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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Humor (2014)
In the fourth sexy romance by the New York Times bestselling author of Tangled and Twisted, Drew and Kate can’t wait to tie the knot—if they can survive the pre-wedding festivities.

For most of my life, I never imagined I’d get married. But Kate did the impossible: she changed me. I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before, but now I’m even better.

The road to this day wasn’t all rainbows and boners. There were mistakes and misunderstandings worthy of a Greek tragedy. But Kate and I made it through with our inexhaustible lust, boundless admiration, and everlasting love for one another intact.

That being said, there were some unexpected incidents in Vegas last weekend that could have been a problem. It was kind of... my final test.

I know what you’re thinking—what the hell did you do this time? Relax. Let’s not judge, or call for my castration, until you've heard the whole story.

And hold on tight, because you’re in for a wild ride. Did you expect anything less?

256 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 7, 2014

About the author

Emma Chase

59 books18.9k followers
Emma Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of romance filled with humor, heat and heart. Her books have been published in over 20 languages and the film adaptation of Tangled, Emma's iconic enemies-to-lovers rom-com, was recently released by Passionflix.
Emma lives happily-ever-after in New Jersey with her husband, two children, and two adorable, misbehaving dogs.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,534 reviews
Profile Image for Emma Chase.
Author 59 books18.9k followers
October 2, 2014
As I wrote the final lines of Tied, I admit it — there were tears. My sweet, sexy, infuriating boy, Drew Evans, has at last grown into a man.


Although Tied is the final major installment of his and Kate’s love story, there may be novellas, prequels, extra scenes and short stories in the future. I'll keep you posted on any upcoming projects. These characters are a very demanding bunch! They speak to me loudly and often.

I have loved writing every word — every moment — of this series. Thank you, my amazing readers for taking this hilarious, heartfelt, wonderful journey with me. It's an honor and a joy to share my stories with you.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
September 18, 2014
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Prince William and Kate can kiss my ass. Amateurs. We’ve got this wedding-of-the-century thing in the bag.

Emma Chase knows how to write a story that can have you rolling with laughter. When we first met Drew in Tangled, I was completely enamored with him. I mean how can you not love the man that is Drew Evans? As Drew would tell you, he’s pretty frigging awesome. The best part about Tied, is that it’s 100% from Drew’s point of view. There is nothing like being in the head of this guy. Drew is a little different than he was. Kate has changed him. Falling in love has changed him. Parenthood has changed him. But all in a good way.

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It’s two years post baby and Drew and Kate are finally taking the big leap. After figuring out their careers, adjusting to life with a toddler and getting past all their insecurities and issues, they’re getting hitched. I loved watching Drew and Kate as parents. Drew is just too much.
Our first commandment: Don’t wake the fucking baby. I’ll repeat that in case you missed it: DON’T WAKE THE FUCKING BABY. Like… ever. Still don’t get it? Must not have kids then.

With the upcoming nuptials, what better than a bachelor/bachelorette party in Las Vegas. The crew is getting together and baby James is staying the weekend with his grandparents. It’s Vegas… Nothing could go wrong… right?

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For me, Tied was better than the second book, but nothing can compare to Tangled in my eyes. There was just something about that story that I’m not sure can be topped! Catching up with our favorite characters was great! Not only did we get more Drew and Kate, but their friends were in a bulk of the book. There were a few misunderstandings, and even a moment where my heart completely dropped- but no true angst or anything like that. It was exactly the fun and heartwarming story I was hoping for.

Tied was another laugh out loud hilarious story by Emma Chase. She has a real talent for not only writing comedies, but writing from the male point of view. I haven’t read many books that have given such an incredible story straight from the guy. It feels like Drew is talking to you the entire time, and his mind is a fabulous place to be. Her stories are so funny, but they are also sweet, romantic and center around family and friendship, around growth, and most importantly, love. I think all fans of the series will enjoy this one, and if you haven’t read Tangled, you need to get to it asap <3

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Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
May 25, 2015
*****FOUR STARS*****

"I love you, Kate. I'm going to love you forever. And whatever comes after forever - I'm going to love you then too."

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"Tied" is the conclusion to the "Tangled" series. When I first read Tangled, I was in book heaven. I fell madly in love with Mr Drew Evans. It was the first book I read that was told entirely in the Hero's POV. Drew's cockiness and sense of humor made him an unforgettable book boyfriend.

We're reunited with Drew, Kate, little James, and the rest of the gang, two years after where we left off with them from "Twisted". Drew and Kate are both having their Bachelor and Bachelorette parties in Vegas. Even though it's been two years since their almost break-up, the memories of the past still haunt them a little. Both are afraid of something happening during their weekend in Vegas that could possibly destroy their relationship.

I loved getting this one last chance to be with these characters that have a special place in my heart. MacKenzie is just as adorable and I was a little sad that she's grown up a bit and is a little fire cracker at the age of nine. She still has her Uncles Drew and Matthew wrapped around her little finger. And little James is definitely a Mini Drew in the makings.

There's a tiny bit of angst, but it's quickly squashed because Drew has learned a lot from his mistakes in the past and he is determined not to repeat them. The ending was just beautiful and I'm just a little sad to have to say good bye to sexy Drew Evans!!! Maybe we'll get a book about James when he's all grown up???!!
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,967 followers
October 12, 2014
3.5 stars. Review posted October 12, 2014. My interview with Drew is up!

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Third and final interview with Drew Evans, God's greatest gift to mankind women. I might be slightly sarcastic but you know what I mean. Hope you enjoy!

Hello, Drew! I'm…*Drew interrupts Baba*

Excuse me, do I know you? I'm sure we have met already. Are you working for the Playboy? Come to think of it, are you stalking me on purpose? I gotta tell you that's not going to go over well with my sweet Kat. She's quite…er…possessive among other very favorable qualities. I belong to her. Every-fucking-thing of my stunning and irresistible body and brilliant mind and out-of-this-world cock belongs to my beautiful and ado-fucking-rable Kat who happens to be the best and sexiest mother who's ever graced this world with her shiny presence. Don't forget, my dick is a compass, and my sweet Kat is due north--it only points to her.

If you'd have the courtesy to let me finish my sentence? Yes, we have met, Mr. Drew Evans. My name is Baba and, no, I don't work for the Playboy. I had the misguided sweet pleasure of interviewing your humble self filthy mouth adorable and overinflated ego for the Berner Zeitung. In fact, I did interview you twice already. In case you can activate your watered-down brain cells--which would be quite a by the way--…er…*Baba is somewhat flustered because Drew is looking at her with his gorgeous eyes and a little mischievous smirk* *Baba get a damn grip* Ok, I think I'm back on track. What I wanted to say is…Drew, my dear, I did interview you in Holy Frigging Matrimony: A Tangled Series Short Story and Twisted. I, for one, had fun asking you a couple unpleasant questions and giving you a minor dressing down. Ring any bells?

Oh, yes! I do remember now. Despite you giving me the third degree in Twisted, I did enjoy our conversation nonetheless. Well, Baba, what can I do for you today? *Drew inserts inner monologue…isn't that something that a woman should happily ask a man? Didn't I silently lecture the cute waitress in that regard?*

I wanted to have a little chat with you about rainbows and boners, potholes, a dick-shaped compass, , mistakes, sugar-induced comas, and happily ever afters. Oh, as an afterthought let me add that we shouldn't forget to talk about your absolutely mousy and over the top modest personality. I mean there can be only one. Drew. Evans. Man. On. A. Mission. The. Best. God's. Greatest. Gift. To. Women. The humblest creature I have ever met in Romancelandia. Drew and his dick, aka the Holy Land, who managed to tie the knot. Drew, how does it feel to be married?

Awesome. Fantastic. It's the best feeling ever. I'm so incredibly boner-inducing happy and proud to be Kate's husband. I don't know what else to say. I'm…I'm absolutely speechless.

OMG, wonders will never cease! There's a first for everything. Keep in mind you're seeing everything through rose-colored glasses at the moment. You might want to armor yourself in case a couple of storm clouds will cover the bright sky. Just saying. Yet, of course, I don't want to scare you. I'm sure your castration is still a ways off. As long as you keep your dick in your pants and as long as you keep your sweet Kat happy, nothing bad should happen to you. And keep in mind…TGIF. *fist pump*

*chuckles* Yeah, I'll keep it in mind. Tongue Goes In First. My Kat loves it when I go down on her. Can you imagine when my hungry tongue traces a wet and hot trail down her gorgeous body...I'm teasing her sensitive nipples, cherish her sexy APB (after-pregnancy belly), lower, looooooower…and then…Yes! Double and triple yes! *fist pump* The Awesome Drew hits the target! Ten points out of ten. There it is…the Holy Land 2 and that special flavor bursts all over my tongue and I...

...I'm sure you're close to coming in your pants right now, Drew. But. Please, no explicit details here. We don't want to shock our granny readers or else they might go nuclear on YOUR ass.

But you know how it goes, Baba. "It's the sex. If raisins are nature's candy, screwing is its antidepressant. It's the best way to maintain good mental health." An orgasm a day keeps the psychiatrist away.
Plus, so many young men have no idea how to give decent let alone spectacular head. Can you imagine, all those poor women all around the world who have never gotten head à la Drew? It hurts my sensitive little heart. *Baba rolls covers her eyes* You know I call it cunning linguistics. You may know it as going down. Dining at the Y. Carpet munching. Having a box lunch. The point is, pussy-eating is an acquired skill. All that making-the-alphabet-with-your-tongue crap is for lazy schmucks who couldn't find a G-spot with a fucking flashlight and a navigation device.

Let's leave that G-spot alone for a few minutes. Focus, Drew. F-o-c-u-s.
Your bachelor party was the equivalent to more than a couple potholes. Friendly skies and other…er…interesting stuff ---> meaning, trouble in paradise Vegas. I, for one, call that trouble with announcement. I mean one didn't have to be a genius to know that yet another fucking disaster did lie in waiting. You know, Drew, you seriously need to tone down your very unhealthy jealousy. Oh, and stay the fuck away from I was close to sign you up to

I promise you, Baba, I will behave from now on. I won't get anymore. Nope, I'm truly refined and done with those See? Only thinking about that disaster is making me *shudder*

Good boy. *Baba pets Drew*
I'm really glad that you learned your lesson because seeing you in deep shit yet again irritated me and then don't get me fucking started on that drama act #2. Jesus Christ on a crutch. I gotta tell you I was ready to bang my head on my poor table. *Baba pets table, it had to take a lot of banging this year (no pun intended, you pervs)*
And then Delores's She's un-fucking-believable. Gah. Get out of my sight. *Drew splutters* Baba: No, I don't mean you. Pay attention, Drew. Just goes to show what kind of attention span you have. A very short one. Anyway, listen to my words, read my lips or whatever. I'm talking about Delores...

…She's a fucking PITA; an irritating and scary bitch. I think I called her a psychopath. Enough said. *Drew is scowling*

All right. Before we come to an end with our chipper conversation I need to get something off my chest. Your epilogue was sickeningly sweet. Rainbows and roses all over the place, man. I fell in a sugar-induced coma. Gawd, how much cotton candy did you all munch throughout that final ceremony? That was so not cool at all, Drew. Whatever. I get it, Drew. A girl can't have everything. At least, YOU got your girl. You nailed her it down. You know how the odds are but I truly hope your marriage will last a lifetime. Good luck and all the best to you and Kat!

Yes, Baba, I know how allergic you are to sap and OTT sweetness. I'm really sorry the epilogue wasn't to your liking. I can't say I'll do it differently the next time because there won't be a next time. Ever. After all, I intend to grow old with my sweet Kat. So, all's well that ends well.
Thanks, Baba, for sticking around, for toughing it out. I know it was hard for you in Twisted and I'm really glad that you gave us another chance in Tied. I get it that I and other characters annoyed you, yet you didn't dump Kat and me and I really do appreciate it very much. We made it, Baba. Kat and I are over the moon; we've reached Cotton Candy Land and I fucking promise you, no man will put asunder what Drew Evans promised to cherish for the rest of his life: Making his wife Kat the happiest woman on God's earth. I fucking swear I can and will do it. Cross my heart and hope to die.

Amen. *puts a small smirk on her face*

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Yeah, Daddy, no poosy.

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Baba's final résumé
Told entirely from Drew's POV, Tied was the expected fun read. Drew is insanely jealous and possessive, his mouth is as filthy as ever and he's his usual crude self, and he can act like a douche sometimes, yet I love him nonetheless. And, of course, he has his heart in the right place and does some sweet deeds as well. He's a great dad and loves his Kat dearly. What can I say? That's him to a tee. That's all very well but I did not like the super-duper sweet epilogue that sprouted cotton candy trees ad nauseam and oozed maple sirup off every friggin' page. Also, I really wasn't partial to Drew getting abso-fucking-lutely BTW, Delores can go take a hike, I wouldn't mind. Crazy, annoying and unlikable bitch. And last but not least I was not pleased to pay 7.80 euro for 256 pages. This may have been a fun read for all I care, it's just too expensive. Over and out.

Drew is running after Baba, totally out of breath. Baba, wait a second. I have an important message! (You may open the spoiler b/c it's no spoiler at all):

Drew…how nice of you. Seems to me that we're on the same fucking page.
Now I'm really done.

My ranking
Tangled 5 stars
Holy Frigging Matrimony: A Tangled Series Short Story 4.5 stars
Tied 3.5 stars
Twisted 2.5 stars
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,034 followers
October 3, 2014
Lookie, what I got in the mail. An invite to Drew & Kate's wedding.


I loved being invited to their wedding and tagging along to the pre-wedding festivities. Hanging in Vegas with Drew and his groomsmen as they hit the strip was quite lively.

The appeal of the Tangled series is Drew and how he is both clever and charming. He engages the reader by speaking directly to them. This way of involving the reader reminds me of Ferris Bueller from the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (circa 1986). This non-conventional style of narrating the story is engagingly fun and made me feel like I was along for the all the wedding festivities. When Drew bestowed his “guy insight” it made me laugh and glance at my husband wondering if guys really do think those things.

Last but not least, The “Tied” Wedding was beautiful with touching words spoken to and about Mr. & Mrs. Evans.

“And when you get married, the most important thing isn’t being in love. It’s making sure you marry your best friend. A partner- the person you want to share the good times, the shitty time, and everything in between with. You've found that partner in Kate. You're my best friend, Drew -and I love you, man. But now? I get to be proud of you too. And I am - damn proud. Congratulations. ”


“Tied” is a well-timed comedy that is one good-time moment after another.

Release date: 10/7/2014
Pre-order | order: http://amzn.to/1CI876E

Tangled (Tangled, #1) by Emma Chase Twisted (Tangled, #2) by Emma Chase Tamed (Tangled, #3) by Emma Chase Tied (Tangled, #4) by Emma Chase
Book 1 - Drew's POV | Book 2 - Kate's POV 2 years later | Book 3 - Matthew's POV (Drew's best friend) goes back in time to the Tangled days | Book 4 - Drew's POV begins about two years after the end of Twisted

Tangled Extra Scenes (Tangled, #1.1) by Emma Chase Holy Frigging Matrimony A Tangled Series Short Story (Tangled, #1.5) by Emma Chase
(#1.1) (#1.5)

**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**

descriptive text here
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
December 2, 2017
DNF 36%


I'm not in the mood to listen to Drew argue with his toddler over Kate's boobs. It's weird, dude.
But the killer (for me) was listening to his douchey inner monologue as he bragged about getting blowjobs from Kate while she was pregnant...because they prevent preeclampsia.
Oh, piss off with that shit.
Now, if you were in love with sucking dick when you were pregnant, more power to you.
My personal experience with pregnancy (all 4 of them!) was that I was vomited up everything for 9 months. I would inevitably find out I was preggers because I had a stomach virus that just wouldn't go away, then continue puking daily, until the final blessed barf in the fucking delivery room.
So, perhaps these experiences tainted my view of Drew's claims that Kate enjoyed deep throat whilst growing a life in her womb.


That wasn't the only thing that turned me off, though. For some reason, this time around I found Drew's personality to be less funny and more grating, in general. Plus, Kate was written like some sort of a super-human madonna/sex goddess. <-- So easy to pull off with a toddler!


I'm seeing lots of high marks and glowing reviews for this one, so if you were excited to read this, don't worry about it too much. It probably just wasn't the right fit for me.
Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews907 followers
February 8, 2017
In Tied, we are back to Drew's point of view and I was very glad for that. For me, he is a master of entertaining narrators and lusty thoughts. Moreover, reading the novel through his incomparable perspective, it is always a guarantee that I will enjoy it. He may be arrogant here and there, but it is never meant in a bad way. Believe me, it's impossible not to love him!

However, I have one tiny little complaint that prevented me from giving Tied higher rating. "Real" twist was missing. I more of less knew exactly where this story was heading and it took away the excitement of suspense that I grew to love so much in previous two books. Don't take me wrong, I enjoyed Tied a lot. I just didn't love it as much as Tangled or Twisted. But it's hard to duplicate perfection, right?

If you enjoyed Drew's POV before, this novel is a must read for you. Emma Chase once again delivers truly entertaining and singular insight into the head of man, father and husband. Readers could not have wished for a better conclusion to this unforgettable series!

*ARC provided by publisher as an exchange for honest review*

MORE REVIEWS ON MY BLOG Reading Is My Breathing
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
October 9, 2014
4,5 Tied Forever Stars.


In this last installment, *cries*, we have the moment we’ve been waiting since “Tangled”: Drew and Kate’s wedding. But no, the drama-llama ride is not over yet!
For their bachelor and bachelorette party they decided to go to Vegas. And believe me, the Sin City haven’t seen anything like them yet. Prepare yourselves for a lot of misunderstandings, silly fights, hot moments, amazing ones and the last and ultimate test to their relationship to prove that they, are indeed, perfect for each other.
Get ready people, because what happens in Vegas… doesn’t always stay in Vegas.


Rating: 4,5 Stars.
Storyline: As always, this was a heartwarming and hilarious story that I couldn’t out down for one minute. It was a amazing ending to these awesome books.
Writing Style: First Person. Male POV. Drew’s head was an awesome place to be. Seriously, I could live there.
Character Development: Drew is amazing. Yes, he can be an asshole but he is a golden-hearted one and we can’t help but loving him. And the way he’s so committed to Kate is delightful to see. I also loved Kate as well, she is crazy enough for them to be perfect together. I love them as a couple and I definitely loved seeing them as parents. They were amazing to James. As always, the supportive characters were hilarious. I’m hoping to see a novella or something about Erin and Jack.
Steam: Hot.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews687 followers
October 13, 2014

But Kate did the impossible. She changed all that—she changed me. I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before . . . but now I’m even better.

Oh boy...unpopular opinion coming through. I may need to go into hiding a while after this one LOL.


Tied takes place approximately a few years after Tangled with Drew & Kate's wedding day dawning on them soon. Told entirely from Drew's POV (yay!) and with the addition of their baby boy James, we get to see a different side of Drew as he enters fatherhood.

And of course, no wedding day is complete without the mandatory bachelor/bachelorette party and what better place to do it than in the Sin City itself.

"Besides, I think you should enjoy the good times while they last. I did. I have a feeling things are going to get real crazy—real quick—from here on out. ’Cause our next stop? That’s Vegas, baby. And there’s a reason it’s called Sin City."


Well when I heard that we're getting back Drew's POV and we all know how much we LOVE hearing that arrogant, cocky man going all crude in his mind palace back in Tangled, I just couldn't wait to get back in his head again! Even more after reading the other rather disappointing books in the series, I was hoping this one would redeemed it all. So when I started it, I was getting all:

And it was really off to a great start! Being back in Drew's head after what seemed like centuries had me literally LOL-ing for a good 30 minutes or so and even as he entered fatherhood, his knack of saying the most ridiculous stuffs was still ever present.

“What do you want, James?” My voice has a frustrated edge. “You’re dry, I’m holding you, I’m trying to feed you—what the hell do you want?” I walk back to the kitchen and grab the checkbook off the counter.
“Will money make you happy?”
Ridiculous—yes, I know. Don’t judge me.
“I’ll give you ten thousand dollars for four hours of sleep. I’ll write the check out right now.”

But the problem starts kicking in for me when the story shifted to Vegas.

From here then on, I felt that the story kinda fell flat for me. Don't get me wrong, there were some great funny scenes involving the guys but after a while, I really couldn't be bothered and ended up skimming through a lot. I wished that we could have seen the bachelorette side instead of solely focusing on the bachelor side.

Not that I was particularly fond of Kate's POV in Twisted but I thought it would have been a great touch to the book and allowed the book to diversify. After all, it is Drew & Kate's wedding, not just a one sided affair.

Also the Vegas storyline didn't do much to excite me and there was nothing extraordinary done to shake things up a little. From the first half of the book, it sounded almost like Drew implied something big was gonna shake them up prior to the wedding. And when we do finally get to that part, I was left underwhelmed and a little cheated.

And don't get me started on Delores, I wanted to slap that woman silly a few times LOL. But in a way, I'm glad her appearance was kept rather minimal in this one & didn't annoy me too much. Also I missed little Mackenzie and the darn things she used to say! Now that she's grown up, looks like lil James took over her role for saying the darnedest things (how cute was the "poosy" scene?!) :D


Overall, I thought it was a still a really sweet fun read to finally tie up Drew & Kate's story. Liked it but didn't love it. I'm glad that Emma didn't deviate too far with Drew's character eventhough he's starting to show a more tender side with James now, so plus points for that! The epilogue was a sweet loving one which made me happy that these two finally got their official HEA ♥

Would still recommend it if you need a good dose of laughter and a fix of Drew's dirty offensive mind palace.

Sadly this book has put an end to my winning streak of reads in the past week. Looks like all good things must come to an end :(

Sidenote: I almost felt cheated having spent almost $8 on this read. Especially the fact that I finished this in 2 hours..damn.
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,702 reviews25.1k followers
November 11, 2015
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Tied is book four in the Tangled series by Emma Chase. It’s no secret that I have been in love with this series from the first word of the first book. But this book, “sigh,” I have to say, is my favorite. We are back in Drew’s head and it is both hilarious and extremely awesome.

The big day is almost here. One week until the wedding. Drew and Kate have been together for five years. They had their rough spots, yes, but now everything is perfect. And their little son, James, is two years old. Who would have ever thought that the Drew Evans of the past could be this happy to be getting married?!

“Kate did the impossible. She changed all that-she changed me. I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before…but now I’m even better.”

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I want to say here that the first part of the book is so full of sweet moments. I mean, Drew’s adoration for his son and soon to be wife were limitless. Little James was surely a very lucky little boy.

So now, it is time for the bachelor and bachelorette weekend in none other than Las Vegas. They have to get through this one last hurdle before the wedding. Can they make it?

“Stop worrying. We’re gonna have a great time with our friends this weekend. Nothing bad is gonna happen. I promise.” Famous last words, right? How’s that for a jinx? Idiot.”

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Let me tell you, they do have quite an adventure in Las Vegas. It was a crazy weekend for the record books. Can Drew stay out of trouble? I don’t know if that is even possible! Somehow, though, they do all survive and make it to the wedding day. A word of warning here. Do not read the epilogue while on the treadmill, walking at a very brisk pace while crying. It does not work very well. Because you will shed a tear or two here.

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“I don’t know if there’s a heaven. I sure don’t know if I’ll ever get there. But, if there is…it’s got to feel like this. Perfect harmony with another soul, surrounded by warmth and acceptance and rapture without end. Amen.”

So…this was the end of Drew and Kate’s story but not the end of the series. Emma Chase promises much more to come. And I can’t wait. If you haven’t started this series yet, please do. You won’t regret it. It is simply amazing.

“I love you, Kate. I’m going to love you forever. And whatever comes after forever-I’m going to love you then too.”
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
October 11, 2014
Think of this book as one long-ass, hilarious epilogue. Of course, Drew is still crass and funny and Kate is still Kate.

Now, there were times where I cringed and winced at some of Drew's statements. But he's Drew and if he'd changed too much of his ways and became polite and tame, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed this book because that wouldn't have been too unbelievable.

I enjoyed the Vegas Hangover type scenarios with the rest of the gang but Delores annoyed the crap out of me. Granted, I didn't read Tamed but some of the stunts she pulled were just childish. Well, Drew wasn't a saint himself but come on, she's also Kate's best friend and the stunt she pulled wasn't funny. It was annoying.

Overall, I think this book was successful in depicting the myriad of things that could go wrong even with the best intentions. I loved the epilogue. It was sweet -- and I love sweet! It was also funny and I admit to shedding a couple of tears during the wedding.

I feel that Emma Chase did a wonderful job of giving Drew and Kate the happily-ever-after they deserve, and I can't wait to read more from her!

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October 18, 2014
The Plot:

It's all about the wedding, baby...for better or worse!


The Characters:

Drew...you just gotta love him and he really hasn't changed much since the first book, Tangled, except he's a lot wiser in the ways of ONE woman. Sure, he thought he knew everything but that was before Kate.


Kate...I really missed her POV even though the book, Twisted, from her POV wasn't quite as good as having Drew's POV, I still would've liked a chapter or five from her in this one.

And James? Priceless!

I loved having everyone there. It was great seeing how they were getting on in their lives. And Billy? Maybe that was a little weird.

The Drama:

Of course, there's drama! You can't just go to a bachelor and bachelorette party in Las Vegas and there not be drama. Even though some of it was a bit silly, coming from Drew, it was hilarious.

The Steam:

It's Drew! 'Nuff said.


The Problems:

Drew made it out like there would be some serious problem and that made me a bit anxious reading the book. There were definite misunderstandings but nothing serious in my opinion.


The Outcome:

Of course, they lived happily ever after.


The Quotes:

♥ "You spend nine months trying to get out, and the rest of your life trying to work your way back in.”

♥ "His dick is a compass, and I’m due north—it only points to me.”

♥ “Shall we get on with it, then?” Father Dougherty asks.

From the first row, James yells, “Ready, set, go!”

♥ “Holy shit,” I breathe. “That was incredible. We should’ve gotten married years ago.”

“You said it. I think I had a stroke.”

♥ “I love you, Kate. I’m going to love you forever. And whatever comes after forever—I’m going to love you then too.”

“You can bet your ass that I’m going to hold you to that, Drew Evans.”
Profile Image for Vina.
192 reviews217 followers
December 1, 2014
“In a louder voice than I’d intended, I say, “Hey, beautiful.”
“Shhh!” She attacks. “If you wake that baby, I’ll pluck out every pubic hair you have the next time you fall asleep.”
My eyes widen. She’s been spending way too much time with Delores these days.”

Everything Emma Chase writes is the best. PERIOD.
my god, this woman is a genius! no other words to describe her. her writing style is flawless and unique and pure gold. haven't seen anything like it so far. and that's exactly why her stories get better and better and better with every new book.

Drew Evans.... seriously, people should read this and TAKE FUCKING NOTES! i mean, c'mon! you just can't let HIS WORDS OF FUNNY WISDOM go to waste, now can you? because, as Emma herself has said it, he finally grew up; and this book is Drew at his best. and i'm going to miss this guy so damn much... and his mouth, and his body and -obviously- his inner monologues.
man, his monologues... those are the best of the best of the best of the best... EVER!

I am going to miss Drew! I just love him to bits! What a fantastic ending to a fabulous series. Thank you Emma Chase!!!! I hope Jack gets a book, I would love to see him find his perfect match!!!!

Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews475 followers
October 10, 2014
4 stars

This was fun sweet sexy with the drama and drunken antics you would expect to happen in Vegas. James was a great addition to the book and I loved going back to Drews POV. Maybe I was missing more Mackenzie??
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I would say this was like an extended epilogue. Nothing heartbreaking or angsty. Everything ties up nicely and it was a lovely ending for the couple.

Thanks for the BR ladies x

ARC provided by Publishers via NetGalley
Profile Image for Nancy's Romance Reads.
261 reviews440 followers
October 31, 2014


How I love the Tangled series! I've been following it since book one, more precisely from the very moment I met the amazing Drew Evans. This man is one of the most unique characters I've ever read about and for that he's one of my most dear favorites. Aside from being irresistibly gorgeous, his hilarious personality and that smart-mouth of his are what made me fall for him. Who would have thought that a self-centered, arrogant, and conceited player would have such powers to melt readers' hearts like that?! Well, that's what has made Drew so special and lovable since Tangled but in Tied he's a new man and he's about to get married and those are just more reasons to love him even more. Because you see, what happens in Tied won't stay in Tied my friends, it'll stay in your hearts and it'll crack you the hell up in the only way Drew can!

"I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before. . . but now I'm even better."

In this final installment of the series, Drew and Kate are set to get married and I couldn't be happier for them. After everything they've gone through I didn't think I would see this day coming and yet it's here! But before the the big day there's got to be some pre-celebration and drama, right? That's exactly what the gang thought too so they decide to take the happy couple to Las Vegas for the unforgettable bachelor and bachelorette parties. And what parties those were!

"My Las Vegas bachelor party. . . The night before you ship off to war or, if you're a woman, start a diet."

This whole book is an adventure/celebration for Drew and all the other characters. When they head to Vegas they play and indulge themselves in pleasures of the city like pros. So all their activities and interactions are definitely sights to be seen because everything they do is hilarious, hilarious, and more hilarious. Really, they made me laugh so much I didn't want this book to end.

I loved seeing the whole Tangled gang in this book: Drew, Kate, Matthew, Dee-Dee, Alexandra, Steven, and the rest of the families. All together they made the whole story and the adventures in Vegas absolutely remarkable. This group of characters are amazing together, from teasing and loving each other and to driving themselves crazy, they're just an exceptional group of crazy friends with strong ties that are unbreakable no matter what. . .

"The guy code restricts how much you can mock a friends's significant other. There's an imaginary line. And if Matthew's reaction is any indication? I just crossed it. He lands an angry punch to my right leg. In the spot above my knee--the charley-horse region--that makes pain echo up down my femure. "Ow! God damn it!""

Hahaha. Yes, this book was so much fun to read as it reminded me of how much I missed Drew and his eloquence. He was beyond hilarious with all his "educational" advice for us ladies and a few of his critics towards some "important" topics. He was also extra hot this time around. Omg, him and Kate almost set my iPad on fire a couple of times and I loved it! Their physical connection was sizzling and their emotional connection was just bewitching.

"She's perfect. It shouldn't surprise me--I know what she looks like. But still, every view of Kate's firm tits, her flat waist, her toned, smooth legs, revs me up like a kid getting his first glimpse of porn. Because she's mine. Because she's amazing. Because she wants me as badly as I want her."

Just like Drew said: "For most of my life, I never imagined I’d get married. But Kate did the impossible: she changed me." And yes, she did! Drew has changed so much with every book but he learns some of his biggest lessons in Tied when jealousy and temptation come to test him one last time. Lessons that stick with him this time because they're driven by his immense love for Kate, his family, and his strong desire to always protect them. That was an emotional and captivating side of Drew that was new to me and I loved discovering. It's been incredible to see how love has changed him; from being a selfish and self-centered player, Drew grows into an understanding, supportive, and dedicated man for Kate so he indeed becomes more awesome as he said and I didn't think that was even possible. But it was and now this prodigy of a man is getting his official happily ever after and it feels kind of surreal because his journey wasn't easy but he more than anyone can tell you that it was absolutely frigging worth it! ♥

"She hugs me--holds me--resting her cheek against my heart. "I love you, Drew."

"Mercy is a gift--given out of love, not worthiness. And that's what Kate will always be to me. She's my mercy."

So here's my wedding toast: to Drew, Kate, and Emma Chase! Thank you for making me laugh nonstop through out the whole series, for making me love these fabulous characters, and for giving me the perfect ending to the story about an player I'll never forget! You guys rocked my world so cheers to you!! ♥♥♥

Favorite Quotes:

"I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before. . . but now I'm even better."

"Remember, ladies, two-pieces bathing suits are a privilege, not a right."

"She did what everyone--including the members of my immediate family--thought impossible. She bagged me. The grand prize--the unattainable--the megamillions jackpot."

"She's perfect. It shouldn't surprise me--I know what she looks like. But still, every view of Kate's firm tits, her flat waist, her toned, smooth legs, revs me up like a kid getting his first glimpse of porn. Because she's mine. Because she's amazing. Because she wants me as badly as I want her. And this is the way it's supposed to be--the way way it's supposed to feel. The way it always will--an intense haze of lust and heat and adoration."

"Mercy is a gift--given out of love, not worthiness. And that's what Kate will always be to me. She's my mercy."

"Technically, I'm still a Catholic--but if you haven't figured it out by now, Kate is my deity. Her body is my holy land, her words are my scripture, her pussy is the altar I'd crawl across burning coals to worship."

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Happy reading! ;)

Profile Image for Jeanne .
306 reviews
March 23, 2016

"I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before...but now I'm even better."

It was so great that this book was back to Drew's POV. His arrogant, dirty inner monologue never fails to make me laugh. You can't help but love him though, because he is so loyal and loving at the same time. The first half of the book especially was a gold mine of quotes. I was constantly laughing with him. or really at him.

Drew's two cents on parenting was my favorite:

"Did you know an infant's cry is twenty decibels higher than a train whistle? I shit you not. Look it up if you don't believe me."

Overall, it was a fun read and I loved the epilogue:) Thanks for br Ami, Fran and Maida!

Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
December 26, 2015

Tangled was a firm favourite with me. Some of the other books in the series were hit or miss. This one was a bit of a miss. I felt Drew was quite immature. I felt it was a re-hash of some of the other books. I was fairly bored towards the end and started skimming.

I only read it as I wanted to read the Christmas one. Not sure if I even want to do that now.

I think some authors drag a series out for way too long without any character development.
Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews848 followers
October 20, 2014
5 Perfectly TIED Stars
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You know how you anticipate a book, you hope and pray that it delivers; that the author can give the ending justice........well Emma Chase hit a home run!!! I can say that I had a smile on my face the entire time I read this book. I laughed myself silly at times and I just felt Happy all of the time.

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Drew and Kate are finally getting married. Drew's attitude about Kate, James, work, parenting, his friends, all magically come together in this book. His famous POV to all things relating to him and life is absolutely perfect.

The bachelor and bachelorette parties in Vegas are funny and a little crazy. I loved that everybody was together for most of the book. They dynamics of this group are awesome. I think everyone who reads this series knows someone like each of these characters. They are so real, relatable and lovable.

I love Drew the Man, Drew the Dad, Drew the Fiancé soon to be Husband, Drew the Friend, Drew the Son and Brother and Uncle, I love the Whole Charismatic Cocky Drew that Loves Wholeheartedly.

Drew the dad is adorable, funny and loving. His interactions with his son is touching and amusing.
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I will confess that the wedding brought tears to my eyes. It just reminded me of my wedding and it was beautifully written to bring out all the emotions of a wedding.
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Drew and Kate picked the best song "I Cross My Heart" by George Strait as their song...

Tied was the perfect happily ever after.
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Emma Chase- you are absolutely awesome. I love your writing and this series will be forever in my all time favorites!!
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Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
May 23, 2016
Drew Evans, you seriously make me crazy!! While this one didn't jack me up as much as Twisted, it had it's moments. Overall, I was just happy to see Drew and Kate get their happily ever after.
Profile Image for Fran.
777 reviews85 followers
July 25, 2016
This was such an adorable read. James was adorable. Drew was fucking adorable. The guys' friendship was SO adorable. It was also funny, sweet, and HOT!

But I feel like it lacked that little extra spice that would've made this a more awesome read. Dare I say, it was a little bit on the fluffy side? Not enough meat to sink my teeth into, I think. I was certainly not looking for angst, but I would have wanted a bit more to the story.

Also, I know how Kate's POV didn't work on Twisted, but how I wish I could have seen her side of things, especially during her bachelorette party. I think that would have been fun! ;)

Overall, I think Tied is a good, quick read (maybe too quick?). But apart from Drew's hilarious telling of their happily ever after, I believe this is a fairly forgettable book for me, considering how memorable Tangled is.

*Thank you for another BR Ami and Jeanne, even though Jeanne's been asleep! LOL!*
Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,061 followers
September 13, 2021
#1 Tangled — 4 stars
#2 Twisted — 2.75 stars
#4 Tied — 4.25 stars

Drew Evans has permanently ruined all the Drews in the world for me cause now i wont be able to hear the name without thinking of this sweet, sexy, infuriating boy man. also, i swear Emma Chase writes the best extras, novellas, and extended HEA epilogues in history - case in point, all the extras and novellas in this series and Sidebarred from The Legal Briefs #3.5 series. purposefully skipped Matthew & Dee’s book, Tamed, cause theyre not Drew & Kate.

#1.1 Tangled Extra Scenes — 4.5 stars
#1.5 Holy Frigging Matrimony — 4 stars
#4.5 It’s a Wonderful Tangled Christmas Carol - 4.5 stars

(read as an audiobook)
Profile Image for Eni.
461 reviews
January 15, 2019
5 stars

I loved reading every word from this book.This book was simply amazing.The perfect conclusion.I LOVED IT.

I'm sad that it's over.I'm going to miss Drew so much.But also happy.The ending was so perfect.

"We lived . . . the same way we loved: with passion, tenderness, and laughter. And every day—every fucking day—to the very fullest."


Currently reading.Omggggg !!! YAY,YAY,YAY.
Drew <33


A 4th book in the Tangled series ??

OMG !!This is Awesome !! Yay !!GOD....I'm so excited !!!

Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
October 19, 2014
"I think we can all agree I was pretty frigging awesome before...but now I'm even better."

Yep that is Drew Evans...arrogant, crass and filterless! Only now he has gotten his PRIZE. Yes, Kate has decided after the miscommunication, the angst, the WTF moments...ONE adorable toddler later, she and Drew are going to make it official!

You see, I was happy with knowing that Drew, Kate were happy...together...and stronger than ever!

Well, Emma Chase just had to give me more...I mean I appreciate the wedding, but let's talk BAchelor Party! Oh the fear that came to my mind!

Thoughts of Drew and the boys...Kate and the girls headed to no other than Las Vegas...

HOLY HELL! More WTF moments and LOL scenes told from no other than the mind of Drew Evans! Why would I expect anything else than pure crude chaos? I really enjoyed it, but not as much at the amazing growth of Drew Evans! Yes he is WRONG on so many levels, but in the end, he was just a man in love! He finally "got it" and he is happy to have one "poosy" for the rest of his life.

Many wishes for a long and happy life together Mr. and Mrs. Drew Evans!
Profile Image for Jiana.
298 reviews928 followers
January 10, 2017
DNF at 76%

My first 2017 DNF and I'm so sad. One, because this is the last book in the series and I love this series. Two, because I found myself not enjoying this as much as I hoped I would. Honestly, I can't tell if I'm in slump or this book is simply not enjoyable.

I was incredibly excited to start this, mainly because we're back to Drew's POV. I adored Tangled (Book 1). Drew's brutally honest and hilarious and I just love his narration. Also, him and Kate are going to get married and they now have a little boy, so that was super exciting to see. Drew, Kate and the rest of their friends go to Las Vegas for Drew and Kate's bachelor and bachelorette parties respectively and knowing Drew and his buddies, you can imagine all the trouble they were going to get into. I was looking forward to all of that.

Now, I started the book and it was super cute and funny. I was smiling widely. However, as soon as I hit around 25%, I lost all interest. I don't know why, honestly. I continued the book though. However, up till the DNF mark, I basically skipped and skimmed.

I wanted to finish this just to see Drew and Kate's wedding but I just can't do it. I would've probably skimmed through that as well. Oh well, at least I know they're getting their happily ever after.

It's always sad finishing a series, especially one you love. And I'm sad I missed the chance to enjoy Drew's POV one last time. Despite not enjoying this one, I'm still going to love this series and its characters and Drew will always be one of my favorite boy boyfriends.
770 reviews133 followers
August 23, 2020
2.5 stars

Drew and Kate's marriage revolves around sex. Their talk with their friends somehow manages to come to jokes related to sex. The biggest problem in their life is their significant other may get close to someone else and have sex with them. Everyone's idea of fun revolves around sex. Whenever Drew thinks of Kate, it is always - guess what - related to something sexual.

I am not puritanical, but at the end with everything related to just one topic I kind of felt.....bored. I wanted something different. In Tangled which is a favorite of mine there was much more happening. I'm just disappointed. Drew was his usual charming self. But something about him felt less. He definitely was more mellower than he had been in Tangled.

The story, as expected, wasn't much. Chase's books have always been more character oriented.
Still I'm happy Drew and Kate got their happy ending even though the end was cheesy as hell .
Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews655 followers
October 9, 2014
Drew, Drew, Drew... You stole my heart and then some.


Yep. I think this series got back to it's best. Drew's fabulous inner-monologue is top dog.

'Tied brings all the characters back together for one big blow out. There's dancing, strippers, cheeky kids, crazy besties, embarrassing parents... It's like a mix up of The Hangover and Friends.

I love how the characters are true to life. The situations so damn ironic. I lolled a lot. And those end words... Going to miss Drew sooo much...

Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,444 followers
November 21, 2014
After 5 years and one adorable son together, Kate and Drew are getting married!

Not sure what I can say that hasn't already been said...but if a book keeps you up all night just so you can finish it (and because there's no good place where you can stop), then I say it's a keeper.

I loved every word of this book. I laughed, I teared up, I even worried that Drew might do something wrong to mess up his relationship with Kate before they tied the knot, but not to worry, Kate and Drew do get their HEA (and that's no spoiler). They have one more hurdle to get over before they tie the knot, and it's a doozy--a bachelor/bachelorette party in Las Vegas.

On paper this looks like a very baaad idea. C'mon, you know something will happen--it's Las Vegas, for god's sake. But actually, this is a good test for both Drew and Kate. Just how much do they trust each other and their relationship? How much have they grown?

I'll say no more...except to add some of my favorite humorous Drew (Kate, and others) quotes...

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Drew speaking:
Anyway, with mild curiosity I open my eyes and ask Delores, "What are you giving him?"

She grins smugly. "Only the greatest gift a woman can give the man she loves."

I take my best guess. "Anal?"

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"That's your gift? Really? It's the guy's birthday and you're gonna make him get needles stuck in his face all day? What are you gonna get him for Christmas--a colonoscopy?"

from Drew's sister, Lexi:

"Soon some gold-digging bimbo is going to try to get her claws in him, and he's going to be saddled with a wife who looks like Barbara Bush!"

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Drew, to Kate:

I glance at her hand, then shake my head dismissively. "I don't do high fives." I wiggle my digits. "But if you're interested in some fingering, I'm happy to oblige."

Kate, telling off a flirtatious flight attendant:

"See this ring? It means I belong to him. And the tattoo of my name on his arm means he belongs to me. All of him. His dick is a compass, and I'm due north--it only points to me."

From Drew's friend, Jack:

"I will never get married. I used to think Drew and I were on the same page about that. Women are like Kleenex--soft. disposable, a convenient place to cum."
"...Kate isn't some plain, ordinary tissue. Kate is a hankie. The kind you hold on to. The kind you embroider your initials on. Kate is a keeper."

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And that's what this whole series is, hands down--a keeper. Ms. Chase's unique perspective of the male pov--specifically, the rascally bad-boy Drew Evans--that's what drives this series. He's still a rascal, but he has grown and matured. He's still irreverent, still funny, still darn sexy, still says the wrong thing sometimes...but he's so darn lovable!
5+ stars!
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
October 18, 2014
The Hangover : Drew's Style

Is great to catch up with Drew and his twisted man rules. Plot wise, I would rate it only 3 stars. The gang spent the bachelor and bachelorette party together at Vegas and encounter some amusing drama. Thank God this time we get to see a pretty grown up Drew who did the right thing for once. Despite the predictable plot without much meat, I had a fun time with Drew's POV as always. Goona miss the chap.
Profile Image for εllε.
758 reviews
May 1, 2016
Am I the only one who pictures Chris Evans as Drew? Maybe it's their last name. Not as Captain America, but:

Most kids speak their first word around the eleven-month mark. Because my son is a genius, his first word came at nine months. And it wasn’t Mama or Dada or anything typical like that.
James’s first word was shit.

The humor in this book is amazing. It never fails to entertain me. It was nice seeing Drew and Kate as parents. They make a beautiful team.

“Shhh!” She attacks. “If you wake that baby, I’ll pluck out every pubic hair you have the next time you fall asleep.”

The first half of the book was very good. New parents who have to make difficult decisions and have to deal with their insecurities. There are also many hot scenes, as always present when Drew is around. We get to see all the characters interact with each other. I will miss some of them.

And then there's THE WEDDING

Prince William and Kate can kiss my ass. Amateurs. We’ve got this wedding-of-the-century thing in the bag.

Before that final step is the Vegas experience. Everyone goes to Vegas, to enjoy their last day as a bachelor/bachelorette. Humorous situations are always present, and they are really hilarious.

The only thing that doesn't feel right, that has always been an issue (for me) in these books, is Drew's behavior when he's not with Kate. In this one, they have been together for 5 years. Five years! And they have a beautiful child together. So why should Drew always doubt himself if he has or hasn't hurt Kate? Why should Kate feel insecure with him? Why does the author put them always in situations like these? The only thing that I understand and feel, is that there will always be a possibility in the future that Drew will cheat on Kate. Their relationship feels so insecure. This has been the motif in all their books, if Drew will or won't cheat on Kate. I don't like it. It doesn't look like a HEA to me.

Despite this, the writing is very good, fast-paced and entertaining.

“Why would you want to help me?”
I shrug. “I’m a sucker for a lost cause—St. Jude always was my favorite saint."

I would like to see a real development of the characters, I would like to be ensured that they're always be together and there will not be major problems (like cheating) between them, but this books isn't convincing.

Profile Image for Andie .
293 reviews387 followers
June 22, 2016
It's always a good time when you're in Drew Evans' head. Emma Chase is one of my go to's for romantic comedy. I haven't come across another author who gets the male psych quite the way she does. Drew is an all out MALE. He's unapologetic in the way he thinks, sarcastic and funny, and somehow incredibly charming.

Drew and Kate are tying the knot and finally getting their happy ending! But before the big day rolls around we're led through the week before of Vegas, bachelor, and bachelorette parties. If you know Drew and his crew then you know good, sexy fun is to come. And being that it's Vegas, there's plenty of trouble to be found and a thousand ways to ruin a good thing.

Besides one particular stripper scene that I was on the verge of horrified about and another single moment where I almost had a legit heart attack, I absolutely loved this last installment. Tied wrapped up Drew and Kate's story beautifully and updated us on some of our favorite side characters. I'm definitely going to miss this gang. Guess it's time to dive into Chase's Legal Brief series!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,534 reviews

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