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Franklin U 2 #3

Batting Style

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There are a few things I know for sure: I’m gay, I want to do costume design for film and television, and a supportive family is what other people have. Oh… and fate’s not my biggest fan. That’s fine, though—who needs fate? I’ve got friends I love, a welcoming community, and a plan. Graduate college? Check. Build up my portfolio? Whenever I can. Impress industry pros? Done. Save the money for my dream internship? Working on it. All I’ve gotta do is stick with the plan, and that internship is mine next year.
And then Jordan Marks walks into my life, and my plan turns into a loose guideline. Suddenly I’m learning about baseball and giving away shifts at work so I can watch him play. My goals are the same, but maybe there’s room in them for the world’s sweetest athlete.

I’m pretty sure the gods of baseball don’t care if I wear a suit on game day, but Franklin U and Coach do, so when mine rips, replacing it is an urgent mission. That’s how I meet Blaise Warner and my “I guess I could be bi” musings become full-blown “I wanna learn to handle a bat” demands. Blaise is smart, talented, and has goals… and he’s more than happy to teach me a new batting style.
But as we go from casual to more, the things I never mentioned—like my dads’ connections in the entertainment industry—become heavy secrets. Plus, while our friends know we’re dating, nobody else does. That’s not fair to Blaise, but do I really want to be the latest queer college ball player?
I don’t get a chance to figure it all out before things fall apart, and now we both have to decide what our real priorities are.

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 21, 2024

About the author

Louisa Masters

64 books1,315 followers
LOUISA MASTERS started reading romance much earlier than her mother thought she should. While other teenagers were sneaking out of the house, Louisa was sneaking romance novels in and working out how to read them without being discovered. She’s spent most of her life feeling sorry for people who don’t read, convinced that books are the solution to every problem. As an adult, she feeds her addiction in every spare second, only occasionally tearing herself away to do things like answer the phone and pay bills. She spent years trying to build a “sensible” career, working in bookstores, recruitment, resource management, administration, and as a travel agent, before finally conceding defeat and devoting herself to the world of romance novels. Louisa has a long list of places first discovered in books that she wants to visit, and every so often she overcomes her loathing of jet lag and takes a trip that charges her imagination. She lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she whines about the weather for most of the year while secretly admitting she’ll probably never move.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 353 reviews
Profile Image for Dani.
972 reviews115 followers
June 4, 2024
I was really looking forward to this book after I binge read the Joy Universe series recently, and it did not disappoint!

Loved how Jordan is totally cool with accepting his confirmed attraction to men, and the way Luke, Grant, Mila, Jamie and the uncles are all there as his support system. Blaise stole my heart though, he works so hard for everything and the struggle he has accepting help was so relatable. I really love the relationship between these two and how they are definitely idiots in love, and the way their friend groups just accept each other, no questions asked was so refreshing - no silly drama!

The turmoil near the end felt realistic and I could empathise with both sides, but I love how they work through everything. I'd actually love an update of what happens for Jordan and Blaise once Jordan is done with college!

I'm also really intrigued by the side characters and really hoping that Phil at least will have his own story.

I received an ARC of this book from Gay Romance Reviews, and this is my honest review
July 31, 2024
This one is… fine. No drama. No real spice. No homophobia in pro sports. The only thing it missed were sparkly unicorns 😅

It’s about Jordan, who’s playing baseball at Franklin U. He’s straight, or so he thinks before meeting Blaise, who works in a men’s clothing store and who ends up giving him a blowjob there.

But Jordan doesn’t freak out, like… at all, because he’s the adopted son of 2 dads and a pro when it comes to all things LGBTQ. And nobody in this book has a problem with it either - not his family, not his friends, not one of his teammates, not his coach or even the scout who seeks him out to talk about a pro career.

Honestly. No drama AT ALL in this book. The only tiny freakout happens towards the end, but even that is too lowkey to be considered a third act breakup/drama.

What made me think that this author wrote it like a bit of a “writer fanfic”: Blaise is a costume designer, and at one point he’s at a book convention meeting another author and they’re both fangirling. It feels like Blaise is meeting Sarah J Maas with how the costumes were described, and the amount of “power” that author had.

If you’re looking for a book where it’s all fun and unicorns, narrated by one of the best narrators out there (Greg B), that won’t make you go back to relisten if you don’t pay attention all of the time, then you can’t go wrong with this one.

It’s… fine. A palate cleanser. 2.5 stars rounded up because of Greg.
Profile Image for Velvet Wrapped Smut.
125 reviews2 followers
June 22, 2024
Ugh. This book was disappointing.

The dialogue felt very childish. The relationship didn't really progress much on the page. Lots of mentions of time spent together, but no actual demonstration of it. Almost all their scenes together, are them with friends.

Potential? Yes. Execution? Not great.
Profile Image for Miranda.
272 reviews15 followers
June 23, 2024
This was my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it! I liked Jordan, he was so understanding and supportive, Blaise was cute and I pictured him being all stylish with a unique artsy vibe.
Plot has some mentions of struggles with money and insecurities which felt relatable for a young couple. This is your typical sweet read, definitely recommend
Profile Image for Natalie.
395 reviews54 followers
June 22, 2024
Blaise & Jordan
Rating: 3.7 ⭐

- Jock/Designer
- Opposites Attract
- Found Family
- Bi-awakening
- Secret Relationship
- First Times
- College Romance
- Obliviously Dating
- 3rd Base Meet Cute

This was cute and funny, especially with how oblivious they both were to the fact they were dating the whole time. Silly boys! We're back at Franklin U and we get to see grown up Jordan "Jordy" from the Joy Universe find his love story with a designer.

Jordan gets a rip in his gameday suit and needs to get a whole new setup for during the season. His dads send him to the mall to find a new suit, shirts, shoes, and ties. He finds the clothes but he also finds out rather quickly that he is definitely into men as well, not just male celebrities on screen. Jordan and Blaise are instantly attracted to each other and it was nice to see both of them just accept that Jordan had never been with a man but had no issues jumping right into fooling around with Blaise. With Jordan's upbringing, he was accepting of his newfound sexuality, even if he didn't have a label solidified, he knew he liked Blaise. These two turn their relationship into a friends with benefits situation and overtime never noticed all the time they spent together, "dates", gifts, etc. were actually them dating the whole time. Neither one wants Jordan to come out and create a media circus, but they also don't want to be completely hidden. They tell their closest friends, Jordan's family, and the team that they are together.
"Never let it be said I walked away from a challenge. Especially not when it has full, kissable lips, messy dark hair, and washboard abs."

There is drama and stress about their upbringing differences with Blaise basically being thrown out for being gay and Jordan living a privileged life with an open and accepting family support system. The turmoil did feel realistic you could understand both points of view on how they were feeling/stressing. With Blaise already graduated from college for a year and working on getting his foot in the door for his design career and Jordan only starting his sophomore year, they were at different places in their lives and career goals.

This is mostly a light hearted story that is sweet and funny. It's an easy read that will keep you entertained throughout. The friend group was awesome and it will be interesting to see if Louisa writes a story for any of them in the future.
"I never thought I’d love a sport, but being with Jordan is converting me to the church of baseball. Or maybe it’s just Jordan’s altar I worship at."

There's also a bonus story that shows the couple ten years later!

Content Warnings :
- Graphic sexual content between consenting adults
- Mentions of parent death (past, off-page)
- Disownment & parental rejection

I received a free copy of this book via GRR and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Verse: Yes, but not shown in book
HEA: Yes
POV: Dual
Breakup: No
Cheating: No
Ages: 23 & 19
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
June 11, 2024
Jordy grew up!

I loved Louisa's entry in the second season of Franklin U as it ties in with her Joy Universe series and has Luke & Grant's adopted son Jordan as one of the MCs.

It's also what I'd consider to be a grown up college romance, even though Jordy's only 19, because it doesn't have any of the over-the-top type of frat boy antics you can sometimes get and, while the two MCs are relatively young, they're mostly pretty good at talking.

The one time that there's a miscommunication, it's genuinely achieved and comes from a very realistic place that's driving both Jordy and his love Blaise into fearing what might happen if they do talk about a very specific situation.

Before that though, we get a really gorgeous romance with a guy who thought he was straight, but had crushes on famous male celebrities and sportsmen, discovering he's very definitely bisexual and attracted to the guy in the menswear shop.

The biggest tension causer in this narrative is also genuinely believable as Blaise fights hard to accept any help from anyone. He's got no family left, his mum died a couple of years ago, his dad didn't want to know when he'd come out before that so he's worked hard to make his own way.

He wants to be a costume designer and he's working at the menswear shop while building up a portfolio of cos-play and other costumes he's made for people while he saves to get enough money to take part in an unpaid internship at Joy Inc.

Here's where the sticky point comes, because Jordy doesn't tell Blaise about his connection to the Joy Universe, which is where both his adopted dads are big players.

There's such a wonderful feeling throughout this whole story, even when you know things are going to come back and bite them both, it's an honest peek into what falling in love in college is like.

The genuine excitement you get in a new relationship, the deepening feelings, the dawning expectation that this might be the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

I loved everything about this romance and I really loved seeing Luke, Grant and Mila, Jordy's older sister, again.

Both sets of friends groups are utterly brilliant too, real characters in their own right with plenty to say and loads of support being offered without any judgement. They're all willing to give the hard word when needed, but also be encouraging too.

This is my second ARC from the new series and I have to say, I've been absolutely delighted with both of them!

#ARC kindly received from the author via GRR Tours. I am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Christina Sturgill.
793 reviews46 followers
June 24, 2024
Rating: 3/5 🌟
Spice: 1.5/5 🌶️
Characters: Jordan and Blaise

I wanted to love this much more than I actually did. I'm a big fan of Louisa's writing and books, however, this felt flat to me. I struggled to like Blaise's character throughout the majority of the book, and it felt like it was way too focused on everything surround the relationship rather than the actual relationship. I actually think that might just be the direction Louisa's writing is going lately because I've noticed it in her last few books. They are geared more towards what is happening to the characters and not as much on the relationship. That's obviously fine, it just doesn't work as well for me when I'm reading a romance. It makes it harder to fall in love with them and much harder to feel the connection. That was a big issue for me in this book. I really liked Jordan and I loved the idea of "two idiots" realizing they are in a relationship after they have been in it for a while. It's an extremely fun premise with a lot of potential for silliness and some great steamy moments. There is definitely silliness and a lot of humor in this book. I just never felt the relationship develop. It was told rather than shown and it left me feeling disconnected...which meant I was not invested in them figuring out their crap at the end and when Blaise had his bitchtastic moment I was pretty much done with him.
Profile Image for Joy Hintz.
243 reviews
June 24, 2024
Sorry, but this one just didn't work for me. The storyline was choppy, and I felt parts were skipped over. I also didn't get the relationship building at all. It was just....yea....choppy. And like a Seinfeld episode, the author yada yada yada'd over the best parts so I feel cheated!!

And my God, there were sooooo many characters to keep up with! It was hard to keep them all straight! There were times I had to skim pages quickly because I couldn't keep up with who was talking and whose friend was whose.

Don't get me wrong, the premise of this book was great, but the execution was bad. And the ending and epilogue left you hanging. I enjoyed hearing about Blaise's career, but what about their relationship?? I wanted to see a few years down the road where they were. Disappointed it was only a few months later in the epilogue.
1,336 reviews13 followers
June 18, 2024
Jordan rips his suit he wears to and from Baseball games at the University so he goes to the mall to get a new one and meets Blaise. These two go through all the trials of a gay man and the love of his life recognizing his bisexuality, money inequality and becoming used to the other's supportive family. It's a sweet story with an unconditionally kind Jordan and a wary Blaise. I enjoyed them together. I received a copy of this book and this is my voluntary opinion.
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,479 reviews245 followers
June 9, 2024
Blaise has always wanted to get into costume design for film and television. He’s put in the work and bulked up his résumé and portfolio with plans to apply to his dream internship…There’s only one thing holding him back: money.

The year long internship is unpaid, and until Blaise has enough saved up to support himself he’s stuck working at men’s clothing store and taking cosplay commissions. Everything he’s worked for is about to fall into place, and nothing can stop him from reaching his goals.

Until he meets Jordan, and things start changing.

Needing to replace his ripped game day suit, Jordan finds himself overwhelmed in a men’s clothing store. In swoops Blaise who not only has him outfitted in a new suit in no time, but has Jordan coming to terms with his sexuality after a hot hookup in one of the dressing rooms.

Blaise is down to show him the ropes, and from there the pair soon start spending all of their free time together hanging out and hooking up.

As their relationship shifts from being casual, things start going sideways. Blaise has a major wrench thrown into his internship plans, Jordan has been accidentally keeping a pretty important secret, and the two have to figure out how they want to navigate their futures if Jordan goes pro.

Everything works out for Blaise & Jordan in the end, thankfully. Which I was happy about because these two were honestly great together, and I don’t think I could have handled a third act break up 🤣

- jock x designer
- opposites attract
- queer awakening
Profile Image for Crisana.
699 reviews34 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
June 24, 2024
I am not having much luck with the second batch of FU books. The first batch was kind of middle of the road for me but I managed to finish them all. But it's now the 3rd book of the second batch and I already DNF two of them.
My main issue was that their hookup happened too quick and out of nowhere. So instead of finding it hot that they hooked up in a changing room, I was mostly cringing. I carried on for a few pages after but I was too put off to care. Let's hope book four is better. But the way it's going I don't have high hopes.
Profile Image for Thrudr.
204 reviews
June 23, 2024
1.5/5 ⭐

It's a miracle I didn't DNFed this, I was so bored. I kept waiting for something to happen and for the chemistry between the two MC to flourish. Felt like the author wrote this book as a chore because she got roped into this series and couldn't back off.
June 14, 2024
This is the third book in the FU season 2 and this one was a lot of fun. I really loved how this author brought two distinct groups together in this story (jocks and artsy students) and seeing their groups mesh and get along was great!

I really loved Jordan’s character. He was so much fun and so easy-going with his biawakening and it was really fun to see. Blaise was a great character and it was interesting to see his story! I’m not always a huge fan of the third-act fights but in this case I thought it was great and very realistic for their age group and the stresses that they were going through. I loved how they solved it and their HEA!

My only issue is I had some trouble with the flow. It started out super unbelievable but I still really enjoyed it and just went along with the fun! Loved getting to know the characters. But something happened in the middle and it lost my attention. I took a break from it and finally got back into it during the last quarter where I absolutely loved it again! The ending was definitely my fav part of the story.

So if you are finding the same about the middle I definitely suggest continuing and hope you end up enjoying it as I did! I look forward to reading the next ones in the series. Especially since we met one of the characters briefly in this book!
Profile Image for Jane aka Coughy019.
527 reviews95 followers
July 2, 2024
Tropes: failed one night stand, miscommunication, sports, rich/poor
Feels: 3.5/5
Steam*: 2/5
Kinks: sex in a risky place once
Angst: low
HEA: I'm calling this a HFN, read my review, I have a two paragraph long vent on this LOL
Pairing: MM
Triggers/potential icks/content warnings: dead parents, neglectful/homophobic parent, money struggles

3.5 stars, rounding down though

Jordan is 19, he has two dads, so he has grown up very open and very much an lgbtqia+ ally. He's questioning his own sexuality in college. He plays baseball in college and needs to wear a suit after the games. He's grown out of his suit and needs a new one, so he goes to a men's wear store and he meets Blaise. Blaise listens to Jordan vocalizing his questioning and helpfully offers to be of service in figuring out things by dropping to his knees. The experiment is a success and they both want to repeat. Lol. They start a hook up relationship and become friends along the way. And then whoops we're boyfriends.

Blaise's 23 and gay, he's struggling a bit for money because he wants to apply to an unpaid internship and he literally needs to save up so he can afford to take the unpaid internship. So ridiculous that unpaid internships exist! His mom is dead and his dad wants nothing to do with him because he's gay. He has no family but he does have some close friends. He's wanting to get into costume design in movies. Coincidentally Jordan's family has connections in the job he wants. The miscommunication trope kind of has an annoying presence, hanging over their heads in the background waiting to fall.

For the most part this was an enjoyable low angst read. Great use of humor. Jordan made a pretty realistic rich college kid. He was open, indecisive about his future, and he was used to having his needs met by his family and not having to struggle much. His flaws were shown and who he was was understandable. You don't always see that kind of honest humanity in college romances. The progression from hookups to friends to boyfriends was pretty natural. They enjoyed spending time with each other so they just kept doing it! And feelings came along. It was pretty funny when they realized that they accidentally fell into a relationship and are boyfriends. I liked their supportive friend group.

There were a couple typos. There was also this stupid plot line where Blaise offered to (and actually does) buy Jordan a pair of earrings for every game he won. Blaise is struggling for money, it makes no sense that he would be buying Jordan a pair of earrings for every baseball win. And Jordan shouldn't be accepting it either because he knows Blaise is struggling. That wasn't thought out well.

The author really pissed me off though on the page right after the book was over. On the last page of the story, the couple's story ends on a happy for now note. They say they're going to worry about the future when it comes and just enjoy today, they'll make big life decisions later. And I was actually applauding that, even though it meant the book technically ended on a happy for now note. Usually I like a very clear happily ever after, but I thought hey this is fresh and it's realistic because Jordan is only 19 and the whole book has been leading to a point where Jordan and Blaise are going to have to make some decisions, some right now and then some decisions in the future, because they're going to have to adjust due to their transitory life circumstances due to school and job stuff.

Then I turned the page and saw that the author is promoting signing up for her newsletter to see Blaise and Jordan's future 10 years from now. Hell no. Don't deliberately choose to end a book on an HFN note and basically create a cliffhanger for your readers to drive people to your newsletter for an HEA. I respect the creative right to actually end on an HFN because of the age of the characters but don't just clickbait me. Controversial opinion, but my opinion is that those extra stories that authors promote at the end of their book should be missing scenes or optional scenes that are not critical to the happily ever after. To me, it's a particularly dirty move when you deny your reader a HEA within the book that they paid for and try to force them. Sometimes I'm interested enough to sign up for these extra stories or to hear more about the next releases of an author. But I'm deliberately not going to sign up for the newsletter and read their HEA because I think this is shitty behavior.

Some notable moments:

Jordan is such a boy! I love how stunned and appalled his dad is. I wish that Blaise had gotten to react to this as well, he might have cried. "“Nope. How long have you had that suit, anyway? I can’t remember when you bought it.” “Sure you do. You took me to buy it.” There’s a stunned little pause, then Uncle Luke demands, “Are you telling me that’s the same suit I got you for Homecoming your junior year?” “Yep.” When would I have bought another? And why?"

I love how overwhelmed Jordan is at the idea of purchasing a new suit. "“Hi! Can I help you find anyth— Okay, I’m going to take that as a yes,” I say as both his hands latch tightly onto my forearm. “Please,” he begs. “Help me.” For a second I wonder if this is more than a shopping emergency—is he in actual danger?—but then he adds, “Why are there so many? I only need one,” and I relax."

"“Oh, not now. Now I eat as many as I want, though sometimes I pay for it in the gym. But when I was a kid, he was always going on about how I couldn’t eat a whole box at a time.” A whole box? Just thinking about all that sugar makes me queasy, and we art students live on junk food. “He might have had a point. That many Pop-Tarts would probably lead to death.” I eye him. “You’re not doing that now, are you?” His gaze slides away. “That’s not important.”"

*FYI about steam: I rate steam based on a combination of quality & quantity. I note kink separate from steam because I don't want to underrate steamy reads that don't have much kink.

**Note about spoilers: I like to comment on the plot of a book in reviews, so I almost always mark my reviews as containing spoilers. But I try to avoid spoiling the big dramatic moments! As a reader, I personally like to know what I'm getting into before I read a book so I know more about the content and if it's to my taste/mood, so I try to give that information in my reviews for myself when I'm considering rereading and also for other readers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
July 1, 2024
I needed a fluffy little hea read to ground me and this was fine. I love the FU series but this was one of my least favorite books...but only because it lacked the chemistry and depth some of the other books in this series totally did not miss. It's cute. The whole fu world is a fluffy happy place and it's definitely fun.
Profile Image for Ash🍉.
565 reviews118 followers
July 15, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

This is a bit of a weird one.

It started off good, I liked Jordan and Blaise and also the narrator was great. But the progress is it was so odd. Their first interaction involves a blow job, their next sexual encounter I honestly can’t remember if it was a blow job or handjob, but then it skips forward in time to the point where they’ve been hanging out loads, and they had their first kiss but it wasn’t even on page. Next Jordan is being told by his friends that he’s basically dating Blaise already, and we’ve barely seen any of it.

There was one more explicit sexual moment after the first two, and that was their first time having penetrative sex. But I barely paid attention tbh, it felt like it was added in as a forced milestone, because half of their relationship development was already off page so why even bother showing us this.

This book felt more like a story about Jordan and Blaise as individuals, rather than as a couple. I feel like most of their scenes involved some personal growth moments rather than relationship growth. I think that’s why the sex scene felt so odd, because it didn’t fit in with the flow of the rest of the book.

I did genuinely like seeing the character growth, but again it was just not what I expected from the way the book began.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
June 25, 2024
⭐️: 7/10 🌶️: 2/5 😭: 1/5 🤣: 3/5

💙 Opposites
💙 Queer awakening
💙 Baseball
💙 College

“I think I have a secret boyfriend.” So secret that neither of us even knew about it.

(ESP) Una historia súper liviana y dulce en la cual si bien todo gira en torno al romance de Jordan y Blaise, las nociones de amistad y familia fueron las que más llamaron mi atención. Tenemos muchísimos personajes secundarios pero no es algo que complique la lectura y definitivamente son los que llevan adelante gran parte de la trama.
Lo que me reí en la primera parte del libro es lo determinante en mi puntuación, luego de la mitad ya es todo más confuso.
Desgraciadamente Blaise no fue de mi agrado y entonces no logré encariñarme con la pareja a pesar de amar a Jordan.
El epílogo me pareció demasiado Felices por Ahora pero por suerte la autora brinda una escena bonus en la que sí tenemos el Felices para Siempre que necesitamos.

(ENG) A light-hearted and sweet story in which, although everything revolves around Jordan and Blaise's romance, the notions of friendship and family were the ones that caught my attention the most. We have many side characters, but it's not something that hinders the reading and they definitely carry the plot forward.
What I laughed at in the first part of the book is the determining factor in my rating, after the middle it's all more confusing.
Unfortunately, I didn’t like Blake so I couldn't get attached to the couple, even though I loved Jordan.
The epilogue felt a little too HFN for me, but fortunately the author provides a bonus scene where we get the Happily Ever After we need.
Profile Image for Kate Reads.
673 reviews30 followers
June 30, 2024
Warm and Fuzzies with lots of Funnies

Batting Style by Louisa Masters is a heartfelt rom-com with lots of laughs and light angst.

The main characters, Jordan and Blaise, are as adorable as they are oblivious, and, my goodness, they are oblivious.

Jordan is kind of having his Bi/Pan Awakening, but it’s low angst. His family and friends are supportive and loving. He’s not shocked to realize he’s attracted to men. He already had suspicions, and his attraction to Blaise confirms some things he’s always wondered about himself.

Both of them have blind spots that throw wrenches in their story, but again, overall, the angst is low.

This is a light read that focuses on warm, fuzzy feelings. There are some spicy scenes too. Jordan has a lot of fun trying out lots of things for the first time!

As usual, Masters included lots of quippy dialogue and humorous scenes. There are lots of found-family-feels.

I delighted in watching these two idiots fall in love with each other. It’s going on my comfort read list.
Profile Image for Leonard.
681 reviews11 followers
June 23, 2024

ᔑᑭᏆᑕᗴ: 🔥🔥
しᗩᑌᏀᕼᔑ: 🤣🤣
Ꭲᗴᗩᖇᔑ: 🥲🥲
ᗰᑕᔑ: Jordan, Blaise
ᑭᝪᐯ: 1st, Dual
Ꭲᖇᝪᑭᗴᔑ: College, Bi-awakening.


Solo tenias un trabajo que hacer Louisa solo uno!!! Superar a Mr. Romance . Como puedes creer a unos personajes tan adorables, únicos en Mr. ROMANCE y luego 2 años después presentar este libro donde lo único bueno es la personalidad y carisma de Jordan, Blaise me pareció plano y algo molesto. Los padres de Jordan puntos por eso espero pronto leer JU. Pero en serio este libro fue lento, tedioso en partes y por momentos se enfocaba más en la relación Jordan Amigos y no en Jordan Blaise. Era uno de los que más esperaba de esta serie y quede un poco decepcionado.
Profile Image for  ❀ Alex ❀.
103 reviews9 followers
July 6, 2024

This book was a mixed bag. Some parts I really enjoyed and others bored me to tears.

First off, I loved how Jordan and Blaise were portrayed. They felt very realistic. Jordan's indecisiveness about his future and Blaise's financial and career struggles, and how all these affected their relationship- all of it was handled very well.

I also loved the way the book ended with how the problems are still there but they don't need rush to fix everything at once. Together they will deal with those problems when the time comes.

The found family aspect and the banter between the main characters were big pluses for me as well.

Now, onto what didn't work for me.

There were like hundreds of secondary characters that I couldn't for the life of me keep track of. And these characters bored me to death. Did we really need that many side characters? And what purpose did they serve anyway?

The romance between the MCs didn't quite click for me either. It started with insta attraction and hookups, which led to something more. But there wasn't enough focus on the gradual development of that romance so when they started dropping the L word, it made me roll my eyes. So what I mean is there is a lot of telling than showing. And this was the biggest flaw of this book.

Also, Blaise buying Jordan earrings didn't make sense given his financial situation. It felt like an odd choice by the author.

Overall I definitely enjoyed it more than book 2, but still pretty average.
Profile Image for Molly Otto.
958 reviews22 followers
June 21, 2024
This is what you call a real-life college age romance. You see, these two beautiful men fall in love and just go with the flow to see how it all plays out. Jordan is so beautifully supportive of Blaise where, yes, he may take it too far, but with who he was brought up by, that really isn't a surprise. Jordan just has that personality that captures you, and you just go along for the ride. Blaise has a great network of friends who openly invite Jordan in when they see how great he is. The network of friends and family these two build is one you could only hope that all people have to thrive in this world.
It's one of those stories that just feels like it could really happen, not just in a book. When they do have disagreements, it's handled in a way that fits with their age, so you get it even when maybe you want to strangle them a little. What a great addition to this season of the Franklin University series.
Profile Image for Jocelyn .
256 reviews6 followers
August 3, 2024
2.5 ⭐Es un libro lindo pero siento que no aporta nada interesante y probablemente Me olvidé de él.
Profile Image for yaishin.
865 reviews108 followers
July 4, 2024
last few chapters single handedly carried the whole book.
Profile Image for fishreads.
524 reviews18 followers
July 13, 2024
(DNF@20% on June 21st, 2024) Neither Jordan nor Blaise came across as particularly interesting characters. Their "attraction" felt just as equally bland. While trying to read this story, I felt like I learned more about Joy Inc. and the characters from this author's Joy Universe series than I did about Jordan and Blaise.

I've repeatedly mentioned how much I don't appreciate this author's tendency to constantly insert various character cameos and references to their other works in their stories. Since nothing has changed since the last time I complained about it, there really doesn't seem to be anything in this particular story worth my time.

Themes: dual POV, opposites attract, bisexual awakening, baseball, university
Profile Image for Pheefs.
323 reviews9 followers
June 13, 2024
Lousia does it again, I loved Blaise & Jordan every bit as much as Charlie & Liam. This was a really good addition to FU2. Looking forward to the rest of the series ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for ✰  BJ's Book Blog ✰Janeane ✰.
2,898 reviews12 followers
June 10, 2024
Copy received from GRR for an honest review

Batter up! It's time to play with balls 😄

I have not read Masters' Joy Universe series, so all of these characters are new to me, however that was fine, as this was a great standalone.

It is also the type of college romance that I like. It was not as if they were 40 year old, experience guys in 20 year old bodies. They were pretty regular young guys, with young guy problems and (mostly) dealing with them in young guy ways.

I loved how Jordan accepted his sexuality when he realised he likes guys, there wasn't some big drama over it (you know how those sports ball guys can be in books).

But this book was all about Blaise for me. Oh how I adore him so, so much.

Blaise and Jordan go from 0-100 in no time, but I liked how they slowed things down after their meet cute and things grew organically.

I also thought it was great how Jordan's support people embraced Blaise and made him one of their own

I also liked how Jordan didn't take the easy way out when it came to his future and his career, and earned his place, when lesser guys would have used their connections.

And I adored how the guys did this awesome thing (most of the time anyway) and communicated. They have their speedbumps, but they deal with them and do it pretty well and quite realistically.

I haven't read any of the previous Franklin U series (this series or the previous) but that is going to be rectificed (as well as Masters' Joy Universe books, as I loved the characters we met from there)

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