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Natural Selection

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When her boyfriend bails at the last minute, a New York woman embarks on their couples’ cruise alone to find that maybe the person she was supposed to fall in love with was herself.

After a string of bad dates and no prospects, Sophia Othonos has finally hit the jackpot: an actual nice guy. When he suggests a romantic getaway, she’s sure they’re about to take the next step toward their future. A rustic cruise to the Galápagos Islands isn’t exactly her idea of a vacation, but Sophia is ready for anything…until her boyfriend has to cancel.

Now she’s all alone on a trip that was meant for two. Sophia finds herself at a crossroads about who she is, what she wants, and whether her relationship is really everything she thought. But if she’s going to suffer an identity crisis, at least she gets to do it amid the unexpected majesty of nature.

Eight days of wild, unobstructed beauty are enough to make anyone reevaluate their life. These islands are all about adapting to your surroundings—and change just might be what Sophia needs most of all.

54 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 1, 2024

About the author

Elin Hilderbrand

83 books50.2k followers
Elin Hilderbrand lives on Nantucket with her husband and their three young children. She grew up in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, and traveled extensively before settling on Nantucket, which has been the setting for her five previous novels. Hilderbrand is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the graduate fiction workshop at the University of Iowa.



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,755 reviews
Profile Image for Casey Reads ✨.
293 reviews161 followers
August 1, 2024
This book started off and it almost sounded like it would have been a good set up for a thriller. He disappeared at the airport and sent her on a trip where someone is supposed to kill her- that would have been good. But sadly it was just a predictable story that was exactly what you thought it would be from the first few pages- infidelity. I knew it wasn’t going to be a thriller, but I just thought it could have been a good set up for one. Now that would have been a book I wanted to read!

This book wasn’t bad, it just was too predictable. There was good imagery of the trip and I liked that, but overall it was just okay.

Thank you to Amazon first reads for this free copy.
Profile Image for Rachel Hanes.
600 reviews599 followers
August 20, 2024
This was a short story by Elin Hilderbrand, that in my opinion should have been a full length novel. I loved everything about this story! I resonated deeply with that of our main character Sophia, and I would have liked to have known more about how her life progressed (even though we did get a brief follow up).

In this short story, Sophia is left to take a trip to the Galapagos alone after her boyfriend of six months gets a personal phone call at the airport and says he must go home immediately to tend to one of his adult children. While Sophia does not want to take this trip alone and feels unsure of herself, she gets on the plane anyways.

While on the boat in Galapagos, Sophia makes some new friends and learns some things about her relationship that she didn’t know were true. Will things work out for Sophia when she gets home from her trip? Has Sophia grown as a woman and adapted to change while on this trip?

This was a wonderful fast read, and it was Amazon Prime’s First Reads pick for this month of August, 2024. If you haven’t made your pick yet, I’d say this is the one!
Profile Image for Greta Samuelson.
476 reviews112 followers
August 25, 2024
A super quick short story freebie on Kindle.
Sophia is going to the Galapagos on a small boat with her boyfriend JP.
She’s a bit bougie, and it’s not the trip of her dreams but her boyfriend is super excited and has a list of all the wildlife he wants to catch photos of.
He gets an emergency phone call from his ex wife as they are about to get on the boat - something is wrong with one of their kids. He leaves in a hurry, gives her the camera and asks her to take lots of pictures for him.
Sophia is a little shallow to me but Elin Hilderbrand is able to give her character growth in less than 75 pages- kudos to Hilderbrand for that.

Short stories aren’t always my favorite, give me an epic saga and I’ll eat it up. This one was okay for me but a bit predictable. The side characters were colorful and fun- they made me smile.
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,362 reviews1,190 followers
September 9, 2024
the setup…
Sophia Othonos finally has a man in her life that loves her and is someone she respects and admires. When J.P. Satterwhite proposes that they go on a romantic getaway and then chooses a cruise to the Galápagos Islands, Sophia finds the location underwhelming but is just happy they’re going on an eight-day trip together. But minutes before they’re ready to board their flight, he gets an emergency call at the gate and has to rush home to his son in Oklahoma. She has no choice but to continue the trip alone.

the heart of the story…
I was a bit skeptical of JP from the onset. He’s older, divorced with two children and works in New York during the week and returns home to Oklahoma on the weekend. Maybe I’m just cynical but an emergency call at the gate? My expectations were low but Sophia having eight days to reflect not only about the relationship but herself was worth the alone time. Being able to step back and look at the lives of those around you, including not only family and friends but the other passengers on that cruise, and then take measure of your own was worth the abandonment.

the narration…
The author narrates her own story and here it made such a difference as this is a nuanced one that required care and delicacy. She led me where I needed to go.

the bottom line…
For a short story, it delivered an important and powerful message. While the cruise ship was “rustic” and the amenities on par with a budget motel, there were aspects of the setting and island nature that connected Sophie with its simplicity and beauty. There was a pivotal moment that reset her path and just felt right and serendipitous. Loved the insights and the ending. 3.5 stars

Posted on Blue Mood Café

(Thanks to Brilliance Publishing and NetGalley for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.)
Profile Image for Debbie.
389 reviews87 followers
August 25, 2024
3.5 stars.

I was just getting really interested in this story and then it ended. The finale was so abrupt! This definitely could have been a full novel.

I did enjoy the story. What there was of it. The characters were ones that I wanted to know more about though and I wanted to know what happened to all of them.

I’ve come to believe that I am just not a short story kind of girl. This will probably be enjoyed much more by readers who like short stories and who are fans of the author.

This was my August selection from Amazon Prime First Reads.
Profile Image for rodina ㅤᵕ̈.
140 reviews291 followers
September 17, 2024
⭐️ 3 stars —
⤿ fourth arc review.

thank you to netgalley and amazon short stories for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

reviewer’s note.
if you’re interested in reading ebooks and giving back your opinion afterwards, consider creating a netgalley account and browsing your read now section!! with that being said, this rating is very much unbiased; i will describe the experience for exactly what it was without sugarcoating.

natural selection will be released SEPTEMBER 1ST, 2024.

when sophia’s boyfriend of six months bails at the last minute, leaving her stranded at the airport, she’s forced to endure the rustic couples’ cruise he booked for the two of them, alone. however, what was initially an inconvenient turn of events for the new york woman turns out to be exactly what she needed to fall back in love with herself.

this was surprisingly fun. i intentionally requested this short story from netgalley because i’ve been interested in reading some of elin hilderbrand’s works for the longest time and i thought something easy to digest like this would be a great start. safe to say, it didn’t disappoint. now i want to go on a cruise i most probably can’t afford. and the final turn of events had my jaw on the floor!! may a love like sophia and jp’s never find me. some men deserve nothing!!

however, this didn’t get a higher rating from me because some of the used vocabulary was just downright questionable. word choices such as gen x, sus, and nice guy rizz caught me off guard, and gave me a horrible ick.
Profile Image for Vivian Diaz (semi hiatus).
622 reviews113 followers
August 14, 2024
1/5 ⭐️ I wanted to read this short story to see if I would enjoy this author’s writing enough to read one of her full length novels, but this was just so meh. And the characters were also meh. It was freaking boring. Also, the Spanish in this story was atrocious 😬. This just felt so pointless! And the Iron Flame reference… yikes. It honestly made me cringe.

I know short stories are more difficult to develop, plot-wise, but there have been a few short stories that I’ve really loved, and this one was just not one of them.
Profile Image for Alan (Notifications have stopped) Teder.
2,375 reviews171 followers
August 2, 2024
Finding Yourself in the Galapagos
Review of the Amazon First Reads Kindle eBook edition (August 1, 2024), released in advance of the official publication by Amazon Original Stories in eBook format & by Audible Originals in audio format (September 1, 2024)

Note For GR page counters, this story has not been assigned a page count by Amazon or Goodreads, so you will not gain any pages for your running total if you finish it. It is probably about 50 to 60 pages based on the audiobook timing of 1 hour and 54 minutes of narration time. But even The Lone Librarian is hesitant to make edits without authoritative sources 😅.

Darwin’s most famous quote. It is not the strongest of the species that survive, and it is not the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change.
I've never read Elin Hilderbrand before but based on the cover image and looking at the very similar cover designs on all of her novels, I thought this would be very basic chick-lit, but I actually quite enjoyed it.

The setting of the Galapagos Islands of course makes it quite exotic and interesting. I have never been and am unlikely to go as I detest hot climates. Sophia is ditched by her boyfriend at the airport just as they are about to board a plane for their week long getaway trip. He is called away due to a family emergency (he apparently has an ex-wife and 3 kids). He insists that she carry on alone and take lots of photos of the various unique wildlife species on the islands and even gives her his fancy camera gear.

A photograph of the blue-footed booby. The name of the bird is a running joke in the "Natural Selection" story. Image sourced from Wikipedia.

But then he ghosts her for the rest of the week! Sophia makes the best of the situation and manages to bond with the various singles and couples on board a rather dilapidated tourist ship. And she discovers her aptitude for photography and the joy of capturing that perfect image. Regardless of the ghosting (which is finally explained) and her initial downhearted feelings, Sophia turns out to be "the one most adaptable to change."

Map of the Galapagos Islands which are west of Ecuador in South America (see the tiny inset map). Image sourced from Wikipedia.

Trivia and Links
Amazon Prime First Reads advance reading copies (ARCs) are available to Amazon Prime subscribers. They offer advance reads of books in Kindle eBook format one month before the date of official release. The current month's selection is available here (Link goes to Amazon US, adjust for your own country or region).

You can watch for current and past Amazon Original Stories which are usually paired with their Audible Original narrations at an Amazon page here (link goes to Amazon US, adjust for your own country or region).
Profile Image for Kira FlowerChild.
700 reviews8 followers
August 4, 2024
First, I have to get this off my chest, because it appears half a dozen times in the story: It's EdmOnd, Oklahoma, not EdmUnd!! It ticks me off when an author doesn't fact check. I suppose there could have been some kind of autocorrect but in that case, proofread!

Whew! Okay, better now. This is the second short story I've read where a dating couple has planned a trip, the man cancels at the last minute and the woman goes on the trip alone. Is this some kind of trend? In this case, it was a trip to the Galapagos Islands. It was interesting reading about all the exotic wildlife while the details of the romantic entanglement spun out in the background. If the author hadn't screwed up the city name (I live 40 miles away from Edmond, what can I say, it irritated me), I probably would have given the story four stars. It's not Hilderbrand's best but it is enjoyable.
Profile Image for Brandice.
1,070 reviews
August 11, 2024
Natural Selection is a short story by Elin Hilderbrand, and while it doesn’t take place in Nantucket, her easy writing style is still evident.

Sophia has finally found the man of her dreams, and just as they’re about to depart for a cruise together, he takes off, citing a family emergency. He encourages Sophia to continue on with the trip, and she does, but she can’t help wondering what’s really happened when she doesn’t hear from him.

Given its short length, Natural Selection doesn’t provide a lot of character depth, but I still found it entertaining and worth reading as a quick escape for an hour.
Profile Image for SusanTalksBooks.
585 reviews59 followers
September 28, 2024
I'm going to go against the tide on most reviews here and say I really loved Elin Hilderbrand's short story! I've read quite a few of her books and love her style! I was actually surprised to read she was publishing anything because I thought she was ending her writing career, but maybe she was just done with books about Nantucket.

Sophia is boarding a fairly 'rustic' cruise to the Galapagos, talked into it by her boyfriend, when he gets an alarming phone call and bails at the last possible second, giving her his expensive new camera. She later finds a list of animals he hoped to photograph stuck in the camera case and decides she will try her hand at taking the pictures herself.

She trades cabins with a young couple, taking their bunk bed room, and begins to meet the other cruisers at meal times.

Sophia discovers she has an eye for not only spotting relationship nuances (too bad it didn't work for her current boyfriend), but also for photography! She explores seeing things through the camera lens (hello metaphor!) , puzzles over her own life, and connects with others onboard.

I'm a sucker for any form of positive personal evolution (vs pity party) and strong female characters, and this story delivered.

Of course, the guy is a doofus because who would abandon his girlfriend like that?! But that's the point of it. 5-stars.
August 14, 2024
Quick and easy short story by one of my favorite authors. This story was pretty predictable but had some valuable lessons in it. If you’re looking for a fast palette cleanser I recommend this one. The detail in the setting is always 10/10 with EH books it makes you feel like you are really right there with the characters.
Profile Image for Megan Uhrynowski.
155 reviews
August 1, 2024
New short story by Elin! It was on Amazon First Reads this month so obviously had to pick it! It was cute, no crazy plot or anything but a super fast one to read.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
495 reviews20 followers
August 7, 2024
I’ve always been a sucker for Elin Hilderbrand. I do wish this story had more to it. I craved for the plot to be expanded on but for what it is, it’s an enjoyable story with quite the little twist. 3.5 stars, rounding up. Publication date is set for September 01, 2024!
Profile Image for Violet.
374 reviews107 followers
August 9, 2024
I just love Elin's writing style. This one felt like a mix of multiple genres and a lot like a mystery, which was unexpected but a welcome surprise. Although the red flags were waving like crazy and I felt like I knew how it was going to turn out, it still kept my attention. Perfect fast paced beachy read.

4 stars
Profile Image for Shari.
112 reviews27 followers
September 7, 2024
⭐️: 4

🐬 novella
🐬 fun setting
🐬 coming of age

I will forever be a fan of Elin’s writing. She has a way of transporting the reader directly into her story and I felt like I could see, hear and smell the Galápagos Islands. Overall, a quick palette cleaner that had me wanting more.

♥︎ Thank you NetGalley, Amazon Publishing and Elin Hilderbrand for the ARC of Natural Selection.
Profile Image for Sherri Thacker.
1,481 reviews324 followers
September 4, 2024
I have read most of Elin Hilderbrand’s books and have enjoyed most of them but this latest short story (only 54 pages) was a huge disappointment! I really didn’t like any of the characters and didn’t care for the story even though it took place in the Galapagos Islands which I’ve never been to. Not my cup of tea.
Profile Image for DarkTwistedReads.
206 reviews36 followers
August 7, 2024
Probably one of the most boring stories I've ever read. The "surprise" was rather anticlimactic and just uninteresting.
The whole thing gave off a thriller vibe and it wasn't.
There was just alot of moping and just straight up boring.
It could have been more exciting and better than it was imo.
73 reviews
August 7, 2024
I get the message about how natural selection weeds out those who don't belong, but maybe it should have weeded out this book too? At least it was short.
Profile Image for Liv Kaelin.
134 reviews5 followers
September 2, 2024
This was a decent palette cleanser if you need something really quick to read from a highly beloved author, but nothing that is going to stick out in my head by any means.

The story was very predictable, and I didn't really have time to get to know the characters I don't feel. It was only 50 pages so that is to be expected really.

The writing felt pretty redundant at points and overly simplistic, which isn't something I generally notice in books but did notice here. It was a lot of "Sophia laid down." "Sophia drank water." "Sophia looked at her phone." (I completely made these sentences up mind you, but you get the idea--It repeatedly stated x person did x thing, but there was 0 elaboration, and that writing pattern got tiresome to me.

Overall, quick and easy but I wouldn't rush to pick it up. Worth a read if you love Elin Hilderbrand or need something quick to maybe push you out of a reading slump. For me, 2.75 stars rounded up.

Thank you to Amazon Original Stories and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Melany.
895 reviews121 followers
September 3, 2024
Men suck. But also, I kind of expected the twist. I did enjoy that she still had a great time and possibly found her new hobby. It was a good storyline and interesting way to go about how it played out. It was a quick and easy read. I got this short story from Amazon First Reads. I give it 3.5 to 4 stars.
Profile Image for Tess.
955 reviews5 followers
August 23, 2024
A good story.

I picked this as my August Prime reads because I thought that the cover looked idyllic. It didn't quite live up to my expectations, but it was still enjoyable. It would have been good to know more about the people in the group, a bit more but it is a short story.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
293 reviews7 followers
August 3, 2024
Elin never disappoints, even when it’s not about Nantucket! Short story filled with lots of good messages, a great story line and some drama. Per usual with these short stories, I couldn’t help but want more & see where this character (and fun additional characters) went but you get enough of character development and story to make your own assumptions!
Profile Image for Kristin.
127 reviews
August 1, 2024
This gave off Jodi Picoult, Wish You Were Here vibes. I didn’t love that book so it was hard to go into this without thinking about Wish You Were Here. It was a short story so the characters weren’t as developed as a typical Elin story. I will read anything Elin Hilderbrand but I already miss Nantucket!
Profile Image for Linda Galella.
749 reviews68 followers
August 29, 2024
Thank heavens this was a free bonus short read on this month’s Amazon First Reads program. It was underwhelming…

Unless author, Elin Hilderbrand, was trying to write the most predictable book of 2024, I cannot fathom what the purpose of this short story was. The characters are not likeable or interesting. The cliches are having cliches. Different color footed boobies in the Galápagos Islands could have been interesting but I honestly think Hildebrand liked writing the word boobies. It just got weird. Some of the other flora and fauna would have had potential but the story was too short, the research too little and the prose, unremarkable.

NATURAL SELECTION - in the running to be the worst selection of 2024📚
Profile Image for Mikayla.
177 reviews21 followers
September 19, 2024
For a short story it didn’t take me long to hate JP
This was just as capturing as her longer reads
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,755 reviews

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