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Douglas Trilogy #1

To Tempt An Angel

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Angelica Douglas has no idea that she’s the Countess of Melrose. What she does know is that she needs to support her family as a card shark, while finding a way to seek revenge on the men who ruined her father and sent her family spiralling down into poverty.

Robert Campbell, Marquess of Argyll, heir to the Duke of Inverary, has no idea who Angelica truly is. He just wants to watch over her and make her his mistress.

Angelica thinks Robert is simply a dashing rogue who is far too dangerous for her peace of mind. Robert thinks Angelica is an angel except when she’s being a pain in the behind.

When Robert finds out that his own father may have been one of the men who ruined Angelica’s family, he vows to keep a careful eye on her. When Angelica finds out that Robert’s father may have been one of the men responsible, she vows to stay as far away from Robert as possible. But when danger threatens, both Robert and Angelica must face the truth and let fate take the upper hand.

290 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 1, 2002

About the author

Patricia Grasso

48 books150 followers
I'm a dog person. Who lives with 10 cats. Get the picture?

My first brush with the romance genre happened in my high school junior year. I discovered Gone With the Wind and hid it behind my American history book to read during class. (The Civil War is American history.) The ambiguous ending left me dissatisfied, though. Rhett and Scarlet needed a happily-ever-after. Believing in happily-ever-afters positively screams romantic-at-heart.

On the other hand, I love murder and mayhem as much as happily-ever-after. My usual television fare is fiction and nonfiction crime shows, not love stories. Which accounts for the mysteries I sneaked into my historical romances. Now I'm trying my hand at writing a humorous mystery, sans historical and sans emphasis on the love interest. I even prepared for my mystery-in-progress by attending the local NRA's Pistol School. Shooting pistols is great fun. I adore the .22 semiautomatics.

After graduating from high school without distinction, I earned both Bachelor and Master degrees at a state college. Again, without distinction. I held several part-time jobs during my college days: file clerk in an insurance company, long-distance telephone operator, kimono-wearing waitress in a Japanese restaurant.

And then I began my teaching career, eighteen years in the eighth grade and thirteen years at the high school. Weary with the same old routine, I decided I needed a creative outlet. So I decided to write a romance novel but only managed to talk about writing one. After five years of listening to me, a friend said to stop talking and start writing.

So I did.

I made every mistake known to man. Blunder would be a more appropriate word, but I did learn using the trial and error method. As well as studying the works of authors I admired.

After five years of writing for nothing but love, I sold my first novel. Since then, I've sold eighteen novels and won several awards--- National Readers' Choice Award New England Readers' Choice Award, Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice and KISS Awards, B. Dalton and Bookrak Awards for best-selling author. My novels have been translated into fifteen languages and sold in twenty countries.

If I had my life over, would I become a writer? Nope. I would enjoy being a Victoria Secret model. Perhaps in my next incarnation I won't be too old, too short, or too unphotogenic.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews
Profile Image for Frances.
1,685 reviews6 followers
June 7, 2010
This author needs a good editor. She wrote a book about the Regency period with errors that only those who have never read one,could ignore. And the fact the sisters were picking pockets for money to buy food, when their older sister was wearing a diamond necklace, really!
Profile Image for Nancy.
Author 44 books658 followers
August 26, 2016
Angelica wants revenge on the men who stole her father’s fortune, so she becomes a cheat at dice games with this purpose in mind. However, when she attempts to use her skills on a handsome fellow at a fair, she meets her match. He is aware she’s cheated and insists on getting to know her better. She falls for his charms, finding out too late he’s the son of her father’s former friend, who is one of the men on her target list. This pleasant historical romance kept my interest except for scenes with an annoying macaw the heroine kept as a pet, and for rambling scenes with a couple of children who may be the hero’s illegitimate kids. His earlier propensity for womanizing and the heroine’s pastime of cheating at dice makes these characters a tad less noble in my view. I also didn’t like how he kept calling her “angel.” It was a few times too many. But the story works if you want a few hours of lighthearted escape.
1,116 reviews21 followers
April 29, 2015
This book was so disappointing on so many levels. For one thing the heroine gives her virginity at the drop of a hat even though she was raised as a lady. The hero was someone I couldn't bring myself to like. He had a mistress who bore him a child he wanted nothing to do with and when he discovered she was being abused by her mother, he was sadly disinterested. After marrying the heroine, at her insistence he suddenly becomes the perfect father. When the evil sister-in-law tells the heroine the hero is really the father of her child, he's unable to deny it. As if this isn't bad enough, I got to the end of the book suddenly all the loose ends are tied up even though it felt contrived, as though the author didn't decide until the last minute what to do with everyone. Just didn't work at all for me.
Profile Image for Blue Falcon.
432 reviews46 followers
May 8, 2020
This review is of “To Tempt an Angel”, book #1 in “The Douglas Trilogy” by Patricia Grasso.

The book begins with the heroine of the book, Angelica Douglas, 18, cheating people out of their money in various games of chance. One man who allows her to do so is a man who identifies himself as Robert Roy, the hero of the book. (His full name is Robert Roy Campbell, Marquess of Argyll, although he doesn’t reveal this to Angelica). Angelica gambles to raise funds to support her family-father Graham, who struggles with alcohol, her younger sisters Samantha, 17, and Victoria, 16, both pickpockets, her aunt Roxanne, a charlatan, and a macaw, Jasper. Angelia is also planning revenge on the men who ruined her father. (Graham is a Peer of the Realm-official title Earl of Melrose-who was cheated out of his fortune by five men). The Douglas family now lives in squalor.

Angelica and Robert meet, and soon become lovers. Robert then offers Angelica a position as his mistress, which she angrily refuses. (Robert is a widower who does not wish to marry again; he is fighting against pressure from Graham, who wishes him to remarry, and his sister-in-law, Venetia Emerson Campbell, who is warm for his form and wants to be his next wife). Robert’s late wife, Louisa, was Venetia’s sister, and Venetia was married to Robert’s brother, Gavin, also deceased. Louisa committed suicide after discovering Robert was unfaithful and fathered a child, a daughter named Daisy,with his mistress, Lucille Dubois.

The Douglas family soon faces tragedy when Graham dies. After Graham dies, Angelica becomes the Countess of Melrose, Magnus sends for the women, becomes their supporter, and later their legal guardian. It is at Magnus’ home that Angelica discovers Robert’s true identity. It is also at Magnus’ home that Angelica meets Charles Emerson, Earl of Winchester, Venetia’s father and one of the men she hopes to ruin.

Robert helps Angelica with her revenge plans. However, issues arise between the couple-with Venetia’s help-and their relationship becomes on again/off again, although they do later marry. Another issue that comes between Angelica and Robert is his neglect of Daisy, whom he has never seen-he calls her his “indiscretion”. Later, Angelica, Roxanne, Samantha and Victoria “kidnap” Daisy and bring her to live with them, forcing Robert to acknowledge her for the first time. He does, and later, learns to love her.

Angelica and Robert marry later when, among other things, he discovers she is pregnant. After their marriage, Venetia tries to kill Angelica-who survives-and the Emersons dirty laundry is hung on the line.

The book ends with Venetia and Charles being exiled to Australia-and escaping surveillance-Samantha being abducted by Russian Prince Rudolf Kazanov, and Angelica and Robert celebrating the birth of their twins, adopting Daisy and having their Happily Ever After.

Upside: Most Regency romances are as stiff as whalebone, stuffy and formal. While there are some elements of that here, for the most part, ‘“To Tempt an Angel” is fairly lighthearted.

The best part of the book, by far, is Angelica, who is spirited, strong, and passionate. Sometimes, it gets her in trouble, but for the most part, she does the right things. I also liked the Douglas women; the sisters will get their own stories-spoiler alert-and I also felt that Roxanne deserves her own story, although she marries Magnus here, she has a colorful past and it would have been nice to see Ms. Grasso explore that.

Robert has some good and surprising qualities-he likes to garden and fish, and he’s a fairly good hero. Having said that…

Downside: I wasn’t enamored of Robert’s unwillingness to not have any contact with Daisy before Angelica forced him to do so. At times, Robert is arrogant and insensitive. He was also somewhat dismissive of the fact that Lucille was abusing Daisy. Angelica’s revenge storyline was given up way too early and not finished.

Sex: A few love scenes between Angelica and Robert. They’re not erotica, but there’s a little pinch and dash of pepper in the soup here.

Violence: In addition to Daisy being abused-we only see the aftermath-there are three attempts made on Robert’s life; none are successful. One of those attempts is stopped by Angelica, who throws a knife into the assailant, killing him. She also slaps Robert three times.

Bottom LIne: The purpose of the first book in a series is to get readers to buy the following books in the series. With “To Tempt an Angel”, Ms. Grasso more than achieves this goal.
Profile Image for Romancing the Book.
4,420 reviews220 followers
July 4, 2016
Reviewed by Jen
Book purchased by reviewer
Originally posted at Romancing the Book

I love Patricia Grasso. One of my all-time favorite reads is by this author (it also happens to be the third book in this trilogy). So when I was in the mood for a historical romance, I decided to reach for a Patricia Grasso book. Imagine my delight when I saw that one that I hadn’t read yet was available as a free read at Amazon.

This series follows the three Douglas sisters. They’re the daughters of an impoverished earl and they’ve grown up far from the Ton doing whatever the needed to do to make ends meet. In To Tempt an Angel, while at street fair, Angelica meets Robert when she cheats Robert out of a good chunk of money and he’s smitten. And so begins our romp through London.

I adored Robert… well, outside of the wanting to make Angelica his mistress instead of marrying her. But, he’s pretty up front about what he wants when it comes to Angelica. Granted he did hide his title from her early on, but when one is chased because of their name. But he supported her from the day they met and just wanted to make her life easier. Who doesn’t want that kind of man? I mean, he doesn’t want to run her life or completely take over. He wants her to be the best she can be, but be there to hold her up if she needs it… and she will.

Now Angelica on the other hand was a little harder for me to like. I did enjoy watching her trying to fit into the Ton after growing up on the outskirts. But I wasn’t real fond of her revenge motives. And while I understand that she was having a hard time trusting Robert after she finds out he has a title (she thought he was a mere “Mr.” when they first meet) and even more so when she learns who his father is, I got a little tired of her pushing him away, then falling into his arms only to push again. It just seemed like she kept trying to find a reason to… almost punish him. She’s not trusting her gut but allowing outside influences to mess with her head. And yes, that’s human. But it was driving me insane and I just wanted to reach through the pages and shake Angelica.

All in all, I did enjoy this book and couldn’t put it down once I got started. Was it perfect? No. But it was a great introduction to the Douglas family and I can’t want to continue the series.
Profile Image for bell.
168 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2018
Due to the amount of books I read, I write reviews mainly so I can remember them, so warning this may contain spoilers.
There are so many things wrong with this book..... It started off half ok and then I literally had to skip chapter after chapter... First thing that bothered me was the heroine uttering "scared sevens" over and over again when ever something happened. My bonnet fell "sacred sevens" my husband's mistress has a kid "scared seven's" .. we get it.. she gambles..
The plot development was horrid.. The hero not even likeable... The Aunt was silly at best.. I wouldn't even consider this a "historical" romance and I am very liberal in what I consider historical. There is a talking parrot which never really fits into the story and just makes it even more unbelievable and juvenile. I felt like I was reading an R rated children's book . I'm not sure if the Aunt and the parrot were supposed to be humorous , but it fell flat.
Plot- the heroine is poor, of course , and her father was ruined by a series of men. Father is always drunk and the heroine is out for revenge and gambles to support her family, while her aunt reads palms etc and has some type of "powers" though it's never really explained. The hero meets her while she is basically running card and dice games in the street. Her sisters pick pocket people and try and steal dead bodies for money. The hero knows the men she is trying to ruin and of course his father is one of them. He has no interest in marring her, even though she is a countess and just wants to make her his mistress. She falls into bed with him and then ends of marrying him later. Fast forward we find out his mistress had a daughter and that his late brothers son could be his.. At this point enough was enough....
Steam factor- lots
violence- fist a cuffs
Profile Image for Lucimar.
559 reviews13 followers
March 8, 2016
Angélica é filha de um nobre empobrecido que depois que perdera a fortuna se tornara um bebum e que era sustentado pelas trapaças de seus jogos e pela irmã dele, Roxanne, que desempenhará um papel importante na vida dos protagonistas e que é uma sensitiva, visto que tem sonhos premonitórios.
Robert Campbell é filho de um nobre, que por acaso apaixonado pelo pai de Robert, hoje viúvo. Eles se encontram numa feira livre, onde ela faz apostas em dados viciados. Ele finge que não percebeu e joga e perde uma quantidade grande e decide acompanhá-la ate sua casa temendo que seja assaltada. E na verdade, eles são atacados e Robert leva-a em casa com segurança.
Eles se sentem atraídos um pelo outro. Mas, ele como viúvo só tem intenção de levá-la para cama. Ele descobre que ela é filha de um nobre arruinado e que ela só deseja ganhar dinheiro para poder arruinar e se vingar quem os tinha arruinado. Ele promete ajudá-la.
E assim começa o envolvimento deles: Robert consegue levá-la a dormir com ele, mas diz pra ela que não pretende casar. Eles brigam, ela diz que não deseja vê-lo mais. No entanto, ele está sempre voltando e ajudando-a.
Quando o pai de Angélica morre, muitas surpresas vão surgindo no decorrer do livro. Ela descobre quem ele é realmente. E, então, o pai dele decide assumir ela e suas irmãs como tutor e as irmãs (Victoria e Samantha) juntamente com a tia e as acolhe em sua casa. Nesse universo, os inimigos estão a espreita, desejando matar a Robert. Entre, os inimigos, estão seu sogro, sua cunhada viúva e amante dele.
É uma história divertida, cheia de surpresas e que me agradou.
Profile Image for Susan.
142 reviews7 followers
July 8, 2024
3.5 Stars

Angelica Douglas's family has been left destitute by her father getting swindled by some 'friends' of his. As such, she and her father, aunt and sisters live in genteel poverty in London. That is until the day she meets Rob Roy Campbell, trying to cheat him at a gaming table. Robert realizes right away that Angelica is trying to cheat him. He follows her and soon, she is riding in his carriage to get home. Although he introduces himself to her as Rob Roy, omitting his last name of Campbell, he finds himself intrigued by the beautiful young woman who fleeced him. Robert extends the acquaintance until he figures out that Angelica is the daughter of one of his father's best friends, who his father has been looking for, for ten years.

Seduced pretty early on in this story, Angelica then must adjust herself to living in the Duke's mansion, in close proximity with the man who seduced her, as Robert's father extends his kindness to Angelica, her aunt and her sisters (her father having just died), and makes himself the legal guardian of the three sisters. Angelica then tries to fit herself in with the rich and titled, even though it's been some years since she has lived as a titled man's daughter.

Thrown into the mix is Robert's daughter from a previous mistress, who he has financially supported, but has paid no attention to, and his other intimate exploits that Angelica eventually has to deal with. Also, there is Robert's sister-in-law Venetia, who is a vindictive, greedy, lying manipulator, and who wants to be Robert's next wife, her sister Louisa having been Robert's first wife who 'committed suicide.'

While I found this story well-written and I loved the parrot, the children and Angelica's aunt, I found Robert to be quite a difficult character to like, despite how he changed over the course of the story. This man messed up quite a bit with women in his past, and Angelica has to deal with this, with the breadcrumbs of those exploits being dropped in her lap as the story goes on. I liked the supernatural aspect of this book, in the form of Robert's deceased wife Louisa. I believe that Louisa was trying to warn Angelica of what actually happened to her.

In all, this was an enjoyable story to read, if you can get past Robert's inability to keep it in his pants. Angelica overlooked a lot to be with Robert. The only saving graces to this man were him coming around to treat his illegitimate daughter with love and kindness, thanks to Angelica's interference in the matter, and his faithfulness to Angelica, once they were together. Angelica could be seen as a bit zany and over-the-top, but she had good motives most of the time. Aside from her inability to resist her attraction to Robert, she was a very strong character.
Profile Image for Ella.
106 reviews
April 11, 2019
This is an entertaining book. It is not one of the best historical romances I've read, but I was entertained by it. I did like the main characters, Robert was dashing but not perfect, for he has a lot of little secrets from his past, but that imperfection is what makes him human. On the other hand, Angelica has the qualities of a young naive girl who has lost everything and is trying to help her family and avenge all those who wronged them.
The storyline flows very nicely and I loved all the twists and turns the book had. I really liked the way the romance scenes were written, for you can feel the passion and chemistry of these two characters. They were described very romantically. The book had lots of surprises along the way, desperate ex-mistresses, jealous sister-in-law and an enemy that wants Robert dead.
The book is an easy read, and has around 265 pages. It is a perfect read that will either make waiting a little less aggravating or make a boring afternoon more fun. This was the first book of the series, and the other two focuses on Angelica's sisters and their love stories. So if you want to read more about them, there you have it!
Profile Image for Alejandra.
112 reviews1 follower
October 25, 2019
I can’t say I hated it, but the book is poorly written and edited, the characters are flat and the plot is patchy. There are a couple of books from the author that I really like, but this one just doesn’t meet the mark. I hate giving bad reviews but there is no way around it here. The heroine is impulsive in a bad way. The hero has a wobbly moral compass, getting pissed over his father thwarting his intent to make a lady his mistress, a lady that happens to be the daughter of his father’s friend. I get the part about not meeting and not caring for Daisy, culturally that was expected, but then the problem was resolved with an unexplained 180 spin that was poorly executed, making him the perfect father. The motivator for the plot at the beginning of the book disappears after they get married, and the actions of the heroine don’t match the personality she is portrayed with throughout the book. The villains were predictable, and the ending rushed.
Apparently I don’t mind writing bad reviews after all.
806 reviews
June 12, 2018
Really so lame, I can't remember why I even picked it up in the first place. A major thing that made it impossible for me to get into this novel was that there was no clearly defined date/ time setting. What year is this supposed to be set in? The clothes indicate one thing while the characters' mannerisms and societal norms indicate others. It made it difficult to adjust my own expectations. It was almost as if the lead female character was from 2010 and was transported back in time. There were too many cliches, and ultimately no real resolution. The ending is less than satisfying because the bad guys get away, and everyone just shrugs their shoulders, as if that's the way life is. Totally unbelievable.
Profile Image for Nell.
892 reviews6 followers
January 18, 2021
The first book in the Douglas Trilogy, and a venture back in time for me to an author I’ve read a few books of probably more than twenty years ago.

My taste has changed significantly in those twenty years, and this didn’t work in PG’s favour unfortunately.

This was a DNF for me at 3%.

I didn’t like the setup, the characters didn’t work for me and I couldn’t see myself past my initial impression to keep reading.
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,512 reviews145 followers
October 16, 2021
I started this book yesterday evening as a diversion. Boy, did it divert me into the land of ridiculous wtf*ckery. It was bad. I have enjoyed this author's writing before but here it read like poorly slapped together farce. There were a couple of so so moments hence 2 stars. I will continue with this train wreck of a series because I am curious if it gets better. I mean, prince abducts a lady. What could go wrong there? We shall see.
1,379 reviews8 followers
December 30, 2017
Self-confident, unconventional, and making no apologies for her circumstances, Angelica has taken what life has thrown at her uncomplainingly, but is determined to avenge her family for the wrongs suffered. With a delicious sense of humor and an uncompromising attitude, she is more than a handful of trouble for "Rob Roy". Loved it!
342 reviews
July 16, 2019
Robert Roy/Rob & Angelica Douglas's story was complex. He guarded his heart due to a past tragedy. She was consume with the goal of revenge. Together they will questioned what they truly want & need out of life! Recommend. Happy Reading.
21 reviews
September 23, 2024
Not my cup of tea. Things just went too well in a way that wasn't that interesting to me. Also some unsexy euphemistic language in hot scenes (which is kind of a genre systemic problem, but I don't need two sentences in two pages that reference "her dewy pearl")
380 reviews3 followers
December 9, 2017

Loved the story. Loved the characters. The plot twists and turns were wonderful. I could not put this book down. Loved it. Loved it.
Profile Image for Kelli.
51 reviews5 followers
April 10, 2018
First rate fun book

Loved it from the first to the last word. The Douglas sisters and their Aunt are a fun group can't wait to read the others in the series.

Profile Image for Robyn.
30 reviews2 followers
April 25, 2020
Love these books. Patricia Grasso was my Lit teacher many years ago. It was one of my favorite classes and I have enjoyed reading her steamy novels since the first one came out.
Profile Image for Lori.
719 reviews3 followers
May 4, 2023
A Family Full Of Secrets

Angelica and her family lost everything because of her father. So she had to keep her family fed. And then she meets Ribert and the adventure begins.
Profile Image for Lyre.
216 reviews11 followers
February 24, 2019
The hero was a brute, he had no respect for any woman in the book. As a son of a Duck, he behaved himself nothing like a gentleman. I can't stand his arrogance.
Profile Image for Michelle Randall.
715 reviews19 followers
April 8, 2014
Angelica may cheat at cards and dice, but she still tries to hold herself as a lady. It's not her fault that her family is in ruins and that she must tempt fate to support them. Robert, on the other hand may be her undoing. He is handsome and charming and she is mesmerized by him, but who is her really, and can he really help her.

As historical romance unfolds you will find that everything is not always as it appears. The people you thought did you wrong, may not have had anything to do with it at all, and the people you thought might have done something to you might have just been victims.

This is a sweet and fun romance, with the notice that it is the first in a series, so I would expect the next books to follow the younger sisters of Angelica, which would be nice. Especially if we get to check in on this family every now and again too.

2,019 reviews11 followers
June 3, 2016
This author has the most amazing sense of humour. Not only that - she can write!
I loved that the heroine and card shark, Angelica, was given such a wicked sense of humour and even when she was really vexed, she eventually saw the situation's shortcomings and came back with a retort hot enough to singe one's hair.
Her partner, the forgiving and yummy Robert just wants to make her his mistress but she's not at all happy with that.
And so the story unfolds as they seem to make peace and a life together.
This is one of those books that I wished hadn't ended. Never mind, there are two more in this series and I'm looking forward to reading those soon.
Profile Image for Amy  Brobst.
132 reviews27 followers
January 5, 2017
This is the first book with the Douglas sisters. I love this book. It was hilarious, yet sad, as many of Grasso’s books are turning out to be. However, I thought it was too similar to VIOLETS IN THE SNOW, even down to the fact that Robert had a daughter (Daisy) through his mistress, Lucille DuBois. I still enjoyed this book, because Angelica and her sisters were interesting, and the love scenes were really good.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,519 reviews37 followers
May 21, 2014
Okay for what it was. The characters fell flat to me. I had some very snarky things to say when the book was fresh in my mind, but I've honestly forgotten most of them along with much of the book. The thing I remember most is that the heroine slapped the hero in almost every scene they were in together for the first two-thirds of the book. The bird and her aunt (?) were my favorite parts of the book.
Profile Image for Karen Raines.
Author 14 books389 followers
October 9, 2015
I haven't always been a fan of period romances but i have to say - this book completely changed my view of them. It was a fresh and entertaining read that captivated me throughout. I loved the relationships between the sisters and couldn't wait to see what the resourceful Angelica would get up to next. Robert was a rogue really, wanting a mistress but he certainly met his match!!
Profile Image for Wendy Tavenner.
1,264 reviews9 followers
April 1, 2016
Another wonderful book by the author!! All Angelica has wanted for the past 10 years is revenge on the men who ruined her father. While she is scamming people in a dice game she meets Robert Roy. Unbeknownst to her Robert is the son of one of the men she wants revenge on. A wonderful read that has passion, lies, revenge, twists & turns and finally happiness!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews

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