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The chilling novella featured in Stephen King’s bestselling collection Full Dark, No Stars, 1922 – about a man who succumbs to the violence within – is now available as a stand-alone publication.

I believe there is a man inside every man, a stranger

So writes Wilfred James in his confession. It’s 1922. Wilfred owns eighty acres of farmland in Nebraska that have been in the family for generations. His wife, Arlette, owns an adjoining one hundred acres.

But if Arlette carries out her threat to sell her land to a pig butcher, Wilfred will be forced to sell too. Worse, he’ll have to move to the city. But he has a daring plan. It may work if he can persuade his son.

A powerful tale of betrayal, murder, madness and rats, 1922 is a breathtaking exploration into the dark side of human nature from the great American storyteller Stephen King. It was adapted into a film from Netflix.

132 pages

First published November 9, 2010

About the author

Stephen King

2,530 books857k followers
Stephen Edwin King was born the second son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. After his father left them when Stephen was two, he and his older brother, David, were raised by his mother. Parts of his childhood were spent in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where his father's family was at the time, and in Stratford, Connecticut. When Stephen was eleven, his mother brought her children back to Durham, Maine, for good. Her parents, Guy and Nellie Pillsbury, had become incapacitated with old age, and Ruth King was persuaded by her sisters to take over the physical care of them. Other family members provided a small house in Durham and financial support. After Stephen's grandparents passed away, Mrs. King found work in the kitchens of Pineland, a nearby residential facility for the mentally challenged.

Stephen attended the grammar school in Durham and Lisbon Falls High School, graduating in 1966. From his sophomore year at the University of Maine at Orono, he wrote a weekly column for the school newspaper, THE MAINE CAMPUS. He was also active in student politics, serving as a member of the Student Senate. He came to support the anti-war movement on the Orono campus, arriving at his stance from a conservative view that the war in Vietnam was unconstitutional. He graduated in 1970, with a B.A. in English and qualified to teach on the high school level. A draft board examination immediately post-graduation found him 4-F on grounds of high blood pressure, limited vision, flat feet, and punctured eardrums.

He met Tabitha Spruce in the stacks of the Fogler Library at the University, where they both worked as students; they married in January of 1971. As Stephen was unable to find placement as a teacher immediately, the Kings lived on his earnings as a laborer at an industrial laundry, and her student loan and savings, with an occasional boost from a short story sale to men's magazines.

Stephen made his first professional short story sale ("The Glass Floor") to Startling Mystery Stories in 1967. Throughout the early years of his marriage, he continued to sell stories to men's magazines. Many were gathered into the Night Shift collection or appeared in other anthologies.

In the fall of 1971, Stephen began teaching English at Hampden Academy, the public high school in Hampden, Maine. Writing in the evenings and on the weekends, he continued to produce short stories and to work on novels.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,803 reviews
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,534 reviews28.7k followers
August 28, 2020
This was gross and gritty and disturbing and I loved it. This is a novella from Stephen King, and it is very short but it packs a punch in those 130 pages. This book can all be seen as a metaphor and I love that, and also I'm terrified of rats now, even more than I was before.

You can see my full reaction in this video: https://youtu.be/FO2wJTXJIYA
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,894 reviews12.6k followers
August 18, 2024
**4.5-stars rounded up**

1922 is the first novella included in my favorite short-story collection, Full Dark, No Stars.

This is the second time I have read this story and its impact was not diminished with repetition. In fact, I think I appreciated it more this time around.

One thing I had actually forgotten about this story is that the entire thing is told via a written confession. Epistolary format generally does work for me anyway, but in King's capable hands, it elevated this to a higher level.

The quality of the writing makes you feel like you are actually listening to a haunted man tell his story. In this case, that man is Wilfred James, a farmer from the Hemingford Home area of Nebraska.

King's Constant Readers may recognize that name from other works, most notably, The Stand.

The publisher's synopsis for this story explains it best: A powerful tale of betrayal, murder, madness and rats, 1922 is a breathtaking exploration into the dark side of human nature. That's exactly what this is.

The story flows organically and steadily, while unsuspectingly gettin under your skin. Before you know it, you'll be flinching at the smallest noises around you. Any little scratch or scatter could be the rats coming for you.

I frequently mention that when I reread King's works that my attention is drawn to different elements each time. With the initial horror of the story out of the way, I found myself more able to focus on the relationships this time through.

The relationship between Wilf and his son, Henry, of course, but also the relationship between Henry and his young love. Additionally, I felt more drawn to Wilf's inner turmoil after the horrors began. It's like a 1920s-Midwestern version of Crime and Punishment.

Overall, the way this story is told, it's absolutely captivating. Even the gruesome bits will have your eyes glued to the page, dreading whatever will be coming next.

Readers are cautioned to scenes of animal hurt, or harm, but truthfully, it's a farm and the circumstances involved are things that would, or could, occur on a working farm. I will admit to skim reading some of those scenes though.

As with the rest of the stories included in the Full Dark, No Stars collection, 1922 is ultimately a story of ordinary people finding themselves in extraordinary, and gut-churning, circumstances.

If this sounds at all intriguing to you, I absolutely recommend checking it out. I'm so happy that I took the time to reread this. It's definitely secured itself in my mind as one of my top novellas ever.
Profile Image for Peter.
3,439 reviews652 followers
April 7, 2020
Another brilliant novella! Stephen King manages to write prose that reminds me on Theodore Dreiser or John Steinbeck but with his unique and incomparable style surpassing them. Wilf James wants to stay on his farm. His wife Arlette wants to sell her property and leave for town. Wilf and his son Henry (Hank) come to terms with Arlette (I don't say how to not spoil the review). Later on Hank knocks up their neighbor's daughter. She is sent to a special institution for girls like her. He frees her and leads a life as a gangster (similar to Bonnie and Clyde). What is Wilf's destiny at the end? Why does he have constant dreams about rats haunting him? Phenomenal and very grim story by Stephen King at his best. The characters are extremely well done and the story very sad and uncanny (I think it was made into a film; the story is also included in his anthology Full Dark, No Stars). A real masterpiece and one of the best novellas Stephen King has ever written! Absolutely recommended!
Profile Image for Beata.
837 reviews1,297 followers
March 21, 2021
I am not an expert on Stephen King but I think this novella is very much in his style. Five hours of thrill with a narrator who does an excellent job.
Profile Image for BookHunter M  ُH  َM  َD.
1,571 reviews4,010 followers
March 16, 2023

لطالما اعتبرته ليس مجرد صديق. بل صديقا عزيزا. لكنني كرهته في تلك اللحظة. ليس لأنه أتى ليوبخني بشأن ابني. فأنا كنت سأفعل الشيء نفسه لو كنت مكانه. لا. بل بسبب السيارة الخضراء اللامعة الجديدة. بسبب ابزيم الحزام الفضي الذي على شكل دولفين. بسبب الصومعة الجديدة الحمراء الساطعة و السمكرة داخل المنزل. و الأهم بسبب الزوجة المطيعة العادية الوجه التي تركها في مزرعته تعد العشاء رغم قلقها بلا شك. الزوجة التي يقتصر ردها اللطيف في وجه أي مشكلة تواجههما على قولها: أي شيء تراه مناسبا يا عزيزي. زوجة مثل هذه لا داعي أبدا لأن تخشى أبدا أن تلفظ أنفاسها الأخيرة بسبب ذبح حنجرتها.
لقد جمع هذا الرجل مزيج القذارة كله فلم يترك شيئا لأحد من بعده. و برغم أن خطيئته الظاهرة الأولى كانت ذبح زوجته و طمر جثتها في بئر مهجور إلا أن خطاياه الأخرى كانت لا زالت مستترة قبل هذه اللحظة حتى كشفتها خسته و خيانته.
رغب الرجل في الحصول على كل شيء إلا أنه لم يحصل على أي شيء إلا المعاناة و العذاب.
لقد سددتُ الأنبوب. لكن الجرذان بقيت تهرب. ملأتُ البئر. لكن أرليت وجدت مخرجا. و لا أعتقد أنها لوحدها هذه المرة.
كانت هذه هي القصة الأولى في مجموعة ظلام دامس. لا نجوم
Profile Image for Debbie.
479 reviews3,627 followers
September 30, 2015
I KNOW there are good rats. In fact, my kids had two very polite and cuddly rats, Lucy and Penelope. Oh how I loved to let them run up my sleeve. They tickled me (literally and figuratively) as they scurried up my arm! What we did for those cuties. Seriously, even VET visits, and more—which I’m just too embarrassed to confess, sorry. Those little scurry girls lived the life of Riley.

Well, I’ll tell you this: Lucy and Penelope would not have had the privilege of living in our loving home had I read 1922 first! I know, I know, it’s not fair. I can hear Lucy and Penelope screaming from their rat graves: Not All Rats Are Bad! I don’t care—falls on deaf ears, Lucy and Penelope. I’m probably permanently damaged now, thanks to your kin. Those disgusting furry hoodlums whose favorite pastime is chewing and swallowing flesh are the stuff of nightmares.

Why in the hell did I read this story, you’re probably wondering. Many of you know I don’t do horror. The truth is, that hussy Kindle tricked me into it! It’s a long story, which I outlined in excruciating detail in my review of A Good Marriage. At the risk of sounding like a total idiot, I’ll confess that I thought 1922 was Part 2 of A Good Marriage. It really is Kindle’s fault. By not saying upfront that there were two separate stories, my dear little Kindle insinuated that it was one big happy family. Oh, the scurrying I did, back and forth, back and forth, from screen to screen, fret fret, read again, search for people who were long gone. Who ARE these new people? Where did the people of A Good Marriage disappear to?

It wasn’t until the first Gore on Steroids scene that I had the good sense to check Goodreads, where I discovered that 1922 is its own story and has absolutely nothing to do with A Good Marriage. The good news: I finished the story. The bad news: The pictures of rats chomping on a dead person, a live person, and a cow’s teat (no kidding!) are plastered onto the photo album in my head.

Meanwhile, that murder scene had me clicking pages with my eyes squeezed half shut, trying to ascertain if I was out of the gruesome killing in the bedroom and back in the farmhouse kitchen with people calmly drinking cups of java, no dead body in sight. Squint and click, squint and click, until I thought it was safe, that the last sickening details of blood and guts and the twisted dead body were truly gone.

You are surely wondering why I didn’t just stop reading after I hit that first nasty patch of gore. Well, the story was good, damn good. And stupid me, I was hopeful that the gore quotient had been filled. No chance. The rats were a mere few pages away.

The narrator, Wilfred, murdered his wife and enlisted the help of his teenage son. (No spoiler here; this is all in the first sentence of the story.) Wilfred has a shitload of guilt and regret, and he murmurs a lot of If Onlys. He is persecuted by his wife’s ghost (who may be in the form of the horrific rats that torture him); she messes with his head bigtime. As more and more disasters befall Wilfred, his sense of dread is palpable. This suspenseful story goes way beyond being a Crime Doesn’t Pay tale. It’s a great character study with good internal monologue. There’s a far-out scene of the drunken mother describing sex (complete with hand gestures) to her teenage son. It’s over-the-top inappropriate and vulgar—and I must admit, totally entertaining. King cleverly added this, I think, so we wouldn’t feel sorry for her.

How to rate a book that you know is great (and will appeal to fans of horror) but turned you off with its huge doses of violence and gore? If I were a horror fan, I’d give it 5 stars. For me, the rats ate 5 and gnawed through 4, and left me with a half-digested 3.

Profile Image for Nayra.Hassan.
1,259 reviews6,176 followers
November 30, 2022
عندما يكون الحديث عن المال فان كل الناس علي دين واحد
و عندما تسألني كخبيرة رعب مقروء عن اكثر رواية ارعبتني؛ فبلا تردد اجيب:١٩٢٢
كينج افتري في هذه الرواية بلا جدال
سيرعبك كينج هنا من اعز حبايبك ببساطة مفزعة
قد تظنها قصة معتادة عن قتل رجل لزوجته تحدث يوميا عبر العالم
و  لكن لا تنخدع؛ عبر ١٣٠ صفحة و عدد قليل من الشخصيات المرسومة ببراعة؛و الحيوانات الموظفة بشناعة :يجعلك كينج  تفكرين مرتين بل الف مرة قبل ان تختلفين مع زوجك في وجهات النظر
بل ستفكرين مائة مرة قبل ان تفكرين في الإنجاب اصلاً
و ستفكرين مليون مرة في تقييم درجة خسة و ندالة من تنامين معه علي وسادة واحدة؛ فخطأك في التقييم قد يكلفك اكثر من حياتك

*حتي الأحمق يصبح بالمال عملاقاً*
في مطلع القرن العشرين تستعرض حياة اسرة من المزارعين اب و ام و ابن مراهق يعيشون وسط مائة فدان
ورثتها الام عن والدها و تقرر بيعها و تداعبها الأحلام بالعيش في المدينة و تتحول لهوس؛ لتبدأ اللعنة عند رفض زوج��ا لحياة المدينة
سمعت عن الطلاق يا جدع طيب؟ هتاخد النص؟
لا طبعا
My way or the Highway
ويلفريد يرفض البيع وبعد عناد قصير يقرر اقناع ابنهما بقتلها و دفنها بالبئر
لتبدأ وقائع اشنع و اطول جريمة في قصص كينج قاطبة في متتاليات مقززة لا انصح بها اطلاقا لذوي القلوب الضعيفة
و ماورائيا و واقعياً يطول انتقام ارليت لعشرين عام كابوسية؛ من نفوس تمكن منها السواد لايام كلفتهم كل الأعوام
و يتضمن الانتقام الفئران؛ و فأر واحد كفيل فعلا بتطفيشي من اي بيت فمابالك بجيوش فئران اكلة للحم لا تنقطع.. كابوس مكتوب بحرفية سادية
سيندمك كينج علي التفكير في الطمع الذي يعقبه ندم.. و لكن حيث لا ينفع الندم

احدي نوفيلات مجموعة ظلام دامس بلا نجوَم
Profile Image for Eloy Cryptkeeper.
296 reviews210 followers
November 12, 2020
".Creo que existe otro hombre dentro de cada hombre, un extraño(...)
Dentro de mí habitaba el Hombre Maquinador, pero dentro habitaba un Hombre Esperanzado. Ese tipo murió en algún momento entre 1922 y 1930. El Hombre Maquinador, una vez consumado el daño, se desvaneció. Sin sus confabulaciones y ambiciones, la vida se había manifestado como un espacio hueco"

"Crees que has presenciado la escena más terrible, la que fusiona todas tus pesadillas en un horror demencial que existe en la realidad, y el único consuelo es que nada puede haber peor. Que incluso si te equivocas, tu mente se quebrará ante su visión, y no sabrás nada más. Sin embargo siempre hay un mal peor, tu mente mantiene la entereza, y de algún modo continúas adelante. Quizá comprendas que, para ti, toda la dicha se ha evaporado del mundo, que tus actos han situado todo cuanto anhelabas conseguir fuera de tu alcance, quizá desees ser tú quien estuviera muerto, pero continúas adelante. Te das cuenta de que te hallas en un infierno de tu propia creación, pero sin embargo continúas adelante..."

Creo que el hecho de perder totalmente el control o ser incapaz de controlar los impulsos, pensar razonablemente, o sacar el lado mas oscuro que habite en las profundidades, sea en el contexto que sea y sea cual sea la causa es algo muy aterrador , en gran parte porque es algo muy mundano y muy inherente al ser humano. Podrá parecer que hay muchos actos en esta historia que no están justificados o no hay una real motivación, pero también "cualquier parecido con la realidad es pura coincidencia". Todos los días vemos actos atroces que no tienen ninguna justificación.
La parte sobrenatural de la historia funciona como un respiro en este caso para los acontecimientos centrales y en gran medida representan la culpa y en cierta forma el Karma.
Es una buena historia,con muy buenas descripciones y cierto tributo a lovecraft y "Las Ratas en las paredes", pero para lo que propone pienso que podría haber sido mas acotada. Y un defecto que tiene, para mi gusto, es que te va adelantando parte de la trama (no en su totalidad, pero si pinceladas ) y eso le hace perder un poco de efecto.
Profile Image for Helga.
1,160 reviews307 followers
January 12, 2018

“I believe that there is another man inside of every man, a stranger, a Conniving Man.”

This is a ghost story.
A dark, eerie and unsettling tale about greed, murder, guilt and comeuppance. It is a story about crime and punishment. It begins with a confession and it ends with...rats. Lots of rats! In a word, it is a typical King story!
Profile Image for Sandeep.
88 reviews69 followers
July 13, 2021
A real family tragedy! I thought I was in for a ghost story and while there are certain supernatural elements, it definitely isn’t the main focus. This is the story of a man's life unraveling over the course of a year and the fallout and breakage of his family that is the rest of his terrible life. We get a good glimse of what is going on in the main character Wilf's mind.

The concept of a conniving man really fascinated me. It didn’t take long for things to become seriously creepy and I quickly started getting chills and gasping aloud. Parts are gruesome, so if you don’t like gore, you may want to steer clear of that. Classic, eerie and intriguing King storytelling!

Watched the Netflix adaptation a few days ago, and I would definitely prefer the book although the film was good enough and worth watching.
Profile Image for Bionic Jean.
1,341 reviews1,399 followers
December 6, 2023
“I believe that there is another man inside of every man, a stranger, a Conniving Man.”

Make no mistake. This read is nasty. There’s blood and guts, brutality and gore, sleaze, putrescence, grisly entrails …

Manipulation—and guilt. A big dollop of that.

“I promised to kill myself and take her place in Hell if she would only stop. But she didn’t. She wouldn’t. The dead don’t stop.
That’s what I know now.“

Stephen King usually seeks to shock and revolt, and maybe to scare. 1922 is a long novella, first published in 2010, in his collection of 4 stories, “Full Dark, No Stars”. It is a first-hand confession of murder by Wilfred James, a farmer in Hemingford Home, Nebraska, the so-called “cornhusker” state.

Wilfred James owns eighty acres of farmland, which has been in his family for generations. That is how things should be. Wilfred works hard, and is perfectly content to be a farmer. Life should be good, because his wife, Arlette, owns the adjoining one-hundred acres, which were willed to her by her father. Plus they have a young teenage son, ready to follow on the tradition. If only his wife felt as she should have done, things would be just right.

But Arlette is bored with life on the farm, and has ambitions to live in the city. She has investigated how to sell her land, and now a livestock company are interested in it, to use as a pig farm and a slaughterhouse. She could at last be free of the farm which traps her, and go wherever she likes. Even to the big city.

Arlette tries to convince Wilfred that living in Omaha will be better for all of them; not only her, but Wilfred and and their son too. However, Wilfred hates the thought of it; especially the thought of the slaughterhouse stench, and the blood polluting his land. If Arlette sells her land to the livestock company, then Wilfred’s family farm will no longer be workable for agriculture, and he will be forced to sell his land as well. Wilfred, resentful, hatches his plots.

“I am not a monster. I tried to save her from the Conniving Man.”

Wilfred tells us right at the beginning—in the second sentence—that he murdered his wife, and disposed of her body by tipping it down an old well. There are to be no secrets, and no excuses. This will be a full and frank account of what happened.

He tells us how he worked on his teenage son Henry, manipulating him so that he would feel closer to his father than to Arlette. Wilfred confides frankly. He has to get rid of Arlette, in order to save the farm, and their way of living. There is simply no other choice.

Young Henry has a girlfriend, a neighbour, Shannon Cotterie. She is the same age as he is, and they go to the same school, and attend the same Methodist chapel. They are barely fourteen, and have an innocent, starry-eyed friendship, full of optimistic dreams. Wilfred plots.

The adults go about their daily work, and nothing really changes. Wilfred is well-read, and quotes characters and situations from various classic books he has read, in his account to us. Sometimes they seem to justify what he feels. But to Arlette, his bookish tendencies make him a figure of fun.

Hatching his plot, Wilfred makes Arlette drunk, and as he hopes, Arlette makes crude remarks about Henry’s girlfriend. This is the final straw. Henry is devastated that his own mother could be so gross about their special relationship—and especially so coarse about his sweetheart, Shannon. He is embarrassed and angry, and is now reluctantly persuaded that helping to kill his mother will be the only way to stay on the farm with his father, and be with Shannon. Wilfred’s plot is working. His father craftily clinches the deal, with a sly bit of logic:

Henry goes to the chapel every week. He knows the Holy Bible’s teachings, doesn’t he, and has a profound belief in them. Ergo, by killing his mother, they would be helping Arlette to get to heaven:

“When you think of it that way, every murderer is a Gate of Heaven.”

Wilfred plans every detail, taking into account what will happen afterwards. It is, he thinks, foolproof:

“‘It will be quick,’ I said. Man and boy I’ve slit nine-score hogs’ throats, and I thought it would be. But I was wrong.

Let it be told quickly. On the nights when I can’t sleep—and there are many—it plays over and over again, every thrash and cough and drop of blood in exquisite slowness, so let it be told quickly.”

Not that he does. Stephen King makes the most of this part, describing it in great detail, with horrific and sordid aspects well to the fore. It is brutal, and seems to take forever.

“Murder is damnation … but murder is also work … Hard work makes people hungry. Everyone knows that.”

It seems for a while as if things will be alright. Nobody notices anything different. Nobody is surprised that Arlette has run off to the the city. It is no secret that she had anticipated a better life, and that Wilfred was resistant. Henry goes to school as usual. But Wilfred is worried. There is unfinished business.

Surely now the nightmare must be over? As he expected, the local sheriff searches the farmhouse to look for Arlette, but Wilfred had planned for this. He finds nothing. A representative of the livestock company visits too, but Wilfred is sarcastic, and gives him short shrift. Wilfred’s only problem is

“Here is something I learned in 1922: there are always worse things waiting. You think you have seen the most terrible thing, the one that coalesces all your nightmares into a freakish horror that actually exists, and the only consolation is that there can be nothing worse.”

Sure enough, there is much more to come. The novella changes tone. Money is still at its core, but the focus is different. From being a gruesome tale, showing human nature at its basest, we see hold-ups at gunpoint, desperate flights in stolen cars, and more murder, before the tale descends into insanity.

Wilfred begins to wonder why he had embarked on his plan to murder his wife. He is not even going to manage to keep his own money, and his farm is not doing well.

Wilfred is desperate. He no longer has the friendship and support of his neighbours,

“In the end we are all caught in devices of our own making. I believe that. In the end we are all caught.”

As with many of Stephen King’s stories, this begins as an explicit account of an horrific situation. The surroundings are stark, and time and location key. American readers will know the history of that area, the Midwestern United States, and know of the depression to hit agriculture, and poor farmers in Nebraska, just a year later, in 1923. There is an overwhelming feeling of isolation, of scraping a living from the land, and a feeling that even the neighbouring places have small town concerns. For an English reader, it feels alien, except for other fiction and films we might know.

1922 also feels very American in style. It is very matter of fact and literal until the second half. There is a great deal of effort put into grossing out the reader, rather than using the reader’s own imagination to frighten them. Stephen King is perhaps a modern incarnation of Edgar Allan Poe: his natural successor, in that he does not hint, threaten or suggest, but reveals every gory detail for our delectation, with a smorgasbord stench of depravity and rotting corpses.

We all know that Stephen King does not write stories about fluffy pink bunny rabbits. So when he says:

“The stories in this book are harsh. You may have found them hard to read in places. If so, be assured that I found them equally hard to write in places.”

we may perhaps wonder why he wrote them. To shock? To disturb? To revolt? Perhaps all these. It is in keeping with the style he has built his reputation on.

I may not represent the target audience. I remember watching Steven Spielberg’s “Poltergeist”, but instead of being either scared or horrified by the ending I could not contain my laughter (to the consternation of the other person watching). Laughter of course can be a nervous tic, a type of defence, but in my case this was not so. It just seemed so ludicrous.

1922, for me, suffers from the same problem. It is very well written and well structured, as would would expect from a seasoned writer such as Stephen King. We also get a strong sense of the narrator, who is fleshed out nicely (unlike his poor corpse of a wife … ) We begin to understand how Wilfred thinks, and how he agonises. But I began to find it difficult to suspend my disbelief when I was no longer engaged in the story. It no longer felt “real”. It was almost laughable.

And, unforgivably, it did not make sense. I can believe almost any scenario, as long as it is internally consistent. But this is not. The insanity is tugged out of the story’s frame, making the whole thing impossible. That’s not a neat twist, or ambiguity, nor even meta-fiction. It’s not logical, and doesn’t work as a story. It’s an annoying cheat, and a characteristic I’ve noticed with Stephen King’s supernatural fiction before.

But the account is interesting as a study of guilt.

For that, of course, is what 1922 is really about. It’s not about the greed and depravity a small time farmer might sink to. It’s not just a cheesy horror story. It is about the guilt such a man suffers after his crime, and what delusions might ensue as a result.

It just needed a coda.

“And is there Hell, or do we make our own on earth?”
Profile Image for Darren.
120 reviews45 followers
March 9, 2024
I really enjoyed this. It wasn't at all what I was expecting as it's more character driven rather than a ghost story. Similar to Dolores Claiborne as it's basically a long monologue by the central character.
Profile Image for Brittany McCann.
2,339 reviews541 followers
May 27, 2023
This book was seriously messed up, very paranormally messed up.

A conniving entitled father sways his son to his side and pushes him to see that assisting in the murder of his mom is the only choice in his life. And then the fun begins.

I added this to my Netflix and was surprised I had never heard of it before, and then I didn't even realize it was a King Novel, so that was a fun time, and now I want to watch it :)

4 Stars
Profile Image for Amir.
111 reviews53 followers
July 17, 2021
ذهن چیز عجیبی است، نه؟

چیز خیلی خاصی ندارم که بگم. کلیت کتاب روی تاثیرات فیزیکی و روانی یک واقعه است. این که بعد از انجام یه کاری یا یه حادثه چقدر راجع بهش گمانه زنی می کنیم یا سناریو های مختلف می سازیم. اگر اینطور می شد چی اگر اونجوری می شد. یا حتی کابوس ها و توهم هایی که میان. حالا اگر اون کاری که کردی، قتل باشه چقدر میزان تفکرات و توهمات بالا می ره یا بعضا نوعشون چیه؟
اعمال هم که مشخصه. جامعه شبکه ای از موجودات منفرده که مدادم تاثیر میذارن و تاثیر می گیرن. اگر تو قتلی مرتکب بشی چه بلایی سر پسرت میاد و پسرت چه سرنوشتی ممکنه داشته باشه؟ حالا باز پسرت روی معشوقه‌اش چه تاثیری می ذاره؟ اون روی خانواده خودش و..... بعد همین رو میشه با اون گمانه زنی های ذهنی تطبیق داد.

همیشه چیزهای بدتری انتظار آدم را می‌کشد. تصور می‌کنی وحشتناک ترین جنبه ماجرا را دیده‌ای ، همانی که تمام کابوس‌هایت را در هم می‌ریزد و به حقیقتی هولناک بدل می‌کند، و تنها دلخوشی‌ات این است که از آن بدتر نخواهد شد اما چیزی که بدتر باشد وجود دارد.

جزو آثار متوسط کینگ بود از نظرم. پر شده از مونولوگ و یکم به اصطلاح روده‌درازی داره. می شد تو سه چهارم (یا حتی کمتر) این حجم، داستان رو نوشت. جالبه که با 200 صفحه جزو داستان کوتاه های کینگه. خوندنش خالی از لطف نیست مخصوصا اگر مونولوگ دوست دارید و راحت با شخصیت اصلی همراه می شید.

اقباسی که نتفلیکس از این داستان ساخته انگار نظر منتقدها رو به دست اورده ولی بیننده ها خیلی راضی نبودن. فن های کینگ هم طبق ردیت خیلی حس پنجاه پنجاهی بهش دارن.

آثار کینگ کلی ترجمه بد فارسی دارن و ترجمه های خوبش انگشت شمارن. زن کش جزو اون ترجمه های خوبه. مشخصا آقای مهمان نوازان تحقیق کافی در باره کینگ داشته و خیلی خوب و تمیز تونسته حتی اصطلاح های مخصوص کینگ رو بیاره. کتاب پاورقی های خوبی داره و ایرادی به چشم من نیوم��. صد البته بگم تخصصی در شناخت ترجمه ندارم و صرفا بررسی کردم.

ممنون که خوندی
Profile Image for Montzalee Wittmann.
4,863 reviews2,300 followers
September 28, 2021
By Stephen King

This is a King book I missed when it was new. I am just now getting to it. Although it is short, especially for King, it has everything! The creep factor, the human greed, and lots of suspense.
It's about a family on a farm and the woman wants to move to the city. The son is only 14 and would go with the mom. But dad it greedy. He wants it all to himself. He gets the son to help murder the mom and hide the body. They lie and say she ran away. Well, you know in King's books, all literal hell now breaks loose! Lol!
I good short read with ghosts and rats! I was cheering on both!
Profile Image for Shannara.
548 reviews97 followers
July 1, 2020
When I first started this story, I thought I was in for a ghost story and while it is that, it definitely isn’t the main focus. This is the story of a man unraveling over the course of a year and the fallout that is the rest of his terrible life. The things Wilfred, Wilf, was thinking and also saying were so outrageous, in the beginning, that I couldn’t help but laugh. It didn’t take long for things to become seriously creepy and I quickly started getting chills and gasping aloud. Parts are gruesome, so if you don’t like gore, you may want to steer clear.

So basically, I laughed, shivered in fear, cringed at the horror, and very nearly shed some tears by the end. Classic, eerie and intriguing King, which means I really enjoyed it!!!

Update: Finished watching the movie... I usually love movies based on King’s books, but I wasn’t impressed. I should have just stuck with the book this time.

Also, why does my phone keep trying to “correct” King’s name to Kong?!?! Wtf 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Karla.
1,226 reviews333 followers
March 12, 2023
Story 4 stars**
Audio 4.5 stars**
Narrator Graig Wasson
Profile Image for Reza Abedini.
142 reviews35 followers
November 19, 2022
"وقتي آخرين صفحات اين اعترافنامه را بنويسم ، از تپانچه استفاده خواهم كرد، ميگويند خودكشي كننده ها قاتل ها به جهنم ميروند ، برايم جاي آشنايي است ، چون هشت سال گذشته
را در آن بودم"

از استيفن كينگ تا به حال چيزي نخوانده بودم ، بيشتر استيفن كينگ رو روي پرده سينما و با فيلمهاش ميشناختم.

داستان به شكل عجيبي بي نقص و عالي پيش رفت و پايان عجيبي داشت.
غیر ممکنه با تصویرسازیهای هنرمندانه و رعب آور نویسنده همراه نشد �� تمام صحنه ها رو جلوی چشم تصور نکرد.
اگر قدرت تخیل قوی ای داشته باشید و غرق داستان بشید حتی رنگ و بو هم حس میکنید بوی اتاق نم گرفته بوی مواد ضد عفونی برای شستن خون بوی جنازه گندیده و ....

روايت تاوان قتلي بود كه به سالها پيش برميگشت ، و درگيري فكري شديد ، مجازات پيش از مرگ ، حس عذاب وجدان و بر پا شدن جهنمي به مراتب عذاب آورتر از روز جزايي كه شخصيت اصلي فكرش رو ميكرد.

هيچ دليلي نميبينم كه بخوام كمتر از ٥ ستاره به اين داستان بدم.
تجربه اي بشدت عجيب و دردآور و سخت بود.
نويسنده به هيچ وجه زياده گويي نميكرد ، داستان فقط اكت داشت و فارغ از هرگونه توصيفات اضافي دنبال ميشد.

در کل بی نظیر بود
Profile Image for Cínthia.
64 reviews
March 20, 2023
One of my favorite SK stories... I felt so tense the entire way and the ending is phenomenal (unlike some of his other endings lol)
Profile Image for Mostafa.
417 reviews43 followers
March 29, 2021
4 stars
این کتاب، بهترین کتاب جنایی هست که تا الان خوندم
کتابی با شروع کوبنده و پایان بندی کوبنده تر
کتابی که صفحه به صفحه، آثار و رد پای استیون کینگ، رو میشه لمس کرد , و واقعا ژانر وحشت بعد از ادگار آلن پو ، یک جانشین شایسته پیدا کرده
اگرچه داستانی که روایت میکنه، طرح معما نداره اما اتفاقات پی در پی و غیر قابل پیش بینی رو هر لحظه می خونید
وحشت ( اگر از اونهایی هستید که موقع خوندن کتاب ، تصویر سازی خوبی هم میکنید) به حد فوق العاده ای در این کتاب می رسه طوری که خواننده لحظه ای نمیتونه کتاب رو زمین بزاره
نمود های اثر پروانه ای رو میشه در کتاب به روشتی دید....
جنایتی که یک نفر انجام میده و زندگی و جان چند نفر که......ر
Profile Image for Jimena.
347 reviews131 followers
October 28, 2023
Con poco más de 100 páginas, 1922 es una certera pero corrosiva historia que se irgue sobre pilares de misoginia, violencia, culpa y locura. Stephen King desnuda, mediante una confesión narrada en primera persona, el crimen cometido por un granjero y las fatídicas consecuencias que éste tuvo.

Wilfred es un hombre machista, de apariencia ordinaria pero mente perversa, que confabula con su hijo adolescente para asesinar a su esposa y así evitar que ésta venda unas tierras recientemente heredadas. Años de impaciencia, amargura y resentimiento estallan una noche acabando con la vida de la mujer pero alterando para siempre la de el perpetrador y su cómplice.

Stephen King explora la culpa que siente el hijo por matar a la madre, su carácter en inicio manipulable que conforme avanza la trama empieza a desnudar una tendencia o voluntad criminal propia cuando las circunstancias “se lo exigen” mientras el padre comienza a verse acosado por las ratas que corroyeron el cadaver de su esposa y que son ahora aliadas de la muerta.

Espectros, tortura psicológica, crimen, embarazo adolescente, desesperación y tragedia son los ingredientes finales de un relato oscuro pero interesante.
Profile Image for Krysta ꕤ.
575 reviews276 followers
May 15, 2024
”In the end we are all caught in devices of our own making. I believe that. In the end we are all caught.”

Wilf and Arlette are a married couple who pretty much hate eachother. Wilf and his family live on a farm and the conflict between him and his wife snowballs into insanity when Arlette tells him she wants to sell their land— something Wilf will do anything to stop from happening. Wilf involves his son Hank into his schemes and everything goes downhill fast from there. this book takes a sort of “ghost story” approach to the topic of karma and decisions coming back to haunt those who deserve it in the end.. this was a wild ride for sure!
Profile Image for ESRAA MOHAMED.
787 reviews332 followers
June 27, 2019
تبدأ النوفيلا باعتراف ويلفريد ليلاند جيمس بقتل زوجته آرليت كريستينا وينترز جايمس بمساعدة ابنه هنري فريمان جايمس ..
ولكن لم تكن مجرد جريمة قتل وانتهت لا .. فقد أصبح الانتقام الغاضب عضوا فعالا في حياة ويلفريد بعد قيامه بحماقته هذه ..
الحكاية باختصار شدي�� هي أن أرليت ورثت مائة فدان لعينة عن أبوها ولأنها عنيدة فقد أرادت بيعهم لمسلخ فارينغتون والانتقال إلي المدينة والعيش برغد ولكن الأرض هي شرف الرجل في العام 1922 لن يسمح لها ويلفريد بهذا حتي لو وصل الأمر إلي قتلها بالطبع لو كان هذا قبل العام 1922 بعشرين عاما لما اعتبر أمر مهم فما يحدث بين الرجل وزوجته وفي مزرعته هو أمر يخصه فقط أما في هذا العام البغيض كان عليه أن ينقذ نفسه وابنه المراهق من الكرسي الكهربائي ..
ولكن آرليت لم تكن مستسلمة في لحظات موتها ولا حتي بعد موتها ودفنها فقد عادت وأرسلت مساعديها للانتقام وبقوة من ويلفريد وبابنها وتلذذت بكل لحظة ألم يمر بها زوجها حتي تلك اللحظات التي كان من الصعب عليه معرفتها لأنها تحدث في مكان وزمن آخر لم تدعه يهنيء بجهله فقد أخبرته وأخبرته وأخبرته ولم تصمت أبدا وهو الذي كان يظن أن الموتي يصمتون للأبد ..
ستيفن كينج يعلم جيدا ما قد يثير رعبك واشمئزازك معا ويقدمه لك علي الورق مع خاصية التجسيد لتقرأ وأنت في خضم الأحداث وترجوه أن يدعك وشأنك ولكن هيهات بمجرد أن تبدأ القصة فالتعويذة فُعلت ولن تنتهي إلا بانتهاء آخر كلمة في القصة ..
القصة صادمة عن قوة الطمع السوداء القادرة علي التحكم بالإنسان وبمن حوله لإرضاء رغباته ومن بعد الطمع يأتي الندم ومقاتلته بأسباب واهية هذا بالتزامن مع انتقام الطرف الآخر وفي النهاية الكل خاسر ..

استمتعواا ...
دمتم قراء ❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Rahma.Mrk.
732 reviews1,451 followers
June 26, 2020
الزوج السند الذي تعتمد عليه الزوجة
الابن فلذة الكبد و حب الام الصافي
البيت الدفء الاسري و دفء المشاعر
طيلة سنين هذه هي الصورة التي تربينا عليها.لكن هل هذه هي الصورة الكاملة بكل الوانها ؟
الا توجد الوان قاتمة ،سوداء تمَّ اسقاطها عمدًا او سهوًا.؟

توجد فالمجتمع ليس مثاليا،كل منا التقى او استمع لشكوى
زوجة من زوجها ،و أم ��ن ابنها أو العكس
زوج من نكد زوجته و إبن من عدم تفهم أمه
و الجواب السحري لكل هذه الشكوى ⬅️ الصبر.

لكن هل هذا الحل يُرضي الجميع ؟يبدو أنه لم يرضى
هانك و أبوه :

في رواية تُعتبر أقسى ما قرأت يصف ستفين الصورة القاتمة للزواج و النزعة المادية بصفة عامة

حين تطغى المادية و الأنانية ..حين تصبح قيمة الارض
اهم من قيمة الانسان .
حين تُعمي الرغبة و هوس الامتلاك الفطرة السليمة
فيُقدم الزوج بكل هدوء و برود على قتل من نام معها
على سرير واحد 14سنة .
حين يتلبس الشر بالافكار و قلب الانسان
فيجعله يستغل عاطفة طفل.أسوء استغلال ويزرع في قلبه الشك في أهم و اقدس حب "حب الام"
هذا التصرف الشيطاني الذي قام به أب مع إبنه

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يجعلك تقف مليًا و تتسأل حول مدى قوة و تأثير الكلمات و ما يُقال لنا وما نقول لابناءنا ؟
هل رسائلنا تصل اليهم مفهومة وواضحة ام تم تشوبه قناة ؟
طيلة قراءة القصة القصيرة التي حوت أعنف مشهد قتل في كل قرائتي.
لم أستطع الا التعاطف مع الطفل، التعاطف مع ما
يُمثله من رمزية الخوف من الرفض ،الخوف من عدم الاندماج .

في كتاب قلق السعي الى مكانة جعل من الاسباب القلق.
الخوف من الفشل .
هاري كان ذلك الإنسان الذي دفعه خوف من الفشل في أن لا يتقبله "
المجتمع (المدبنة ) مع تحريض خبيث و اغواء
من داهية الى إرتكاب أبشع الجرائم و تحمل ثقل ذلك الجرم كصخرة على صدره

عاش جحيمه الذي صنعه لنفسه لكن ما ذنب
من أفسد له حياته و جعلها جحيما ؟

ايها الأباء و الأمهات و المرابين لا تلقي بكلمات
كحمم البركانية على أبنائكم .
لا تجعلوا ابناء لعبة لتعذيب الزوج
لان جحيم إفساد حياة شخص عذابه أشد
و لاول مرة تمنيت نهاية اعنف

🖍ان كان رجل يخمن في قتل زوجته فليفكر الف مرة قبل ذلك .

Profile Image for Gabrielle.
1,095 reviews1,570 followers
May 26, 2019
You’d think watching TV (which I confess I do a bit more than I’d like) would distract me from reading, but when I enjoy a show or movie adapted from a book, it usually just motivates me to read the original material even more. Case in point: “1922”. The Netflix algorithm is starting to understand how my twisted brain works and recommended the movie, so naturally, I got the novella despite not being the biggest King fan out there. I do love a good haunting story, especially when it’s narrated by someone who is clearly going insane.

"1922" is Wilfred James' confession, written in the hopes that unburdening his soul might redeem him. In the titular year of 1922, Wilf lived on a farm in Nebraska with his wife Arlette and their son Henry, and he was a content man, taking care of his land, not owning anyone anything. But Arlette gets sick of the farm life, and starts pushing her husband to sell so the family can relocate to Omaha, where she plans on opening a dress shop. When Wilf refuses to sell, Arlette tells him she'll divorce him and take Henry to the city with her. Under that kind of pressure, Wilf's darker side takes over and he begins to hatch a plot to get rid of Arlette, keep his son with him and keep living on his beloved farm. Of course, crime begets crime, and covering up a bad deed just means committing more and more bad deeds until it's all out of control. King mixes the worse of human nature with just enough supernatural spookiness to keep it balanced.

As horrible a man as Wilfred is, I kind of enjoyed being in his sick and twisted head: he's a red neck with a drawl, but he's very smart, manipulative and selfish. His descent into guilt-induced madness, and the way circumstances exact their punishment better than the law could was tragic and chilling.

King drew a lot of inspiration from Lovecraft’s “The Rats in the Walls” here, obviously, but that’s OK: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Better than the movie? Sure. Though I think everything is better with a bit of Thomas Jane, who did an amazing job with this truly repugnant role, the novella gets into James' head and his descent into madness the way a movie simply can't. 3 and a half stars, rounded up.
Profile Image for Sacha.
280 reviews94 followers
February 18, 2023
1922 by Stephen King

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4*)

It is quite a short novel but really gets the blood flowing, inside the book and outside. 💀🐀💀

Wilf James is a farmer and gets into a long fight with his wife, because she would like to sell the part of the farm that is owned by her. 🐀 Of course things escalate to a point where… but rather read for yourself. 🐀 It is too short for too many information. 🐀

🐀 At first I thought it would be a little slow and boring but after the first 25% it picked up and especially the second half was amazing. 🐀 The whole atmosphere was creepy and I could nearly smell the place and hear the rats around me. 🐀 And for me the ending was kind of a cool twist. Not completely unexpected but still great.

🐀 I also listend to the Audible Audiobook 🐀 and I think the voice of Craig Wasson made the story even more creepy. 🐀 He really gets into it and changes his voice for the different characters and screams, 🐀 which also adds up to a super creepy atmosphere. 🐀🐀

🐀 A recommendation for all fans of horror and especially for fans of Mr. King! 😁👍🏻🐀🐀

PS: Be aware of the rats… 🐀🫣🐀
Profile Image for Beth Morvant.
380 reviews1,229 followers
September 18, 2022
This is the second time I’ve read this story, and I must say the second time was even more enjoyable than the first.

If macabre isn’t your thing, you won’t enjoy this. This story (like most of King’s work) is very character driven. The descriptions are amazing. Really makes you feel dreadful. With the main theme being how one particularly bad decision impacts the lives of so many others. And the guilt. The symbolism with the rats… spot on.
Profile Image for She-who-must-not-be-named .
180 reviews1,497 followers
March 8, 2020
The story begins with a mid-western farmer, Wilfred James confessing to the murder of his wife, Arlette with the aid of his son, Henry. There are lots of rats reminding him of his wife's death.
Narrative style? Compelling. Story? Bleh.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,803 reviews

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