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Kayli Winchester is a dirt-poor girl living out of a hotel, forced to be the parent for a drunken father and teenage brother who she’s desperate to keep in school. The only way she scrapes by is to utilize her one skill: pickpocketing. But even though she’s a thief she has a moral code: no kids or old ladies, only targets who can defend themselves. Not that they see her coming…

Thinking she’s been working under the radar, Kayli has no idea The Academy has been watching and taking notice. Now a team that needs her skill has offered her a way out of her predicament and it’s her last chance: work with them, or face jail time. Kayli resists at first, but slowly the boys reveal they can be trusted. With Marc, the straight man, Raven, the bad-boy Russian, Corey and Brandon the twins as different as night and day, and Axel their stoic leader, there’s a lot Kayli can learn from these Academy guys about living on the edge of the law. If only she can stay on the good side instead of the bad.

Especially when the job they offer her is more than any of them bargained for. After it’s done, the hunters have become the hunted and their target is now after Kayli. The Academy boys do their best to keep her hidden, but a thief like Kayli will never sit still for long.

Meet an all-new Academy team in Thief, the beginning of the Scarab Beetle series.

Warning: This is a new adult series. Readers of the other Academy series may need some caution as this series will contain mature sexual and violent situations and themes.

311 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 2014

About the author

C.L. Stone

57 books4,335 followers
C. L. Stone likes :chocolate_bar: and #findingburiedtreasure. Her books are about :revolving_hearts: and @dark_themes and #chocolatechippancakes.

If lots of book boyfriends scare you...run. Run now.

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Profile Image for Marga .
287 reviews369 followers
December 29, 2014
Actual Rating: 1.5/5 stars

This book is just BLOODY, BLOODY AWFUL.

That .5 star was for making me laugh at times. This book is seriously messed-up! The beginning was okay but it went downhill very, very fast. I dived to this book expecting something like Heist Society (I LOVE Ally Carter!) but what I did I bloody get? My. Worst. Freaking. Nightmare.

Here are the things that made me disliked this book:

1. Kayli Winchester

OMG. This character is just..

[image error]

I can’t even.. -_- So, first things first. Kayli is a thief. She pickpockets since her mom died and her father became a drunken man. She's the only one left responsible enough to work and send her brother, Wil, to school. Even though she’s a thief, she’s following certain rules. She will not steal from old people or children. She will not steal from those people who can’t fight back. And when she steals she will not get everything from them and will return the rest. How considerate. I have nothing against it though because she did what she could in order to survive.

She didn't knew that some people noticed her. Then they practically kidnapped and bribed her to come with them. And after a few seconds..

She was joking and flirting already with these guys.

[image error]

And that's not all. She slept in the same bed with four guys in four different nights. And then she's like: I don't know what I feel about them. I can't give my heart because I didn't knew them that much yet. Uhh WHAAAAAT? LOL, at least there's no insta-love.

[image error]

2. The guys.

Ugh. Ugh. UGH. You would think that these guys didn’t even know that girls existed until Kayli came along. They worship her. They practically bow down at her feet. Well, maybe except Kevin who isn't really at all mentioned at the book because he's with his girlfriend all the time.

a. Axel – LOL. Talk about a dramatic entrance. So the boys are talking in a room with Kayli. When this man entered, Kayli was like:

"I couldn't stop staring at the definition of his sculpted body, the defining lines of his collarbone and the matching indents on the sides of his hips, not to mention his penis."

When I get at that part I was like: "I did not just read that."

[image error]

b. Marc - I think he's the guy with the best chance with Kayli though they all really have. Chance, I mean. She had encouraged everyone. -_- He's not even angry at Kayli when she shot him at the leg for no apparent reason. My goodness, this book is completely crazy!!

c.Raven - So Kayli liked it when Raven hit her back when she hit him. She appreciates him for not seeing her as a weakling or something like that.

[image error]

d. Brandon - Brandon is Corey's twin. Because when he noticed that Kayli is flirting with Corey, he told her that Corey is gay. My co-buddy reader said: "He is so not gay. he's just saying that so she'll flirt with him instead of his brother. he needn't worry though, she'll flirt with everybody."

[image error]

e. Corey - Aw. I liked him in the beginning. You see, I have a thing for nerds lol. He's quite okay compared to the other guys. (He hasn't been kissed by Kayli.)

3.The plot.

Wait, what plot? There is no plot. This book is about Kayli getting to know every guy in this story in an intimate manner. Oh, there was an attempt of a plot about tailing a guy, namely Blake Coaltar, because he seems suspicious. Totally acceptable, right? He became suspicious just because he changed his routine.

Everything was confusing and after a while, I didn’t try to understand anymore. The storyline didn't make any sense. I’ll totally DNF this book but I’m buddy reading this so if my friends suffer, I’ll join them. I'm a good friend, what can I say? ^_^

4. Cliffhanger.

While I’m at the middle of this book already, I promised that if this ends with a cliffhanger, I’m giving this a one-star rating. I totally saw that twist (if that is even a twist) coming. The ending didn’t make me want to read the next book! It made me want to throw the book across the room and burn it to ashes. Too bad I’m not holding a physical copy.

This book took like forever. After every chapter I was like: "Why is this taking too long?" I’m really happy that I got this book for free. I wouldn't recommend this book even to my worst enemy! But if you’re in the mood to torture yourself, and then go ahead, this book is for you. :D

[image error]

**ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange of an honest review.
Profile Image for Sparkling.
26 reviews10 followers
August 3, 2016
The Scarab Beetles have arrived...And what a NICE introduction we got to Axel!

The blue-eyed/green-eyed MARC, so commanding! (I'll do whatever those eyes tell me to do.)


Love Raven's tattoos, and his "Don't give a *#&$%!" attitude.


Why are your eyes so sad, Brandon?


So happy and fun-loving, just wanna hang with you all day, Corey.


The Academy is monitoring one of Charleston's richest playboys. Why does he stay out all night and roam the worst parts of town? What nefarious deeds is he up to? Is he working with the local drug dealers? To find out, and prevent future drug wars, the Scarab Beetle crew enlists pickpocketing thief, Kayli, to crash Rich Boy's party and nab his wallet with his security card. While they go search out his office, all goes according to plan, except now their target has his sights set on Kayli and she has become HIS target.

This was a fun and exciting read from the very first page. Your heart pounds as you pick pockets with Kayli. You're stunned and mesmerized by Marc's different colored eyes (one blue and one green). Raven will leave you craving for more after roughhousing play and then warming Kayli's feet. You'll wonder what makes Brandon's blue eyes so sad. And the fun and happiness Corey evokes makes you feel like you're floating on cloud nine. Being introduced to Axel.... enough said.

If you're a fan of C.L. Stone's other Academy series, you won't want to miss this one. This is a NEW ADULT series, so be prepared for mature themes and situations.

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♡ P.S. We weren't expecting this, but CL has given us another hottie to fawn all over. ♡
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,895 reviews1,374 followers
April 5, 2014
(Source: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to Arcato Publishing and Netgalley.)

This book ->

I don’t even know where to start with this book. I cannot even put into words how much I disliked this, but I’m going to try. I apologise in advance if I have to leave you with my status updates!

Kayli. Kayli, Kayli, Kayli. Where do I even start? I don’t think I have ever come across a character who snogged as many boys in one book as she did, or slept in the same bed as so many different guys! I mean, there was Mark, then there was Raven, then Brandon, then Blake, then back to Mark. I mean really? How many guys can one girl swap spit with over the course of a couple of days?

The kissing wasn’t the only thing that bothered me about Kayli though, I also didn’t get why she felt the need to check out guys who had kidnapped her! It seemed that every time she got kidnapped, all she thought about was how attractive her kidnapper was! I mean really? And I have to say that I was also quite startled that when a naked guy walked into the room she was in, we got a fairly detailed description of “his partially erect length”. Sorry, but that was unexpected, and really not appreciated.

Then we come to the storyline. How many times can one girl get kidnapped? How many stupid things can one girl do? How can a teenage girl not have figured out that shooting a nail gun at someone is not a clever thing to do?

How relieved am I to have finished this book? How pleased am I to be able to delete this from my kindle? How annoyed am I that this book just stops without a proper ending?

Oh crap, I can’t bear to even think about this book any more. I’m going to leave you with my status updates!

10% - "I couldn't stop staring at the definition of his sculpted body, the defining lines of his collarbone and the matching indents on the sides of his hips.
not to mention his penis."
15% - Where the feck did that come from? unexpected, and unappreciated. I like a little warning when people are about to start discussing -I quote "his partially erect length"
no thanks."
18% - "I am so bored."
19% - "she's putting bullets in guns for them? is she crazy?! has she never heard of something called 'finger printing'? if they use those guns and bullets in a theft that goes wrong they've got her finger prints all over them!! not a good idea!!"
21% - "Weak in the knees?! What the hell is wrong with you?! He's an ass!"
39% - "OMG how many guys can one girl flirt with at once? Is this turning into an orgy or something?!"
47% - "bored."
51% - "I don't believe he's really gay."
53% - "she's kissing someone different again? Is she trying to go through every guy in the gang??!!"
55% - "this girl is nuts. has no-one ever told her not to fire nail guns at people?!!?"
59% - "why does everyone want to kidnap this girl?!"
60% - "what is her obsession with checking out guys who have kidnapped her?! talk about a one track mind!"
67% - "seriously? who are you trying to kid?!"
71% - "she's kissing someone different again?? what is with this girl? Is this bloke number 4 in one book?!"
75% - "Oh poo! still 25% to go! ☹"
77% - "now she's kissing the first bloke again. damn this girl gets around!"
78% - "she shot him in the knee with a nail gun, but he still wants to screw her. talk about messed up."
84% - "will the torment never end??? ☹"
85% -
86% - "oh gosh! you can shoot him, but don't wreck his yacht! what is it with this stupid book?!"
87% - "yes! jump! off a cliff hopefully."
90% - "she's taken? does that mean she's going to make a choice out of the 5 guys she's hitting on?"
91% - "really? give me a break!!!"
93% - "It ends at 93%!!!!

Overall; just yuck,
2 out of 10.

Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
Want to read
November 20, 2014
 photo FreeGr2xBbysb_zpsf74bc1bb.gif

FREE today on Amazon US (11/19/2014)

Kayli Winchester is a dirt-poor girl living out of a hotel, forced to be the parent for a drunken father and teenage brother who she’s desperate to keep in school. The only way she scrapes by is to utilize her one skill: pickpocketing. But even though she’s a thief she has a moral code: no kids or old ladies, only targets who can defend themselves. Not that they see her coming…

Thinking she’s been working under the radar, Kayli has no idea The Academy has been watching and taking notice. Now a team that needs her skill has offered her a way out of her predicament and it’s her last chance: work with them, or face jail time. Kayli resists at first, but slowly the boys reveal they can be trusted. With Marc, the straight man, Raven, the bad-boy Russian, Corey and Brandon the twins as different as night and day, and Axel their stoic leader, there’s a lot Kayli can learn from these Academy guys about living on the edge of the law. If only she can stay on the good side instead of the bad.

Especially when the job they offer her is more than any of them bargained for. After it’s done, the hunters have become the hunted and their target is now after Kayli. The Academy boys do their best to keep her hidden, but a thief like Kayli will never sit still for long.

Profile Image for Anna M..
112 reviews109 followers
July 14, 2016
I can't read this.... There are so many inconsistencies in this book, it makes you wonder if anyone edited it at all. I can overlook the spelling errors and even the grammatical mistakes, but there are just some things that make me angry. When I have to go back a paragraph and re-read because I'm doubting my comprehension, then this book isn't for me.
Example: "I left the apartment wearing the dress and my boots. They’d forgotten to buy shoes. Boys."
Then, on the same page!: “We need to pick up some shoes. I can’t go barefoot.”

It's a shame really, because I thought it was a cute story.... But I can't, there are too many books out there that I want to read that I am certain won't make me so angry to distract me from the story.
Profile Image for Lana *Lifeinwordsandlyricscom*.
651 reviews148 followers
May 3, 2021
DNF at 50%

The only reason I started this book was because it sat in my pile for an obscene amount of years. I just had to finally read it and get it over with.
Well, it probably would've faired better if I read it back then too because from the get go I could tell it wasn't what excited me anymore.
Yeah, a pile and a pinch of cute guys is good at any time but everything else was so juvenile that I just couldn't, you know?
Another victim of a huge tbr-list, sorry.

Over and out
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews791 followers
September 9, 2019
Welcome to RH universe where all the guys salivate at a girl for no reason what so ever. You see Kaylie is so perfect she should be in a museum. Why?

1. Kaylie is too cute to be a thief. Oh no, only ugly people resort to stealing, yea.
2. Kaylie likes science. Girls usually like other things, like shopping but not Kaylie, no sire.
3. Expanding on point 2, Kaylie does not like shopping. She's comfortable in jeans, who needs dresses.
4. Kaylie will help you get rid of any clingy girlfriend you have. Just dial 1800-kaylie and shes there.
5. Kaylie is perfect at target practice, even though she's never held a gun before she hits bullseye each time.
6. Kaylie has something no other girl has.
7. Kaylie believes what ever you tell her until she is betrayed when she learns the truth.
8. Kaylie does not bother to check on her brother for days on end until she realizes he is missing.

Kaylie is also brash and impulsive and is totally TSTL. I will not be reading the next book.
Profile Image for Marguerite (M).
767 reviews627 followers
August 5, 2021
Rating : TBA
DNF the first time

Kayli is an idiot.
Kayli is a moron.
Kayli is judgemental.
Kayli makes bad decisions.
Lots of bad decisions.

But Kayli is actually a lot more realistic than Sang.
Kayli questions the world around her.
Kayli might make bad decisions but only because we know the guys are the good ones. She does not.
She does not believe everything the random dudes she just met tell her. She wants to find the truth.
She finds a little weird that the guys blow stuff/carry guns/break into private property/got arrested/and stuff.

But Kayli manages to shot someone with a nail gun.
And with a real gun.
And she crashed a yacht.
And a car.
And might have participated in blowing up a house.
Yacht, car, and house that belong(ed) to the same person. Poor guy.

Kayli is out of control. And she's controlling everyone around her.
She's messing up. Making out with everything with a penis.

She's a liar. A thief. Morally corruptible. Completely irresponsible. Incredibly annoying. A hardcore imbecile. And I like The Scarab Beetle even more than The Ghost Bird.

> MM (later)
> No FF (but I strongly believe Kayli needs a girlfriend)
Profile Image for Juliana.
105 reviews8 followers
April 20, 2014
***Spoiler Alert***
I couldn't believe it!!!
Wil, Kayli's brother, is the Wil in the first academy series "goast bird"!!! He's the kid Sang kept running into... not literally.

***Spoiler Alert 2***
When Kayli shot Marc in the leg with the nail gun, he went to the academy hospital.
In "Drop of Doubt", Sang is told to take a nail out of a guys leg by Sean Green. The guy says that one of his teammates missed while using the nail gun. The "teammate" the guy's talking about is Kayli! The person with the nail in his leg in Drop of Doubt is the Marc from "Thief, The Scarab Beetle Series #1".

The exact saying by Marc in the book Drop of Doubt #5:

I glanced at Marc, who had a baffled look on his face, but seemed curious. "What ... um ... what's wrong?"

"Our new temmate didn't know how to operate a nail gun." He turned on his side, revealing the outside of his thigh. Through his jeans, there was a head of a nail sticking out from just above his knee. "Pretty good aim if she meant it".

Profile Image for Darcey.
1,209 reviews280 followers
June 8, 2019
Not bad but not great either. Thief was entertaining, but sometimes I wanted to smash my kindle because of what was happening. I found that Blake was an unnecessary part of the story and I didn’t like how close to him Kayli got, and I also found it strange that she kept going back to him. Also, it might just be me, but I found that Marc’s character kind of changed throughout the story, and I didn’t really like that. This review is basically just a rant for me, and something to work out my feelings on this book, but anyway I didn’t really like this book that much except for some of the romance. Oh, but I did like Kayli’s character and found her entertaining, so that was good. I won’t continue the series, but this book wasn’t horrible.

Thanks for the free book on kindle though!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Linda.
164 reviews26 followers
August 31, 2016
So this review is gonna be long because it contains quite a lot of quotes.

It started out so good. Interesting story, intriguing plot and diverse characters. But then I got beyond the first 15%.

Kayli is so infuriatingly annoying and extremely childish. She’s had a tough life, I get it. She’s starved for attention and affection. But does she have to flirt and cling to all the guys in this story? I liked the story in the beginning, and I didn’t start to dislike Kayli until she was starting to get to know the guys.

First out was Corey. She pegged him for a nerdling at first sight. She later became aware that he is so adorable, cute and nice that it is impossible to be mad at him – “I couldn’t argue with that face. How did he do that?”

He’s not very forward, and so their flirting is subtle, but it’s there.

“I took is hand, letting him help me stand up. After, he squeezed it gently once and released me. The move was odd to me, mostly odd because I actually felt a warmth from him I wasn’t expecting. He wasn’t just friendly. There was something about him that I was drawn to.”

“I jogged over until I was standing beside him, allowing myself, for the moment, to get swept away.”

“He shrugged, reaching for my hand, tugging once to get me to hurry along. He let go after, and I was sorry for it.”

Then we have Raven. Kayli likes to hit him. She secretly likes that he hits back, although she complains about it every time he does.
“I slapped his bicep, right on a tribal tattoo.”
“I squared off my shoulders at him, holding up my fists and ready to hit him in the chest or face or wherever I could reach.”
“I punched at one of the tribal tattoos on his shoulder.”
“I kicked backward, finding his shin.”
“I swung around, catching him in the arm with a fist.”
“I pouted and swung a fake punch with my free hand at his knee.”

It never stops!

On to the flirting:
“His chest moved as he breathed heavily, in and out, brushing against me. A reaction stirred in my nipples and I tried to ignore it.”
This one is totally forgivable in my eyes though, since this is basically just her body reacting. She isn’t consciously doing anything.

“His head leaned in, his lips traced my ear. His nose shifted through my hair. “Is it? Are you sure?”
I shivered warmly. He was so close and at the same time, I sensed him toying with me. It almost scared me how much it turned me on.”
Now this is border lining.

“Raven’s muscled, tattooed shoulders and attitude set something off inside me. I would never admit it in a million years, but I wanted to pummel him for making me feel like I wanted to kiss the tar out of him.” Aaand now it’s too much. If it was just him who caused this reaction, then sure. But she reacts this way to most of them! It drove me crazy.

Take her first “meeting” with Axel, for example. He comes into the room. Stark naked. With morning wood.
“He studied me just as much as I studied him. His eyes swept over me in the shorts, the boots, the way my hair hung around my cheeks and down my shoulders to almost chest length. His eyes stayed at my chest and hips for so long that I felt a swell in my breasts and genitals and the warm wave of a blush as if I’d been the one naked instead of him.”

“And why did his nonchalant attitude make me feel all weak in the knees?”

“I relented, letting him take my wrist. His thumb trailed over the underside, right above my palm, in a reassuring motion. If my heart could quiver and then stop and relax at the same time, that��s exactly how he made me feel.

With that, he lowered our joined hands into the coolness of the water in the seemingly empty tank. A shiver went through my spine, but it wasn’t totally from the chill of the water.

My heart raced, mostly from the touch of his fingertips smoothing over my skin. It became difficult to remember what he wanted to know.

His fingers lowered along my spine, sending a gentle ripple through my body.”

It also got tiring how freaking nice everyone was to her and how she couldn’t believe it. The following quotes are all from the same chapter and occurs over only a few pages:
“But,” I said, unsure how to put it. “I mean, I haven’t even done anything for you yet. Why would you?”

I cupped his cheek in my palm, drawing his head over until I could plant a kiss on the opposite cheek. “Please, please, please?” I begged. I don’t know why I was still asking. I think I just wanted to play. I was so excited, and I didn’t know how to say thank you for this.
“I said yes.”
If it meant swallowing my pride so Corey could do me a favor, I’d do it. If I had to sink deeper into this strange group to get it to happen, I’d do it.”
What freaking pride does she have to swallow? He is offering to do something for her, something she wants very much – for nothing at all in return!

This is all happening while she is sitting on his lap in a chair. Raven comes up and mocks her pleading and the three of the end up sprawling on the floor:
“Corey chuckled underneath me. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I said.
He dropped a hand on top of my head. “Don’t hit me,” he said. “I’m just trying to…” He wriggled underneath me, and held on to my arm a bit, as if trying to make sure I was okay.
“I won’t hit you,” I said. I tried to push myself up off of his chest but Raven sunk his full weight onto my body, crushing me against Corey. “Ugh. You jerk, get off of me.” I reached around, slapping at Raven’s arm.
Raven shifted above me, and a hard spank landed on my thigh close to my butt. “Girl, I swear…”
I whimpered, rubbing at the spot where he hit me. It didn’t really hurt that bad, I was going to pout and then pop him back when his guard was down.”

When Marc comes into the room and finds them laying there, her reaction is:
“Raven did it!”

Oh, and she can tell the twins apart because of their eyes. Brandon has a deep sadness in his, and apparently she is the only one who can see it. Not his twin, he seemed completely clueless to the fact that their eyes were different. Not his friends. No, it’s only the girl he met mere 24 hours before who can see it. Except for Brandon himself, of course. When she said that their eyes were different he "stared at her in a strange way that made her insides squirm."

“He grunted and suddenly his arms encircled me. He swayed gently with the music. He was pretending to dance with me. That didn’t matter to me as much, but his strong arms across my shoulders were suddenly everything I needed.”

And then, during her mission… *drumroll* She starts her own little investigation and starts flirting with the target.
“Mr. Coaltar turned.
The world shifted.
*Description of his handsomeness*
And, god forgive me, I paused a millisecond to admire the view.

His hand went out, and caught the strap of my dress that I hadn’t noticed had slid off my shoulder. His fingers grazed my skin as he adjusted the strap back into place. His touch sent my heart into a dizzying spin.

My breathing quickened and my heart raced. The golden flecks in his eyes were distracting. His touch and invitation were clouding my judgment. Temptation swept over me, intimidating and precise.
He was testing me, I knew. He wanted to see if I was willing to play his game. Something about him made me want to step up to this shrewd challenge he was putting across to me. I wanted to figure out how far he would take this.

I lowered my eyes prettily, hoping to appear modest. Not usually my style, but this game was fun, albeit dangerous. And maybe that was the exciting part.

I couldn’t resist this game. I started it, I suppose. Maybe it was masochistic of me to find enjoyment in flirting with danger in this way.

Maybe even Mr. Coaltar would hire me.
Or date me.

You get the picture?

“I didn’t really care about this fake job offer with Mr. Coaltar but it was irritating that Brandon thought he could tell me what to do. I wanted to push a few of his buttons and get him to back off.”
So damn childish.

And for everyone who comments on how smart she is all the time – she is really clueless.
“It was Corey who grabbed my hand, odd to me because we didn’t have to pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend any more. Did he forget?”

She also knows no boundaries. She meddles in things that are none of her business. She knows it too, but her reasoning is that “she was doing him a favor”.

And after all this flirting with all these guys in one day she ends up in Marc’s bed. It was mostly platonic, except for two kisses. One of which she initiated while she was “acting” in front of one of his exes to get her to stop chasing after him.
“My heart fluttered in ways I hadn’t felt in a while *excuse me for cutting in for just a second… Really? I seem to recall she stated something similar a couple of hours before with Mr. Coaltar. Forget about him already?*, and so strongly that it scared me. I pulled back, trying to maintain my ruse and at the same time hide the sudden attraction I felt for him that had become overwhelming.”
When he comes in for a second one she acts confused as to why he would kiss her.
“I had kissed him to save him some trouble. What was his about? Some weird way of getting back at me?” I mean, Jesus. This is getting embarrassing.

At 39% I decide to check out a few reviews on GR. What I find isn’t particularly surprising, and Margarita Cubian’s 1-star review basically says exactly what I’m thinking. I read her entire review and decided not to finish the book. It started out so good, and I really wanted to like it. Why this book has so many 5-star reviews on amazon is beyond me.
Profile Image for GimmeAllTheWerdssss.
593 reviews242 followers
November 22, 2016
3.75 I think I can get behind this stars...

First let me say that this book, series, and subject matter is not for everyone. This series is about a Reverse Harem (RH) meaning that there is one woman and multiple men all in a singular committed relationship.

I was unaware until recently that there was even such a thing. A friend simply stated there was a book series about one woman and 9 extremely hot men (please note that the series I was originally directed to was CL's Ghost Bird series). So, being a hot blooded woman I figured I would check that out. Well, I made it a few books into that series and realized that I could in no way connect with the heroine. However, I enjoyed CL's writing style and had heard about her other RH series - this one - and figured I would give it a try. Many people had said that Kaylie was the exact opposite of Sang (Ghost Bird heroine) and due to my dislike of Sang I figured Kaylie may be more up my ally. Well...she is.

This book starts with Kaylie trying to survive and provide for her younger brother by pit pocketing. The thing is that she hates what she has to do and therefore only takes some of the cash and return the wallets. She also only steals from those who appear to be financially ok. Basically, she only takes enough to survive. However, she has drawn some attention and the Academy has been called in to see whats going on. The Academy is in no way police or any kind of federal government service. They are simply a collection of people with skills that try to help but this time they have an alternative mission. They need Kaylie's help.

Through some dubious means the Academy - a set of 5 guys (there are multiple groups within the Academy..this is just one) - persuade Kaylie to help them with their mission. What they didn't count on though was how smart Kaylie was. Through observation she sees beyond the face value of what they are presenting her and worms her way into the group.

As you can expect when you put one attractive girl with a group of attractive guys things are going to happen. However, please don't think that Kaylie and the guys just jump into one big menage. They don't. What made this book more realistic is that we hear Kaylie's struggle over the fact that she is attracted to more than one of the guys.

There is a lot of character development and growth of friendships. This series isn't about a quick wham bam thank you ma'am type of relationship. It about the overall growth of their relationships and how they all go from being attracted to each other, falling in love, and accepting that if you love someone you want them to be happy and sometimes that means allowing other relationships (again...this is NOT for everyone...). THIS is what will keep me reading the books. Its not just about sex, yes there is touching, making out, and eventually sex (book 5), but that's not the main focus.

I love and can understand Kaylie. Shes a fighter. Most of her life has been a struggle and she's trying. However, with those struggles come the walls that she has built around herself. She doesn't trust easily and it will take her a while before she can really allow the guys into her heart. Shes a very realistic character who most girls can identify with.

However, while I enjoy her character 90% of the time the other 10% can drive me up a wall. That 10% is her doubt and impulsiveness. Kaylie is a girl that dives head first into a situation without really considering all the factors. She's also easily swayed when presented with only one side of the information and that can get her into trouble. The thing is that knowing what Kaylie's been through and how she sees things makes her actions completely understandable. I look forward to reading about when she completely trust the guys and lets them in.

The guys...well, now this is a group that I could see myself hanging out with. Axel, Cory, Brandon, Marc, Raven, and Kevin are all extremely talented and are good guys. Yes, they play on the fringes of the law but its always for the benefit. If they need to kidnap a pit pocket (Kaylie) to help solve a mystery and keep others safe...they'll do it. If they can pull some strings to get someone into college early so they will have an easier life..they'll do it. If they have to steal a boat to stop a shipment of drug leaving town...they'll do it. All of the guys come across as genuine and very likable. They all have troubled past so they are very understanding of Kaylie. They accept her as she is and help her to better herself. They offer her trust and a safe place.

Ultimately Kaylie needs the guys as much as they need her. While at the end of this book they are still on shaky ground there is the possibility of strong relationships and connections being made. For me this was a win but like I said before it won't be for everyone.
Profile Image for Catherine.
346 reviews18 followers
March 14, 2014
I couldn't finish this book. The writing was okay, though in need of editing ('I shivered warmly' should never be a sentence in any book, ever). I just couldn't connect to the main character and I felt that her reactions to everything was very unrealistic. She was flirting and joking with all of the guys after they practically abducted her. It just didn't seem very real, and though I happily read fantasy and other books like that, the characters still need to make sense. Kaylie didn't.

The introduction of one of the guys was completely ludicrous... he walked in fully naked, and it was just really creepy. Then, with Mark they kept 'karate chopping' at each other. I don't understand.

I'm sorry, but I just didn't see the book getting better and it really wasn't holding my attention at all. I didn't want to know what happened.
Profile Image for Taryn.
Author 2 books24 followers
September 11, 2022
Warning! There will be spoilers for Thief, as well as possible spoilers for Stone's Ghost Bird series, up to Forgiveness and Permission.

I am so torn. You see, Sang is such a godawful protagonist that I just want to bore a rusty screwdriver into my temple to escape her mind-numbing idiocy. However, this story wouldn't work with a more confident, self aware girl. Sang basically has to be a complete and utter doormat to make anything that happens in this series semi-believable, because I don't know if I could root for a girl (not that I root for Sang) that willingly dates and flirts with nine guys, cycling though them like shoes or outfits. -My review of Friends vs. Family

Thief reinforces the beliefs I put forth from Stone's Ghost Bird series. Now, I should clarify that I'm not against the idea of several people sharing someone. My problem is how it is executed, both in Ghost Bird and Scarab Beetle. Sang is so naive that she isn't aware that she's being shared by nine men boys in a romantic way, and their intention is for her to love/kiss/screw all of them. Kayli, on the other hand, is flitting back and forth between six guys depending on her mood, not thinking about the impact her flirting will have on them or their feelings (and pretty much taking it on faith that they will never talk to each other about her). This is not how I want this to go. I want the lone woman in the relationship to openly accept and agree to being with however many guys and for all the ground rules to be set up at the beginning. Being a naive toy that's passed around or a (seriously, how do you say slut without seeming like you're slut shaming?) that decides a guy is hot so she kisses him without thinking of consequences are not ways this kind of thing should go down.

Reading Thief makes me think that Stone was trying to make Kayli the complete opposite of Sang. Unfortunately, it is so extreme to the other side that it's comical. Sang is completely dependent on everyone because apparently she can't think for herself, while Kayli is the reason Independent Women by Destiny's Child was written. She's her own person and completely self reliant! Sang barely leaves her house, Kayli stays as far away from the hotel she lives in as possible. Sang is quiet, easygoing, and sweet, Kayli is bullheaded and obnoxious strong, sarcastic, and confident. Sang has never had a boyfriend? Well, Kayli has had so many that she only ever references them as one of my ex-boyfriends and not by their names. That's how many she's had. So many, you guys. (Let's do some math (because math is fun!), shall we? Kayli is eighteen. She admits she hasn't had a boyfriend in a couple years, so since she was sixteen. Let's say she started dating at thirteen. If we're being generous and say she stayed with a guy for at least two months, she had eighteen boyfriends, minimum, but from her constant references, I'd double that number, at least. So about forty boyfriends in three years, from thirteen to sixteen. Once again, how do you call someone a slut without slut shaming?) It's ridiculous. Of course, they have some things in common, the good things, obviously! They have morals. Sang refuses to do petty things like tattle or take revenge, while Kayli only steals money from guys who could kick her ass, not women, children, or the elderly. Sang jumps in to protect her boyfriends from harm (even though she can't do anything), Kayli thinks she can talk down a hot guy with the power of her vagina and boobs so he won't poison some cartel drug dealers. They are the good guys girls, you know!

So, Kayli. I do not like her. She gets kidnapped by a handful of guys, but they're hot, so she flashes her cleavage at them and starts flirting. The guy she's supposed to help the Academy boys expose as a bad person is hot, so she flirts with him too. She goes off on her own all the time, thinking that she can one-up the Academy and solve the mystery herself. (And of course she does, if you're wondering. Because she is so amazing.) She shot Marc with a nail gun. She shot Blake with a real gun. She whines and complains about her home situation, yet she doesn't do anything about it except steal wallets, when three people offer her jobs throughout the book. She belittles other women, saying they're all clingy and worthless while she's obviously the superior alpha female (Marc's girlfriend fakes injuries to keep him around, while Kevin's girlfriend needs to be discarded because she wants to know more about his work. Well, Kayli wants to know about the Academy too, but it's okay for her because she's the main character. Har har). She's so hot that apparently men and boys of all ages flash their junk at her in public (lol, what?). She claims to love her brother, yet never goes to see him, or call him (the guys get untraceable cell phones for each other, why couldn't they do it for Kayli to call Wil?), and doesn't realize he's missing until the end of the book. She's judgemental, calling anyone who doesn't adhere to her moral code/views as stupid, and all the guys enable her, saying she's right. She makes out with Marc, Brandon, Blake, and lets Raven feel her up, and doesn't give a thought to how she might be screwing up their friendship with each other, oh no, it's all about her feelings. I can handle Sang. She's a naive idiot who enjoys being the centre of attention of nine guys. Kayli is an obnoxious bull in a china shop, busting in and destroying everything, then demanding that everyone listen to her. Ugh.

The guys. Well, most of them are meh and we don't know a lot about them. I like Corey the most (although I despise that Kayli refers to him as a nerdling. What the fuck is that and why do I feel offended?), and despite Brandon's assertion that Corey is gay, I don't think he is. (And come on, Stone: "My brother would be in the showers at school and get boners all the time. Totally gay." Who says something like that about their twin brother to a chick they just met? What. The. Fuck.) Marc isn't so bad either, although I'm sure he'll end up somehow being ruined like Kota was for me. Raven, meh. Brandon, meh. Axel and his walking about naked in front of his bros with his morning wood hanging out, meh. Kevin, who is he again? And Blake: STRANGER DANGER! AVOID AT ALL COSTS! I will say they don't seem to have the same synergy and closeness that the team from Ghost Bird has. (The biggest tipoff being that they don't discuss how Kayli is making out with all of them on the assumption that they'll keep it to themselves.) At least the GB guys are willing to share Sang, the Scarab Beetle guys seem to be waiting in hopes that Kayli will rub her boobs on them and pick them for realsies.

I really wish Stone would give us the lowdown on the Academy and its inner workings on her website. All these vague references to favours and their work isn't cutting it for me. The whole "girls can't work with guys because if they get girlfriends, said GFs will get jealous" thing? Seriously, is everyone in literary land incapable of having opposite gender friends that are totally platonic? ARE THEY? The excuse was used in Ghost Bird as well, and it's hogwash. Not all girls and women are that petty, as other girls/women who write these books should know! (I'm tempted to write a GB/SB fanfiction about an Academy team that is half guys, half girls, and they can work together without the high school drama bullshit.)

The story is weak, if you can call it a story. Also, I'm not a cop, or work with drugs, or anything like that, but the explanation about synthetic drugs being legal until illegal and the cops can't seize them, blah blah, sounds like horseshit to me. What? Add in Kayli blabbing about the Academy to Blake, pretending she's an FBI informant, rushing headfirst into danger idiotically... yeah, no thanks. Introductions didn't have a plot besides introducing the characters. Thief should have done the same, because all this cloak and dagger, super spy nonsense was ridiculous.

Lastly, and this applies to all New Adult novels: ramping up the sexual actions/talk is ridiculous and does not make your book "more adult". Naked men walking around, constantly getting turned on (stirring in Kayli's vagina and nipples all the time), thinking about sex, getting naked, etc, etc. You do not need all of this in a NA novel every freaking page. New Adult means characters in an age range (my preference is 18-23). Yes, you can be a bit more adult than Young Adult, however, unless you're writing erotica, there isn't any reason to have sex and sexual feelings be shoved into every other word in your book. I'm not saying to shy away from sex, if you want to add it, feel free. But don't feel obligated to escape the YA label by throwing in graphic sex scenes or constantly referencing genitals and breasts and "stirrings". Stone isn't the only one to make this error. I'd love to read more NA books, but the second the nipples start flying more than twice, I feel like the book is boasting "Look how adult I am! Definitely not Young Adult!" No, stop.

The Ghost Bird series is somewhat entertaining, in a train wreck sort of way. Scarab Beetle is just a wreck.
Profile Image for Brittain *Needs a Nap and a Drink*.
373 reviews474 followers
November 13, 2014
C.L. Stone has done it again.

Thief is another branch of the Academy story line and this one is a lot more intense than the Ghost Bird series. The main character, Kayli, is older and wiser than Sang and she is a lot more "of the world". The boys are older as well and much more dangerous than our good clean cut Ghost Bird boys. Frankly, I like this edginess. It's what we all wanted from the Ghost Bird series but felt a little weird about since they are only 16.

These guys fill the stereotypes that we are missing and add a whole lot of sex appeal on top of it.

Axel: The fearless leader without nudity problems. Gruff and stern but willing to help. The rock. Axel always seems in control. That being said, it is obvious that he cares deeply for the others in his group and wants to do what is best for them. He is the best kind of leader because he realizes that the decisions he makes affect others and he takes that into account. He is excessively comfortable with himself and who he is as a person and doesn't let anybody change that.

Marc: Second in command? I haven't quite figured out their dynamic. He is charismatic with his two tone eyes and commanding presence. He is too nice to break it off with a clingy girl for fear of hurting her but can also be aggressive and strong. Marc's past wasn't an easy one but he doesn't let it get to him now. The past is in the past.

Brandon: Why are your eyes so sad Brandon? Who broke you? Brandon plays the role of "the one with the sad past" even though none of their lives were a field of flowers. Something horrible happened to him so he holds strong to his family and wants to protect them. Checkmark: Protective older brother role.

Corey: The sweet one. The one with the kind smile and open eyes. He isn't as traumatized as his brother but has his own issues. Sometimes, you don't need a bad boy, you just need someone to snuggle with and not feel uncomfortable with.

Raven: My favorite. The true bad boy. Professional Russian. Tattoos, piercings, accent, not afraid to fight back. He doesn't ascribe to all of the rules of Southern gentlemen and he makes Kayli stand up to him. He is a true alpha male and lines have to be drawn with him, otherwise he will walk all over you. I love it all. Raven is tough as nails and isn't afraid to show it. He isn't ashamed of his past but he isn't exactly forthcoming in all of the details. If you liked Silas or North in Ghost Bird, you will love Raven.

I've figured out why I like these guys so much. They don't treat Kayli like she is about to break in half. There is no helpless heroine here. She is strong, cunning and more than happy taking care of herself. I never felt like these boys were becoming her whole identity and taking over her life. She joins them somewhat willingly and is treated as an equal.

I love this series already. I only wish the books would come out faster.
Profile Image for Booknut 101.
849 reviews997 followers
May 8, 2014
"We're the good guys, little thief. Stop talking like you're trying to figure out if we're not."
"Bad guys think they're good guys, too."

The corner of his mouth lifted. "Guess it depends on where your morals are, or which side of the law you're on. You've been on the bad guys' side too long."

"I'm not-" I stopped short, realising I was falling into what I was just telling him. "I had good reasons."

"There's always a reason."
Kayli Winchester is a conundrum.

She's a thief with a conscience, picking her targets carefully. They're usually wealthy, confident, at ease in the world...people who wouldn't miss a few hundred dollar bills leaving their wallets.

And they never do. Kayli's a natural pickpocket, stealing wallets with practised ease & disappearing into the crowd just as easily.

But she doesn't do it for thrills.

With a father whose only contribution to the family is stealing Kayli's hard-earned money so he can drink it all away at the nearest bar, Kayli pickpockets to keep a roof over the heads of her and her younger brother Wil - to allow Wil to stay in school and to secure a better future for him.

Pickpocketing is the easiest way...just as long as she's never seen.

But little does she know she's being watched.

Kayli's caught the attention of a team of young men living on the edge of the law. Marc, Raven, Corey, Brandon and Axel - each one gorgeous and each one equipped with a different set of talents.

And all apart of The Academy, a mysterious organisation whose teams specialise in surveillance & espionage.

The boys offer Kayli a choice: to use her skills to help them with their latest job, or to face jail time.

Intrigued despite her initial misgivings, Kayli agrees. The guys teach her a range of skills from shooting a gun to the art of playing video games. With the team beside her, Kayli has high hopes that their job will be successful and that her life is finally taking a turn for the better.

But danger lurks behind smiles and polite facades.

Who is the enemy? And what do they want?

Kayli and the team must use every skill at their disposal in order to tell friend from foe before it's too late. But the further the team gets in their job, the more dangerous it is and the thicker the plot becomes.

Their enemy has found a new target - Kayli. And not even a thief can stay hidden forever.

Get ready to fall head over heels for the Academy boys as they steal your heart as deftly as Kayli snatches wallets.

Thief is a brilliant addition to C.L. Stone's Academy world. With an addictive combination of reconnaissance, many-faceted characters and romance, this first book in The Scarab Beetle series is a YA novel you don't want to miss!
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
July 18, 2017
2 shortage of beds stars.
Cliffhanger warning ⚠️
Hold tight to your suspension of disbelieve hat while reading this book.
Profile Image for Pao.
140 reviews48 followers
August 12, 2014
My harem of Academy guys keeps growing and I don't feel any guilt about it :D. Thief is as amazing as any of the books from The Academy but with a different group of guys, a different bird and a whole lot more action compared to the first book from the Ghost Bird series.

The new crew of Academy guys is older and rougher, but they're as HOT and smart as the other guys: First we have Axel, the sexy leader of the team that is introduced to us in a very particular completely naked way. Then there's Marc (which I think is second in charge) with his beautiful heterochromatic eyes, Corey and Brandon who are twins (do I need to say anything else?), Kevin, who we still don't know much about (except he has a clingy girlfriend), and Raven, a muscular tatooed russian with a big mouth and great sense of humor. C.L. was right to point out that this group could not handle a Sang. And that's why we have the new bird, Kayli. Kayli is DEFINITELY no Sang! She's tough, brave and reckless, but with a hard and abusive family situation as well.

This series are New Adult, so there are big changes and more adult situations. The plot of the book is like watching an action movie, no time for distractions. Love the fact that both Ghost Bird and Scarab Beetle series are in some way related, the slight mention of Luke, Silas and Sang in the story, the little dab of science (my major is in science so I love anything that has even a bit of science stuff in it *-*! I totally understand the bioluminescence and Schrödinger's cat references). There's also another hottie in the picture: Blake, but I don't know how to feel about him yet, so we'll see.

Of course I'm impatiently waiting for Liar and Push and Shove, I'm addicted to The Academy!

My favorite guy from the SB team so far:

Corey♥, the sweet nerdling from the bunch. I love Corey and his little secret.
Profile Image for Serena (The Book Comedian).
124 reviews168 followers
July 18, 2014

Read to 40% and skimmed to 49%

There were so many "OH PLEASE" moments; like several on every kindle page.

Kayli downplayed everything about herself; she downplayed how pretty she was, how smart she was, etc. etc. but the whole time you know she knows she's the shit.

Oh and she is also DTF for every available guy, which was no less then 6 guys even though she says if she had a boyfriend she would never put herself in a comprising situation, OH PLEASE, I call bullshit.

The author is seriously pretty good at writing, especially angsty romance scenes but the plot was just a big NO NO
Profile Image for Eve.
709 reviews15 followers
March 27, 2023

The first half of this book was a 4 and the second half was a 3.

I really enjoyed a lot of this book, much to my surprise. I’m ashamed to admit that I started this under the impression that I’d dislike it very much, but I was soon proven wrong.

What a wonderful cast of characters we were introduced to!! Each and every one had their own charm, their own little quirks, and I learnt to love each and every one of them. Even Kayli (despite some of her later actions frustrating me deeply) was someone I liked and enjoyed following through this book.

Blake’s character was…certainly something. I’m not really a big fan of how they dealt with that whole fiasco but I suppose I’ll just have to read the rest of the series to see if anything else comes from it.

I can already see that Book 2 is set right after Book 1, I personally would have liked some more space between them first but beggars can’t be choosers.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
August 10, 2018
Marc and his Academy team are tasked with capturing a pickpocket; they get more than they bargained for when they find Kayli. She steals to pay the rent and is trying to hold things together just long enough for her brother to make it to college - she really doesn't like stealing. The team makes her a deal - pick one rich guy's pocket and they will pay her rent and help her find a real job so she doesn't have to steal anymore. Of course, taking the wallet just leads to more questions about the bad guy and why Marc's team is interested in him. It is a puzzle that Kayli must solve.

So right off, I can tell this series is going to be a bit more mature than the Ghost Bird series - Kayli is older than the MC in Ghost Bird and so is Marc's team so they are more confident in their romantic activities and even handle guns in this series. The author has already sucked me into their stories and I'm eager to continue on to the next book.
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
March 8, 2014
A new adult story and a spin off from The Ghost Bird series by from the wonderful writer and author C. L. Stone. Thief actually runs parrell to Drop of Doubt interweaving the storylines. Amazingly, more is revealed in Thief about the secretive Academy then in all the first 5 books of The Ghost Bird series. Giving me a greater understanding and more invested interest in both storylines outcomes.

It seems once again we have the potential for another polyamorous plot highlighted with a secret society trying to do right wrongs and help society as a whole.

Surprising twist and turns punctuate this action filled, sexually simmering plot. You can't help but wonder where we will be taken next by Stone.

Exciting revelations, interesting characters and a unique and secretive society will pull you in and keep you coming back for more.

Written by: C. L. Stone
Series: The Scarab Beetle Series
Sequence in Series: 1
Print Length: 420 pages
Publisher: Arcato Publishing
Publication Date: February 24, 2014
Rating: 4 Stars
Genre: Contemporary New Adult Romance
Find this book on: Amazon
Profile Image for vee.
706 reviews51 followers
January 24, 2018
i forgot how much I loved this series!!!
103 reviews
July 26, 2016
Holy Fuck!!!! Can't FRICKEN WAIT!!!!
71 reviews6 followers
March 1, 2016
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gabbie (Rampant Readers).
303 reviews63 followers
March 15, 2014
Favorite quotes

“‘Sometimes you tell yourself a lie so much, you start to believe it. Sometimes when you’re in the middle of shit, you need a lie to keep you sane until you can get out again.’”

“What was it about this group that I simply felt comfortable among them even when my brain told me I shouldn’t be?”

Why I picked it up

I read the synopsis once I saw this novel on Netgalley, and it reminded me of super spies, and I love spy novels.


This novel was definitely full of action and thrills. Kayli, a poor girl forced to pickpocket to provide for her younger brother, is basically stalked by a group of boys working for the Academy. They need her services, and offer her something too good to resist. So Kayli falls in with this group of boys who take a liking to her, and pick pockets from a guy that they think is bad news. But Kayli gets too close, and suddenly, there's people after her and she has to go into hiding. But Kayli won't lay low for too long.

As I mentioned, this novel was thrilling. Between the secret Academy, the possible drug ring, and Kayli being in possible danger, I was never bored. I really like the incorporation of a secret, spy-like association (the Academy) and the boys involved in it. It made it different from the other few spy novels that I've read. Kayli was always getting herself into some type of trouble that the boys had to get her out of. I loved reading about all of Kayli's adventures and mess ups. It made the story interesting to follow, and I can't wait to see what is next after the cliffhanger of this novel!

Leading lady

“His mismatched eyes zeroed in on me, the smile on his lips smug, satisfied. He’d caught his prey. But I had one more last trick. A dirty girl trick. ‘Rape!’ I screamed at the top of my lungs. The entire group of boys stopped dead, except Corey, who jumped a short step back.”

Kayli was the definition of strong and selfless. Unfortunately, she didn't have the best life, but she did anything she had to in order to guarantee that her brother had a better life than she did. So she turned to pick-pocketing to pay the bills. And boy was she good at it. But she as also moral about it, which really gave you an idea of the type of person that she was. She didn't do it because she was greedy--she just had no other choice, and she always felt bad about it. I loved her character a lot. She was quirky, weird, and smart. In addition, she cared for people, even complete strangers. The only thing I didn't like too much at first was her seeming attraction to all the guys she came across. But after a bit more of reading and entry into her thoughts, I began to understand, ad completely fell for her character. She was playful, yet serious, and determined.I loved reading her.

Leading male

There wasn't just one leading male in this novel. Oh no, there were five. Yes, five.

The Academy Boys:

Axel- Axel was the leader of this Academy group. He was stable, stoic, the thinker, and calm almost all of the time. He was the one that you could turn to when in need of direction or guidance. We didn't get to see as much of him as I would have liked, and I really hope we see more of him in the next novel, because I loved the little tidbit of him that we saw.

“‘Ugh.’ I slapped him hard on the arm, right on one of his rose tattoos. ‘Stop telling me what to do.’ Raven opened his palm and smacked me right back on the arm, no hesitation. This was different than Marc’s, who did it lightly enough. Raven’s strike was just as hard as I did it to him. I gasped at him and raised my arms up defensively. ‘Did you just hit a girl?’ ‘Don’t give me that double standard bullshit.’”

Raven- Raven was the hard yet playful one of the group. He didn't take crap from Kayli, and would hit her back if she hit him. Yet, he was fierce and protective when needed. He was the one you would want on your side when you're in a bad situation. But he was also the one that you could wrestle around with all day.

“A palm dropped on the back of my head, nudging. ‘What are you doing? Spacing out?’ ‘Shut up.’ I tried to karate chop him in the arm, but he dodged and then swooped in and popped me on the head. ‘Too slow,’ he said, with a teasing grin on his face. I grunted, hating that he was being cute. It made it difficult to stick to my initial plan to not like him.”

Marc- Marc was one of my top two favorites. He had a past of his own, and didn't try to be perfect. He was funny and playful, yet serious and determined. He seemed like the best match for Kayli in my opinion. He was a leader in his own way, and looked out for Kayli. He watched out for her, but didn't hold her back. And he had cool eyes!

“‘Just wait until you see it around Christmas. We’ll take one of those walking tours then.’ He rushed ahead of me a little, claiming a spot on the wide sidewalk that surrounded the lake. He stopped there and turned expectantly toward me, waiting. It was crazy adorable. He didn’t even ask if I would, he simply assumed I’d be around during Christmas and would go with him. His happy nature was infectious, and I felt my own seemingly-constant inner anger ebbing away. I jogged over until I was standing beside him, allowing myself, for the moment, to get swept away.”

Corey- Corey is in the tie for my favorite. He was a 'nerdling'. He was smart and adorable, and I would love a best friend like him. He was awkward in his own way, yet manly in his own way. I loved seeing his interactions with Kayli. They were like the best of friends and could be playful without being weird. I'd love my own Corey.

“He turned me toward him. Brandon’s bare, strong chest met mine, and my head instinctively found the crook of his neck. I gripped at his shoulders, because I had nothing else to hold on to. His palm met with the small of my back and he drew me into him. His other hand dove into my hair, his fingers twining into the strands as he pressed me against his chest. ‘Kayli,’ he soothed. ‘They aren’t coming for you, sweetie.’”

Brandon- Brandon was Corey's twin, and completely different. He was more athletic, more 'cool', and yet less enjoyable. He was kind of hot and cold, but he had a painful past (or something) that we aren't exactly privy to. Regardless, he started off as pretty cold. But once he warmed up, he was fine, but I didn't enjoy him as much as the other boys.

Other characters

There was another Academy boy. Well, really, we didn't see much of him, so I don't include him in the main group. But his name was Kevin. But for the majority of the novel, he wasn't present. But he wasn't all bad from what little I saw of him.

Blake was the guy that the Academy boys were keeping an eye on. I don't exactly know what I thought of Blake. He seemed kind of shady, but at the same time, genuine. He's someone you'd have to call your own judgement on, because I just don't know.


“The guys were amazing and I wanted to spend more time with them. I wanted to learn what they knew. I wanted to go with Axe land Raven back to the shooting range. I wanted to play video games with Corey. I wanted to learn how to surf with Brandon. I wanted to know why their apartment smelled like a coffee house. I wanted Marc not to hate me. I didn’t feel so out of place here. I didn’t feel like I had to hide who I was.”

As I mentioned, Kayli gets involved with these boys in what seems like more-than-friendlier terms. She was starving for love, is what I believe. But I have to say, that I am Team Marc...and Axel...and Corey. They were my favorites. Regardless, it seems as through Kayli had feelings for all of the boys and Blake. It was interesting to see what about each of them appealed to Kayli. All the possible almost romances had chemistry, and I really have no idea who she'll end up picking. And that's what makes this such a great love heptagon. It'll be completely unknown, with no real leaning towards any of the guys on her part. I'm too excited to see how this all plays out. Whoever Kayli doesn't pick, I'll take the other Academy boys (Except Blake and Kevin).


Thief was one of the better novels that I've read. It was intriguing, with one of the best love stories I've read. Now, I can't say I've read a love octagon before, but I'm sure it's the best one out there. I'm headed to read the other Academy series, and I'm hoping it's amazing as the start to this one is. I can't wait to see where the next novel goes, and I couldn't recommend this read more.
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874 reviews59 followers
July 5, 2018
Ok, this series is just... terribly written. I mean it really, really needs a good dose of editing and something to deal with all the plot inconsistencies. These are problems that continue through the series too. That and the fact that everything happens in a couple of days make it too insta-lovey for my tastes.

I also feel like I've read this plot in another book somewhere. With the kidnapping and the 5 hot guys (Kevin so doesn't count).

And yet I'm giving it a 3 star rating. Why, you may ask. Apart from the fact that I am just so here for reverse harems, it's actually kind of a fun read if you take absolutely nothing seriously about it. Like eating so much candy your teeth fall out but you really like the sugar high. I was entertained.

It's a nice starter reverse harem with a slow burn, but for people who love this genre it can be a bit off putting.
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