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One Love #1.5

The Only One

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From the New York Times bestselling author of THE SEXY ONE comes a romance about fate and second chances

Let’s say there was this guy. And he gave you the most mind-blowing night of sex in your life. And you never saw him again.
Until ten years later.
Now, it turns out he’s the ONLY ONE in all of Manhattan whose restaurant is available the night of my charity’s gala.
The trouble is, he doesn’t recognize me.
This woman I’m working with is so damn alluring. The first time I set eyes on her, I’m captivated and I can’t get her out of my mind. Even if it’s risky to tango with someone I’m working with, she’s a risk I’m willing to take.
The trouble is, she won’t give me the time of day.
But I’m determined to change that.

THE ONLY ONE is a standalone novella following characters first introduced in THE SEXY ONE (Gabriel) and WELL HUNG (Penny).

140 pages, ebook

First published December 6, 2016

About the author

Lauren Blakely

226 books21.8k followers
You can find Lauren on TikTok at @laurenblakelybooks! A #1 New York Times Bestselling, #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling, and #1 Audible Bestselling author, Lauren Blakely is known for her contemporary romance style that’s sexy, feel-good and witty. Lauren likes dogs, cake and show tunes and she is the vegetarian at your dinner party.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 426 reviews
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,730 followers
December 7, 2016

➦I liked it. I liked it a lot. This short novella was surprisingly satisfying. Little angst, good amounts of steam and a whole lot of romance. :)

➦These two main characters meet after being apart for 10 years. Penny is pissed because Gabriel never showed up for their rendezvous in the US and never contacted her after they had 3 magical days in Europe. Gabriel is confused because she looks different now and refuses to admit they've met before.

➦So what happened 10 years go? What prevented these two from building a life together? Will they re-unite now and live happily ever after?

➦This read was very enjoyable and kept my interest because there was a bit of a mystery factor about what happened in the past. There was also anticipation to find out how the big reveal of Penny's identity would go down. All in all, it's a fast and delightful read with a lot of romance and low amounts of drama. :) Recommended!

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Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
883 reviews1,155 followers
December 14, 2016
5 'My Penelope' Stars!
ARC provided by the author via InkSlingerPR in exchange for an honest review.

I don’t know exactly how this woman does it but.. she makes me love her books Every.Single.Time. Now it was time for a novella, but it was as wonderful as Lauren’s full-length novels. I can’t complain when she gives us another amazing (second-chance) story between two lovebirds that haven’t forgotten each other after 10 years.

The Only One is a short story belonging to the 1001 Dark Nights series which I am sure many of you know about. It tells the story of two people we met on Lauren’s famous male POV novels: Penny Jones (from Well Hung) and Gabriel Mathias (from The Sexy One). These two had three marvelous days ten years ago in Barcelona, they fell almost instantly for each other but due to heartbreaking circumstances they do not meet again until now.

Oh yes, I wish for Gabriel to regret with every fiber of his being that he left me alone on what should have been the most romantic reunion of two summer lovers ever.

Imagine the surprise when Penny discovers the only available chef for her event is the one and only, Gabriel Mathias. She is ready to face him and.. Gabriel does not remember her. Or does he? They both have changed but their feelings for each other haven’t. It was pretty intense when we discovered why Gabriel couldn’t come for Penny all those years ago. I really enjoyed how emotional this story is: second chance love stories are one of my favorites!

We fit, like we were meant to be.

“What’s really indecent, though, is how much I’m going to torment you,” he says with a fiery glint in his eyes.
“Why would you torture me?”
“Because,” he growls. “I want you to know that you’re worth waiting for.”

And when all these emotions are mixed with off-the-charts chemistry and funny banter? Even better! You know how good Lauren is with all of this if you have read her books before. Gabriel and Penny are adorable together and I loved that they finally had their much deserved happily ever after.

There’s no past that can come between what was meant to be.

Therefore, my rating for The Only One is 5 STARS because this was a great love story, with fantastic and deep characters that have awesome moments together. I would have loved even more of these two because I loved them so much! But it definitely left me completely satisfied so I can’t complain! Be sure to check this novella out if you have enjoyed Lauren’s stories in the past!

Profile Image for Nissa | Of Pens and Pages Book Blog.
337 reviews1,027 followers
January 30, 2018

Overall Rating: 4 stars
Story: 4 stars
Performance: 4 stars


Penny and Gabriel had a whirlwind romance in Barcelona that ended in heartbreak for Penny when he stood her up when they agreed to meet up again. Ten years later, with Gabriel now a successful chef and restauranteur and Penny focused on a non-profit organization for animals, they meet again in New York. Unfortunately, Gabriel doesn't recognize her at all. Penny has no choice but to work with the sexy Spanish chef since their event for the animal shelter needs a last-minute caterer and Gabriel's restaurant is the only one available.

This story is sweet, romantic, and steamy, and it gave me out the feeling of being hopeful. There's a mystery as to why Gabriel didn't meet up with Penn, and there's the thing about Penny not revealing who she is to him when they meet again. There's some angst in there, but the tone of the story is still light. Even if it was only a novella, the length was just right for their story and didn't feel rushed.


As some of you might know, I'm fairly new to the audiobook game. This is my first audiobook narrated by Zachary Webber, and wow. I get it. I get it. At first, I was disappointed because he didn't have an accent, but there were subtle hints to it that just, ugh, he sounds so good, okay? I mean, even if the guy didn't have an accent for Gabriel, I'm still pretty happy because his voice can make anyone swoon.

As always, Andi did a wonderful job! She channeled Penny's sexy and confident aura perfectly and also had a great accent and voice for Gabriel.


I'd recommend this for anyone looking for a sweet and swoon-worthy story. Also, I think people who want to try audiobooks might enjoy listening to this since it's short but still so good—the story and narrators, especially!

Tropes: Second Chance
POV: First Person, Dual POV
Standalone: Yes

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Profile Image for Anniebananie.
613 reviews480 followers
December 22, 2019
Hachz, war das wieder mal schön für Zwischendurch! Lauren Blakely begeistert auch hier wieder mit ihrem witzigen und spritzen Schreibstil. Außerdem versteht sie sich meisterhaft darauf, dem Leser die Anziehung zwischen den Charakteren schmackhaft zu machen. Das Prickeln zwischen Penny und Gabriel zieht sich nur so durch die Seiten.
Kommen wir auch direkt zu unseren beiden Protagonisten: es ist eines der wenigen Bücher wo ich die weibliche Protagonistin tatsächlich sympathischer fand als den männlichen. Penny ist nicht nur tierlieb, sondern auch einfach süß und nett, allerdings nicht auf die naive Art und Weise. Gabriel hingegen mochte ich auch wirklich gerne und fand ich als Love-Interest auch durchaus geeignet, allerdings hat die Autorin versucht ihn in das typische "Bad Boy"-Schema hineinzupressen, was meiner Meinung nach irgendwie gar nicht zu ihm und seinem Charakter gepasst hat.
Schade fand ich auch, dass wir gar nicht wieder auf die Charaktere aus Band 1 gestoßen sind, allerdings wird es im nächsten Band wohl um Pennys beste Freundin Delaney gehen, das tröstet mich etwas.
Ansonsten kann ich meinen kleinen Punktabzug nur damit begründen, dass das Buch viel zu kurz war, allerdings ist dadurch die Handlung schön verdichtet und kommt ohne unnötiges Drama daher.
Wer gerne New Adult liest ist bei Lauren Blakely immer gut aufgehoben, unter der Prämisse, dass man ein spritziges nicht allzu tiefsinniges Buch erwartet :)
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
December 13, 2016

Sometimes heartbreak happens for a reason.

How would you feel if the only one had made a success of himself and became known as The sexiest chef….The hottest cook…The heartbreaker in the kitchen...? Well, if I was a better person, I’d probably be happy for their success. I honestly can’t say I’m the better person. I think I’d be a wee bit resentful…especially if the only one broke my heart and I didn’t know why.

The Only One starts off with a prologue showing us ten years ago when Penny was stood up by the one man who she thought could be her future. They had set a time and a place to meet after they both landed in Manhattan. Penny had met Gabriel in Barcelona at the tail end of her summer travels across Europe. Gabriel was getting ready to head to America for a job. Their time together had been short but very intense and Penny was convinced it was the start of love.

She waited…but he never showed.

Penny, being young and hurt, removed every trace of the man who broke her heart. Unfortunately, removing the photos can’t remove her memory and even now, ten years later, she still questions what went wrong.

Considering her heartbreak, Penny has managed to make a fairly good life for herself. She’s made friends, fell in and out of love, changed careers and found her calling in a job that gives her a lot of satisfaction. Imagine her surprise (horror) when the one man who broke her heart pops back onto her radar.

Penny’s job involves raising money for Little Friends, the animal rescue place she runs. A fund-raising picnic is being organised and a last minute cancellation by the caterer means they need to find a new one pronto. Gabriel’s is a restaurant that may be able to help them...and could possibly be run by her previous lover? Fate couldn’t be that cruel…could it?

Gabriel has a meeting with a new client. At first sight, he is captivated by her and consumed with a feeling of knowing her already. Gabriel feels certain that this Penny is the Penelope who he met and fell for in Barcelona. But it couldn’t be…because she’s acting like she’s never met him before. No matter, Gabriel is determined to get to know this Penny better. He likes her looks but he also likes her humour and personality too. He knows that he shouldn’t mix business with pleasure but in this case, he’s willing to take the risk.

Imagine Gabriel’s surprise when this Penny is the only one.

Fate had played a nasty trick on Gabriel and Penny but now it is time to let the past go and see if there is still the same connection.

Penny and Gabriel have a lot of history to cover. How and what went wrong is only one thing that needs to be discussed. Can Penny get past the fact that Gabriel is seen as a sex symbol? Will Gabriel be able to deal with the fact Penny hasn’t stopped living because they were apart ten years? It’s not easy…but love never is.

I really enjoyed this novella and I definitely think it has to do with my love of Lauren Blakely’s work. She has created great characters that are real and lovable. They’re not perfect and make mistakes just like everyone else. There are sexy times, but it's more than just "getting it on". You can't help but see the connection and love that grows.

The Only One could easily be read as a standalone and would be a great way to test the waters and see if you like Ms Blakely’s style. When you do (couldn’t possibly be IF…), lucky for you there are plenty of other books to check out.

I can’t wait for Full Package to come out in January.

To buy The Only One from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2h5caIq


I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,800 reviews2,317 followers
December 21, 2016
3.5 Stars

I like this book and it was fun to catch up with characters that we've seen in other books from this author. There wasn't much drama and a good bit of sexiness was in the small amount of pages it had. I liked both Penny and Gabriel and thought they were good characters with just the right amount of development for a novella. It's the perfect book for when you're looking for something short, sweet, and hot.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,278 followers
December 6, 2016
4 Fate...Is It Real Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free It's Live!!!
I was new to the 1001 Dark Nights series. I had noticed many favorite authors had done stories through this series, yet for some reason, I hadn't picked one up. The books start with the premise of someone interested in the tale we all know of Scheherazade...how this woman had to weave stories which kept the husband enthralled every night... or he would end her life and go to the next woman. Somehow this curious woman time travels and has replaced the original Scheherazade. Now, she must keep telling stories night after night...the concept was smart for it provided numerous authors to present a taste of their writing styles to many new readers. Brilliant.

In this tale, The Only One: A One Love Novella by Lauren Blakely,
new readers have the opportunity to experience a full and complete story which showcases all of Blakely's strengths. For those who have been gobbling up every Blakely book as soon as it becomes available... this is a way to enjoy her while waiting for her next full length novel.

We have two people who thought they missed their chance to love each other. They met when they were young, fresh, full of hope and ambition. She was traveling in Spain...21 and wide-eyed. He was 24, working the back of a restaurant, improving his craft he learned at his mother's knee. Her life was set out in front of her...proper, button-down and pointing to the financial industry...The American Dream...His focus was to get to America, New York City, and start his culinary climb.

These two met over dessert...and their connection was more than sweet...it was swoon worthy, warm and everything young love should be during those 3 magical days. She gave herself to him...He told her he wanted more... and a promise of meeting in NYC one week from the day she left was made...

But promises aren't always kept... for whatever reasons...and the questions of why will live long after the pain...

It is now ten years later and our two have grown into the adults they have become...Each has experienced life. Each has become their own person...Our gal was able to to turn her back on what was expected of her and find her joy in working a non profit for homeless pets. She beams joy and goodness. She has friends who love her and give her solid support. She is successful in running her position at the non profit and is in charge of the yearly fund raising event.

Our fella became exactly what he had set out to become...a world renowned chef. By doing a reality show, he became a bit of a star...and his charming, sexy personality was like candy to the media. It was easy to play up the accent and make the foodies want to be part of the experience. He has developed in a more secure man, happy he was able to provide for his family. All of his extended family have homes and no more financial worries...He has made it all possible.

But both of these two have missed the big adventure of life...Real, Lasting Love...Thoughts of their time with that special person oh those many years ago sometimes cloud the present...

Now both of these two are about to collide. Her event lost its restaurant at the last minute and his turns out to be available to cater it perfectly. She knows who he is and gathers her strength to march into his domain and hear once and for all why he was a no show.

However, things don't quite happen like she thought...for even though she can see him as plain as day as the young man grown into this more enticing specimen...He sees a sophisticated, free spirit... not the young woman who would become a financial player...This woman is doing a non profit for pets...

But there is something about her...something that he feels and can't quite understand...He is so drawn to her. Is it a remembering of a time long ago or is he drawn to the woman before him...

This tale has everything Blakely is known for...There is heart, intelligence and off the chart sexy times. We have grown people who have real lives. They are not characters who do not confront things when they go south...There will be hiccups but they always end up communicating what the issues are...and it gets resolved.

And it wouldn't be Blakely if there wasn't intense, panting, laundry inducing sex between her people. These two are combustible. They have been given a second chance...and for them, they do not waste it.

This is a great intro for those who are new to Blakely and those who have been enjoying the latest round of novels, our main characters will be familiar. They were introduced in Well Hung.
This had a strong ramp up with both characters trying to figure out how to fit together after 10 years had passed. For them, Fate was indeed Real.

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~~
Mind-blowing sex, No Contact for 10 Years...
Now both Thrust into being in the same surroundings, hmmmm...

She Remembers it all...
He Doesn't Recognize her but is drawn like bees to honey...

He better watch out because someone is going to get stung...

The Only One, December 2016

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Jayme.
430 reviews470 followers
February 9, 2017
Sweet and romantic second chance love story. It's a short novella with a hint of mystery.

Gabriel and Penny spend together three hot nights in Spain. They parted with a promise to meet again in the United States. But it never happens. Only after 10 years professional matters accidentally joined them again. He is not sure if this is the same woman, and she does not want to tell him the truth. What will happen as it comes out?

“I can’t stop thinking about her lips, her eyes, her voice, and the way they’re playing with my head, like a dream.”

I thoroughly enjoyed it, it quickly hooked me up and held in good tension until the end. A lot of chemistry between the characters and very romantic glimpses of the past. I really liked the heroine, who is outspoken and funny. In particular, where she has interaction with her pet Shortcake. It was adorable.

“I hate that I like him. I love that I like him. Which one do I want to win out? Love or hate? But really, there’s only one answer.”

I highly recommend this story. It's quick and perfect for a quiet romantic evening. Not only for fans of Lauren Blakely's series. You can read it independently and get to know the author if you haven't had occasion. Definitely worth it!

ARC kindly provided for an honest review. Thank you!

Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,342 followers
May 9, 2020
“It’s only ever been you, Penny.”

The Only One is a short and sweet novella about the one who got away. Penny, and adventurous businesswoman, is looking for a restaurant to help host one of her upcoming events. When she meets the heartbreakingly beautiful Gabriel, she is shocked to discover that he is an old flame. After coming to terms with the fact that he doesn't seem to remember her, what will happen when the flame is reignited? Can the second time around be just as sweet as the first or will it be better than ever?

"You’re the only one for me.”
Overall, The Only One was steamy and the plot was definitely sweet. One of the best elements of this read is that the history of the two main characters was well established which allowed the reader to truly experience the full spectrum of emotions these characters experienced. I would highly recommend The 1001 Dark Nights Novella to anyone who enjoys a passionate quickie to brighten their day! I definitely will not disappoint!

🎧This is an audible.com read 🎧

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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
December 6, 2016
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

 photo 7725ccbd9355ca63933f81fb1e6034_zpssrrbymgl.gif

A bite sized novella that you will want to savor, inhale and taste. Lauren Blakely is my go to author when it comes to love stories that has the perfect blend of heat and heart. And in her newest novella, The Only One, Lauren has me grinning big as she puts in her fun, heartfelt, and sexy twist on a second chance fated romance.

 photo f820e4d82276e346ef61639a0ecdb5_zpsm8amxada.gif “All I know is I want him to take me again, to have me, to make love to me. I want him to strip me naked, kiss me all over, down my thighs to my knees, nipping my ankles, then back up again, settling between my legs.”

Ten years ago, Penny was in love. She had a whirlwind romance with a stranger she met while vacationing in Spain. For three days, Gabriel consumed Penny’s life. He made her feel things that she never thought was possible. They both made a promise to meet up in New York City. The date, time and location were set. As Penny stood there waiting for Gabriel to arrive, she soon realized what a broken heart felt like.


Fast forward to the present, Penny is a non-profit worker for an animal shelter. She is organizing a fundraiser event and is in need of a restaurant to help cater the event. So when Penny stumbles into the restaurant to meet with the chef, it is there she sees Gabriel again but this time he doesn’t seem to remember her.

 photo f820e4d82276e346ef61639a0ecdb5_zpsm8amxada.gif “I’m in love. And it isn’t just any kind. It’s the big kind. The crazy kind. The type of love that latches on to you and won’t let go. I bring my mouth to his ear, ready to tell him, ready to share my whole heart, but then he pushes so deep into me that I see stars. I see the light of distant planets. I see entire universes. It’s that good. It’s that intense. I unravel in the most mind-bending, breathtaking, toe-curling kind of climax. It unfurls. It spreads, and the aftershocks roll through me as he chases me there, coming and not stopping. Just like me, just like him, just like us.”

As Penny stood there in front of him, Gabriel thinks that she is his Penny that he met ten years ago but isn’t quite sure if she is the same girl. As fate would have it, memories of what they shared begins to flood back. Will the stars aligned for these two? And will Gabriel and Penny get their second chance at love this time around?


A sweet, delectable and beautiful love story that reminds me of a Lifetime and Hallmark movie with the addition that it is more steamy and hot. We cannot forget that Lauren Blakely stamped her staple romance of heat and heart in this novella. So if you are looking for a quick and sexy read that will have your hearts fluttering and smiling big then The Only One is the book for you.

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Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
December 5, 2016
I liked this one. I liked it a lot. The story had very little drama, tons of steam, and oodles of sappy romance.

Ten years ago, Gabriel and Penny met and had three gloriously intimate days together. In love, they decide to meet up again in NY in a week to reunite in the city in which they'll both be building/starting their lives in. One week later, Penny is the only one who shows up. Fast forward 10 years and fate decides to step in the reunite this pair. And what a hot little reunion it was!

A short and sweet story about the role of destiny and about what can happen when "the one who got away"... comes back ;)

Release Date: December 6, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person

February 5, 2017
I thought I'd like this premise, but it was depressing. Gabriel, the guy she had a three day fling with 10 yrs ago, doesn't recognize her when they meet again. And she's kind of held onto a torch for him for the whole time. Depressing.

When it finally all comes out why he stood her up, meh. I would've preferred some crazy reason vs a realistic one. I also didn't like how the story kept putting flashbacks into the story. It just wasn't for me.

BR with the Abs Loving Geishas
And a thank you to Aileene.
Profile Image for Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog).
1,003 reviews479 followers
December 11, 2016
I have no idea how Lauren Blakely keeps giving birth to these enjoyable book babies so often! The Only One is a novella about young love, fate, and second chances.

Gabriel is a famous reality TV chef and Penny is an animal advocate who owns a doggie rescue. It’s been ten years since the two had a very brief but intense affair in Barcelona, back when Penny was fresh out of college and Gabriel was only dreaming of becoming a professional chef. Ten years have passed since they last saw each other; ten years since Gabriel broke her heart. Penny’s search for an event caterer unexpectedly leads to a reunion with Gabriel.

Despite time, distance, and wounds, the spark is still there between Penny and Gabriel. They have a decade’s worth of sexual tension to burn off which leads to several spicy encounters. Some of the dialogue is on the corny side, but this sweet story is blessedly drama free. I liked the way memories from their first time together are interspersed with present day narratives.

As long as you don’t expect complex characters or a complicated plot, you should be pleasantly entertained with this quick read. Penny’s adorable little dog, Shortcake, adds the extra awww factor that makes the story even more fun.

The Only One is a little bit of naughty and a whole lot of nice!

Recommended for fans of:
Second chance romance

**ARC received in exchange for an honest review.**

Reading Frenzy Book Blog
Profile Image for Aileene.
243 reviews116 followers
February 5, 2017
“We did so much more than meet. Please tell me you remember everything like I do. And that you remember it fondly.”

Unfortunately, this didn't leave a mark on me. I'm sure, I will forget it after I posted this review.

Not for me. Not sure why.

Rating it 1 Star

Buddy read with my gorgeous Abtastic Ab Loving Geishas
Profile Image for aNneMarLi - Chatterbooks Book Blog.
416 reviews293 followers
December 2, 2016
5.0 "My Penelope" Stars!!!

"What if fate was meant to bring us back together?"

One of my weakness when it comes to books' story line is "second chance romances". I really do not know but I am just very fond of a story that showcased great emotions and a topsy turvy feeling. So when I received "The Only One" in my reader, I cannot help myself devouring it. And boy Lauren Blakely did not disappoint. She yet again have written a story that compelled emotions with depth and a perfect blend of everything you want and then some. Proof enough to say that she is best in her writing. Because, this novella is more than what I thought it would be. It wasn't a cheesy and over the top second chance romance but a story so captivating. It was angst-ish and full of life, and really I cannot help myself from falling in love with it.

True, when  I started reading the book, I cannot put it down. I was glued to Gabriel and Penelope's story. Their journey and how it was written wasn't boring but full of fun and mystery that I cannot contain myself from turning the pages curious what happened, what's about to come and how it will end. I wasn't disappointed really, because the words and lines written is engrossing enough I was hooked and I had so much fun. The characters, no question about that. Gabriel Mathias, this man... hoot!!! "The sexiest chef. The hottest cook. The heartbreaker in the kitchen." What woman wouldn't go insane with that kind of man? Perfect fantasy material. Perfect book boyfriend. What more can you ask for?

The twenty-four-year-old guy who dazzled me when I gave him my virginity a decade ago has nothing on this man in front of me. He’s as beautiful as heartbreak. With cheekbones carved by the masters, eyes the color of topaz, and hair that’s now shoulder-length, he’s somehow impossibly sexier.

Enter Penelope..this woman is just the right heroine for her I must say. A beautiful woman who knows what she wants and to be honest I love her character. As Gabriel puts it, "She feels like one—wispy, beautiful, just out of reach. The kind you want to be real, but when you wake up, you’re merely clutching to the hem of a cloud as it floats away."

Put them together and you'll get to have a beautiful story. I love it! I truly love it. This maybe a short story but it speaks so much.Yes, in Lauren Blakely's true fashion the book is truly full of heat, heart and humor. But more than that, the book puts second chance story to a new level. The Only One was epic. It was a true definition of destiny and fate and I love how it was depicted and delivered in the story. It really melts my heart. I even love how past was stressed out as "past". That what happened, happened and they cannot bring it back again. That the issues are no longer what happened before or the in betweens but on how they're going to face the present and accept that what happened is brought by fate to them and that they are rwally meant to meet the second time around. Isn't love the sweetest the second time around???Right!

“What if we needed those years apart so we could get it right the second time around?” Her eyes shine with happiness, and I’m sure mine do, too. “I think we’re getting it right. Don’t you?

For Penny,
Sometimes heartbreak happens for a reason. Sometimes hurt does make us stronger.

And now 10 years after, who would have thought they will start brand new tale as
A happily ever after unfolds in front of them.

Profile Image for Bex | TotallyBex.com.
555 reviews198 followers
December 13, 2016
I don’t know how Lauren Blakely keeps coming up with all of these charming characters for me to fall in love with and all of the tantalizing words that make me swoon, but I’m gonna keep reading whatever she wants to write. Like an amuse-bouche, The Only One is a perfectly written second-chance romance wrapped up in a pretty, petite package. It has everything I love about Lauren’s writing served up in a delectable bite-sized portion that feels neither too short nor unsatisfying.

Penny fell in love with a man after a chance meeting and a three-day affair in Barcelona. Work demands brought her back to the States, but she made plans to rendezvous with her European lover in New York. Fate had other designs and life moved in a completely different direction than Penny expected. Now she’s working for an animal charity and needs a chef to cater an event. Little did she know that she would come face-to-face with the man she never thought she would see again.

Gabriel is New York’s hottest new chef who’s made a name for himself with both his cooking and his looks. He’s never completely forgotten the American who stole his heart in Spain, but Gabriel doesn’t exactly recognize her when he sees her again. Uh, oh. (Although, I wouldn’t complain if Gabriel wanted to whip me up a treat in his fancy kitchen and spoon-feed it to me, but that’s beside the point)

The chemistry between Penny and Gabriel is undeniable, even when he isn’t sure that its ‘his Penelope’ he’s wooing. I loved how they reconnect and reminisce about their time together in Barcelona. Even though they’ve lived separate lives, they have come full circle and are ready for a second chance at true love. It’s not all smooth sailing, of course, but I found it heartwarming and devoured every bit of it.

I’m hoping to see Penny and Gabriel again in a future novel. I connected with them and would like to see how they are doing in the future. Luckily, I won’t have to wait too long to get a fix from Lauren, but whether Penny and Gabriel are in the next book remains to be seen.

▸ ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

▸ Order: Kindle | Paperback

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Profile Image for Karen Mc .
1,021 reviews763 followers
March 29, 2018
“And when one of them meets the other half, the other half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s site, as I may say, even for a moment.” ~Plato

Maybe it's because my favorite candies are caramels.

Maybe it's because of soft spot for second-chance romances.

Maybe it's because of my mad love for Lauren Blakely books.

No...not maybe at all...but YES!!! YES to the caramels! YES to this swoon-filled and soul-slaying second-chance romance! YES to another Lauren Blakely brilliant and blissful book! YES to The Only One YES! YES! YES!

There is something special about second-chance love that speaks to the soul. Two soulmates broken apart whose love has never died are granted a do-over…that coveted second chance. Their hearts, once sliced in half, find their way back to each other and become whole again. Second-chance love stories are my heart…my soul…my obsession; The Only One was my magic...my heart...my soul...my swoon...MY KRYPTONITE.

The Only One sparked to life as magic poured from the pages, shining in beauty and brilliance like a diamond. Oh that SPARK! The Only One had ALL OF THE SPARK...ALL OF HEART...ALL OF THE SOUL. All of MY heart. All of MY soul.

Ten years ago beautiful Penelope, Penny, met a gorgeous man, Gabriel, while traveling in Spain. They had a once-in-a-lifetime, passionate and powerful love affair with combustible chemistry and a connection of soul mates.

"My three-day love affair under the starry Spanish sky with the man who whispered sweet nothings in my ear while he played my body like a virtuoso piano isn't getting a second act."

Penny is reunited with her first and only love, Gabriel, through a chance meeting in New York when a work function brings them together. After a decade she is going to meet the man who still holds her heart.

"The twenty-four guy who dazzled me when I gave him my virginity a decade ago has nothing on this man in front of me. He's as beautiful as a heartbreak."

Oh beautiful is this man from inside out, and oh did Gabriel grab my heart and melt me from inside out! I LOVED GABRIEL SOOO MUCH!

"I have to believe in fate, too. Do you? Believe in fate?"

Oh Gabriel! His words were poetry that penetrated through my heart like Cupid's arrows.

Gabriel sees the stunning woman in front of him who reminds him of his Penelope, the one he loved and lost when she left in Spain, the woman who still holds his heart.

There is no way Penny can resist Gabriel's gorgeous looks, charm, sweetness, and passion. Feelings flow to the surface after being dormant for a decade.

"Perhaps the ice I had thought had encased my heart when it came to this man is breaking."

Oh the angst that aired bled into this book with as much fervor as the love lingering in the air.

"My lips brush hers, and the world stills. For the briefest second, I don't want to move. All I want to do is savor this sliver of time---this most perfect of moments when I kiss her again."

That kiss! Small in size but HUGE in history and love, that KISS WAS EVERYTHING!!! It was the turning point of a renewed love affair of soul mates.

"My feet don't touch the ground. Gravity has no hold on me. I'm floating, falling, gliding....his lips both wonderfully familiar and yet fantastically new."

That kiss melted from the pages, penetrating that passion right to me as I felt it too. Those lifetime kisses that you know will lock you to love for life.

"I'm going to worship you. I'm going to adore you."

"You already do."

Oh. My. SWOON!!! My soul was slayed in the best way as The Only One owned it and me! I was breathless at the blossoming love between these soul mates, this love that lifted me up into the sky where I floated among the clouds.

As fast as the love was rekindled, the loss lingers, hurt hovering over Penny and Gabriel along with the past like a dark cloud. Trust was a traitor that threatened to invade their new found happiness.

"He leaves, and that frustration inside me explodes into hurt and sadness as I watch him walk away."

My heart bled for Penny and for Gabriel. As the feelings of hurt and betrayal float through the air, chemistry also permeates with a passion. A passion that transports them both to their intense love affair years ago in Barcelona.

"Only him. It's only ever been him."

The Only One is THE ONE, the fairy tale that flutters in feels and dances in dreams, the one that caused me to FALL HARD IN LOVE. The Only One left me breathless in a brilliant and beautiful story that was love at first sight. Oh did this utterly romantic romance feel real.

The Only One has that special spark that made me feel butterflies as it shot stars in my eyes. I flew high on Cloud Nine to Swoon Land! The Only One is a magical and mesmerizing second-chance love story full of sweetness, swoon, and soul. Oh how I loved thee...SOOO MUCH!

The Only One is Lauren Blakely's most romantic romance ever! PURE BOOK BLISS! The off-the-charts chemistry, the passion, the promise of more, the love that never died, the sweetness, the swoon, and heart and soul...The Only One was EVERYTHING!!! This passionate love affair of words was the only one for me! I'm still swimming in a sea of swoon where I want to wade longer in the bliss of this Blakely book.

💋💋💋💋💋💋 brilliant and blissful kisses (because oh so romantic romance)
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
December 10, 2016

This book was really good!!This is my fifth book by Lauren Blakely and I can't get enough!This story was beautiful and sexy.
Penelope and Gabriel first met in Barcelona and they spent three days together,but fate has other plans for them.
Now after ten years they'll meet again but he seems like he doesn't remember her anymore.

I fell in love with this couple!!They were so intense together and omg there were some really steamy moments!!!

I love this author and I'm planning to read more books by her!!!



Profile Image for Dísir.
1,683 reviews179 followers
March 23, 2017
Some books are a hit for people, a complete miss for a very, very small minority - the latter group of which I clearly belong to. I've enjoyed a few of Lauren Blakely's books this year, but this one turned it right around and into the pits for me.

The second-chance reunion trope has always been a tricky one for me to swallow hook, link and sinker unless the circumstances that led to separation, the reunion as well as what the characters did during that time are written 'ideally'. But throw a playboy, womanising chef in the mix who whored around as his fame rocketed (who suddenly feels it's easy to give up other women after seeing the woman he's supposedly always wanted) however, and I was ready to toss the story to the side, even if an honest mistake led to the split.

Suddenly, Penny and Gabriel are soulmates after the brief deception goes by, and they are two people who would never look at others again...simply because they had the time of their lives in a very short 3-day affair a decade ago. It was painfully ridiculous to me (clearly I lack a romantic bone in my jaded body?), exacerbated by my own issues with womanisers and female characters' inability to keep their quivering body in line when a hot man they've compared everyone else to walks past. Gabriel's charm, so much so that it's embedded into his identity as the sexiest chef who has had droves of women after him (which he clearly takes advantage of), comes across as sleazy rather than endearing. That he tries to deny his reputation in one instant, then acknowledges it in another makes him all veneer with little depth for me. I couldn't see much past their lust for each other, let alone accept the proposal of marriage after 2 months together...when a decade of other people just couldn't do it for both of them.

Lauren Blakely has writing chops, no doubt. But in the attempt to elevate Penny's and Gabriel's connection, almost beyond the bounds of reality to the descriptions of how they make each other feel, all it merely did was to make me dislike the book a lot more...to my chagrin.
156 reviews40 followers
November 28, 2016
It has been a while since I left a review like this for a book. This book is one that I could not put down. I read until I fell asleep at night for two nights and could not wait until I got home from work so I could see what was going to happen next. Lauren has a gift when it comes to writing second chance romances. She gives all of us hope. Hope that if we were in a situation where we ran into a sexy ex that things could be different and that things may not have ended as we thought they did. Often the worst is assumed when things don't work out and at times it just may be that the relationship had to end due to extenuating circumstances. I loved loved loved this book. It is sinfully sexy and at the same time charming and delightful. Gabriel is kind, sweet, and savory while Penny is feisty and a force to be reckoned with. My favorite part of this story is the dance. The push and pull between Gabriel and Penny as Gabriel begins to recognize Penny as his long lost love. She does not give in easily and makes him work for it. This book made me laugh, cry, and fan myself all in one sitting. I did not want the story to end. This is one of my favorite Blakely books yet.
When a book can evoke so many emotions in such a short period of time it is worth more than money can buy.
Lauren has knocked this one out of the park and down the street into the kitchen of Rocco DiSpirito. This book is smart, sexy, and full of surprises with characters you can't help but fall in love with. I want to find my very own Gabriel now. A sexy man with an accent who can cook for me. Who could ask for anything more. Thank you Lauren for bringing joy to my life once again and giving me the escape I desperately needed.
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,576 reviews184 followers
December 10, 2016
Well I am sure it’s no surprise I loved this. I don’t think there has been a single book of Lauren Blakely’s that I have read that I haven’t loved. So when this one was announced I was so excited to dive in. My only complaint is that it isn’t a million pages longer so I can stay in this world forever.

Normally I can go either way on second chance romance, but this one was just beautiful. There was the expected heartbreak but what wasn’t expected was the complete lack of emotional drama around it. Don’t get me wrong I felt the heartbreak and I lived the emotion as Lauren Blakely always makes me. I just expected a lot more fallout from the initial break up but I was delighted with the way it all played out.

Gabriel was the perfect mix of sexy alpha male and sweet. I couldn’t get enough of him, even though I spent the first part of the book hoping he had been neutered in the ten years they were separated. Penny was so sweet but had so much depth and character I fell in love with her from the very beginning.

And as always there was a lot of smoking hot sex scenes that had me squirming in my seat. And I have to say that for such a short little novella it didn’t miss a single thing. I can’t wait to continue on with these amazing characters.

Check out my reviews here
Profile Image for Melinda.
817 reviews10 followers
November 28, 2016
The Only One - a One Love Novella by Lauren Blakely.

What a deliciously decadent story about two characters we've met previously and who I was hoping so hard would get stories of their own! And they did! With each other, no less!

Penny runs Little Friends, an animal rescue, and is looking for a new chef to handle the Picnic in The Park fundraiser after her last one pulled out. The person she's meeting as her final choice bears the same name as the man who she feel in love with and then stood her up years ago.

Gabriel has earned himself a few titles: 'the sexiest chef' and a 'heartbreaker in the kitchen' but to name a few. When he meets with Penny, he can't reconcile that it's the same Penny from years ago and when she denies that they've met previously, he decides to leave the past in the past.

While I was somewhat disappointed to realize that this would 'only' be a novella, Blakely gives us such a perfect story, packing all the romance, heat, and banter that are her signature traits, that you forget that it's not a full-length novel and embrace the ride for the gorgeous second-chance story that it is. Gabriel and Penny are fantastic together and the feelings they had between them never really faded in that time and it was wonderful being part of their journey back to each other. Oh and the dirty talk and delayed gratification certainly didn't hurt!

I adored this book and characters and while it is about characters you meet in previous books, it's a part of Blakely's One Love series of dual POV standalones that's been published under the 1001 Dark Nights umbrella. Go on, read this. You won't be disappointed.

**Reviewed by Melinda for Joandisalovebooks Blog.
Profile Image for London.
725 reviews
December 8, 2016
Just okay. Didn't have an issue with his reason for standing her up 10 years ago as it wasn't his fault. Couldn't understand how he didn't really recognize her when he saw her again. Having to keep ask her where he knows her from was cringeworthy. She says herself she hasn't changed much except for her career and her tattoo. How is something not related to physical attributes making it difficult to recognize a woman he spent 3 days with? Ehh
Profile Image for Bookphenomena (Micky) .
2,702 reviews521 followers
May 25, 2017
Audiobook review.

This novella is a gorgeous story of second chances, one that comes ten years later. THE ONLY ONE is less of a rom-com feel, rather a contemporary read without as many witty quips and having recently read/listened to a number of Lauren Blakely's rom-coms, I enjoyed the change in pace.

The characters meet for a work deal unexpectedly after missing a planned meet ten years ago. I loved Gabriel, chef and restaurant owner, Spanish and all over nice guy. Penny was sweet but still nursing some hurt. I loved their build of interactions, connection and chemistry.

The book is narrated by two of my favourite narrators, Zachery Webber and Andi Arndt and they did a good job, however I do have a niggle. Gabriel was Spanish and described as having an accent, yet the male narrator was straight American. Then, when the female POV narrated male dialogue, she did it with a Spanish accent. This was rather disconcerting, but I went with the flow and still enjoyed it.

A copy of this audiobook was provided by the author in return for an honest review.

Reviewed for Jo&IsaLoveBooks Blog.
Profile Image for Kim.
2,691 reviews167 followers
October 30, 2016
4.5+ stars

Fans of Lauren Blakely might recognize Penny from the dog shelter Little Friends in Well Hung, and Gabriel, the sexy restaurant owner who partnered up with Simon in The Sexy One. But who knew that Penny Jones and Gabriel Mathias had a hot and emotional three day affair in Barcelona ten years ago?! It's a small world. She went home and they were supposed to meet again, but in the end she was left heartbroken.

But now they are face to face again. Gabriel's restaurant is the only one available to cater an event for Little Friends. At their first meeting there is curiosity, confusion. and secrets. Penny does her best to convince Gabriel she is not his long lost Penelope. But there is interest, a good rapport, and such chemistry. Soon they are falling back into a comfort zone of flirty exchanges, humor, and lust.

This couple is so likable and entertaining. I enjoyed getting both of their points of view. Penny is funny, strong, fiery, and confident. But she still has vulnerability, pain, and trust issues from the past. And Gabriel is sexy, successful, charming, and determined. He has a rep of being a ladies man, but he is not afraid to go after what he wants or demand more of her time. The secrets are not revealed right away adding to the tension.

I liked that they could appreciate and were attracted to each other in the present as the people they had become. I enjoyed following along with them as they fell again. They're older, wiser, freer, and know what they have been missing. They had an established connection that was easy to pick back up, but they also had to come to terms with the past in order to have a chance of moving on. They still have questions that have not been answered, hurts that need soothed, and to discover how each other has changed in ten years.

It was funny, sweet, steamy, and romantic. Gabriel was a swoon-worthy hero with a sexy accent. Why do accents just up the sexiness factor by a thousand?! Penny was someone you would love to be friends with. My favorite part was the fact these people made mature decisions even though there were issues, fears and trust issues. They thought things through, had some self talks, or even asked advice if needed. It had just enough heartbreak, tension, and drama to keep me interested, but was not angsty and full of contrived drama. It was an engaging read that just drew me in and left me smiling. I loved the themes of destiny, fate, and timing.

This can be read as a complete stand-alone and is a full story packaged as a long-ish novella. I was completely satisfied with the character development and how their story progressed, and it did not feel like a partial story just because it was a novella or part of an anthology. So you can read it as a companion to Lauren's other stories or pick it up to get a taste of her writing style. Either way I think you will enjoy it.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
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Profile Image for Shayna.
1,812 reviews618 followers
December 5, 2016
Whenever something new comes out by the amazing Lauren Blakely, my eyes light up and my heart becomes so full! Something in her romances just speak to me on every single level and I have THE BEST time being transported to her world. It seems like I can never get enough! It seems to be a great thing because she cranked out so many amazing love stories this year, and she ends the year with a BANG with THE ONLY ONE!

I get just as much happiness out of a Lauren Blakely novella than I do a full size story. It doesn't matter if it's 100 pages or 300 pages, I adore and devour every single page like it's my last! And Penny and Gabriel's story gave me that beautiful feeling I get out of every other book from this author. Their story is unique, beautiful, and oh so sexy. Ten years ago, a woman fell in love with a man in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. When plans to meet back in the states go sideways, Penny's happily ever after gets blown to pieces. Fast forward to present time and Penny is confronted with the one that walked away. The thing is, he doesn't seem to remember her at all.

That's Penny's point of view, but what she doesn't know is that Gabriel senses this familiarity about the beautiful woman who walks into his restaurant. Could it be his Penelope after all these years? As fate intervenes, these two are drawn together once again. Memories come to the forefront and feelings that they thought were gone, come flooding back with a vengeance. Penny and Gabriel have a second chance, but will fate be enough?

"He curls his hand around mine and kisses me deeply. It tastes like the past, like the present, and like all our tomorrows."

Do you believe in fate? In destiny? In the alignment of the stars? Well if you don't, Penny and Gabriel's beautiful story will make you a believer for sure. In one of Ms. Blakely's most romantic stories yet, THE ONLY ONE will melt your heart and mend your soul and leave you on cloud nine for a VERY long time.

the only one teaser

Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews505 followers
November 30, 2016
An extraordinarily dreamy love story that will melt your heart!

The Only One gives second-chance romance a whole new meaning. This book encapsulates everything we love from Lauren's writing - desire, intimacy and charm, with splashes of drama and comedy throughout. The character dynamic is intriguing and well developed; Lauren has this truly remarkable way of enabling her readers to become so engrossed with the characters from the get go, no matter how long the book is. This story showcases that love has no bounds. That fate works it's magic in a way that might not be understood at first. But given time, and in this book it's 10 years, love can be more meaningful and intense than it ever could be. And a forever together is just the beginning.

The Only One is undeniably romantic and tender...and an absolute must read! 5 Stars!

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.* ~Kelly
Profile Image for Elisa ♡.
667 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2021
summary:they had a fling 10 years ago, and they see each other again.

you know those scenes where the characters are trying to find each other, and they go to the same places but at different times? this book had this, they were supposed to meet but something happens and he doesn't show up, he tries to call her but her number is disconnected, she calls him he destroyed his phone....
this book is short, but my God this audiobook felt so long.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 426 reviews

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