin and Nick went to high school together. Brin was a geek/nerd to Nick's jock but they had something until something bad happened and Brin couldn't forgive Nick for it. Skip forward 11 years and a burst pipe in Brin's apartment lands him on his best friend Elijah's futon temporarily. Guess who's Elijah's roommate?

The bad thing that happened in high school was pretty bad by high school standards so I get Brin's wariness towards Nick, but I grappled with this grudge he holds. Sometimes you just have to Frozen that shit and this seemed like one of those times. 11 years, bro!

Nevertheless, Brin hasn't let it go and he makes Nick work for it even though he's still attracted to him and there's still clearly something between them.

Nick... *sigh* he's been through the wringer. Poor guy. I really felt for him, like, a lot. He's trying to do all the right things for all the right people, pretending to be someone he's not to make others happy and he's making himself miserable along the way. The road ahead looks bleak and lonely as hell so it's no wonder he struggles with depression and anxiety. Plus, he's carrying the weight of the world in the form of a childhood tragedy. He's getting professional help but he also needs someone to be on his side. And he really wants that person to be Brin even though he doesn't think he deserves him. He knows he fucked up and he does whatever's in his power to show Brin he's changed and how much regret he carries. Truth be told, Brin could never beat Nick up more than he beats himself up. Once Brin starts to recognize what's going on things begin to change.

Lee did a commendable job with both of these characters, fleshing them out, making them relatable, heartfelt and genuine. This narrative and the dialogue flow easily and hooked me into this story immediately. The prose isn't polished-several words or phrases were used repeatedly. For example, Brin keeps referring to himself as a "needy bottom" and he has a "deep craving" which I kept thinking was some sort of kink and was starting to bounce a lil bit trying to guess what it was. But it turns out his "deep craving" is he needs an emotional connection with his lovers. I'm not sure how him preferring to bottom factors into that since Nick seems to need/want the same and he's a top so...

The sex while hot I wouldn't necessarily categorize as hate sex either. Maybe "hate sex" is more apropos. Though the face fucking scene... *stares off into space* Ahem. I'm not mad at it. Not at all.

The secondary characters are reasonably well developed and I'm REALLY hoping the next book features Tristan. And more dogs like Tally!!! Tally stole the show more than once. I'm not quite sure what to make of Elijah at this point. His boyfriend seems likes he's circling the controlling douchecanoe block which made me feel sorry for him, but he seems cool with it so who am I to judge? However I did find his investment in Nick and Brin bizarre. It tipped the nosiness line into weirdness and had my facial region doing some gymnastics. The family dynamics of both Brin and Nick were truly heartwarming though, even the awkward stuff with Brin's dad.

I'd never heard of Christina Lee prior to this request, but my first experience was certainly a success. She sure does know how to deliver a sparkling HEA that punched me in the feels and has me amped up to read the bejeezus out of the next one.

So thorough, yet overwhelmingly so-like he was trying to climb inside me and live there for a while. Little did he realize he already fucking did.

If you're a fan of second chance romances that are heavy on angst, new adult or are a sap like me I think you'll enjoy Regret.


A review copy was provided.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,323 reviews590 followers
February 10, 2021
4.5 Stars

This story was just the right kind of angsty, pulling on my heart-strings at all the right moments and even making me cry a time or two (or three, or four). Yep, this one left me an emotional mess, but in the best possible way.

The main leads, Nick and Brin, knew each other as teenagers, and although they shared an undeniable chemistry and had the makings of a sweet teen romance at the time, a falling out ruined their potential and soured any feelings Brin had for Nick.

When they reunite as adults through a mutual friend, although their deep attraction is still present and accounted for, Brin is determined to hold a grudge, snipping and snarking at Nick constantly and generally making it hard for Nick to apologise or explain away his past behaviour.

As these things often go, continued proximity soon finds Brin and Nick getting to know one another in a deeper more profound way than either man expected or wanted. As Brin slowly unravels the dark mysteries of Nick's past, the two men fall harder and faster, slowly learning to forgive their past hurts and even daring to hope for a future relationship together that they both assumed would always be out of their grasp.

I don't want to give anything away so I won't go into any details about what Nick is emotionally dealing with, but I will say that I appreciated how this story and the truths of the past were slowly unraveled.

On top of really loving Brin and Nick both as men and as a couple, I also really liked the cast of secondary characters that surrounded and supported them both along the way. In particular, I absolutely adored Nick's mother - I feel like I spent the majority of her scenes a crying mess.

I loved this story and I look forward to reading further with this series.


Audio Edition:

Once again, Michael Pauley has absolutely nailed his narration. He's able to make me laugh and cry at all the right moments, and I truly believe no one narrates a sex scene like this guy! Hot damn!!!

Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews973 followers
March 1, 2018
2.45 stars

it’s me not the book


Oi! I went in expecting to be wooed, I was left disappointed.

This was me reading Brin's parts:


This book just made me angry at Brin and Nick. I really did not like Brin, he came off as so immature.

So basically, Brin is holding a grudge and still mad at Nick for supposedly breaking his heart in High school, that was like 11 years age. The thing is they never actually dated, Brin had a crush on Nick then he sucked Nick twice. That was it, so I did not understand why he was still mad for that long. Yes Nick did hurt him, but he never gave Nick the chance to apologize at all. So he held a grudge for 11 years.


Nick I liked him a little bit, then he became exhausting by burdening himself with issues that were out of his control. I understand that sometimes we can do that, but it went on, and on and on. Until it became boring.


Nick’s mother, Really! Really! Ugh! You are a mother be a mother.


For an enemies to lovers story this fell flat. On the plus side I really liked the secondary characters Elijah, Tristan and Tally the dog. I liked the last 20% but by then I was already out of the story.

The MC's chemistry was off, these two were like real enemies Brin hated Nick and i felt his hate, his 180 felt like a pity.

I will read book 2 hope it will be much better. This author is either a hit or a miss for me and this was a miss.
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,395 reviews662 followers
June 28, 2017

This review might end up being long winded or short. lol

Wow... I feel really alone in this boat of not liking this book. This is my first time reading a book by this author but it's not the only book I own by her. But I've heard great things about her other books and this one. I am pretty sure that it wasn't the books fault that I didn't enjoy it. I think it was totally me. The writing was good. The story just didn't work for me. Neither did the characters. I think if I was able to connect with them or bring myself to like them I would have liked the book. Instead a lot of the time Brin came off a bit immature for my liking and Nick was such a Debbie downer. I probably would have sympathized with him if I had known why he was miserable most of the book. Unfortunately we don't find out until the story is almost over.
I did enjoy the last like 10/15% of the story. You finally got to see these guys care about each other without all the "hate". I liked the talk between the rents and their kids. I feel Nick and his mom should have had their talk a lot sooner. I don't understand why she would let him be so miserable if she saw him suffering the whole time and never speak up and ask questions. Get in there. It's your child. Make yourself comfortable in all his business like a lot of parents do. I just didn't get that part.
There were some interesting side characters like Elijah and Tristan. I am really hoping the next book is about Tristan. I want to know more about him.
Yes, I am wanting to continue with the series. Like I said, I really believe it was completely me and my tastes that drove a wedge between me and the book. I totally think I would have fell in like with Nick if the author would have let me, the reader, know why he was such a mess. But the story needed it's big reveal and that was it.

Many really loved this story and I am sure many more will and even less will feel the way I did. lol

Happy reading dolls! xx

Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
June 25, 2017

Regret (Under My Skin, #1) by Christina Lee is the second chance romance, enemies to lovers story of Brin and Nick. After being temporarily displaced from his place, Brin decides to bunk with his friend Elijah and his roommate Nick. He never imagined that Elijah's Nick was his Nick from high school. From the first moment, they laid eyes on each other again all those old hurts, resentment, and longings came back. But would Brin be able to see past his pain? And could Nick allow himself to move on?

What I loved:

-Nick and Brin. Nick was complicated and carrying the world on his shoulders. I hurt for him- I can't imagine moving past what happened. I think Ms. Lee did an outstanding job with him, his past, and the glimpse she gave us of his future. Brin, once it came down to it, his heart shone through.

-Chemistry. These two were electrifying together!

-Narration. I'm so glad the story was told from alternating POVs allowing the readers to see both their perspectives.

-Angst. This book hurt. The whole time we pretty much know who was involved in the big secret- but in no way was I prepared. It hurts just to think about.

-The secondary cast. They were just awesome and were a great support system for the boys.

-The end- it was emotionally satisfying and left me wanting and wondering: who's next?

All in all, this was a great start to Christina Lee's new series. Regret was heartbreaking but also full hope and beautifully written. 4.25 Stars!

ARC kindly provided by Christina Lee to Gay Book Reviews for an honest review.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
June 28, 2017
Aunque algunas cosas en el plot son un poco flojas, otras se sientan too much y me sobran escenas de sexo, le voy a poner 4 estrellas por la absoluta adorabilidad de la pareja. Un libro muy muy dulce, y con un algún toque triste para el que necesitas pañuelos.

La forma de escribir de la autora a veces está cerca de lo simple, pero me ha dejado muy buen sabor de boca la historia.
Profile Image for Teal.
608 reviews235 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 5, 2022

Poor old sad-sack Nick, take your self-pity and wallow in it somewhere else. Somewhere far, far away from me. If the author wasn't trying to jam in ALL THE BACKSTORY immediately, rather than letting it play out naturally over the course of the story, it wouldn't be such a dumptruckload of WOE IS ME. But it is. Ugh, just make it go away.

DNF @ 6%. Although apparently I'd tried to read this once before...? And got all the way through Chapter 4...? Because when I downloaded it to my Kindle, it opened at Chapter 5. But I have no memory of it. Maybe I was lucky enough to have had access to brain bleach, back whenever that was.
Profile Image for Ele.
1,311 reviews40 followers
June 30, 2017
Really, really torn about this. I 've been sitting on this review for two days because while I loved certain parts of this book, I found the rest of it quite problematic.

For starters, Nick's inner monologue about "not deserving anything good" got so old after a while. I understand that the guilt and the self-doubt was eating him alive, but it went on and on and on! After a while it was just a means to prolongue the story. Unnecessarily so. And most importantly, what on earth did it have to do with how he treated Brin in the past?

Second, I'm really not a fan of miscommunication and misunderstandings. Nick trying to make Brin listen to him and failing back then and the way his explanation got interrupted and shut down by Brin in the present was ridiculous.

Also, Brin pissed me the fuck off. There were times he was acting like a teenager around Nick. Also, what the hell does this mean? What does being a bottom has to do with anything?
“You’re fucking gorgeous. I really don’t get why you’re single.”
“Needy bottom is needy,” [...]
“I’m not saying being a bottom is bad,” I said trying to explain. “It’s just taken me a while to understand myself and exactly what I need. I kept dating guys who were emotionally unavailable, sort of like my father, and I finally decided I was worth more than that.”

I'm going with three stars because I liked the last part of the book way more than the rest of it. Granted, the scenes that I loved weren't about the romance per se, but they were authentic and emotional, nontheless. I even teared up.

Despite this not being a huge winner, I didn't hate it, so I think I'll continue with the series.
Profile Image for Jamie.
645 reviews107 followers
August 6, 2023
This book started really good and I was really getting into it - but there was something in Nick's backstory that kept being hinted it at, we kept getting small glimpses of what it might be and he would almost talk about it and then stop, and honestly the longer the author put off the big reveal the more it annoyed me. like either tell or us dont but to spend an entire book hinting at something thats revealed at the very end just didnt work for me. each time it was almost revealed and then not just got me more and more annoyed 😂😂

also Brin really held a grudge for 11 years 😲😬
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jay.
240 reviews43 followers
June 28, 2017
2.5 stars – This is another of those times where I'm almost certain "it's me not you" applies, and it's another case of my feeling bad for not liking a book from an author whose past books I have enjoyed a good deal. But it's hard for me to come up with much positive to say about Christina Lee's Regret because my issues span the spectrum.

One of the bigger issues was that I didn't like either of the main characters, though I really should have because the set-up for the story line is something I should have been able to get into. Nick's entire character is defined by a devastating tragedy that happened twelve years prior to the start of the novel, something that he feels completely responsible for, but it isn't until the big reveal that we find out exactly what it is. Instead, all we get about Nick's character for the majority of the book is that he feels obligated to live his life in a way that will not bring him happiness. Since we have Nick's point of view (POV) throughout the book—the POV alternates between the two main characters, Nick and Brin—it felt disingenuous that Nick would never even think about the details of what he had done, thereby keeping it a secret from the reader, while giving the reader his constant barrage of thoughts about being undeserving of happiness and of being filled with agony and remorse over whatever it was that he had done. Nick's self-loathing overwhelmed me because I wasn't given a specific reason to feel sympathetic to his plight. So as much as I wanted to, I couldn't understand for most of the book why I should feel anything for him. Instead of feeling sympathy, I just felt depressed by all the heavy self-recrimination.

As far as Brin was concerned, he hates Nick for something that happened eleven years ago when they knew each other in high school. This, at least, we learn the details of early in the book, so I could easily understand why Brin felt the way he did, and it's something I could agree with too. Circumstances, as described in the blurb, unwittingly force Brin to cohabitate with Nick for a few weeks, and it's clear quite early that Brin is still attracted Nick (and vice versa), so the fact that Brin opts not to confront Nick directly from the start—nor did he even talk about it to his best friend, who is also Nick's roommate!—put me in a state of irritation about Brin too.

As such, the "I want him, but I hate him for something he did to me eleven years ago" versus "I want him but I deserve to be miserable for the rest of my life for something unrelated that I did twelve years ago" dynamic just didn't work for me. It felt wishy-washy, largely because Nick's "crime" is completely unrelated to the animosity between he and Brin. Nick may blame his past tragedy for making him do what he did to Brin, but based on what we know about Nick, it's likely he would have done it anyway. Therefore, that manner of trying to make the big tragedy affect both characters simply didn't work for me. So in addition to the fact that I didn't like either character, I never got to the point where I believed their motivations either, so it made the romance harder for me to enjoy.

And that's ultimately what kept me from liking the book as much as I wanted to. Despite the fact that by the end, I was starting to feel the characters and their desire for each other more, the fact that the real conflict of the story only directly affected one of the characters made that drama overshadow the romance. And when the resolution finally did come, it didn't carry the emotional punch I thought it needed in order to balance the constant and heavy angst Nick carried around with himself for the entire book.

All this being said, my past enjoyment of Christina Lee's books has not been tarnished because this one book didn't work for me. I am still looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series when they come out, as there are definitely several characters introduced in Regret that could be potential characters.

The author generously provided me a complimentary copy of Regret in exchange for this fair and honest review.

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Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
February 15, 2018
3 stars

This is the first book in Under my Skin series by Christina Lee. I've read only one other book by this author and I liked it enough. Unfortunately I felt pretty disappointed with this one. Maybe I expected too much, maybe it was just me, but nothing surprised me here. And I mean nothing.

When I dived in I had an idea about this story. The blurb revealed a lot, maybe too much. But I hoped we'll get something out of the ordinary. And we didn't. Not really.
This felt like a second chance love. Nick really hurt Brin in high school. I'm glad we didn't get all the details from the start, so I couldn't wait to find out more of what happened 11 years ago. Brin was still hurt and didn't want to have anything to do with Nick, didn't even want to let Nick apologize again, but as they had to be roommates for a while, they started to get along.

This story is FULL of angst, regret, self-loathing. Nick thinks he doesn't deserve to be happy, because he's responsible for his little sister's death. This is where I started to get bored about the internal struggling and after reading pages and pages of guilt and regrets, I just couldn't with it. Oh and I've rolled my eyes big time about the cemetery visits. This is so overused.

Even if this book was emotional and it's about accepting the past and learning to move on, I still couldn't get to love it.

Overall the writing was good, and there were some pretty hot scenes, but I only enjoyed the last chapters.

It took me a few days to finish it and I can't say I'll remember much about this story in the future. But I'll be buddy reading the next book with my best friend, so I have great hopes I'll love it more.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
June 19, 2017
This book needs a tissue warning! I didn't full out blub but I was so close and definitely had very leaky eyes at the ending.

Sometimes a book just resonates with you as a reader and this was one of those for me. I could feel every ounce of Nick's guilt and grief and all I wanted to do was reach into the book and wrap him in the world's biggest hug.

Brin, on the other hand, for a lot of the book I wanted to sit down and just talk to, get inside his hurt and ask him to think logically about why Nick might have done what he did. His hurt was perfectly valid and I totally understood why he'd cut him off but as soon as they reconnected, it became really clear there had been something seriously wrong at the heart of Nick's behaviour.

There's nothing more delicious to me than a true enemies to lovers or second chance romance and this book turns both up in spades. Christina Lee is a writer who has such an authentic way of connecting her readers to the characters she's writing. They are honest and real and flawed but also beautiful and hopeful and loving.

The sadness at the centre of this book is also wholly believable, it never once feels like a plot point thrown in just to create the drama. It was heart-breaking and something you know sadly happens more than we'd like to think and which leaves people living half lives

The characters which surround Nick and Brin are also fully drawn out, inhabiting their own slice of the story perfectly and bringing the necessary depth to anchor their relationship reconnection on.

I'm really hoping this is the start of a new series Christina because I want to know more about Tristan and the mysterious Mr V's boyfriend!

#ARC received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Christina.
Author 54 books2,054 followers
July 9, 2017
**REGRET is now available in Amazon KU and is the first book in the Under My Skin series**
Profile Image for Aeren.
510 reviews30 followers
July 1, 2017
No sé qué es lo que ha pasado exactamente, el libro no está mal, no está mal escrito y los personajes no están mal, pero... he sido incapaz de emocionarme tal y como se pedía, porque si, es como leer algo escrito para causar la lágrima facilona... y en serio, lo del 'gran secreto' queda en nada porque desde el minuto cero se deja ver con poca sutileza, no hay lugar para el más mínimo misterio. Podría haber contado lo mismo en menos de la mitad de páginas.
Por cierto, las comversaciones sobre los 'needy bottoms' ehhhhh :( en serio?????
Profile Image for Kim.
2,691 reviews167 followers
June 25, 2017
4.5 stars
When Brin Schubert needs a temporary place to stay, he never expected his friend's roommate to be someone he knows...Nick Dell...the boy in High School who humiliated and hurt him.

These two have a strong reaction to each other swirling with unresolved feelings of anger, pain, guilt, and regret. Brin wants to continue to hate Nick, but it gets harder the more time he is around him. Nick wants to apologize and make amends for what he did to Brin. But Nick also has so many more demons causing him pain and guilt

Brin is the sensitive, smart, caring man who just wants to be loved and have a real connection. Nick is the damaged and broken man who is punishing himself for past mistakes. He is troubled and tormented, but so vulnerable and in need of love, acceptance, and support. But he won't ask for it and does not think he is worthy of it.

The sexual tension, attraction, and want it still there. But Brin has had his share of emotionally unavailable guys, and Nick's self loathing makes him think he does not deserve happiness. He puts up walls and pushes people away. But when nightmares reappear and Brin can ease Nick's torment, their connection and needs grow. But so do their fears and worries. Brin is afraid of getting hurt and Nick is afraid of losing someone else he cares about and he truly believe he is unworthy of love.

They cycle through Hate--Lust--Love--Emotional Truths. They react strongly and get under each other's skin like no other. Their chemistry is intense and hard to ignore. But there are secrets and issues in their way. Can they admit how they feel and break down their barriers? Will Brin be the person to stand by Nick when his secrets are revealed? And can Nick let his guard down and let love in?

This is an emotionally charged enemies-to-lovers and second chance love story about hope, fate, and forgiveness. This is not only about them revisiting their past and beginning a relationship, but also about Nick facing his past guilt and dealing with his self loathing. He never thought anyone could accept his ugly parts. But he was only really allowing himself to exist and not truly live. My heart broke for him because it was obvious he craved more and wanted to be happy, but truly did not feel like he deserved it. And Brin did not have all of the information to truly understand him, but wanted to soothe him and make him see what a great guy he was. And they both had some family dynamics situations going on that affected them. I liked Nick's roommate, Elijah and their widowed boss, Tristan.

This book was engaging and flowed well in dual points of view. Nick's past issues were a mystery that were gradually revealed and we found out as Brin did. The characters were complex, and well developed. It was emotional and heartbreaking, but also funny, passionate, and swoony at times. I really liked both of them and could feel their vulnerability and intensity. Although will admit that Nick's negativity could get a bit overwhelming at times, and it was a long process towards acceptance and finding some hope to grasp onto.

I was surprised when it ended, but it did leave with an impact. I was expecting an epilogue and a bit more with them, but I am hoping we will see more of them in future books in this series. I would love to get a book about Tristan since here was a tease of a story that piqued my interest.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
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Profile Image for Cassandra.
640 reviews1 follower
April 1, 2024
Nick and Brin meet in high school and hook up but Nick is a dick so Brin never speaks to him again . Years later Brin finds himself temporarily sharing an apartment with Nick after his own floods, as he lives with Brin's friend Elijah. There is chemistry there but with Nick still firmly in the closet and hatred from Brin abounding because of their history, will they ever be anything more to each other.

It is clear that Nick has demons and they are huge ones and Brin is not feeling forgiving. He doesn't ever give Nick the chance to explain why he was the way he was back in high school which I found incredibly frustrating and really childish. They are grown men now and it was like 10 years ago! Nonetheless, they start to make their way toward each other as feelings can't be denied.

Both have issues and whilst Nick's become apparent, I was never quite sure why Brin was so needy. I'd have liked a bit more exploration here. The lack of epilogue was unfortunate but it does end of a HFN.

ARC received for my honest review
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,586 reviews111 followers
April 27, 2019
Second chances, these two really circle around each other. Nick and Brin either avoid or can’t stay away from each other. It’s an interesting dynamic and it’s explosive. There is some baggage from the past they both have to get through but when they do it makes it that much sweeter.

I am getting used to the way Michael Pauley narrates, sometimes he can be overly excited and hey sometimes it works and sometimes it’s a little odd but it could always be worse.
Profile Image for yaishin.
865 reviews108 followers
January 29, 2022
Hng. I always have high hopes when I read enemies-to-lovers and most of the time I'm disappointed because what I want out of it is the explosive chemistry and not knowing whether what they felt was love or hate but what I actually get is the MCs understanding each other like proper adults and literally no drama😩.

This one was alright but also so far from what I wanted it's not even funny.
Profile Image for dammit, liz .
231 reviews2 followers
July 8, 2017
This is the most annoying book I've ever loved, so that it's means wordy review time.

The conflict here came off as ridiculous to me at times. Over ten years later, Brin was still carrying a grudge for Nick being a dick (or more accurately, being a coward) when they were kids. I get that things that happen when we're young can affect us in profound ways, but it was immediately apparent that Nick had grown up to be a kind, sensitive, sweet guy. I'd think two adults would just hash it out and move on. And I understand that grief and anxiety aren't rational, but Nick's "no one should love me" self flagellation got old. Additionally, there were editing issues and weird wording that were distracting at times.

However, I still somehow adored this book. I had trouble putting it down. In spite of its flaws, it was so sweet, romantic, and sexy. The characters may have been annoying, but I loved them anyway. Especially Nick. He has the biggest heart. He's carrying a lot, but he's sweet, loving, and wears his heart on his sleeve, but this wasn't give-me-cavities sweet, The way he shows affection to Brin melted me, especially the scene in the bathtub. The pacing and tension were great, and it was hard not to read in one sitting. Lastly, I really appreciated that the ending got to the point and didn't feel the need to spoon feed us every bite of an HEA.

Yeah, it's got its issues, but I'd absolutely recommend this book. The emotionality here reminded me a bit of some of my favorite books by Riley Hart or Moment of Fate by Karen Stivali. Definitely worth the read.
Profile Image for Steph ☀️.
702 reviews30 followers
December 28, 2017
Loved Tally :)

⭐️3.75 ⭐️ rounded up

This was a good story, but not as great as I hoped after reading the blurb. The flow of the story was good, but I agree with Dani(ela), there should of have been an epilogue. That is the only thing I can think of since I feel like something was missing from the story. Regardless, I am interested enough to eventually go on with the series.
Profile Image for BevS.
2,811 reviews2 followers
November 1, 2017
4.25 stars from me. Everyone has regrets for things that have happened in their lives [whether you think so or not, Edith Piaf 😏], I'm no different to anyone else in that respect. This story made me tear up fairly often, I'm usually a sucker for a story with a doggie character, and Tally was pretty adorable it has to be said.

I was a little concerned that Nick seemed to be drowning from having the weight of the world on his shoulders when his sister Zoey's death was so obviously a dreadful accident...surely his parents must've kept reassuring him that that was exactly what it was, an accident, plain and simple?? Anyhoo, for those immense, guilty feelings to be compounded by his inability to say something to protect Brin from bigotry at school and also admit he was gay was surely more than enough to turn him into an emotional basket case...no wonder he was seeing a therapist and having panic attacks.

Brin, on the other hand was lucky insofar as he still had both parents...he was just having problems communicating with his dad, who I think felt extremely guilty and regretted abandoning his own brother Rick who'd died from AIDS; surprisingly, the common ground his own son shared with his dead brother seemed to make it really difficult for him to open up to his own feelings...however, baby steps were made towards the end.

Who will be the MC of the next story...maybe Tristan, the owner of Doggie Styles will get together with Mr V's sweet boyfriend?? Or maybe Elijah will give controlling Stewart the boot, and find someone more worthy of him. Looking forward to it.
Profile Image for BR11.
647 reviews17 followers
November 12, 2017
A second chance Romance that was missing something, namely the connection between the MCs. I didn’t buy the plot... 11 years went by after their fall out, they see each other again and boom!: they are in love.
Also, the sex was kind of boring... it felt repetitive.
A meehhh, barely-3-star story.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,320 reviews22 followers
June 28, 2017

Oh my! I'm so glad I found out about this book on another author's page! It's so good! So heartfelt and full of emotion. I was hooked from the beginning and didn't want it to end!
Profile Image for Tracy~Bayou Book Junkie.
1,566 reviews47 followers
June 21, 2017
5 + Stars

After a pipe causes a flood in Brin's condo, his best friend, Elijah, offers him the spare room in his apartment while the repairs to his home are taking place. When Brin shows up he comes face to face with Elijah's roommate, Nick, who also happens to be Brin's old high school crush and someone who hurt Brin badly. Will living in close quarters help these two men reconnect and maybe mend the rift between them? Can Brin forgive Nick and does Nick even want forgiveness?

This wasn't an easy read. At times I felt like I was being pulled down under all the guilt and despair Nick felt. It was palpable, heavy and it came off the pages at you. It sat in my chest like a lead weight and as much as I wanted to put the book down and take a breather, I absolutely couldn't put it down. My heart broke for the pain Nick was in. He is beyond shattered and I wasn't sure he could ever be put back together. I love second chance romances, but this story isn't just about getting a second chance at love, it's also about getting a second chance at life.

As sad as the story was, I absolutely loved it. Christina tore my heart out with Nick's story, but she put it back together with this beautiful love story. The book is well-written and paced well and the author gives an ample backstory as to what took place between Brin and Nick in the past, while keeping us firmly rooted in the present, something I really appreciated. Brin and Nick are both likable characters and they had good chemistry. It's a slow burn as both men had to really work hard at forgiveness, Brin had to forgive Nick, while Nick had to finally forgive himself for a tragedy that was just that, a horrific accident and nothing more.

I'm really looking forward to seeing whose story is next and maybe getting some glimpses of Brin and Nick in the future. Highly recommended, but bring tissues.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
Profile Image for Boyanna.
376 reviews103 followers
February 3, 2022
Im not vibing with this author. I always find her book synopsis enticing enough to pick it up. But when i actually read them i find the stories a little over exaggerated and unnecessary dramatic.
I can see a lot of you love her and i envy you i picked up book after book hoping for a win, alas, I think I should just stop reading her
Profile Image for Sanaa .
1,218 reviews178 followers
June 27, 2017
4.5 stars.

This book is sort of like an enemies to lovers and a second chance at love.

What I absolutely loved was the angst. You could feel all the pain and emotions that were rolling of these characters. The characters (every single one of them) were phenomenally written, it made the story really enjoyable and that much more developed. As for the writing itself, it flowed super well.

The chemistry and the tension between Bryan and Nick is there and HOT.

I would have like to see more at the end.

An arc was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 270 reviews

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